Mycoplasma hominis: structure, symptoms, treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Urogenital mycoplasmosis is a very common pathology that relates to sexually transmitted diseases and can be caused by different types of mycoplasmas. Mycoplasma hominis, a conditionally pathogenic bacterium that inhabits even absolutely healthy people, is considered the most innocuous. Over the past few decades, scientists have learned about this pathogen much new - in particular, it was possible to more thoroughly study the epidemiology, the clinic and laboratory diagnostics of the genitourinary system.
Structure of the immunofluorescence
Mycoplasmas are a bacterial group, the representatives of which are small in size (from 125 to 250 microns). For such bacteria is characterized by pronounced polymorphism and the ability to reproduce in the extracellular environment. These microorganisms use sterols (cholesterol) for their own growth, they show resistance to sulfanilamide preparations, benzylpenicillin, but are sensitive to erythromycin and tetracycline.
When sowing on a special nutrient medium, mycoplasma forms colonies with a darkened center and a light edging (the so-called "kind of roasted egg"). The bacterium does not reverse into the original microbial form, which distinguishes them from L-forms of microorganisms.
Mycoplasma is at an intermediate stage between viruses, microbes and protozoa. They are able to survive and be stored for years in a lipophilic dry state under a certain temperature regime.
In the urogenital system, it is more often Mycoplasma hominis. The bacterium grows on such an environment as a tryptic digestion of the bovine heart, in which 20% of horse serum and 10% of yeast extract (pH 7.4) are added. On a dense nutrient medium, a common papilliform form of the bacterium is formed.
Life cycle of the immunofluorescence
Infection with Mycoplasma hominis often occurs during labor: the baby acquires an infection from the carrier mother. In adult age, infection occurs after sexual contact with the host partner.
In general, we can identify the main number of causes of infection:
- Any kind of unprotected sexual contact, including oral, anal, vaginal sex. It is for this reason, in order to avoid re-infection, treatment should be given to both partners.
- Weakness of the immune system caused by an incorrect way of life, poor nutrition, the presence of other infections in the body, hypothermia.
- Infection from a sick mother to a child during childbirth.
A habitual environment for life Mycoplasma hominis is the epithelial layer lining the internal organs in the human body. These microorganisms are practically not found in soil, water or other natural environment. Since their food reserves in bacteria are small, they receive the necessary substances when parasitizing on epithelial cells, which, in turn, die or are transformed. Treatment of mycoplasmosis is not always successful, but it is also not always advisable: relapses can arise because the body does not recognize the presence of opportunistic microbes as alien microorganisms - they can normally be present on mucous membranes without causing the development of the disease. Under favorable conditions, infectious colonies progress relatively quickly, due to the good reducing properties of pathogens.
Promotes increased reproduction of Mycoplasma hominis such factors:
- frequent douching;
- syringing with chlorine-containing antiseptic drugs (eg, Gibitane, Miramistin);
- use of contraceptive drugs, which include 9-nonoxinol (such preparations include vaginal suppositories Patentex Oval, Nonoxinol);
- use of barrier protective agents with spermicidal treatment (9-nonoxynol);
- promiscuous sex life, frequent change of partners;
- antibiotic treatment of a wide range of antibacterial activity;
- treatment with vaginal tablets and suppositories with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity (Terzhinan, Betadin, Polizhinaks);
- a sharp weakening of immune defense, hypothermia.
How is Mycoplasma hominis transmitted?
Earlier it was believed that Mycoplasma hominis can be transmitted indirectly through infection - for example, through various household items (bed, towels, baby pot), and also through insufficiently disinfected medical instruments (vaginal tips, rubber gloves, gynecological mirrors).
However, today the probability of domestic infection is defined as "extremely unlikely" (almost impossible). It is believed that Mycoplasma hominis can enter the body in only two ways: during childbirth from the mother and sexually.
If the disease manifested itself spontaneously, this may indicate that the body already had a bacterium Mycoplasma hominis, which under favorable circumstances became more active. That is, a person has been a carrier for some time.
Mycoplasmas are the smallest microorganisms that live on the surface of plants and inside the organisms of mammals. The human body can become a "haven" for 16 varieties of mycoplasmas. Among them, six species are located on the mucosa of the genitourinary system, and the other ten - in the oral cavity and oropharynx.
The first six species are:
- ureaplasm urealiticum;
- mycoplasma primatum, spermatophilus, penetrance;
- Mycoplasma hominis and genitalia.
These bacteria belong to the type of opportunistic microorganisms. This means that their presence can cause the development of the disease, but they can quite "peacefully" inhabit a completely healthy person.
Infection often happens during childbirth - from mother to child (more often to girls than to boys).
Infection in adults occurs during sexual intercourse; the variant of household transmission of infection is unlikely.
Mycoplasma hominis is found on the surface of the genitalia of 25% of newborn female infants. The percentage of lesions of boys is much lower. Moreover, mainly boys can subsequently experience self-healing: bacteria die on their own. In girls this also happens, but much less often.
According to statistics, the girls of high school age Mycoplasma hominis is found only in 10-17% of cases (referring only to virgins). With the onset of sexual activity, the level of spread of the bacterium increases, which is explained by the sexual transmission of infection.
In general, Mycoplasma hominis is present in the body of 20-50% of females. Men become carriers much less often, they often register self-healing.
Mycoplasma genitalia is much less common, in contrast to Mycoplasma hominis.
The most common diseases caused by this bacterium are:
- male urethritis;
- female bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellez);
- inflammation of internal genital organs in women;
- pyelonephritis.
To date, there is no clear evidence that Mycoplasma hominis is able to cause prostatitis in men.
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In most cases, the carriage of Mycoplasma hominis is not distinguished by any symptoms. In an overwhelming number of people, the presence of a bacterium proceeds unnoticed. It is for this reason that the diagnosis of the disease becomes possible only when the colonies of microorganisms become too numerous.
Under certain conditions - for example, with a sharp weakening of the immune defense, after severe stress or hypothermia, Mycoplasma hominis is activated, the first characteristic symptoms of the disease appear.
In women, pathology is manifested by the defeat of the urethra, glands of the vestibule, ovaries, uterus, tubes, vagina. Symptoms may include:
- the appearance of different volumes of secretions, a sensation of itching and burning;
- unpleasant sensations during urination and sexual contact.
Men usually complain about the appearance of a small volume of urethral discharge (usually in the morning, after waking up), for pain in the groin, for lack of comfort with urination. If the microorganism affects the epididymis, then an increase in their size is observed, a flaccid soreness in the scrotal area appears.
In the advanced stage, markedly clouding of urine, the appearance of pus in the urine, there are frequent urge to urinate (especially at night).
The incubation period
The defeat of Mycoplasma hominis, as in any infectious pathology, has its incubation period, the duration of which has not yet been clearly marked. According to various information, this period can last from 3 days to 5 weeks. The average duration of incubation is 15-19 days.
Infection Mycoplasma hominis does not in all cases lead to the development of the disease. This is indicated by the frequent detection of microorganisms in healthy patients, as well as the detection of antibodies in people who did not suffer from mycoplasmosis.
Hidden leaky, asymptomatic mycoplasmal infectious pathology is often activated with the onset of pregnancy or labor, after hypothermia, severe stress.
First signs
Specialists point to such basic signs of defeat of Mycoplasma hominis, typical for women and men:
- sensation of irritation on the external surface of the genitals;
- the appearance of a transparent or purulent secret from the vagina or urinary canal;
- discomfort during and after urine output;
- discomfort during and after sexual contact;
- pain in the lower abdomen (pain can be given to the lumbar region);
- men have pain in the scrotum;
- inflammatory processes in the genito-urinary organs;
- increased urge to urinate, urinary disorders;
- signs of general intoxication (feeling of weakness, pain in the head, loss of appetite, thirst).
Mycoplasma hominis can cause other symptoms: it depends on the stage of the pathology, the stage of development of bacteria, the total duration of the disease, the general condition of the body.
Mycoplasma hominis in women
If a woman becomes a carrier of Mycoplasma hominis, then often she herself does not know about it. Approximately in 10-20% of cases, the course of carriage is latent, without any symptoms - until some circumstance leads to activation of the infection. Sometimes a woman's bacterium can be present throughout her life, and not manifest herself in any way.
- If Mycoplasma hominis affects the external genitalia, then the infection accumulates on the mucous tissues of the vagina and urethra. There are no complaints in most cases, rarely there are almost transparent discharge and weak itching.
- If the infection affects the internal reproductive organs, the woman can complain of pain in the lower segment of the abdomen, unpleasant sensations in the allocation of urine, to multiple purulent vaginal discharge.
The defeat of Mycoplasma hominis in women can be accompanied by the development of bacterial vaginosis, urethritis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis, pyelonephritis. Often, mycoplasmosis in the female body is found simultaneously with ureaplasma and chlamydia. Approximately in 10-50% of cases, the presence of a microorganism does not cause the development of the disease.
Mycoplasma hominis in pregnant women
To date, there is no definitive answer to the question of the effect of Mycoplasma hominis on the period of pregnancy. Some specialists tend to regard this microorganism as an exclusively pathogenic bacterium that can significantly complicate the process of gestation: as complications, spontaneous abortion, premature labor, low birth weight, fetal fetality, postpartum problems, etc. Are mentioned.
However, most scientists believe that mycoplasma only with a certain confluence of conditions can cause infectious complications, so there is no danger for a woman.
Infection of the child with bacteria occurs most often in the process of childbirth. As an entrance gate for infection in such a situation, the organs of vision, upper respiratory tract, genital organs become. There were cases when the presence of the microbe led to the development of conjunctivitis in the baby, congenital pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome, chronic pulmonary pathologies, encephalitis, sepsis - but, as a rule, this applies to other types of mycoplasma infection.
Premenopausal children are at greater risk. If infection occurs in a full-term child, then the elimination of the bacteria is gradually observed, so there is no symptomatology. It is worth noting that in the diagnosis of infectious carriage in newborn children in the vast majority of cases, the opportunistic microbe is detected against the background of the presence of other pathogens of infections. Monopathology, like monofilament, does not occur almost never.
Mycoplasma hominis in men
In the male population, Mycoplasma hominis often has a form of carrier, however, the development of the disease can occur at any suitable time.
Symptoms of lesion - mycoplasmosis - can not be called specific. Men can make such complaints:
- burning sensation at the outlet of the urinary canal;
- practically transparent detachable from the urethral outlet (mainly after a night rest);
- sharp soreness in the discharge of urine;
- small swelling and redness of the urethral outlet, its adhesion;
- flaccid pain in the inguinal zone, in the area of the testicles.
The listed symptoms may disappear and manifest again - depending on the presence of an immune response. In addition, microbial damage can affect individual organs, with the development of the following inflammatory processes:
- urethritis;
- vesiculitis;
- orcoepididymitis;
- kollikulit;
- balanopost.
In accordance with the disease that occurs under the influence of Mycoplasma hominis, there will be certain symptoms. Nevertheless, men often experience self-healing.
Mycoplasma hominis in children
Among infectious childhood pathologies, infection with chlamydia and mycoplasma is most often diagnosed. In many cases, there is a latent carriage.
More acute lesions are observed in intrauterine infection of the infant: however, such diseases are caused mainly by mycoplasma pneumonia.
Mycoplasma hominis, found in children within normal limits, usually does not cause any painful manifestations and does not require the appointment of treatment. Boys often experience self-healing: the number of microorganisms gradually decreases until they disappear completely.
Girls can remain carriers of Mycoplasma hominis for life.
Complications and consequences
The defeat of Mycoplasma hominis is a rather contradictory process, which over time can cause the development of unpleasant consequences, but this is not always the case with everyone. Scientists can not yet say why some patients have the disease without symptoms and complications, while others develop rapidly, with further problems due to lack of treatment.
Here are some of the possible troubles caused by this bacterium:
- difficulties with conception of the child in women (due to constant inflammatory processes, narrowing of the tube lumen, adhesive process);
- difficulties with conceiving a child in men (due to a slowing of the function of spermatozoa, a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the sperm liquid);
- impairment of erectile function, impotence (due to the inflammatory process, constant flaccid pain in the external genital area);
- spontaneous miscarriage in pregnant women, frozen pregnancy;
- chronic fetal hypoxia, encephalitis, a violation of the functionality of vital organs in a newborn baby.
Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that in many people Mycoplasma hominis is present in the body as part of normal flora, and does not lead to complications.
Diagnosis with mycoplasma hominis is carried out in stages. In the beginning it is necessary to consult a specialized specialist - for example, a gynecologist or a urologist. A doctor who has found an inflammatory process in the cervix, vagina and cervical canal, after indicating the appearance of a detachable with a pungent odor, may suspect the presence of an infectious agent in the body. To clarify the diagnosis, he can advise the patient to perform ultrasound diagnosis of pelvic organs, as well as other types of research. For example, it is necessary to make bakposov material taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix. This will help identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its response to antibacterial treatment.
Along with bacteriosemic informative methods are PCR diagnostics and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).
Conducting a widespread smear microscopy in this case is impossible, since Mycoplasma hominis is difficult to stain and has very small dimensions.
Let's consider the basic analyzes for determining the bacteria in more detail.
Microbiological analysis on mycoplasma hominis is carried out by the method of sowing biological material on a liquid and solid nutrient medium. The material in this case is taken from the vagina, urethra and cervix: after taking it, it is placed on a liquid transport medium and delivered to the laboratory.
The material for the study is never taken during the period of menstrual bleeding, because of the high probability of obtaining a distorted result. The main "plus" bapsoseva is that this analysis allows you to determine the number and quality of mycoplasmas. So, the norm of Mycoplasma hominis is a value of up to 10 4 - 10 6 cfu / ml (it is usually referred to as the carrier of mycoplasma, without clinical signs of the disease). If the tests indicate such a norm, then there is no necessity in carrying out antibacterial treatment. If the number of microorganisms exceeds the allowable limits, then the doctor can assume that the bacterium really affects the development of infection, and prescribe antibiotic therapy.
Bakposev also determines the degree of sensitivity of mycoplasma hominis to antibiotics. This allows you to choose the most optimal treatment. But we must also consider the following fact: if the patient took any antibiotics before the time of the analysis, then the growth of bacteria on the nutrient medium can be limited, and the result is unreliable.
PCR-diagnostic method is considered more reliable, compared with bakpossevo. It allows to detect not only mycoplasma hominis, but also a more dangerous variety of such bacteria - mycoplasma genitalia. To carry out the diagnostic, any of the following biological materials can be used:
- Smear, scraping from mucous tissues of the genitourinary system;
- sperm fluid;
- urinary fluid;
- separable prostate gland.
This PCR procedure is considered to be of the highest quality, since it provides for the isolation of Mycoplasma hominis DNA. Therefore, if the PCR result is negative, you can be sure that it is Mycoplasma hominis in the body that does not exist, and other pathogens are probably the factor of the inflammatory process development.
But this method is also not devoid of shortcomings: for example, it does not allow a quantitative analysis of mycoplasma hominis, but only determines the presence of genetic material.
Immunoenzyme analysis is able to determine antibody titres to mycoplasma hominis - that is, to clarify varieties of immunoglobulins (eg, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD). Serological definition of this pathology is not accurate, because mycoplasmas do not cause a strong immune response from the body. For example, it is commonly believed that antibody titres increase at different stages of the disease:
- Mycoplasma hominis IgG antibodies begin to be produced approximately 15-20 days after infection and are present throughout the period of the disease;
- Mycoplasma hominis IgA antibodies are increased mainly in elderly patients;
- Mycoplasma hominis IgM antibodies are determined in the latent course of the disease.
For more accurate diagnosis, experts recommend conducting bacteriological culture on mycoplasma hominis simultaneously with the PCR method. Serum is used to conduct an enzyme immunoassay diagnostic procedure.
Mycoplasma hominis in the smear is determined by the following criteria:
- Positive result:
- the DNA of Mycoplasma hominis is detected against the background of the presence of symptoms of inflammation, and in the absence of other pathogenic microorganisms (eg, gonococci, mycoplasma genitalia, Trichomonas) - mycoplasma infection is confirmed;
- Mycoplasma hominis DNA is detected in a small number, against the background of the absence of pathological symptoms from the urogenital area - the carrier of the bacterium is confirmed.
- Negative result:
- The presence of Mycoplasma hominis in the body is not confirmed.
The quality of the result can be adversely affected by the intake of antibacterial agents, as well as the contamination of samples by third-party DNA and the inhibition of PCR by components of biological samples (such components may be hemoglobin, heparin, etc.).
Additional instrumental diagnosis is carried out to clarify the diseases that have developed in the body under the influence of infection. Usually appoint such procedures:
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, kidney;
- rarely - cystoscopy.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnostics consists in excluding other sexual infections: variants of infection such as chlamydia, mycoplasma genitalia, ureaplasma, gardnerella, genital herpevirus, HPV, candida, etc. Are considered.
Mycoplasma hominis and genitalium: what's the difference?
Both Mycoplasma hominis and mycoplasma genitalium are related to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms capable of causing urogenital mycoplasmosis. However, mycoplasma genitalia is recognized as more pathogenic, since its presence in the human body leads to the development of the disease much more often. By the way, this bacterium is detected much less often, unlike Mycoplasma hominis.
Many experts believe that the carriage of M. Hominis is not necessary at all. But with the presence of M. Genitalia in the body, it is necessary to fight, in order not to cause the development of pathology in the future.
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General principles of treatment for mycoplasma hominis are divided into systemic and external. Such drugs are used as standard:
- Antibiotics for mycoplasma hominis:
- Doxycycline (analogues can be Monocycline, Vibramycin, etc.);
- macrolide antibiotics (Azithromycin, Jozamycin, Rulid, Clarithromycin);
- preparations fluoroquinolone series (Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin).
- Preparations for the prevention of fungal infection:
- Fluconazole;
- Diflucan;
- Flucostat.
- Immunomodulating agents, for activation of the immune response and acceleration of recovery:
- Cyclopherol;
- Genferon;
- Viferon
- Kifferon.
- Preparations for the prevention of dysbiosis (probiotics):
- Lactofiltrum.
Against the backdrop of systemic therapy, the external treatment scheme is also applied: Mycoplasma hominis is destroyed locally, in men - in the urethra, and in women - directly into the vagina.
External treatment consists of intraurethral or intravaginal administration of antiseptics (sometimes only surface irrigation is used) - Chlorhexidine, Dioxydin, Miramistin are often used. Women can use antiseptic drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories.
Dosing and Administration |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
Sumamed (Azithromycin) |
Take inside for an hour or 2 hours after a meal, once a day. The average dosage is 4 capsules at a time. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. |
Pain in the head, visual impairment, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood. |
In pediatrics, the drug is used to treat children with a body weight of at least 45 kg. |
Doxycycline |
Ingest with food, 100 mg twice a day. The course of treatment lasts not less than a week. |
Allergic reactions, skin rashes, headache, fatigue, tinnitus, indigestion. |
In pediatrics it is used to treat children from 12 years of age. |
Clarithromycin |
Take 250 mg every 12 hours, regardless of food intake. The course of treatment lasts 7-14 days. |
Pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea, change in taste. |
For children younger than 12 years, the drug is administered as a suspension. |
Ciprofloxacin |
Take inside twice a day for 500-750 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. |
Development of fungal superinfection, allergic reactions, headache, dyspepsia, tinnitus, decreased visual acuity. |
Allowed for use in children's practice. |
Chlorhexidine |
Apply intravaginally or intraurethral, 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days. If necessary, the course can be extended to 20 days. |
Rarely - dry mucous, skin rashes. |
Women can use the suppository of Chlorhexidine for 1 pc. Twice a day for 7-10 days. |
Do I need to treat mycoplasma hominis?
If there is a positive result of the analysis on mycoplasma hominis, but the patient does not bother (there are no complaints), then there is no need to prescribe urgent treatment. You need to take tests (secret from the urethra and prostate, sperm fluid, vaginal secret) for the presence of other pathogens of infections that are sexually transmitted.
Carrying out Mycoplasma hominis, as a conditionally pathogenic microorganism, is not an excuse for prescribing treatment.
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In order to find out which vitamins need to be additionally introduced into the body after the defeat of Mycoplasma hominis, it is not enough just to determine the list of their names. It is necessary to understand what role each of the vitamins plays in the process of recovery of the organism.
- Vitamin A is a necessary component for the repair of damaged cells and tissues. In any infection process, a large number of epithelial cells are damaged. Regular intake of retinol allows you to speed up tissue regeneration.
- B group vitamins - for example, riboflavin (B 2 ), activate the immune system, causing it to produce antibodies to mycoplasma hominis. Antibodies are some kind of defenders who attack painful antigens. Accordingly, the more such advocates in the body, the greater the chance of victory over the infection. The action of riboflavin is so mild that it is recommended for admission even to people suffering from autoimmune pathologies.
Other necessary representatives of these vitamins are thiamine and pyridoxine (B 1 and B 6 ). These substances contribute to the early recovery of the mucosa and improve the functioning of the glandular system.
- Ascorbic acid is a known remedy for strengthening immunity. In addition, vitamin C strengthens the vascular walls, accelerates recovery - but for this, the agent must be taken in a large amount - at least 100 mg daily.
- Tocopherol in an amount of 10 mg per day perfectly stimulates the immune defense. In addition, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells and tissues from damage.
- Nicotinic acid (PP) is able to expand the blood vessels and improve the blood supply of tissues. The patient should receive 20 to 30 mg of vitamin PP per day, which will lead to a faster recovery.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapy can perfectly complement the main treatment of diseases caused by Mycoplasma hominis, as well as prevent the development of complications in inflammation of the urogenital system. Physiotherapy reduces the formation of adhesions, accelerates regeneration, eliminates pain, potentiates the action of medications, stimulates immunity and metabolism.
In the treatment of a frequently recurring infection, physiotherapy helps to minimize the burden of antibiotic therapy.
For example, laser treatment accelerates the processes of cellular renewal, activates self-regulating mechanisms. Thanks to laser therapy, vessels are cleaned, trophic tissue improves.
Magnetotherapy stimulates the immune defense in the body, actively supplements medication for prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.
Modern methods of physiotherapy can be widely used in medical practice. However, we must remember that for this type of treatment there are contraindications. First of all, we are talking about malignant formations and blood diseases.
Alternative treatment
Some infections - for example, the defeat of Mycoplasma hominis, can sometimes be cured using alternative means. But it must be remembered that not in all cases the bacterium is sensitive to this type of treatment. The result of the use of one or another remedy depends on the state of the organism, on the neglect of the disease, on the quality of the basic drug treatment.
It is important to understand that often only methods of phytotherapy are not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to treat alternative means, not as a primary, but as an auxiliary treatment.
- Prepare a mixture of ingredients such as walnut kernels, garlic, dill seeds and honey. 250 g of nuts are ground and mixed with 100 g of pressed garlic, 3 tbsp. L. Ground dill seeds and 1 liter of honey. The mixture is used for 1 tbsp. L. Per day an hour after each meal.
- Grind a half dozen garlic teeth, pour 700 ml of hot boiled water, insist for a day. Next, the liquid is filtered and used for washing and douching (daily for 10-14 days).
- Take 1 tbsp. L. Kidney poplar black, pour 10 tbsp. L. Alcohol, stand for 20 days in a dark place. Next, the infusion is filtered and taken with a meal of 25-30 drops, three times a day.
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Herbal Treatment
- In the presence of Mycoplasma hominis do syringing and washing with infusion on the oak bark, chamomile color, nettle leaves, sage and yarrow. Two tablespoons of equal herbal mixture is poured into 500 ml of water and brought to a boil, after which it is cooled, filtered and used for syringing.
- In addition, you can syringe and rinse the sexual organs with a decoction of St. John's wort (2 tablespoons of raw material are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insist for 15-20 minutes). The same infusion is recommended to be taken orally - 100 ml three times a day.
- Prepare an equal collection of shepherd's bag, bird's mountaineer, mistletoe white, mountain arnica. Pour 1 tbsp. L. A mixture of one glass of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes. Drink infusion of 100 ml twice daily for a couple of weeks.
- Take 1 tbsp. L. Crushed rhizome of burdock, pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 20-30 minutes. The product is then cooled and filtered. Drink to get rid of mycoplasma by 1 tbsp. L. 4 times a day.
Homeopathic remedies can be a good addition to the main treatment for mycoplasma hominis, or an analogue of some drugs if the patient has a medical allergy.
- Berberis - used for infection of the urinary system, with pain, burning in the groin, with a change in the color of urine.
- Borax - prescribed for lesions of mucous membranes, with false urge to urinate, with frequent urination, with difficulties with conception of the child.
- Cannabis sativa - is used for difficulty urinating, with urine clouding, with hypertrophy of the urethral mucosa.
- Kantaris - helps with burning, acute pain, related to the genitourinary system. It can be used for urinary retention, in any inflammatory processes of urogenital tracts.
- Causticum - used for often recurrent diseases, with itching urethra, with weakness of the bladder.
- Equisetum - prescribed for pain in the kidney, bladder, ureters, in the presence of mucus and protein in the urine.
- Mercurius solubilis - has a wide range of activity, is used in inflammatory processes with a tendency to suppuration.
The above mentioned means can be combined among themselves, alternating. Use a small homeopathic dilution (6) - for example, you can apply 3 grains of the drug a quarter of an hour before meals, three times a day. In mycoplasma, hominitis is usually recommended for a long course of treatment - for several months.
Surgical intervention is not a priority treatment for patients with isolated Mycoplasma hominis. The operation can be performed according to indications - for example, in men with varicocele, purulent processes, abscesses, with chronic epididymitis, etc., and in women - with adhesive process, cysts, purulent inflammatory diseases.
Prevention of the immunofluorescence
Preventive measures are to prevent the ingestion of Mycoplasma hominis into the body. What does that require?
- Avoid casual sex.
- Apply barrier protection (condoms).
- To keep immune protection at the proper level, by observance of a healthy way of life, rational nutrition, hardening, etc.
- In a timely manner, treat and identify any carriers and gynecological diseases.
- It is necessary to make sure of complete cure for any infectious diseases, using the necessary diagnostic methods.
It is important to take care of your health, do not ignore the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of sexual relations. These recommendations will avoid infection not only with mycoplasma, but also with other infections that can be transmitted sexually.
The prognosis for the defeat of Mycoplasma hominis depends on the type of pathology. With congenital infection, the prognosis is not always favorable: it is possible to develop a generalized infectious process, inflammation of the meninges, liver diseases and other internal organs. In addition, with intrauterine infection, babies in some cases are born prematurely, or with developmental disorders - it happens when in pregnancy there is a pronounced exacerbation of the inflammatory process involving mycoplasmas.
To prevent intrauterine mycoplasmosis, a woman should be screened at the planning stage to exclude infection. It is equally important in pregnancy to avoid accidental sexual contact, unprotected sex. The future mother should carefully observe the rules of her own hygiene, do not use other cleaning supplies, bedding and underwear, as the household transfer of Mycoplasma hominis is unlikely, but it can not be completely ruled out.
The most unfavorable consequence that Mycoplasma hominis is able to leave after itself is a chronic inflammation of the reproductive organs, the urinary system, with recurrent recurrences and a slow flow.