Treatment of poisoning with paint
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Paints today are widely used in industry and everyday life. There is a wide variety of colors that are used in different situations. Many of them are allowed to use even for children. The widespread distribution of paints, their open sale, make a person lose their vigilance and carelessly treat them. Few people think that any paint, even the most harmless, watercolor paints that children use so much for drawing and decorating, basically contain toxic substances. It is their ingress into the body, in most cases, and entails heavy poisoning with paint.
At the heart of poisoning therapy is the neutralization of the active substance, rendering the victim the necessary first aid. In this case, it is necessary to wash the stomach, in which the poison is removed from the body. Only after the threat of life is over, you can move on to supporting and restorative therapy. Restorative treatment is directed mainly at the normalization of blood composition and function, normalization of cardiac activity.
What to do when poisoning with paint?
When poisoning with paint should be as soon as possible to provide the victim first aid, which should be aimed at removing toxic matter from the body. You can induce vomiting yourself. After that you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, the patient should be provided with fresh air.
First aid for poisoning with paint
It consists in the fastest possible removal of toxic substance from the body. In this case, a gastric lavage is performed with a 1% tannin solution followed by a 3% solution of tannin. Tannin forms insoluble compounds with toxins and takes them out. Rinse the stomach to "clean water", after which the remainder of the substance is withdrawn from the body with the help of enemas. It should be strictly avoided tartaric acid, a dissolving tannin compound with toxins. Sometimes it is necessary to give exciting means (wine, coffee, camphor). Also relevant are milk, egg white, potassium iodide, magnesium.
What you need to drink from poisoning, inhaled paint?
At any poisoning it is recommended to drink sorbents. Widely used are such pharmaceutical products as activated carbon, sorbex, enterosgel and other means. Many specialists prefer enterosgel, as this is the safest tool that can be used even during pregnancy.
The drug is an enterosorbent, which has the ability to bind toxins and take them out. It begins to act immediately after it has penetrated into the body, into the digestive tract. Attracts to itself toxins, which are still in the stomach, and even sorbs those that have already penetrated into the blood. Then there is a binding of toxins, and their excretion through the feces.
This binding effect is due to the action of silicon as the main active substance. Often used in the complex treatment of severe poisoning, provoked by taking medications, as well as ingesting salts of heavy metals, acids, paints. Effective if ingested by any means - through skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, digestive tract.
The drug begins its action immediately, as soon as it has got inside. The effect is noticeable after 30 minutes, the maximum effect is manifested after a 2-hour period of time. The action is intensified if intensively washed down.
Enterosgel taken inside, a few hours before a meal, it is better - in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink plenty of water. You can immediately dissolve in a glass of water and drink. Take three times a day. Adults are advised to take 1.5 tablespoons of the drug at a time, which is one package.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathological process and usually ranges from 3 to 5 days. With minor poisonings, three days are enough, with strong intoxications drink about 5 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to 7-10 days.
All medicines can be used only after a preliminary consultation with a doctor - this is the main precaution that must be observed when treating poisoning. The fact is that with intoxication any combination of drugs, or a residue of toxins in the blood, can form stable toxic complexes, resulting in, intoxication only increases. In addition, any therapy begins only after the complete neutralization of the toxin and its removal to the outside. In addition to increasing the symptoms of intoxication, a number of side effects may occur. At the same time, development of cardiac and renal insufficiency, liver pathology, disruption of blood composition and function, up to a lethal outcome, are considered the most dangerous.
When symptoms of acute intoxication take activated charcoal. In the first day of treatment, appoint 5-6 tablets every 3-4 hours. In the following days, appoint 5-6 tablets every 4-5 hours. On the third day, take three times a day. Duration depends on the degree of symptoms of intoxication.
In the acute phase of poisoning, when palpating a weak pulse, it is recommended to inject 1 ml of caffeine subcutaneously and call an ambulance.
In the case of loss of consciousness, when the activity of the heart muscle is disrupted, epinephrine is used. This drug is a direct sympathicomimetic action. It is active against alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. In doses used in intensive care, adrenaline stimulates membrane receptors, provoking a narrowing of peripheral vessels. This increases the peripheral systemic resistance during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, thereby increasing the pressure of cerebral and coronary perfusion.
Adrenaline is available most often in two concentrations: 1 to 10,000 (10 ml - 1 mg of epinephrine). In the case of treatment of victims with defibrillation rhythms without pulse, epinephrine is used at a concentration of 1 mg. Introduced after 3 fibrillation, then every 3-5 minutes (through one defibrillation). In the treatment of non-defibrillation rhythms, asystole, impulsive electrical activity, 1 mg of epinephrine is administered immediately, then every 3-5 minutes.
When carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 1 mg of epinephrine is administered intravenously. If during the circulatory arrest it is difficult or impossible to provide intravenous or intraosseous access, 3 mg of epinephrine in 10 ml of water for injection is administered intratracheally.
The effect of adrenaline on the working heart through the beta receptors is to speed up the frequency and increase the strength of the contractions. This is a potentially harmful effect, because myocardial oxygen demand is increasing, which can increase its ischemia. Beta-adrenergic action of epinephrine can increase cardiac and cerebral circulation, regardless of the increase in perfusion pressure due to action on alpha receptors.
Adrenaline increases the excitability of the myocardium and is therefore potentially an arrhythmogenic substance, especially under conditions of ischemia or hypoxia of the myocardium. After resuscitation, adrenaline can cause ventricular fibrillation.
Lidocain is an analgesic, antiarrhythmic drug that is widely used in intensive care and first aid. Stabilizes membranes and acts by prolonging the refraction time of myocytes. Reduces the automatism of the ventricles and reduces their ectopic activity. Reduces the activity of depolarized arrhythmogenic tissues, while minimally affecting the electrical activity of normal tissues.
Use in the initial concentration of 100 mg (1-1.5 mg / kg) in the case of cardiac activity without a pulse. If necessary, you can additionally administer 50 mg of bolus. The total dose should not exceed 3 mg / kg during the first hour of treatment.
A high dose of the drug (above 3 mg / kg in the first hour) can provoke paresthesia, drowsiness, disorientation, muscle cramps, which can build up to convulsions.
Calcium plays a crucial role in the cellular processes that underlie the contractile activity of the cardiac muscle. There are many data that support the positive effects of calcium in the treatment of intoxication, resuscitation, first aid. Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that a high concentration of the drug in the blood can have a negative effect on the ischemic myocardium.
The initial dose is 10 ml of 10% calcium chloride. Calcium can slow down the heart and cause rhythm disturbances. When the circulation stops, he is injected rapidly intravenously. Do not administer solutions of calcium and sodium bicarbonate simultaneously through the same intravenous access. The initial dose can be repeated if necessary.
Vitamins are required during the recovery period, when the threat of life has already passed, and the basic vital indicators have stabilized. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosages:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin H - 150 μg
- Vitamin C - 500 mg
- Vitamin D - 45 mcg
- Vitamin K - 360 mcg.
Treatment of poisoning with paint at home
At home, you can effectively cure poisoning and overcome its effects. The main thing is to remember that when signs of poisoning appear, you need to provide first aid as soon as possible - to remove the poison from the body, to neutralize its effect and to stabilize all vital indicators. Only after this, it is possible to proceed to the restoration of the body, since the poison inevitably damages health, worsens the general well-being. It is recommended to have a preliminary examination, consult a doctor, to accurately identify those disorders that have arisen in the body and take measures to eliminate them.
Below is an approximate complex program for restoring the body after intoxication, calculated for 28 days (a complete biochemical cycle, for which a complete recovery of the body occurs). You can do it yourself at home.
An important element of the program is the need to adhere to the principles of healthy eating, because it is the basis for a full recovery of the body. When poisoning almost always suffers digestive system in the first place.
1-14 days
The first and second weeks are aimed at cleansing the body of accumulated toxins, slags. It is recommended to conduct garlic microclysters, which will quickly neutralize and remove toxins, decay products, metabolites formed during maintenance therapy. It allows to restore normoflora, eliminate the consequences of dysbiosis, normalize the mucosa. To cleanse the intestines during the day, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of infusion. For cooking, take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of table salt, dissolve in 2 liters of warm boiled water.
Also twice a day you need to take pumpkin oil (on a tablespoon), which has enveloping action, restores and protects mucous membranes. Within 7 days it is recommended to drink sorbents, for example enterosgel (1,5 tablespoons three times a day).
In the morning and evening, it is recommended to carry out a set of cleaning breathing techniques, as well as perform some static exercises. Well-established various sets of health practices of hatha yoga, Qigong, Chinese restorative gymnastics. In the evening it is recommended to drink sbiten, or oatmeal, which neutralize the remnants of toxins and purify the body. In addition, thanks to the enveloping action, there is a rapid recovery of the body.
At the end of the week it is recommended to visit the sauna or sauna (if there are no contraindications), which is a powerful detoxification agent. Excess metabolites and toxins are excreted from the body with sweat.
14-28 day
We recommend the use of cleansing-regenerative vegetable decoctions, performing respiratory and static exercises at least 2 times a day. It is possible to connect and execute some dynamic recovery complexes. It is recommended to perform special passive gymnastics aimed at restoring the spine and gastrointestinal tract. At this time, hirudotherapy works well. Positive effect can have a session of visceral massage and lithotherapy, which can be visited in the clinic or special rehabilitation clinics. Depending on the state of health, the cleansing enemas can be stopped or continue to be performed.
It is also necessary to adhere to a healthy diet. In the diet must be present fresh vegetables and fruits. The food should be boiled or steamed. The menu includes first courses, various cereals, as well as honey and dried fruits. Positive impact will have milk, dairy and sour-milk products.
Instead of pumpkin oil and sorbent, you can start taking vitamin and mineral complexes. About what means to choose, it is better to ask the doctor. Well proven silicon supplements, which restore and purify the body, normalize the mineral metabolism and water-salt balance.
At the end of the week it is recommended to conduct microclysters with linseed oil, as well as an aromatherapy session with complete relaxation. This will help mobilize the body's internal resources, increase the body's resistance and endurance, its ability to withstand various diseases. After the procedure, drink a decoction of cloves.
Folk treatment
One of the main means of restorative therapy after poisoning is purification of the intestine. For this, different enemas are used. Cleaning of the intestine is recommended to be done from 5 until morning. This is due to the fact that the normal physiology of the human body provides each body twice daily a maximum supply of energy. This is a biological clock. For the large intestine, the peak of its activity is for a period of time from 5 to 7 am. At this time, and it is recommended to begin the process of purification, which leads to the restoration of normal physiology and defecation.
Enemas contribute to the removal of any toxins, parasites, damaged tissues that are formed as a result of poisoning, hinders their re-absorption and the formation of stagnant phenomena.
To carry out the enema, Esmarch enema of 2 liters is required. To begin with, it is convenient to arrange an enema. It is recommended to attach the hook for the enema of the desired height, on which the mug is fixed. Wash water is better to prepare in advance - in the evening.
Under the enema on the floor, the rug rests, after which it is necessary to remove the tube from the enema, leave it for insertion into the anus 5-6 cm, the tip is lubricated with vegetable oil. Then it is necessary to assume a supine position on the back or side with bent knees. The legs are slightly divorced, the enema is injected and fluid is supplied. Then for a while it is recommended to take a knee-elbow position, or the "Birch" pose.
Recipes of washing water during detoxification and restorative treatment:
2 liters of boiled chilled water requires a tablespoon of cranberry juice, or lemon juice, as well as a tablespoon of table salt. Stir well until the salt dissolves completely, hold the enema.
In the presence of inflammatory processes, a decoction of chamomile is used as the washing water (about 3-4 tablespoons per 2 liters of water).
With ulcerative erosive processes, swelling and bleeding, the following infusion is used: 2 liters of boiled water, a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, a tablespoon of salt, cooked.
Milk in case of poisoning with paint
Milk is a good sorbent. It has the ability to bind toxins and take them out. To treat and prevent poisoning, it is recommended to use warm boiled milk, to drink a glass twice a day. It is especially useful in the morning, on an empty stomach and in the evening, before going to bed. In the milk you can add a tablespoon of honey. Honey will enhance the action of milk, as well as will have an additional anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
Herbal Treatment
For the treatment of poisonings, a three-parted sequence is widely used. It binds and removes toxins from the body, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves digestion, normalizes metabolic processes. It has diaphoretic and diuretic action. It is used for liver diseases, and also as a vitamin and general restorative. It is used in the form of infusions and broths. Prepare from the calculation of 3 tablespoons for a glass of boiling water.
Chicory common is used in the form of broths and infusions. Promotes the excitement of appetite, normalization of metabolic processes, peristalsis and motility, improves the work of the heart, nervous system, normalizes the basic blood indicators. Roasted ground roots can be added to tea and coffee. To prepare the broth, take about a tablespoon on a glass of water.
Hops are used in the form of infusions, decoctions. It is recommended to cook a tablespoon on a glass of water. It improves digestion, removes toxins and slags, restores the mucous membrane, normalizes the microflora. Relieves seizures, eliminates pain, relieves inflammation, improves sleep.
Homeopathic remedies will be effective if taken with precaution. The best measure is to consult a doctor before starting any treatment. Otherwise, numerous side effects can develop. It should be borne in mind that many medicinal herbs that are part of homeopathic remedies can have toxic effects on the liver, which allows them to be classified as vegetable poisons. In combination with toxins that are not completely eliminated from the body, intoxication can only increase.
In addition, there may be side effects in the form of increased blood pressure, impaired renal function, allergic reactions, which can cause even ordinary chamomile and mint. Potentially dangerous medicinal herbs containing alkaloids. They can adversely affect the heart, blood vessels and lungs. An unfavorable effect can also be produced by many substances of animal origin. Many of them under certain conditions violate blood circulation. It is impossible without the doctor's recommendation to make mixtures, to combine homeopathy with prescribed medications. So, if some products contain tannins, others - alkaloids, then as a result, toxic compounds can form.
To restore the mucous membrane is recommended to take a mixture of plant components. For cooking, take about 50 grams of dried currants, dates, dried apricots, prunes, pass through a meat grinder. Mix with two tablespoons of honey, mix until a uniform mass is formed. Top with a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ginger. Before use, mix, take a tablespoon three times a day.
Also well-proven juice is vitaminized. For cooking, 150 ml of cranberry juice, pomegranate juice and multivitamin juice are required. They are mixed, add freshly squeezed juice from the lemon, about 50 ml of rose hip syrup. All this is stirred, allowed to stand for an hour. Drink in the morning and in the evening for 50 ml with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.
The reconstitution mixture is used for inflammatory processes and pain in the stomach and intestines. For cooking, approximately 100 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 2-3 large leaves of aloe, and 1-2 leaves of a golden mustache are required. The leaves are passed through a meat grinder or finely chopped, added to sea buckthorn oil, insisted for 2-3 hours. After that, use a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, use oat broth with honey. So, to prepare the decoction you need about 100 grams of oats per 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes after boiling, then set aside, allow to cool to a warm state. Add a tablespoon of honey, stir well until the honey dissolves completely. Drink 100 ml twice a day.