Reproduction specialist
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A specialist who deals with problems in the reproductive field is called a reproductive specialist.
He is competent in matters of impossibility of conceiving a child, his bearing, and, if necessary, can use assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization, ICSI, VMI). This specialist solves the problems of both female and male factor of infertility.
All the activities of the reproductive path are aimed at achieving the only goal - the onset of pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited and healthy baby.
Who is a reproductologist?
The possibility of procreation is one of the most important and complex features of the body. The inability to have a child, to acquire a full-fledged family destroys many marriages, destroys the destinies of people, because children are the basis of our future. About 20% of married couples face problems in terms of conception of the child. Ineffectual repeated attempts to become pregnant, "habitual" miscarriages or frozen pregnancy - all these are the reasons for applying for a consultation with a reproductive specialist.
The purpose of addressing a reproductive health specialist can be to find out the reasons for the impossibility of conception and the appointment of appropriate therapeutic methods. A reproductive expert makes a woman's examination, simultaneously assigning a spermogram to a man, in order to identify the source of the problem and effectively solve it.
A reproductive specialist is a specialist with a higher medical education who has the skills and vast experience in examinations and successful treatment of couples suffering from primary or secondary infertility. Such a doctor can determine the need and conduct complex diagnostic manipulations, which usually do not do specialists-gynecologists of general direction.
When should I contact a reproductive health expert?
In cases where the patient has a stable cycle of menstruation, ovulation occurs on time, there are regular unprotected sex during the year, but still can not get pregnant - it means it's time to go through a reproductive health consultation. Women after 35 years of age should apply to the doctor after six months of vain attempts to conceive a child.
Visiting a specialist and passing the examination are mandatory for both spouses.
Primary examination of a sterile couple begins with the collection of information on the health of the spouses, their lifestyle and sexual relations.
Most often, couples who do not manage to become pregnant or take out a child turn to this specialist. Infertility can be accompanied by:
- spontaneous interruption of a previous pregnancy;
- diagnosed with a frozen pregnancy;
- age-related changes in the hormonal system and sexual organs of the spouses;
- pathologies of the reproductive sphere;
- hormonal disorders;
- inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
- venereal pathologies;
- hereditary factor or congenital anomalies.
If there is a suspicion of any cause of infertility, the doctor may appoint a number of additional examinations to the married couple to clarify the factors that may interfere with the normal conception of the child.
What tests do you need to pass to a reproductive health expert?
If the patient has already visited other doctors, such as a gynecologist, andrologist, endocrinologist, geneticist, before applying to a reproductive health specialist, all the results of previous surveys and analyzes should be shown to this specialist. The reproductive expert will evaluate the results and, if necessary, assign additional methods:
- spermogram;
- Ultrasound of the reproductive system;
- a blood test for the content of pituitary hormones;
- a blood test for the maintenance of thyroid hormones;
- the study of the hormonal state of the adrenal glands;
- analysis of the hormonal state of the ovaries;
- diagnosis of torch-infection;
- hysteroscopy;
- presence of antisperm antibodies;
- postcoital testing;
- laparoscopy;
- an expanded immunogram;
- consultation of a geneticist;
- hysterosalpingography (inspection of pipe crossability);
- a biopsy of the mucosa;
- evaluation of blood coagulability;
- evaluation of the follicular reserve.
The question of the need for these or other surveys is decided by the doctor on an individual basis.
What diagnostic methods does the reproductologist use?
Ultrasonic diagnosis of pelvic organs - provides a unique opportunity to examine the uterus, ovaries, tubes, determine their functionality and structure. This method can be performed as an abdominal sensor (through the anterior abdominal wall) and vaginal (vaginal), both methods have their own characteristics and are actively used by gynecologists and reproductologists around the world.
Hysterosalpingography - the procedure involves the introduction of contrast media for the determination of tubal patency, anomalies of the development of the uterus, intrauterine fusion, infantilism.
Laparoscopy - a diagnostic examination of the abdominal cavity through small punctures in the abdominal wall with a special device. The procedure allows you to consider some types of pathologies that are unavailable for examination by other instruments and methods. A huge plus of laparoscopy is that, if some pathologies are found, the doctor can simultaneously perform certain surgical manipulations, which helps to avoid repeated surgical intervention.
Cervical and endometrial biopsy - allows to detect changes in the mucosa against the background of hormones, formation of tumors, uterine bleeding.
What does the reproductive expert do?
The doctor-specialist in reproductive medicine diagnoses and treats various types of infertility, develops necessary therapeutic techniques and technologies, using, among other things, cryopreservation of spermatozoa and embryos, extracorporeal methods of fertilization, ICSI.
Special attention of the reproductologist deserves the problem of infertility in men. According to scientific research, women are still endowed with a certain set of eggs from birth; men reproduce spermatozoa for every 72 hours. From this it follows that the processes and opportunities for conceiving a child from a man and a woman have their differences and certain nuances that are influenced by many factors - pathological conditions, including asymptomatic diseases of reproductive organs.
A huge role in the process of conception is played by the hormonal system, both male and female.
The mechanism of conception is very complicated - it is an extremely delicate and no less serious process, including many step-by-step steps and factors that the medical doctor of the appropriate medical direction will be able to understand - the reproductive health expert.
What diseases are treated by a reproductive health expert?
The reproductive expert considers and investigates the violations of organs and systems that can interfere with the normal process of conception. These are disorders of the endocrine sphere, heredity, damage to reproductive organs of inflammatory or other etiology.
The following diseases fall into the sphere of activity of the reproductologist:
- menstrual irregularities;
- cysts of the genital organs;
- disorders of spermatogenesis, defects of spermatozoa;
- adhesive disease;
- difficulty in conceiving, due to age-related changes;
- infertility of unexplained etiology;
- endometrioid proliferation;
- hypo- and hyperthyroidism, as a possible hindrance to pregnancy;
- abnormalities of the uterus;
- infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
- fungal lesions of genital organs;
- viral diseases of the genital organs;
- disorders of the hormonal sphere.
When searching for the reasons for the inability to conceive and endure a child, the effects of external factors on the reproductive capacity of the organism can be studied: the nature of nutrition, the way of life, professional activity, the transferred diseases, heredity,
Advices of a reproductive physician
Scientifically proven that to improve the quality of sperm is useful to eat vitamins E and D, which are found in large quantities in seafood. Also for high-grade spermatogenesis, zinc, selenium and ascorbic acid are needed.
The highest chances of getting pregnant with those couples who have sex every other day.
Significantly worsen the quality of sperm visiting the baths, saunas, taking a hot bath, so at the planning stage of these procedures it is better to refuse.
Prevent the normal process of conception also smoking, drinking alcohol (including beer), overweight or excessive leanness.
When preparing for conception, it is necessary to take complex vitamin preparations: this will strengthen the body of the future mother and reduce the risk of defects in the baby.
Count the date of ovulation - this is the most favorable period for conception. Usually ovulation is in the middle of the menstrual cycle, about 14 days.
It is recommended during pregnancy planning to avoid stress, to relax more, to experience positive emotions. Fear, anger, irritability and anger will not benefit either the woman or her future child.
You should adhere to a healthy diet: drink more pure water, there are more greens, fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to visit the sun more often, walk in the fresh air and enjoy the expectation of a miracle - the conception of a new life, a new future, the meaning of life for many families.
What can a reproductive health expert do for you? Examination and diagnosis on the latest equipment, selection of treatment methods, and, ultimately, the fulfillment of your dreams - pregnancy and the birth of a small man who will fill your life with a new meaning and give your family the happiness and joy of being parents.