Treatment of food allergies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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First of all, it is necessary to exclude the food allergen, for the detection of which parents are encouraged to maintain a food diary. In the diary it is necessary to indicate not only the names of the food product, but also its quality, the way of cooking, the shelf life. It is necessary to record the exact time of change in the child's condition, appetite, character of the stool, the appearance of regurgitation, vomiting, rashes, diaper rash and other elements on the skin and mucous membranes. When the baby is allergic to the first months of life, it is necessary to provide cow milk with breast milk, if it is impossible, to appoint fermented milk. Such mixtures include the acidophilic mixture "Malyutka", "Atu", "Bifilin", "Biolact", "Acidolact", "Nutrilak acidophilic".
Dietotherapy is the basis for treating food allergies. Breastfeeding with a mother's hypoallergenic diet is optimal for children with food allergies. In the absence of milk from the mother and with allergies to cow's milk, soya mixtures (Alsoy, Bonasoa, Frisoosa, etc.) are used. If soy is intolerant, a mixture based on products of high protein hydrolysis (Alfare, Alimentum, Pepti-Junior, etc.) and partial hydrolysis milk protein (Humana, Frisepep).
The introduction of lure begins with vegetable puree (squash, squash, color, white cabbage, potatoes). The second lure is dairy-free porridge (buckwheat, corn, rice). When intolerance to beef, which has an antigenic similarity with the proteins of cow's milk, it is recommended to use lean pork, horse meat, white turkey meat, rabbit meat.
If you follow a strict elimination diet for one or several years, increased sensitivity to allergens of eggs, milk, wheat and soy in children may disappear, although IgE antibodies persist. The period of formation of tolerance in cases of severe clinical manifestations may be longer. Sensitivity to allergens of peanuts, hazelnuts, crustaceans and fish is usually maintained throughout life.
The duration of strict elimination largely depends on the age at which diet therapy was started. Removing dairy products from the diet in the first half of life can limit the elimination period to 3-6 months. With the delay in treatment, the average duration of the diet is 6-12 months.
Partial elimination is permissible for pseudoallergic reactions and secondary forms of food allergy arising in connection with a decrease in the barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract and the enzymatic capabilities of the child's body.
An example of incomplete elimination is the substitution of natural milk with fermented milk products, the lower antigenicity of which is the result of partial hydrolysis of the protein. The positive dynamics of clinical manifestations of food allergy with incomplete elimination indicates a transient character and a favorable prognosis of the disease.
From the diet of a child with food allergy, so-called obligate allergens are excluded, most of which are histamine liberators or carry a large amount of histamine in themselves (strawberries, citrus fruits, legumes, sauerkraut, nuts, coffee, etc.). Measures that reduce the antigen-specific effect of food include compliance with the technology of preparation, conditions and shelf-life of products, the use of fruits and vegetables grown without the use of fertilizers, soaking of cereals and vegetables in cold water for 10-12 hours, double digestion of meat, cleaning drinking water. It is necessary to limit sugar by at least 50% and table salt.
Carrying out elimination diets requires correction of mineral substances, in particular calcium, vitamins B6, A, E, B5. Given the inadequate activity of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract in patients with food allergy, enzyme preparations (festal, panzinorm, oraz, pancitrat, creon) are widely used in the treatment. With dysbacteriosis, biopreparation courses are prescribed depending on the results of bacteriological examination of feces (2 three-week courses per year). It is very important to timely detect and treat Helicobacteriosis, Giardiasis and Helminthiases. Genesis and the role of cholecystopathy in patients with food allergy are unclear, but choleretic therapy is an important component of complex therapy for children with food allergy.
Medicines for food allergy
From drugs for food allergies appoint enzymes: abomin, festal, digestal, Essentiale, panzinorm, immediately. Assign sorbents: carbolen, polyphepan, smektu; eubiotics - bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, bifikol; drugs that improve liver function and bile secretion: Essentiale, carpsil, vitamin B 6, nicotinamide. Assign antihistamines: tavegil, suprastin, dimedrol, pipolfen, klaritin.
Prevention of food allergy
Prevention of food allergy begins with the creation of conditions that reduce the risk of intrauterine sensitization. In all pregnant women, it is advisable to exclude from the diet obligate allergens, industrial canning products, and not only because of the risk of food allergy, but also because of the presence of food additives in them, sometimes very harmful to the fetus. Cow's milk should be limited, replacing it with fermented milk products.
The second group of preventive measures is the antigen protection of the newborn and the child of the first year of life. Dietary restrictions for the pregnant woman apply to the nursing mother, especially in the first months of the child's life. Very important is the early (in the first half hour after birth) putting the baby to the mother's breast. Natural feeding is much less complicated food allergy than artificial. Children at risk for food allergy are advised to later introduce lures.
Conducting preventive vaccinations in children with food allergies should be protected by antihistamines.
The prognosis for life is almost always favorable, except for the development of anaphylactic shock.