Tinnitus: what is it, the reasons for how to treat it
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Tinnitus is a pathological process characterized by the appearance of ringing or noise in the ears, the type of bell ringing. Most often, this pathology is a concomitant condition and extremely rarely an independent disease. Tinnitus is a common pathology, with which almost everyone at least once in their life, but met after noisy parties, with a sharp drop in altitude, after a long illness or just fatigue.
Causes of the tinnitus
The exact cause of tinnitus development in many cases is difficult to establish, except when the ringing appeared against the background of acute sensorineural hearing loss or other acute diseases affecting the ear cannula.
Risk factors
Noise in the ears can arise absolutely in any person, but some factors still increase this probability:
- the constant impact of loud noises (in the risk group, mostly people working in enterprises, musicians, soldiers);
- age (aging of the entire body is not an exception, and the hearing aid is also subject to the whole organism);
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- smoking;
- an important role in the development of tinnitus is played by sex, most often men are exposed to the development of the disease;
- genetic predisposition;
- poor hygiene of the cavity of the auricle;
- trauma to the skull;
- tumor formation of the brain or cervical spine;
- toxic effects;
- metabolic disease;
- side effects of drugs.
Tinnitus develops against the background of damage to any part of the ear canal, against a background of sharp hearing loss, trauma or exposure to noise, various toxic substances. This can provoke the pathological neuronal activity of the central sections of the auditory canals.
Symptoms of the tinnitus
Patients with a disease such as tinnitus note that the appearance of severe noise or ringing occurs at night often before bedtime, when there is complete silence around. Due to the fact that patients begin to focus on the appearance of various sounds, insomnia develops, which subsequently threatens with emotional instability. With the progression of the disease, noise occurs during the day, even in a noisy environment, accompanied by constant headaches and nausea.
The first sign of the development of tinnitus is the appearance of short-term noise, ringing, buzzing or hissing in the ears, after exposure to unfavorable factors.
Pulsating tinnitus
Pulsating tinnitus absolutely does not differ in pathogenesis from the usual form of the disease. The only and essential differences between these two forms of pathology is the nature of the manifestations. Pulsating noise in the ears is accompanied not only by the development of extraneous sounds, but also by a feeling of pulsation in the auricle, which is due to the pathology of the cardiovascular system.
Complications and consequences
Diagnostics of the tinnitus
The search for possible reasons for the development of extraneous noise in the ears should begin as early as possible, not only with the otolaryngologist, but also with the doctors of other specialties.
At the initial consultation, the doctor examines the external and internal ear, collects an anamnesis of life and illness of the patient. Based on the information received, a further tactic of diagnostic measures is drawn up.
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may order a number of laboratory tests:
- blood chemistry;
- coagulogram;
- OAK;
- OAM;
- tests for various infections.
Instrumental diagnostics
Of the instrumental method is most often appointed:
- audiometriyu;
- computer tomogram of the brain (in cases where there is a suspicion of the development of a tumor process, it is recommended that magnetic resonance imaging is performed);
- dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck;
- angiography;
- X-ray of the temporal joint;
- pneumoscopy.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis must first be carried out between objective and subjective tinnitus.
Objective tinnitus is a condition caused by a pronounced pulsation of blood vessels. The cause of this condition can be a turbulent blood flow, a well-blood-supplying tumor of the middle ear.
Subjective tinnitus occurs when the sound pathways are damaged, due to acoustic trauma, infectious damage, physiological aging, and exposure to drugs.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the tinnitus
A good effect is observed when using Novocain blockades, whose action is directed at blockade of vegetative nodes. This method of treatment is used for noise in the ears of inflammatory genesis, with otitis.
Medication Therapy
- Prednisolone
Dosage: The average daily dosage for adults is not more than 200 mg.
Method of administration: taking the drug no more than once a day for 7 days.
Precautions: during the admission, this drug requires constant monitoring of blood pressure, water-electrolyte balance and examination at the oculist.
Side effects: nausea, urge for vomiting, dizziness, joint pain, arrhythmia, bradycardia, slowed down regeneration, reduced glucose tolerance.
- Velaxin
Dosage: The daily dosage of the drug is not more than 70 mg.
Method of application: 2 times a day for 35 mg.
Precautions: with a sharp discontinuation of the drug is a symptom of withdrawal, it is recommended to gradually reduce the daily dosage.
Side effects: tachycardia, bradycardia, with overdose - convulsive seizures.
- Clonazepam
Dosage: up to 6 mg per day.
Method of administration: the drug is divided into 3 times a day.
Precautions: contraindicated in chronic respiratory failure, alcoholism, drug dependence and glaucoma.
Side effects: disorder of coordination of movements, severe irritability, depressive state.
- Neuromedin
Dosage: up to 20 mg per day, depending on the severity of the disease.
Method of administration: the drug may be taken 2-3 times a day, depending on the prescribed daily dosage.
Precautions: during taking this medication, you must exclude the reception of alcoholic beverages.
Side effects: heart palpitations, diarrhea, jaundice, increased sweating.
In some individual cases, a decrease in tinnitus can be achieved with the help of vitamin therapy, Magne B6 has a positive effect - it is a vitamin complex that includes magnesium and vitamin B6 directly.
Not badly recommended in the fight against noise in the ears and vitamins A and E, however, take them under the careful supervision of a doctor to avoid overdose and the development of side effects.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
In addition to medical treatment, physiotherapeutic treatment is equally effective, and its action is aimed at restoring both the whole organism as a whole and specifically the hearing aid. Most often with tinnitus, otolaryngologists appoint the following procedures:
- electroplating;
- electrophoresis with the use of drugs;
- magnetotherapy;
- shortwave diathermy;
- dynamic electroneurostimulation (physiotherapy method of treatment that can be used at home).
All of the above listed methods are best combined with other methods of treatment, in order to obtain a better effect in a short time.
Treatment of tinnitus by the method of coordinated discharge
Over the years, scientists of various industries, including medicine, physics, mathematics, discussed the possibility of treating patients by a method of coordinated discharge. The principle of this method is to get rid of noise in the ears with the help of various methods, whose action is aimed at desynchronization of nerve cells by cleavage of highly synchronized nerve cell communities. As a result, these studies have come to the conclusion that during pauses in the stimulation of cells is the organization of healthy chaos.
Folk treatment
Fir oil in tinnitus. One of the effective methods of traditional medicine, with which you can get rid of noise in the ears. To do this, you need natural fir oil (be sure to make 100% fir oil), lubricate the entire auricle, including your ear in the morning and in the evening, at night, you can apply more oil by wrapping your head in a terry towel. The procedure should be repeated for two to three weeks.
A mixture of propolis and olive oil. To prepare the mixture, you need to take one tablespoon of pharmacy alcohol propolis and 4 tablespoons of olive oil, pre-prepared cotton wool harness in a mixture and insert into the ear for 36 hours, after one day breaks and the procedure is repeated. The course of treatment is not more than 12 procedures.
Almond oil. No less effective is almond oil, it is recommended warmed up by digging 2 times a day for 2-3 drops in each ear.
Berries of viburnum and honey. At noise in ears two table spoons of berries of a guelder-wheat to crush and mix in a proportion 1: 1 with honey, the received mixture to put on a pure gauze and to connect it in a bundle. Before bed nodules to lay in the ear canals, repeat until the disappearance of noise.
Music for the treatment of tinnitus
The German engineer came to the conclusion that with the help of music, it is possible to alleviate the suffering of some patients. Unfortunately, not all existing tracks can benefit the patient, so before the beginning of musical therapy, you need to undergo a complete examination, finding out the degree of tinnitus and only then to select specially designed musical compositions.
Herbal Treatment
Tincture from dill. To make the tincture it is necessary to take 3-4 tablespoons of dill to pour boiling water and let it sit in a warm place for an hour, the mixture received 3 times a day for 100 ml for two weeks.
Syrup of dandelions. For the preparation of syrup from dandelions, you need two kilograms of sugar and one kilogram of dried flowers. In turn, the bank is packed, before the appearance of juice, dandelions and sugar, after which the jar with the mixture is left in a warm place for 3-4 days. Use the resulting syrup is recommended diluted in 50 - 70 ml of boiled water 2 times a day.
Melissa tincture. Melissa contributes not only to eliminating tinnitus, but also to partial restoration of dry. To make the tincture, you need 20 mg of ground grass and 200 ml of vodka. All the ingredients must be mixed and put in a dark place for 1.5-2 weeks. The prepared tincture is used to instill in the ears at night a few drops in each ear.
Yarrow juice. The ground part of the grass must be ground before the appearance of the juice. Obtained concentrate is recommended to instill 2 drops 2 times a day.
- Carbo Vegetatabiz
Dosage: most often use a high dilution - 12 and 13.
Method of application: 1 time per day for 30 days.
Precautions: the drug is prescribed only after consultation with a homeopath.
Side effects: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
- Cimicifuga
Usage: 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals for 30 days.
Precautions: it is contraindicated for people with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects: development of hypersensitivity.
- Likopodium
Dosage: is determined only by a doctor homeopath.
Method of application: homeopathic tincture is diluted in a small amount of water, taken between meals.
Precautions: Do not take people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects: an allergic reaction, a sense of anxiety.
- Graphite
Dosage: used in the dilutions from 6 to 30.
Method of use: the drug is recommended to take no more than once a day.
Precautions: contraindicated in patients with severe hypersensitivity to plant components.
Side effects: severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting are possible.
The most part of medical actions is a medicamental treatment, only in rare cases, especially intractable forms of the disease, there is a need to resort to prompt intervention.
To avoid the development of a condition such as tinnitus, experts recommend adhering to several simple rules:
- to minimize the possibility of the influence of loud sounds;
- Exclude the use of cotton buds to clean the ear canals;
- minimize stressful situations;
- adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
- exercise regularly.
The prognosis of getting rid of tinnitus in the first place depends on the prescription of the pathological process. The early stage of tinnitus is completely amenable to drug correction, a longer-term process may require long-term and combined treatment.