Treatment of external hemorrhoids
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Hemorrhoids do not choose gender or age. The unpleasant disease has even become a noun in modern slang. One can often hear among young people the expression "Why do I need these hemorrhoids?" (meaning the problem). (meaning the problem). This is really true. Discomfort, a feeling of looseness in the anus, pain of varying intensity significantly spoil the quality of life and if ignored threaten more trouble. There is a distinction between internal (submucosal) and external (subcutaneous) hemorrhoids. These definitions correspond to the localization of hemorrhoidal nodes. Among such pathologies, external takes more than a third of cases and, undoubtedly, requires treatment.
Treat external hemorrhoid bumps with ointments and suppositories. What components should they contain? To get rid of the problem, medications can have mono or complex action, including:
- anti-inflammatory;
- painkiller (proctoglivenol);
- antibacterial (posterizan, levomekol);
- venotonic (proxevazine).
In the treatment of external thrombosed hemorrhoids use anticoagulants (heparin ointment), preventing the formation of blood clots. In case of bleeding prescribe hemostatics (Relief), the mechanism of action of which is aimed at slowing blood clotting.
Treatment of inflammation of external hemorrhoids is carried out with steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aurobin, proctosan).
The therapy regimen should be determined by a proctologist. [1]
First aid for external hemorrhoids
Actions in providing first aid depend on the symptoms. Acute pain is relieved by applying ice to the anus, taking painkillers. Bowel emptying by means of a cleansing enema with decoctions of herbs and vegetable oils can help.
In anal fissures can be used rectal suppositories with novocaine, for lack of them to apply a well-washed leaf of plantain, kalanchoe or cut aloe leaves.
Bleeding is stopped by applying lotions of calendula, oak bark, nettle. It is also good to take a tablet of Vicasol, which will stop any bleeding.
Strong itching in the anus area is relieved by warm baths, which involve herbs, you can use baking soda. [2]
Treatment methods for external hemorrhoids
There are several treatments for external hemorrhoids, including:
- conservative, using a comprehensive approach, including local medications, folk remedies, healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition; [3]
- minimally invasive surgical - photocoagulation with a beam of infrared rays (effective at the 1-2 stage of the disease); sclerosing (a special substance is injected into the nodal lumen, as a result of which the walls of the hemorrhoidal node stick together, blood stops flowing and it dies off); ligation with latex rings (the node is placed in a hollow tip and a ring is put on it);
- surgical - thrombectomy is used when there are signs of tissue necrosis, abscess development. After anesthesia, the node is incised and the clot is removed.
How many days is treated external hemorrhoids? Manifestations of the disease disappear on average after 7-10 days. [4]
Conservative treatment of external hemorrhoids
Conservative treatment of external hemorrhoids is possible at home. In addition to ointments, gels, suppositories, drugs for pain relief successfully use folk remedies. You can take into account the recipes below.
- Baths for external hemorrhoids - there are several variants of the procedure. The most popular warm, with a temperature close to the state of the body, with the use of medicinal decoctions, manganese. They relax well, get rid of itching, reduce pain, disinfect and heal fissures, strengthen blood vessels.
A hotter bath, but not exceeding 40ºC, will be useful in the mild form of chronic pathology in remission. There are also steam and smoke, but it is rarely used due to the complexity of organization.
Cold bath (using boiled water up to 20º) will help in the acute stage of the disease, stop bleeding, increase blood microcirculation;
- Soaks in external hemorrhoids - a kind of compresses that relieve the acute symptoms of the disease: the pain subsides, reduces swelling, increases the elasticity of the skin, passes burning and itching. It is not superfluous to do them and during remission to prevent the formation of nodules. As a material used gauze or bandage, and wet in a pre-prepared solution, for which take medicinal infusions.
- Treatment of external hemorrhoids with ice - in this case, the effect of blocking the sensitivity of nerve endings works, freezing occurs, the pain stops. Cold also stops bleeding, if the node burst, because the vessels and veins are narrowed, in addition, the blood flow to the pelvis is reduced.
How is cold applied? It is best to make candles, using paper cones, in which to pour herbal decoctions and freeze. After taking them out of the freezer, they are placed in the anus for a couple of minutes. You can also use an ice cube for wiping, wrapped in a cloth.
- Treatment of external hemorrhoids with honey - apiproduct has an excellent emollient, healing, disinfectant effect. It should be used as an ointment, lubricating the affected area at night. You can form candles from thick candied and freeze them, put before bedtime after washing and thoroughly drying the anus area. Will strengthen the therapeutic effect of suppository addition of butter.
- Treatment of external hemorrhoids with potatoes is a tried and tested remedy. From a peeled potato cut out a cone length of 3-4cm and the diameter of the base of 1.5cm. Put it after defecation. Starch has an analgesic effect, relieves itching, inflammation. Vitamins present in it (C, group B, E strengthen blood vessels, regenerate damaged tissue), silicon along with ascorbic acid have an antibacterial effect.
- Treatment with sea buckthorn oil - the berries of this plant are a unique product for its therapeutic properties. Its rich chemical composition allows its use in different areas of medicine, including in the treatment of hemorrhoids, because it increases the elasticity of blood vessels, promotes cell regeneration, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the immune system.
The most useful raw berries from which you can extract the juice, add vegetable oil, let infuse for a week in a warm place, then apply. But not everyone has a sea buckthorn bush at hand and the desire to mess around. It is best to buy it in the pharmacy and lubricate the problem area several times a day. It is even better to use ready-made candles with sea buckthorn.
- Aloe in external hemorrhoids - its other name is "centipede" and until a few decades ago it was considered a universal folk remedy that can help in the treatment of many diseases. It is indeed classified as a biogenic stimulant. It also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, quickly heals, increases local immunity, relieves pain syndrome.
The juice of the plant is easy to obtain. Cut leaves are washed, dried, crushed and squeezed out the liquid. Used for lotions, compresses. The jelly-like interior of the leaves is used as part of candles and ointments.
- enema for external hemorrhoids - a common method of its therapy, especially microclysms. This procedure relieves irritation, inflammation, swelling, disinfection of mucous membranes.
For the composition of enemas for hemorrhoids use decoctions of herbs, oil solutions, vitamin complexes, starchy mixtures. At one time is introduced no more than 50ml, according to this volume is selected pear. The liquid should be warm. You can make it yourself at home and lying down. [5]
Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women
Therapy of external hemorrhoids in women depends on the stage of the disease (there are four stages), most often conservative and includes a comprehensive approach (diet, the use of external and internal medicines, recipes of folk medicine).
Surgical intervention is rarely resorted to, only if previous methods have failed.
The disease often affects women during pregnancy. Contribute to this hormonal changes, pressure of the uterus on the pelvic organs, reduced mobility. It is impossible to leave treatment for the postpartum period, only to refuse some procedures, such as baths, and more carefully select ointments, suppositories, choosing those that do not have contraindications for such patients (suppositories with sea buckthorn, posterizan, natalcid).
Not less often exacerbations occur after childbirth, because the woman had to carry a heavy weight for half of the term and also push during labor. Breastfeeding should not be an obstacle to treatment, but not all drugs are suitable, despite the local application.
At the site of the anal sphincter there is a vascular ring, so medications applied to it quickly enter the bloodstream. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the "status" of the woman. [6]
Treatment of external hemorrhoids in men
According to statistics, hemorrhoids affect men more often than women. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle (driving a car, using a computer), frequent constipation from rich, meaty food, alcohol consumption, lifting weights (specifics of work, gyms or weightlifting), bladder and prostate diseases.
In case of symptoms such as pain during sitting and walking, emptying the bowels, heaviness, a feeling of looseness in the anus, it is necessary to consult a proctologist. Timely treatment in the early stages is more effective, has fewer consequences and does not differ in any way from the treatment of women. The only difference is that it is more difficult to make men go to the doctor and they have to treat more complicated pathology.
Folk treatment
Above we have already mentioned the recipes of folk medicine used for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. Now it's time to name the herbs that should be used to prepare healing potions.
Reduce the symptoms of inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes, reduce the intensity of pain will help calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, raspberry leaves.
Vascular tone will increase the tincture of horse chestnut, decoction of rose hips, hazel, taken internally.
Stop bleeding can be decoctions of nettle, cucumber spits, beet juice.
Among homeopathic remedies, one of the most used in hemorrhoids without complications is Fleming's ointment. A complex remedy containing extracts of calendula, witch hazel, horse chestnut, zinc oxide, menthol. Using a cotton swab, it is applied to the affected area three times a day. It is indicated for use from 2 years of age.
Other preparations may be used, which include sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric acid; minerals: antimony, arsenic; snake venom; plants other than the mentioned flax, peony, thistle and others.
Orally take esculus compositum, carbo vegetabilis, witch hazel, nux vomica. Dosage is determined by a homeopath. On average, the recommended dose for drops is 10 drops three times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals, granules - 8pcs under the tongue 3-4 times.
They are necessary to increase immunity, strengthen blood vessels. The list includes vitamins C, E, A, B, K, PP. Choosing food products, it is necessary to emphasize their presence. Help saturate the body and vitamin and mineral complexes.
Diet and nutrition for external hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids do not require a strict diet, but certain dietary rules still need to be adhered to. What should not be eaten with external hemorrhoids? Under the ban sharp, spicy, salty, smoked, alcohol, fast carbohydrates. Prevail in the menu should be raw vegetables, fruits, dietary cooked dishes, meat and fish lean varieties, porridge except rice, sour milk and dairy products, bread with bran. It is obligatory to drink plenty of water.
Colonoscopy for external hemorrhoids
In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, the clinical picture of the disease may be vague and require clarification. Unpleasant symptoms sometimes indicate the presence of neoplasms, Crohn's disease, colitis and others.
Colonoscopy is a procedure that uses a tube with optics and a light at the end to examine the colon. It requires preparation in the form of bowel cleansing, where air is then injected. If there is pain, local anesthesia is used. [7]
Massage for external hemorrhoids
Massage is used to eliminate venous stasis in the lower rectum. Before the procedure, the bladder and bowel are emptied, the knee-lock position is taken. If there are cracks in the walls of the rectum, a suppository with belladonna is placed beforehand.
The specialist puts on gloves and inserts the index finger into the anus. Stroking and pressing movements are made, the external nodes are tucked inside. Such techniques are repeated 3-4 times. Then the massage is continued with the help of a vibrator, and finished with physical exercises.