Pain in the glands
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the tonsils can make a person suffer from unpleasant sensations, he loses the ability to talk, fever and has a headache. The quality of life of such a person is disturbed, friends advise to remove these nasty glands at last and stop torturing. What actions will be truly effective and which ones will be useless?
What are tonsils used for?
Glands have another name - tonsils, and in Latin it sounds like Tonsillen. Therefore, when a person develops angina, her medical name is tonsillitis. The location of the glands is behind, in the pharynx cavity. Tonsils exist 5: one reed (it is clearly visible when the surgeon asks to say "Aaaa" and puts a spoon in her mouth). Two more tonsils of the palatine, and two - pharyngeal.
Tonsils together with lymphatic follicles form a pharyngeal ring - it is also called lymphatic. These organs in the commonwealth help the throat not to get sick when it is attacked by various kinds of viruses and infections. These organs contain immune cells that do not let bacteria go further into the throat, destroying them. When the tonsils are healthy, our immune system is also healthy.
How the tonsils fight bacteria
Getting on the tonsils, enemy bacteria are immediately recognized by immune cells. Immediately after this, the body starts its natural defense - a complex of reactions that develop the resistance of systems and organs to pathogenic bacteria. And the process of their destruction by special cells - macrophages begins.
How does this happen?
When a person breathes, absolutely all bacteria enter the body. Among them there are pathogenic, and not dangerous to humans. Tonsils (their lymphoid tissue) are engaged in filtering bacteria according to the principle: harmful - neutral. And selects those that the body perceives as dangerous, bringing disease. At the same time tonsils can become inflamed, sick, in a word, suffer from their hard work.
Why do the tonsils hurt?
Since bacteria attack the human body constantly, the tonsils are at risk of getting sick all the time. They become inflamed, and this process can be aggravated the more, the greater the strain a person experiences. And if he also has weak immunity, if he often stays in the cold, if he sleeps a little and works a lot, the tonsils (or tonsils) get a high load and can eventually surrender, get sick.
The most vulnerable are the tonsils located in the sky. They are perfectly visible if you open your mouth wide. That part of the tonsils that comes out is turned towards the pharynx and mouth. They consist of a porous tissue that absorbs different substances well. Inside the tonsils - lacunae, thin tubes, which are caught by viruses, bacteria and which are also sorted out there, are divided into good and bad.
There is still the inner part of the tonsils. It connects anatomically with the pharynx and the lymphatic duct. On this narrow corridor, the tonsils keep in touch with the entire body's immune system, protecting it from enemy germs and bacteria. That is why, by removing tonsils, a person begins to get sick more often, he becomes weaker, more susceptible to colds, weakness, other serious diseases.
Why do tonsils are removed in childhood?
Because in childhood they are most strenuous and work the most. The child is still very weak, he is constantly attacked by various kinds of infections, and tonsils take on all this burden, fighting the source of diseases.
When a child is taken from a family to a kindergarten, the environment changes, and the amygdala protects a small organism from enemy agents. The child went to school - again he changed the environment, he needs adaptation, and tonsils take on this huge load.
No wonder that tonsils become inflamed, it hurts, the child has tonsillitis - once, twice, third, and on the fourth doctors advise to remove the source of pain - the long-suffering tonsils. And when they are removed, it helps only for a while, the child's body becomes much weaker, the child begins to get sick more.
What viruses can cause pain in the glands
- Viruses that increase the risk of colds
- Influenza viruses (of any form)
- The virus of mononucleosis (infectious)
- The smallpox virus
- Measles virus
- Croup Virus
Bacteria that cause pain in the glands
- Diphtheria bacillus
- Streptococcus
- Mycoplasma
- Pathogen of gonorrhea
- Chlamydia
All these causes can cause pain in the tonsils, which must be treated immediately.
This infectious disease, which occurs in acute and chronic form, is expressed by reddening of the throat, inflammation of the tonsils and severe sore throat. Most often, this disease affects the tonsils of the palate.
Causes of angina - penetration into the body pathogenic (pathogenic streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci.
Angina is also viral, arising from the activity of herpes viruses or adenoviruses.
Anginas are parasitic, culprits - amoeba, penetrating into the oral cavity.
Anginas are also fungal, they are caused by fungi such as Lepospir, Candida and others.
Angina is divided into primary (which occur on their own) and secondary, which occur against a background of various infectious diseases: syphilis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, mononucleosis, as well as infectious diseases of the blood. Angina is more likely to knock down a tired and nervous person than a healthy and happy man. If a person works hard, he has strong physical and mental loads, nervous exhaustion, beriberi, recently transferred infectious diseases, such a man angina swings very quickly.
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Symptoms of angina
Perspiration in the throat, a sudden increase in temperature to 39 degrees (maybe higher), dry nasopharynx, pain in the tonsils (tonsils), swallow incredibly painful. All these symptoms are accompanied by weakness, sweating, headaches, a general state of total weakness.
With angina may be a low temperature - 37-37.5 degrees - it is called subfebrile. Or very high, as already mentioned - up to 40 degrees Celsius - this temperature is called hyperthermia (hyper - very large, therma - temperature).
Chronic tonsillitis
When tonsils are sore and inflamed chronically, you need to think about the causes. By the way, doctors call this condition chronic tonsillitis. It is caused by tonsillitis, which recur from time to time, acute respiratory infections that have the property of affecting and destroying the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx. Examples of such diseases are measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria.
Causes of chronic inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) are also teeth affected by caries, mouth cavity, parodontosis, various kinds of sinusitis, adenoid diseases and hypovitaminosis. All these ailments provoke strong weakness, weakness, poor health, there may be a bad dream, increased nervousness.
With chronic tonsillitis, it is very difficult to breathe with the nose (there is hyperplasia of the adenoid tissue, the nasal septum can be bent, there can be hyperplasia of the shells of the nose). Adenovirus infection contributes to these painful conditions.
Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis
Patients with this disease very often complain that they suffer pains of the type of neuralgic. These pains in the tonsils can be given to the neck or the auricle, or to the middle ear. In this case, the patient may have a bad smell from the mouth, he can feel that there is a foreign body in the throat, tonsils (tonsils) hurt.
The temperature in chronic tonsillitis may be low, subfebrile (up to 37, 4), and rises to this mark, it is usually in the evening, and in the daytime the temperature is normal. A person can have general weakness, lethargy, apathy to life, working capacity at zero, the head is very sore. This may be because the body lays another disease - cervical lymphadenitis of a regional nature.
Pain when swallowing
The disturbed process of swallowing, or rather, (retrofaringereal abscess), arises from the pus, which accumulates on the lymph nodes and in the cellulose space behind the pharynx. The infection that leads to this, comes on the glands from the side of other organs - the nasopharynx, nose, middle ear, auditory tube. Sometimes complications with this abscess are influenza, scarlet fever, measles. The causes of the retropharyngeal abscess can also be the wounded mucous membrane of the pharynx (posterior wall of the pharynx).
To hurt your throat may be too hard food.
Symptoms of this disease - a sore throat, a sharp pain during the swallowing process, while the tonsils are hurt, and the food gets to the wrong place, where it is supposed to - in the throat, but it appears in the nose, as in vomiting. Breathing is also broken, becomes difficult, a nasal voice appears in a person. If the abscess has spread to the lower section of the pharynx, then the person may have shortness of breath, but in a dream, he snores much. Snoring can occur and not in a dream, but during wakefulness. The body temperature is very high, from this the skin blushes. The temperature reaches over 39 degrees, and this is not the limit.
One of the external symptoms of a retrofaringeal abscess is the position of the head, in which it tilts back and to the side where it hurts. This situation is unnatural, it is forced, the person thus tries to relieve the pain in the throat. The patient may swell the angle of the lower jaw (its lower part) and the front edge of the breast in the area of the nipple.
Chronic pharyngitis
It is a disease of the mucous membrane in the pharynx region. It is inflamed, and this inflammation builds up, the pharynx becomes more and more inflamed, provided that it is irritated by cold water, long talk or spicy food. They complete the picture and aggravate the pain in the throat of the bowel and stomach diseases, thyroid gland, liver. With chronic tonsillitis, the pharynx turns red, a thick nasty mucus accumulates on the mucous membrane, which greatly hampers breathing. The tonsils are very sore, and the pain is sharp, strong.
This disease can also cause pain in the glands. Blame for viruses and bacteria, which accumulate in abundance on the mucous membrane of the pharynx. The culprit of this condition can be a bacterial infection that causes angina.
By infection, you can contact a person who is sick with the flu, and you can also happen to be next to such a person on the bus or somewhere in a public place, and get infected. If even a person after communicating with a sick flu simply touches the unwashed hand to the nose or eyes, the viruses immediately penetrate the mucous membranes into the body and already - please - you too are sick with the flu. This disease can be infected by using common pots, plates, cups, toys, touching the phone or door handles. It's not for nothing that the door handles are treated with antiseptics in infectious compartments.
Allergic reactions
Allergic reactions of the body - this is a malfunction in the immune system of the human body. If there is any allergy to anything, then a person should be ready for the fact that his glands can be sore. For example, if a cat is allergic to a cat's fur, a person may have a sore throat, it can begin to cough, it irritates the mucous membrane and, as a result, aching glands that, in addition, are taken on by pathogenic bacteria that enter the body. Adverse symptoms - redness of the face, swelling of the face, changes in the skin - peeling and itching.
Overdried air
The cause of pain in the glands can also be too over-dried air conditioning or heating appliances. For example, in the morning, when a man climbs out from under a warm blanket and enters an air-conditioned room. The difference in temperature is also the cause of pain in the glands. Especially if a person breathes only with his mouth, because his nose is laid.
Tobacco smoke
This factor can easily cause pain in the tonsils, because it irritates the nasopharynx, especially in a non-smoker. It is proved that passive smoking increases the risk of diseases of the throat and nose. If a person quits smoking and resorts to smoking without smoke (chewing gum, snuff), it can greatly irritate the throat and cause his spasms. Primarily, the tonsils suffer.
Throat tumors
It increases the risk of inflammation of the tonsils and pain in them. These can be tumors of the pharynx, the vocal apparatus and the tongue. The process is complicated by smoking and drinking alcohol. Then the tonsils are irritated even more and hurt even more. Symptoms of tumors can initially not be manifested. And you can distinguish them by the hoarse voice, the inability to swallow (it hurts!) And the pain in the area of the glands.
Help with inflammation of the glands
Very good help to rinse your throat. If every hour to rinse it with solutions of antiseptics, the throat will hurt much less, the pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. This will provide an opportunity to cope with purulent discharge, remove toxins from tonsils. After 45 minutes after the irrigation of the throat, it is good to splash or lubricate the glands with Lugol's solution. It is an inexpensive and very effective remedy for inflammatory processes of the throat and for the destruction of harmful bacteria.
True, this remedy is based on iodine. So that those people who have contraindicated iodine, it is better to use another antiseptic.
If the tonsils are too inflamed and this inflammation has passed into a chronic form, you should not treat it yourself. Herbs can not help, the disease will only worsen. If a week in a row you are treating the throat with alternative methods and there are no improvements, you must visit a doctor-otolaryngologist. Then he will prescribe antibiotics, most likely from a number of macrolides, because the situation is extremely serious. Enough 7-10 days to relieve the inflammation of the glands and the pain, you will be healthy.
If the inflammation of the tonsils is associated with fungal and viral infections, antibiotics do not make sense. At best, you will not do anything against the disease, at worst - do harm to the body because of prolonged treatment. Besides. Antibiotics can only aggravate the development of fungi in the body. If antibiotics are really necessary, the doctor along with them ascribes drugs against fungi, they remove fungi and tonsils too. Probiotics also serve well in the fight against inflammation of the tonsils and their soreness.
If you are prone to allergies, the doctor will prescribe you antihistamines in combination with calcium gluconate. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. If the pain in the tonsils is accompanied by an increased body temperature, it can be knocked down after 38 degrees by ibuprofen or paracetamol. And against the sore throat and pain in the throat, sprays with eucalyptus and pine needles and lollipops on herbs can help. If there is no way to cure the throat with medicines, you need to remove the tonsils. But it can be done only carefully after weighing everything and having visited the consultation of an ENT doctor.