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The nutritional scientist studies what we eat and how we eat.
The doctor of this specialty knows everything about food, food products, their interaction and impact on the body, their importance for our health. Nutritionists are interested in the use of food, its absorption in the digestive tract, potential benefits and excretion from the body. By the way, dietology is one of the branches of the science of nutritional science.
Who is a nutritiologist?
A nutritional specialist is a nutritional specialist who studies food substances and food ingredients. Its competence includes assessing the rules of eating, the compatibility of products, their effects on the body. The purpose of the specialist of this profession is to determine the patterns of influence of our nutrition and the process of eating food on human health, to find ways to facilitate the assimilation of nutrients, processing, assimilation and release of residual products from the body.
Nutritionists can be educated in virtually any country in the world, but the most prestigious higher education institutions that train these specialists are:
- American University Kaplan - here they train specialists in many spheres of health, including in nutriciology (with emphasis placed on leadership positions);
- Australian University Adelaide - the course of study here lasts 3 years, and is based not only on theory, since the university has an excellent practical base;
- University of Surrey in the UK - prepares specialists for regular and advanced courses. The in-depth course includes additional knowledge on food allergies, overweight, metabolic disorders, and on the effect of antioxidants on the body;
- I State Medical University. Sechenov (Moscow) - a course on modern problems of rational nutrition, biologically active additives to food in the prevention and comprehensive treatment of the most common diseases.
Thus, it can be concluded that the nutritional specialist is a truly trained specialist who has completed training in a higher medical institution and has a corresponding level of accreditation.
When should I go to the nutrietologist?
As we have already said, it is possible to address the nutritional specialist both for the treatment of a disease and for the prevention. What does this mean?
The main food of modern urban residents, regardless of the country of residence, are products from supermarkets, fast food chains, etc. It's no secret that such food consists of a large number of preserving, stabilizing, coloring, flavoring and other chemicals. Such ingredients are designed to prolong the shelf life of products, improve their taste and appearance, encourage the consumer to buy products of a certain brand again and again. What do we get as a result: a minimum amount of benefits and a maximum of unnecessary, if not harmful, substances. This situation in the consumer market and served as an impetus to the emergence of such a specialty as a nutritiologist. This doctor can be contacted by all who wish to prevent the emergence and development of diseases, eliminate existing pathologies, and simply maintain their health in a modern metropolis.
Proper correction of nutrition will stabilize the metabolism, give the body energy to fight external adverse effects, slow down the course of irreversible age processes in the body.
What tests should I take when I contact a nutritional specialist?
If you decide to contact a nutrient about an existing disease, then on the first visit you need to take with you all the available results of tests and examinations relating to this disease. Also useful are the conclusions and extracts of treating and consulting doctors - this will help the nutrient to understand the problem more deeply. Be sure to tell the doctor about the basic principles of nutrition in your family, about the preferences among a variety of foods: the more a doctor learns about your diet, the sooner he will determine what exactly your body needs.
If you appeal to the nutrient for preventive purposes, then you will not need any preliminary tests. Anything that the doctor finds necessary, he will appoint you already during the first reception. If you recently took any tests (for example, blood, feces or urine), then it would be superfluous to grab the results with you. Sometimes it can help out, and the tests do not have to be re-submitted.
What diagnostic methods does the nutritiologist use?
The diagnostic methods used by the nutritiologist depend on the patient's illness, as well as on the therapeutic technique followed by the particular practitioner.
The doctor of classical traditional medicine can refer the patient to the following types of examinations:
- the general analysis of a blood, urine;
- stool analysis for parasites;
- ultrasound examination (abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, etc.);
- PCR diagnostics (as a method of detecting infectious diseases);
- gastroscopy, duodenal sounding;
- evaluation of the hormonal background;
- immunogram (evaluation of the immune system);
- Radiography (lungs, joints);
- electrocardiogram and others.
In some cases, it may be necessary to consult other specialized specialists.
Specialists of alternative medicine can use diagnostic methods, which differ from those customary for many procedures:
- iridodiagnostics (diagnosis based on a picture on the iris of the eye);
- aurikulodiagnostics (assessment of the state of health by the state of the auricle);
- lingvodiagnostika (determination of the presence of diseases according to the state of the surface of the tongue: shape, color, plaque, vessels, etc.);
- method of diagnosis on the nail plate and palms;
- heart rate diagnostics;
- hemoscanning (blood evaluation).
What kind of diagnostic method is needed, the doctor decides in each case.
What does the nutritiologist do?
Nutritionists can study several areas of this science:
- growth and formation of food as a natural factor, food production and consumer organizations;
- metabolic processes, metabolism, absorption and distribution of food components, their effect on the work of organs and systems;
- food, as a possible factor of preventive and curative effects on the human body.
In order to stabilize and support nutrition, as well as the full performance of all systems and bodies, nutritional science identifies the following necessary ingredients:
- nutraceuticals - components of food that can fill the lack of important substances within the body. They control the intake of vitamins, microelements, essential amino acids, enzymes, polyunsaturated fatty acids;
- parapharmaceutics - components based on all kinds of extracts and herbal extracts (phyto-drugs);
- probiotics - a variety of living beneficial bacteria that restore and maintain the natural balance of microflora within the body.
A nutritional specialist is involved in the compilation of various nutrition schemes, including diets, therapeutic, balanced, children's, sports rations, etc. His competence also includes the prevention and correction of various pathological conditions by the use of nutraceutical drugs (proteins, minerals, vitamins, amino acids) and parapharmaceuticals based on medicinal plants, fruit and berry juices, etc. The listed bioactive components provide relief of the functions of the organs of the human body a.
The use and justified effectiveness of dietary supplements, the qualified review of the diet (especially with the appearance on the shelves of fundamentally new food products) - all this determines the prospect of such a specialty as nutritiologist.
What diseases does the nutritionalist treat?
It's no secret that modern food products in abundance contain all sorts of preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, etc. As a result, our food loses most of the nutritional and usefulness. To make up for the shortage of important and necessary substances and prevent the emergence of disruptions in the body, and there is a nutritional profession. Nutritionist knows about all the laws of the effects of food ingredients on the body and among themselves, as well as on the influence of the principles of eating food on human health.
The doctor-nutritiologist assists in the correction of nutrition and the regime of food intake. Thanks to such a specialist, the assimilation of all substances necessary for the body from dishes and foodstuffs is greatly improved. At the same time, the peculiarities of the health status of each individual person must be taken into account.
Nutritionists can even prevent the disease, recommending that they introduce into the menu those or other products that contain substances that are lacking in the body. Therefore, the doctor of this specialty can be treated not only with existing diseases, but also as prevention. Thus, you can cure almost any disease, both the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, as well as liver, kidney, joints, and many, many others. The most effective methods nutritsiologii in the therapy of excess weight, diabetes, with brittle hair and skin diseases.
Nutritionist councils
Human health is possible with a combination of several mandatory factors:
- tempered organism;
- strong healthy nervous system;
- good ecology;
- competently compiled diet;
- daily physical activity.
The person's task is to ensure the fulfillment of all the above points. The task of the nutritional specialist is to competently and comprehensively compose the daily diet of the patient.
To make for themselves the initial conclusions the patient can and independently. For example, what can the body lack in the following situations:
- If a person constantly wants a chocolate bar - the body lacks magnesium. You can replenish it by eating bananas, raisins, nuts, beans.
- If you want bakery products - the body lacks nitrogen. Nitrogen can be replenished using high-protein foods, such as meat and fish dishes, nuts.
- If pulling on the sweet - there may be a lack of glucose. It can be obtained from products of beekeeping, fruits, berries, sweet vegetable crops (Bulgarian pepper, beets, carrots).
- If you want a fat one, you can talk about calcium deficiency. Calcium can be "extracted" from dairy products, legumes, sesame, broccoli.
- If pulling on hard cheese - perhaps not enough calcium or phosphorus. The sources can be milk products, broccoli.
- If the body wants smoked products, this may indicate a lack of cholesterol. "Good" cholesterol can be obtained from avocados, nuts, olives, fatty fish.
- If pulling on sour is a lack of ascorbic acid. Where to get it: in lemons, kiwi, berries, dog rose, etc.
To your health should be treated carefully and cherish it while it is. The factors that lead to diseases in the modern world are abound. This is polluted air, life on the nerves, an abundance of bad habits, improper nutrition, poor quality water, a mass of bad energy around, an increase in the number of species of viral, bacterial and fungal infections, deteriorating heredity. All these factors have a destructive effect on our health.
If you trust such a specialist as a nutritiologist, many problems can be avoided. Important point: when choosing a specialist, always pay attention to his skills and reputation. This should not be just a person who listened to a monthly course, or worse, bought a certificate on the Internet. Remember that a nutritional specialist is necessarily a medical specialist who graduated from a university and passed a narrow profile.