Properties of the Dead Sea
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dead Sea. How many legends, parables and wonderful fairy tales are associated with this place. One of them says that on its bottom are the two biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which the Lord destroyed by fire for ungodly behavior.
This lake is unique and is the bearer of several titles: the lowest lake on the planet (about 400 m below the level of the World Ocean), occupies the first place on the Earth by the concentration of salt in water. This makes life of animals and fish impossible, only some bacteria live in it - hence the name Dead Sea. Uniqueness to this miracle of nature is attached to the properties of the dead sea.
Useful properties of the dead sea
The Dead Sea can rightfully be included in the list of seven miraculous Wonders of the World. The waters of the lake are so saturated with salt and minerals that it can not be called sea water. It is a viscous, slightly oily, high-density solution. Thanks to this feature, it's hard for a person to walk in water, but he can lie down on the surface with pleasure and read a newspaper or play with a neighbor in chess ...
Useful properties of the dead sea were known even in ancient times. Knowing the healing properties of its water and mud, ancient Romans and Indians on the shores of the lake erected their mud clinics. To this day, we have been told that Cleopatra herself, having learned about the effect caused by the use of dirt, enjoyed using it for her rejuvenation.
The solid conglomerate obtained during the evaporation process is the purest composition of salt, all kinds of minerals and trace elements. The percentage of salts in the waters of this sea is about ten times higher than in the World Ocean. In addition to them, the lake water is rich in elements of almost the entire periodic table. Useful properties of the dead sea are manifested by ions of such substances that are simply irreplaceable in the work of our body:
- Magnesium. It is also called an antidepressant. He is able to raise the overall tone of the cells and the entire human body as a whole. Has anti-allergic properties.
- Bromine. Have antibacterial properties. An excellent antidepressant. It is thanks to this substance, and its couples, that a resting person gets a relaxing effect.
- Calcium. It is a well of useful properties: strengthening of soft, connective, bony tissues; the ability to accelerate the process of tightening wounds, takes part in the stabilization of metabolic processes, has high antibacterial properties.
- Sodium chloride. Its percentage in water is 15-20%, while the sea water of the World Ocean contains up to 90% of this substance. Effectively normalizes the body's own blood pressure.
- Sodium is energy, and in tandem with chlorine it perfectly controls the water-salt balance in the human body.
- Potassium. Promotes high diffusion of nutrients, providing the cell with everything necessary for its full-fledged work. Only on the shores of this one-of-a-kind pond is in operation (in the composition of salt water, the percentage of potassium is approximately 20 times higher than in ordinary seawater) and the production of potassium salt.
The compound set of the lake solution is fairly close to the composition and its percentage ratio to the plasma and lymph of the human body. This already speaks for itself. It is simply impossible to overestimate the unique properties of the dead sea.
Healing properties of the dead sea
The Dead Sea is a real health resort: a clinic, a pharmacy and a spa at the same time. The healing properties of the dead sea served as an impetus to the rapid development of the multifunctional infrastructure that arose on the shores of this wonderful lake. The properties of the dead sea are akin to panacea for all diseases. Even the usual bathing in its waters can significantly improve the overall health.
If a person suffers from such diseases as arthrosis, gout or arthritis, which is based on the "deposition of salts" in the joints, water procedures will greatly facilitate the patient's condition. This is physically understandable. The concentration of salt in our body is much higher than in the waters of the lake, therefore, the salts from the human body are moved to a medium with a lower concentration.
The air itself absorbs the healing properties of the dead sea. It is absolutely clean (in the radius of many hundreds of kilometers there is not a single major technical production). Dry and hot (steamed and dried by the surrounding desert, humidity 25%). The air itself is filled with evaporated ions of salts and minerals. Breathing in full, a person receives an excellent natural inhalation, which will be useful to patients suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs.
But not only water and air are medicinal. A powerful therapeutic effect is also possessed by silty sediments, specially raised from the seabed. They can be called a mineral-microelement bomb. Such mud is a wonderful sedative and anti-inflammatory agent working at the hormonal level. The muds of this lake effectively treat a fairly wide range of diseases of various medical orientations.
- Dermatology: psoriasis, erythroderma, mycoses 1-2 stages, lichen planus, ichthyosis, scleroderma and many other skin diseases.
- Gynecological problems: inflammatory processes and so on.
- Breathing organs: bronchitis, asthma, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and much more.
- Diseases of joints and connective and bony tissues: polyarthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, osteochondrosis and others.
- The relaxing properties of water and its fumes can calm nerves, relieve stress, and alleviate a depressed state.
- Gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, dysfunction of the liver and urinary tract, gastritis, intestinal dysbiosis ...
- And many other diseases.
A special microcosm with its own microclimate. In the summer, the readings of the thermometers rise above the mark at 45 ° C. This heat makes the lake's waters evaporate intensively, forming a milk mist above the surface, visible even to the naked eye. This suspension is an excellent natural filter that can significantly delay the hard ultraviolet radiation, significantly reducing the risk of sunburn.
But everything should be in moderation. Do not spend a lot of time in the water, enough and 20 minutes. Then it is necessary to move to the shore and wash off the remains of salt under pure fresh water from the shower. Such bathing doctors recommend doing during the day only three to four.
But visiting the baths, filled with water with the properties of the dead sea, is not shown to everyone. It is worthwhile to refrain from visiting people with Parkinson's disease and schizophrenia who are prone to epileptic fits that have AIDS, tuberculosis lesions of the lung tissue, liver, bladder and kidney dysfunction. It is necessary to refrain and those who not so long ago suffered a heart attack or stroke.
Properties of Dead Sea salts
Rapa - another way to call water from a drainless lake feeding on the waters of the Jordan River and underground mineral springs, it is impossible, in 1 dm 3 (one liter) of the aqueous solution contains about 330 - 370 grams of various salts. The hot climate, powerful evaporation make the water of this lake as concentrated as possible. Due to such physical features, it is almost impossible to drown in the Dead Sea, the water itself pushes the person to the surface.
But not only this uniqueness made Salt Lake so popular. Truly salubrious water is made by salts that are in it in increased concentration. First of all, these are chloride compounds of such elements as magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromine and sodium.
To date, Israel has many factories, large and small companies, focused on the extraction and production of salts from the waters of the lake. It is based on the product itself, as well as creams, mousses, and other cosmetic products. Now there is no problem to buy this product in any pharmacy, even the most remote corner of the World. The effect of using such cosmetics is simply stunning. Using the properties of salts of the dead sea, doctors recommend baths and rubbing with the use of mineralized salts, peeling, wraps and compresses with her participation. Effective and warm salt baths for hands and feet.
A technology has been developed that makes it possible to obtain mono elements, such as bromine, potassium, sodium and others, which are quite in demand both in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
Useful properties of dead sea salt
Yam and malach. So the name of the lake in Hebrew sounds - Sea of salt - a very accurate name.
Useful properties of salt of the dead sea from time immensely enjoyed wide demand among Roman patricians, Babylonian kings and queens. She was credited with the role of "juvenile apples." But besides the beautiful cosmetic effect, the sea mineralized salt has a healing effect on the human body.
Baths with its participation of a temperature of 37-38 degrees have an excellent healing effect on the skin (lichen, allergic manifestations, psoriasis, eczema and fungal manifestations of the disease - this is not a complete list of diseases that can be treated). The impact of salt baths is so powerful that they are recognized by the world's doctors as the only non-medicated tool in the treatment of psoriasis.
Pleases stability. Useful properties of dead sea salt are not lost depending on whether therapeutic baths are taken directly at the place of extraction, or it occurs in the SPA-salon, at home.
In order that you can take baths at home that are identical to the properties of the dead sea, it is only necessary to dilute the sea salt from this lake, freely purchased in any pharmacy. Make a solution: 0.5 - 1 kg of salt per hundred liters of water. The procedure should be taken no more than 20 - 25 minutes, then rinse the body with warm fresh water (use the shower), taking no additional cosmetics (soap, shampoo, gel and others). After the treatment, give yourself a rest of at least 30 minutes.
Properties of dead sea mud
For thousands of years of existence of this pearl of the Middle East, at the bottom of the lake more than hundreds of meters of alluvial sedimentary rocks accumulated. This silt substance, and simpler the dirt, is endowed with the same healing properties as water, because it is enriched with the same minerals and trace elements, biologically active substances, organic and inorganic compounds, micro and macro elements, and so on.
Having a soft oily structure, dirt is easily applied to the skin, and after the procedure is just washed off. The properties of the dead sea mud are versatile, and it is simply impossible to overestimate their impact on the human body. Dirt perfectly cleanses the skin of dead scales, giving a rejuvenating effect, disinfects and cleanses the pores, while saturating it with useful microelements. Possessing low thermal conductivity, it is capable of maintaining a temperature gradient for a long time, which contributes to deep warming, and, consequently, to a more effective penetration of useful substances into various layers of the skin. The special finely dispersed fractional structure also helps in this. It enhances the positive effect of the dead sea mud property (for example, the size of the Black Sea mud particles is about 140 microns, while in the salt lake it does not exceed 45).
Due to this, all the basic functions of the epidermis are normalized and become more balanced.
The healing properties of the mud of the dead sea
The scientists of the natural formation of this natural layer are attributed to chlorine-magnesium-calcium. The healing properties of the mud of the dead sea are determined by the various salts included in its composition. They are salts of potassium, lithium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, copper, calcium, bromine, cobalt, iron ... And also a significant concentration of such minerals as quartz, kaolin, spar, bentonite and many others.
To date, the black mud of the coastline or raised from the depths of the sea actively and with excellent effect is used to treat:
- Diseases of the skin.
- Diseases of connective, bony tissues and joints.
- Diseases of pulmonology and ENT - organs.
- The relaxing effect on the receptors normalizes certain abnormalities related to the work of the nervous system: depression, irritability, stress, and others.
- The healing properties of dead sea mud contribute the same way:
- The activation of blood circulation.
- Positive effects on the central nervous system of a person, effectively fighting with insomnia and overwork.
- Improving metabolism and stimulating metabolic processes.
- Smoothing out wrinkles, making the skin on the face more elastic.
- Slowing down the age processes.
- It makes the roots of hair stronger, successfully fights against diseases such as dandruff and seborrhea.
- Removes some types of headache and migraine.
And recent medical studies confirm this.
During the procedure, the mud is applied to the affected or disturbing area for 20 minutes, from the top wrapping a food film or a simple towel. After the expiration of the required time, the dirt should be washed off with warm water.
If psoriasis affects the scalp, it is better to introduce salicylic ointment into the used mud - a quarter of the total volume.
For cosmetic uses of the properties of the dead sea, it is desirable to add a small amount of olive or any other flavored oil to the mud.
Properties of dead sea minerals
In addition to salts, in the waters of the Salt Sea there is a huge amount of magnesium, lithium, iodine, potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, sodium and many others. The composition of water is unique in that it is possible to find practically the entire Mendeleyev table in it, some elements and compounds are found in sufficient numbers only here. The properties of the minerals of the dead sea are multifaceted, like its composition. Therefore, it is possible to consider some of them.
Potassium. Even every schoolboy knows that a person is 70% water. And the task of the body to preserve it, to maintain the water-salt balance. This is precisely the main work of potassium - the maintenance of intracellular water balance, whereas for the normalization of the quantitative component of the intercellular fluid, another element, in sufficient quantity contained in the water of the Dead Sea, is sodium. He also answers for the normal functioning of the muscles of the body.
Magnesium. It is contained in this water the largest number. This element is akin to an atomic reactor, the energy of which starts and maintains the basic metabolic and metabolic processes in the human body. Magnesium is indispensable in the work of the central nervous system, the muscular system. Takes part in the normalization of the balance of the cellular fluid and the conversion of sugar in human plasma into energy. Glucose metabolism, production of protein and oxidation of fatty acids, normalization of pressure by a favorable effect on the walls of blood vessels.
Sulfur. This element is involved directly in the diffusion of vitamin processes. Especially its lack is noticeable for biotin and thiamine. It works to improve immunity. It is a constituent of nail, hair and skin tissues.
Iodine. Without it, it is simply impossible to imagine the work of our body. Its participation is simply necessary in the functioning of almost all enzyme systems. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The main enzyme of the thyroid gland is 60% iodine. If you remember the first expeditions to the North Pole - the shortage of iodine (scurvy) - how many are carried away by the lives of this disease.
Sodium. Supports fluid balance in the intercellular space of the body. It is a transporting agent for nutrients. Participates in the work of muscles. A sufficient amount of it in the body is an effective prevention of hypertension.
Iron. Hemoglobin - this enzyme is directly related to the presence in the blood of a sufficient amount of iron. This is the transport of oxygen into each cell of the body, the synthesis of protein, the normal functioning of muscle tissue. Lack of iron leads to iron deficiency anemia, which is caused by the failure of all systems of the human body.
Copper. Direct participant in the process of producing red blood cells and collagen. Without copper, it is impossible to synthesize skin enzymes. Its presence reduces the processing time of iron. Without copper, the normal operation of the vascular system and connective tissue is impossible.
Zinc. Without this component, synthesis of protein and many enzymes is impossible. He is a participant in the transfer of genetic information. Zinc is indispensable in restorative processes: wound healing, hair and nail growth. For men, it ensures normal functioning of the prostate gland. With its deficiency, the body begins to tightly tighten skin lesions, the wounds rot. With a lack of zinc in babies - they begin to lag behind in development.
Manganese. This element is simply indispensable in cellular respiration, oxidative processes of fatty acids, protein synthesis. Metabolism, metabolic, immune and energy processes. All this is impossible with a lack of manganese.
Cobalt. Takes part in the synthesis of erythrocytes. It is an active component of vitamin B12. Lack of cobalt can lead to the appearance and progression of malignant anemia, the last stage of which is the acute form of leukemia (a serious blood disease).
Selenium. This element contributes to the properties of the minerals of the dead sea. Selenium works to minimize the risk of cardiovascular pathology. Is an active assistant in the fight against cancer. The element is necessary for the normal supply of blood to the skin.
Fluorine. Its lack leads to problems with bone tissue: bone fractures, poor teeth. Takes part in exchange processes. The lack of fluoride in children leads to the malformed development of the child's body.
Calcium. It affects a person as an excellent antidepressant, increases the strength of the body in immune defense. Has antihistamine effect.
Bromine. Has antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral effect. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, tones up muscular activity. Has a significant effect on the work of the thyroid and sex glands.
Chlorine. The dominant element responsible for the normalization of osmotic pressure. It takes part in the processes of regeneration and elimination, maintains the water-electrolyte ratio of cells forming the skin and subcutaneous fat layer.
Silicon. The chemical substance is irreplaceable at preventive measures aimed at maintaining the musculoskeletal system. It inhibits the aging process, slows the development of atherosclerosis. Works great for the regeneration of nails and hair.
The description of the elements well shows the properties of the dead sea, which contribute to the revival of many functions of the human body. Treatment gives impetus to a more active and quality life.
Useful properties of minerals of the dead sea
To date, identified and confirmed the presence of 21 minerals in the waters of the Dead Sea. Most of the minerals have an inorganic structure (they do not include oxygen, carbon and hydrogen). This structure of the chemical lattice protects against oxidation, preserving useful properties for many years. Many of the minerals possess lipophilic properties, allowing detoxification of the epidermis, removing toxins from the human body and other substances harmful to its work. This procedure makes the skin supple, elastic and fresh.
A lot of studies have been carried out based on the use of the newest equipment and monitoring of clinical manifestations. They unambiguously confirmed the useful properties of the minerals of the dead sea. This is recognized and academic medicine.
- Rheumatism, bursitis and arthritis.
- Headaches and neuritis.
- Inflammatory processes of various genesis.
- Stress and insomnia.
- Rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis ...
- Multiple skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema.
This is not a complete list of diseases to be coped. Useful properties of minerals of the dead sea are also manifested in the rejuvenating effect that appears when using cosmetic products produced on their basis. The body receives a natural peeling: cleansing the pores of the skin, exfoliation of dead scales, while moistening and saturation of the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with nutrients.
While large pharmacological companies and cosmetology firms are fighting over chemical compounds ready to defeat this or that disease or restore their former youth - nature has done everything herself. It has created such a unique phenomenon as this lake. The properties of the dead sea are vast, like the composition of its water. We can only take what is offered to us.
The Dead Sea is wealth given to us by nature!