Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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In modern society, along with many problems, the lack of nutrients in food, its imbalance is quite acute. Malnutrition is observed not only in the third world countries, but also in highly developed countries. This trend has a negative impact not only on the health of the population, but also on the condition of future generations.
According to statistics, one in three people on the planet is systematically malnourished. In addition, there is not a single person on the planet who would eat a full and rational diet all his life, and he had enough of all the necessary components. Most often there is a lack of vitamins in food. From this develop hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis, which entails the development of numerous disorders in the normal functional state, cause disease, immunity disorders. About 78% of people on the planet lack vitamins.
In the second place by frequency of occurrence is the lack of protein components in food. Thus, protein is destroyed as a result of cooking products (as a result of heat treatment), during prolonged storage. Violation of protein metabolism leads to a decrease in body weight, structural disorders in the body, decreased immunity (since all antibodies, enzymes that provide protective properties in the body are proteins). This form of malnutrition occurs in 35% of cases.
Dietary carbohydrate deficiencies are extremely rare (less than 6%).
Fat malnutrition is quite common in people who are vegetarians (67% of cases), fasting (92% of cases). In other people, this form of malnutrition is diagnosed in about 29% of cases.
Causes of the malnutrition
Conventionally, all causes can be divided into three groups: malnutrition, in which the food lacks nutrients, vitamins, despite the sufficient quantity and variety of foods consumed. These can be improper cooking methods, in which vitamins and minerals are destroyed, improper storage, and even improper processing, growing, harvesting, unregulated technologies of production of products.
The second group is hunger, poverty, lack of money to buy a minimum set of products for a balanced diet. This is usually observed in poor countries, in places where wars and local conflicts are waged.
The third group is nervous malnutrition associated with neuropsychiatric disorders in which a person deliberately deprives himself of food. This includes various neuropsychiatric conditions, for example, bulimia, anorexia, dysmorphophobia, etc.
Currently, there is a tendency to distinguish another type - malnutrition associated with lifestyle, in which people engage in vegetarianism, raw food, become vegans. In general, these trends are attributed to a healthy lifestyle. But provided they are applied correctly. If you apply them incorrectly, you can get only harm to health. So, it is possible, and even necessary to be a vegetarian in hot countries. This is due to the fact that in countries with hot climates there are a large number of plants, fruits that successfully replace meat. They contain the whole complex of essential amino acids, proteins necessary for the human body. In the middle latitudes there is no such vegetation that can replace essential amino acids. Deficiency of necessary components, malnutrition, exhaustion of the organism develops. The second reason why vegetarianism is necessary in such countries as India, African countries is high temperature, at which products quickly spoil. Meat breeds worms, parasites. Fish is also contaminated. Optimal conditions are also created for the spread of bacterial infection, food poisoning. This can be avoided by eliminating meat and fish products from the diet.
As for the inhabitants of the middle zone, they need meat in winter time, because winters are cold, and meat products are required to provide the necessary level of energy, to preserve heat, to maintain optimal heat exchange. Also, meat contains the entire set of essential amino acids, which are not synthesized in the human body. In the North, where frost prevails, vegetarianism is strictly contraindicated. Food should contain a large amount of animal fats, which will help to maintain proper heat exchange.
Vegetarianism in our latitudes is allowed only in that case. If you additionally include in your diet minerals, biologically active supplements containing the entire necessary set of amino acids, proteins, fats, and other products necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
There is still much debate, and the question of which group to categorize these types of malnutrition remains open. One researcher suggests that this type of malnutrition should be categorized in the first group, in which the diet is simply considered undernourished and unbalanced. Other researchers suggest attributing this type to malnutrition of neuropsychiatric origin, as people adhere to a certain ideology, have a peculiar outlook on life, and in fact, deliberately deprive themselves of all necessary nutritional components. But there are strong arguments that do not allow you to attribute this type of malnutrition to the third group. For example, many authors argue that people who are inclined to this way of life, often fall victim to the propaganda of a "healthy lifestyle" with a misunderstanding of the meaning of this word. Illiteracy, ignorance of the basics of biochemistry, biology, excessive gullibility of people, orientation to "oriental wisdom" are all to blame. There are many things in the East that carry real wisdom, but you need to properly understand and interpret everything that is presented there. All Eastern teachings are oriented to the population of the respective region, not to typical Europeans. It is necessary to make adjustments for territorial location, peculiarities of physiology, lifestyle, and terrain.
Risk factors
The risk group includes people with low social status, people who are often ill, in whom all the necessary nutrients are not fully assimilated by the body. Vegetarianism, raw foodism and veganism are considered risk factors. Under special control should be taken people whose professions require obedience to certain standards. For example, certain requirements for the parameters are imposed on models. In pursuit of the desired appearance, they are often malnourished, and subsequently they develop nervous and mental disorders.
Risk factors include various diseases such as bulimia, anorexia, dysmorphophobia. Some people simply have a reduced appetite due to various diseases, metabolic disorders, against the background of reduced immunity, hormonal disorders. Also in a separate risk group should include the population of those territories where wars are waged, there are frequent terrorist attacks, natural disasters, man-made accidents, natural disasters.
Features of pathogenesis depend on the cause that leads to the development of malnutrition. So, if it is a mental disorder, then in most cases, a person commits quite consciously such actions that end up with a lack of nutrients. For example, due to various disorders, a person may consciously refuse to eat, or exclude certain foods from their diet, motivated in some specific way. Sometimes people just feel like they are eating too much, and they consciously restrict themselves from eating. For example, with anorexia, a person is driven by the desire to lose weight. He does not realize his problem, weight deficiencies, and continues to follow weight loss diets and refuse to eat. In bulimia, a person either has an aversion to food and cannot eat anything. Since he develops vomiting, or consciously after eating causes a gag reflex to remove the ingested food from the digestive tract.
If we do not consider these cases, we can note a fairly large number of cases in which food is simply not digested by the human body. The basis of pathogenesis in this case, as a rule, is usually a violation of metabolic processes, impaired digestion, or digestion (absorption) of food. There may be a violation of the process of assimilation of nutrients by the body, or there is an excessive excretion from the body, neutralization, destruction.
Symptoms of the malnutrition
The main symptoms of malnutrition are exhaustion, body weight loss, and a sharp deterioration of well-being. It is worth noting that first of all, a general malaise, weakness develops. A person may feel dizzy, nausea appears, sometimes vomiting, digestion is disturbed. The skin becomes pale, the appearance of hair and nails deteriorates. Hair splits, nails begin to break, the skin loses its natural luster, shade, becomes dry, pale. The vascular wall is clearly visible. A livid tint appears on the skin. Concentration of attention is sharply reduced, sleep worsens. Performance drops sharply, a person quickly becomes tired, thought processes slow down.
Gradually appear such manifestations as circulatory disorders, reduced blood pressure. There may be a slight decrease in temperature, heart rate is disturbed, cardiac arrhythmia develops. The characteristic feature is that gradually the feeling of well-being worsens more and more, the person steadily loses efficiency, body weight gradually decreases.
As the first signs of malnutrition is a sharp deterioration of well-being, in which a person lacks strength, rapid fatigue, weakness. Sharp decline in performance, productivity of labor. A person feels depressed, there are no desires, initiatives, there is a constant desire to sleep. Later, headache, digestive disorders, nausea appears.
Malnutrition makes you dizzy
One of the symptoms of malnutrition is dizziness. If you feel dizzy, you should take a closer look at your diet. It is important to make sure that your body is getting all the substances it needs in the right amounts. Malnutrition is usually well diagnosed with the help of various methods. In particular. Blood tests can indicate a violation of metabolic processes.
Weakness from malnutrition
One of the leading symptoms of malnutrition is weakness, which is constantly increasing. In the morning it is difficult to get up, in the afternoon there is drowsiness, reduced activity, and by evening a person simply "falls off his feet". At the same time, almost all people say that they are not just tired, but also do not have time for anything. Even if they have done nothing all day, they still feel tired and dissatisfied all the time.
Nausea from malnutrition
It is not uncommon to develop nausea from malnutrition. Nausea both after eating and during the day. This is due primarily to digestive disorders. There is a violation of the process of digestion, absorption, assimilation of food. There are also metabolic disorders, biochemical and endocrine pathologies are noted.
Harms of malnutrition
No one doubts the fact that malnutrition harms the human body. First of all, the body is depleted, it does not receive the necessary set of vitamins and mineral components. This contributes to the fact that the body's metabolic processes are disturbed, then completely changes the hormonal background and biochemical cycle. At the same time, immunity decreases, as a result of which the body becomes more susceptible to various viral, infectious, diseases. Significantly increases the reactivity of the body, sensitization. Metabolic processes are disturbed, which entails the development of various imbalances, dysfunctions, chronic diseases, exacerbations.
Constant malnutrition
If a person constantly lacks in the diet of nutrients, a persistent disorder of metabolism, hormonal background and immune status develops. Constant malnutrition leads to the fact that the body becomes weaker, more susceptible to infections, parasites.
Prolonged malnutrition
With prolonged malnutrition in the body is sharply depleted of nutrients, develops hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis, metabolic processes are disturbed. The danger is that there is a destruction of fats, and after they are completely destroyed, begins the destruction of carbohydrates, and then proteins. And this is dangerous because proteins are the building material for the human body, in particular, for its muscle and tissue structures. It is worth noting that proteins begin to deteriorate in the last turn, because it is on them that the basic functioning of the body depends. They form the structural framework of the body, are part of tissues, cellular components, are responsible for the main processes occurring in the body.
Chronic malnutrition
With chronic malnutrition, the body becomes depleted, carbohydrates, fats, and then protein components are destroyed. It is worth noting that the destruction of proteins leads to the fact that the body's basic functions are disturbed. This affects all major organ systems, mucous membranes, significantly undermines the body's defense mechanisms. First of all, chronic malnutrition is manifested by a violation of digestive processes, then disorders of the function and structure of the kidneys, liver, urinary organs begin to develop. A characteristic feature is the constant progression of the condition, increasing lack of nutritional components, structural elements. The muscular system weakens, the skeleton becomes brittle (osteoporosis develops).
Adult malnutrition
In adults, malnutrition is manifested by both general symptoms, represented by weakness, decreased appetite, impaired coordination of movements, and performance, and specific symptoms, which are manifested as violations of the functional state of certain organs and systems. It is worth noting that any disorders begin as functional changes, and only then they entail a violation of the structure of organs or systems.
Quite often malnutrition is indicated by impaired vision, hearing, and other analyzers, decreased sensitivity of the body. With systematic malnutrition in adults, the organs of vision are quite severely damaged. Dystrophic processes develop in the retina, blindness develops, optic nerves are damaged, dryness of the conjunctiva develops, transparent plaques are formed on it. Dryness and desquamation affects the skin. Pallor of the skin appears, atrophy of sweat and sebaceous glands develops. A tendency to bacterial, fungal, pustular diseases appears. Possible infectious lesions of the respiratory system, digestion, urinary tract. Often against the background of malnutrition develops diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, febrile conditions.
Symptoms of malnutrition in adults
The main symptoms of malnutrition are such signs as weakness, disruption of the normal functioning of somatic organs, autonomic systems, peripheral nerves. There are frequent diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive systems. Symptoms of malnutrition in adults are often complaints of rapid fatigue, shortness of breath, violation of heart rhythm and heart rate. Often develop paresthesias, in which a person feels as if the skin "creeps". Also characterized by a decrease in skin and tactile sensitivity. At first, the sensitivity of hands, feet, then the whole body decreases. There is weakness, heaviness in the legs, lameness, swelling. A person's pulse rate rises sharply. Heart rate increases, blood pressure decreases. Psychiatric disorders and neuroses are not excluded.
Malnutrition in pregnancy
The main symptoms of malnutrition in pregnancy are a sharp decrease in hemoglobin, a decrease in the level of red blood cells, and a violation of the normal ratio between red blood cells and hemoglobin. At the same time, appetite decreases, body weight drops. Instead of weight gain, the woman becomes thin, there are circles under the eyes, lividity of the skin. There appears weakness, headache, impaired twilight vision. In the skin and mucous membranes develop dystrophic processes. There is a burning sensation, pain, carving in the eyes, on the mucous membranes. Cracks and crusts appear on the lips. In the oral cavity, develop stomatitis, glossitis, ulcers, blisters, both on the skin and on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, external genitalia. Appear seborrhea, dermatitis, hair loss. Nails begin to break, cracks appear on the hands and feet. Gradually develop anemia, disorders of the nervous system.
Child malnutrition
Normally, a child should always be active, cheerful and cheerful. If the child does not want to play, he has a poor appetite, he quickly tires, wants to sit, rest - then something is wrong with him. Usually reduced activity in the child - the first sign of malnutrition. Changes and the appearance of the child: he becomes lethargic, his nails are broken, peeling skin, hair becomes dry and brittle. Develops both structural and functional impairment of certain organs and systems. First of all, this applies to the digestive system, kidney and liver function, as well as the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems. The growth and development of a malnourished child is also significantly retarded, as well as mental and intellectual development.
Signs of infant malnutrition
Infant malnutrition is primarily indicated by insufficient weight gain or no weight gain. The child becomes more elongated in length. And at the same time there is weight loss, discrepancy in body proportions. The child becomes nervous, irritable, capricious. Sleep is significantly disturbed. Especially disturbed night sleep. The child often wakes up, sleeps restlessly, intermittently, cranky in sleep.
Signs of malnutrition in a breastfed infant
Even if the child is breastfed, he or she may lack nutrients and show signs of malnutrition. They are manifested first of all by the child's sleep disturbance. He sleeps a little, wakes up quickly, can not fall asleep for a long time, crying. All the time pulls his hands into his mouth, trying to suck on a pacifier, then begins to cry (a well-fed child sucking a little pacifier, immediately fall asleep). With malnutrition, the child eats for a long time, his feeding can be delayed up to an hour or more. If the child is fed on demand, he will often wake up, asking for food.
Malnutrition in the world
The problem of malnutrition is quite acute in the world. Malnutrition is most acute in third world countries, in those territories where war is being waged. According to statistics, malnutrition does not go down, despite the fact that there is enough food and raw materials in the world. It should be noted that malnutrition is least pronounced in developed countries, such as the United States, China and the European Union. In the Russian Federation, malnutrition is at an average level. Despite the sufficient amount of food, it is not always full, balanced. In our country, people most often suffer from a lack of vitamins in the diet. At the same time, there is a lack of vitamins A, C, B.
Diseases from malnutrition
From malnutrition develop diseases related to metabolism. Highly pronounced hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis, demineralization. Against the background of lack of nutrients in the food develop endocrine, immune diseases. Lack of vitamins in food entails frequent colds, bacterial and viral diseases, stomatitis, erosions, inflammatory processes. Reduced vision, hearing. Touch, olfactory processes, skin sensitivity. Develop dermatitis, allergic diseases. Lack of carbohydrates, proteins in the food entails diseases of the endocrine system, pathologies of the nervous and muscular systems, hormonal failures. With systematic, chronic malnutrition decreases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, develop diseases of the hematopoietic organs, anemia, arthritis, increases the propensity to bleeding. The body becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases, parasitic diseases develop.
There are three stages of malnutrition. In the first stage, there is the development of precursors that indicate that the body is likely to lack certain substances. Often at this stage there is pallor, increased fatigue, decreased appetite, performance, sharply increased skin sensitivity, dryness develops. It is also worth noting possible pain sensitivity (although this is rare).
At the second stage, typical symptoms of pathology appear: a person becomes irritable, nervous, mental pathologies appear, concentration of attention, efficiency decreases. Hair splits, nails begin to break, quickly and easily break, their color, texture, structural features change. The skin becomes yellow, blue circles appear under the eyes.
At the third stage, everything depends on the patient's own actions. If he passed diagnosis, treatment, the outcome will be favorable, there will be a full recovery. If the treatment was not carried out, the pathology can intensify, and then develop first functional disorders of the main organs and systems, and then structural pathologies.
There are five main types of malnutrition. When a person is deficient in carbohydrates, the first signs that appear are weakness, decreased stamina, decreased body resistance, and decreased appetite. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body.
With a lack of protein components in the body, first of all, digestion is disturbed, muscle weakness, atonia develops, the condition of the bones is disturbed.
With a lack of fats, the senses are affected: vision, hearing, skin, hair and nails are impaired.
Vitamin deficiency is accompanied by multiple pathologies. First of all, the body's resistance is impaired, its endurance is reduced, and immunity decreases.
With a lack of minerals, the state of the nervous, muscular, bone systems is disturbed.
Complications and consequences
With malnutrition, there are quite a lot of complications and unfavorable consequences. First of all, it is worth noting that the risk of inflammation and infection increases sharply in the body. Spoils the appearance of a person: the skin becomes dry, hard, begins to peel, broken nails, hair. The danger lies in the fact that it can aggravate the underlying condition that caused the problem, for example, if the cause was hypovitaminosis (lack of certain vitamins in the body), subsequently may develop avitaminosis - the complete absence of these vitamins in the body, which will be much more difficult to cure. Gradually the body is exhausted, the most dangerous condition is a decrease in resistance, anemia, hemophilia, anorexia, nervous, mental disorders, complete exhaustion of the body, and even death.
What are the dangers of malnutrition?
To answer the question, what is the danger of malnutrition, it is necessary to understand what substances are lacking in the body. This can only be said by a doctor after receiving preliminary results of tests. Usually take a biochemical blood test, clinical tests. The greatest danger is that against the background of malnutrition develops exhaustion of the body and a violation of metabolic processes. All this leads to a decrease in resistance, endurance of the body, violation of the immune system and hormonal background. Accordingly, a person is often sick, develops immunodeficiency. Sharp decrease in performance, endurance of the body. The condition can progress to complete anorexia, exhaustion, death.
Cardiac arrest with malnutrition
Malnutrition is dangerous because the body lacks enough nutrients for normal bodily functions. In this case, its normal functional state is sharply limited. It is worth noting that malnutrition can lead to cardiac arrest, because first of all the muscles are affected by metabolic disorders. As you know, the heart is the main muscle in the body, which acts as a pump that pumps blood throughout the body. Its contractile activity decreases sharply if a person is malnourished.
Malnutrition is often the cause of exhaustion and metabolic disorders. Leads to a decrease in resistance, endurance of the body, violation of the immune system and hormonal background, frequent illnesses, lack of vitality and vitality of the body, violation of the functional state of the body.
Can occur for various reasons: it is the lack of essential substances, insufficient intake into the body, inadequate assimilation with adequate intake into the body. Often malnutrition is accompanied by anorexia nervosa. There is a lack of appetite while maintaining the body's natural need for biological and nutrients. Often there is anorexia nervosa, which develops against the background of strong feelings, mental disorders and is associated with violations of the activity of the food center in the brain. Similar disorders can develop in acute or chronic poisoning, which affects the food center.
Diagnostics of the malnutrition
The diagnosis of malnutrition is based on laboratory tests that allow you to assess the state of metabolic processes in the body. To make a diagnosis, you should contact a general practitioner. He will select a scheme of examination, prescribe all the necessary tests, including blood, urine, fecal analysis.
Malnutrition is diagnosed on the basis of biochemical examination indicators. Blood is taken for analysis (from the vein, or capillary, from the finger). Based on the results obtained, the processes that occur in the body are judged. A clear sign of malnutrition is a low level of protein in the blood, which is detected during biochemical analysis. Protein is the main structural component of the blood and the human body. When malnutrition occurs, first carbohydrates are broken down, then fats. And only lastly, proteins are broken down.
The most informative diagnostic methods are fecal examination. Coprogram, microscopic, biochemical examination is used. Feces reflects the main processes occurring in the body, it represents the contents of the intestine. It contains a mixture consisting of undigested food residues, digestive juices, microflora. These indicators can tell a lot about the nature of a person's diet. Also, the amount, color of feces can be a source of important diagnostic information.
The blood formula also changes significantly with malnutrition. For the purpose of diagnosis, a hemogram - a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the blood condition, a study of blood composition is carried out. It is important to determine the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, hematocrit (the ratio between the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin). These indicators most clearly reflect both malnutrition and overnutrition. The hemoglobin level also decreases sharply with malnutrition.
Instrumental diagnostics
Various methods of instrumental examination can be used, but it all depends on what pathology the doctor suspects (or at least an approximate direction for further investigation). For example, if gastrointestinal diseases are suspected, X-ray examination, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, colonoscopy, probing, gastroscopy, gastroduodenoscopy are used. May require radioisotope study, radiography, radiometry, the essence of which is to study the features of accumulation and redistribution of radioisotope substance in the blood and tissues of the body, which allows you to assess the nature and intensity of metabolic processes.
Scans, scintigraphy, CT and MRI can diagnose a number of pathologies. They can also be useful in the diagnosis of tumors. If severe emaciation is observed, it may be a consequence of tumor development. Accordingly, puncture, biopsy, and other similar studies may be required, during which tissue is taken for further examination.
If kidney and urinary tract pathologies are suspected, rheography, X-rays, tomography, endoscopic and laparoscopic methods of investigation, ultrasound, Dopplerography are used. In case of suspected gynecologic diseases in women, ultrasound of pelvic organs is used, as well as tomography, ECHO-study.
Practically universal method is thermography, the essence of which consists in the registration of infrared radiation that emanates from the human body. On the basis of the obtained data build a calibration graph, according to which and judge the nature of the pathological process, its severity and direction, make certain predictions.
Nuclear magnetic resonance is also used, which is based on the selectivity of tissue absorption of various substances. With the help of this method it is possible to assess both structural and functional features of the organism, to evaluate processes in statics and dynamics, to predict the speed of their development. It is possible to obtain volumetric images of organs and tissues, to view them in various cross-sections. It is characterized by high resolution, down to millimeters.
Differential diagnosis
The basis of differential diagnosis is the need to differentiate the signs of one disease from those of another disease with similar manifestations. For example, it is important to determine whether the pathology is a sign of simple malnutrition, or acts as a symptom of anorexia. It is also necessary to accurately determine the cause of pathology. This will make it possible to select an effective treatment.
Treatment of the malnutrition
Among the many means and methods, the most effective is recognized as etiological treatment, aimed at eliminating the cause of malnutrition. If it is a deficiency of certain substances in the body, it is necessary to compensate for their deficiency. If the cause is a violation of physiological functions of certain organs and systems, it is necessary to normalize the functional state.
If the cause is a hormonal disorder, it is necessary to normalize it. If the cause is a violation of immune status. Immunomodulators are used. With nervous and mental pathologies may require consultation with a psychiatrist, psychotherapist. Also almost always requires consultation with a nutritionist, which will build a proper diet, prescribe the necessary vitamins, supplements. It may be necessary to consult a geneticist, biochemist, who will normalize the metabolism in the body.
In malnutrition, the treatment is mainly symptomatic, as malnutrition can be accompanied by many symptoms of great variety. Medications belonging to different groups are used.
Often malnutrition is accompanied by disorders of the stomach, intestines, various dystonic disorders. In this case, motilium is prescribed - a tablet three times a day. The duration of treatment is on average about a month. It is important to observe precautions - to drink only as prescribed by a doctor, and after the diagnosis is made. This is due to the fact that there are a number of diseases in which this drug is not just contraindicated, but can be dangerous. So, if the diagnosis is not confirmed, it is better to delay treatment.
Often malnutrition is accompanied by the development of acute stomach pain, bloating of the intestines. For stomach pain, it is recommended to take ranitidine - a tablet 1-2 times a day. Refers to antagonists of histamine receptors, helps to reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Few side effects, is considered an effective tool that can have a therapeutic effect quickly. Safe for both long- and short-term use.
Cimetidine reduces pain in a relatively short time, and also helps to reduce the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, increases the protection of mucous membranes and reduces pain. It is taken one tablet per day. Duration of treatment - from 7 to 28 days. Side effects - reduces the ability of the liver to destroy metabolic products. Accordingly, intoxication may develop. It is strictly forbidden to take with alcohol, since the toxic effect on the body is increased. Also contributes to a decrease in renal function, so with caution should be taken by patients suffering from kidney disease, especially renal failure. If it is necessary to take this drug for persons with renal pathology, it is necessary to reduce the dosage and take under the strict control of a doctor. It should also be taken into account that one of the side effects is an increase in mammary glands in men.
Often malnutrition is accompanied by a violation of microflora, because representatives of normal microflora often die, not receiving all the necessary substances. In their place, pathogenic microflora develops. In particular, there is an active growth of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. These are microorganisms that live in the stomach. They often become the cause of the development of gastritis and ulcers. Therefore, for therapeutic and preventive purposes, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed. For example, all broad-spectrum antibiotics are effective. You can take amoxiclav - a tablet once a day, for 3 days. Ciprofloxacin is also well-proven. It is also taken by a tablet per day (500 mg). The duration of treatment is from 3 to 7 days.
One of the main signs of malnutrition is a lack of vitamins, so their imbalance must necessarily be replenished artificially (by introducing them into the body from the outside).
It is recommended that vitamins be taken in the following daily concentrations:
- Vitamin B 2-3 mg
- Vitamin D - 1000 mg
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin A - 240 mg
- Vitamin E - 45 mg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg.
Physiotherapy treatment
Basically, physiotherapy treatment is not effective. The only effective way of treatment is to replenish the lack of vitamins, minerals, nutritional components in the body. But physiotherapy is sometimes prescribed in the event that, against the background of malnutrition, some pathologies have developed. Then the choice of method depends on what pathology is detected in the body, what organ system is disturbed.
The most universal methods, which are used in almost all areas, are inhalations, heat procedures, some electroprocedures, CUF - heating with ultraviolet light. The use of electrophoresis allows you to deliver to the tissues of various medicinal and nutrients, vitamins. Often malnutrition is accompanied by a decrease in tone, circulatory disorders, resulting in hypoxia, hypercapnia. Well replenishes the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, oxygen in the lungs oxygen cocktail.
If the cause is nervous overstrain, mental trauma, various means of physical rehabilitation are prescribed - manual therapy, massage, reflexology, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, apitherapy. Widely used therapeutic exercise, gymnastics, yoga, yoga therapy, qigong, eastern health practices. Required breathing exercises, pranayama, meditation, relaxation. Color therapy, music therapy has a positive effect. Sometimes in order to correct the state is used fairy tale therapy, art therapy, various psychological trainings.
Folk treatment
To strengthen the body, replenish the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, it is recommended to take balms of restorative and immunostimulating action. Folk treatment is represented by a variety of recipes. Let's consider the most effective ones.
Recipe #1.
To prepare take a tablespoon of decoction of common spiculus, mother and stepmother, linden flowers, goldenseal, scolopendra leaflet, pour about 500 ml of red wine (for example, Cahors). All this is heated, without bringing to a full boil, drink 50 ml per day. The course of treatment - at least 28 days (full biochemical cycle).
Recipe #2.
Take equal parts of Veronica spikenard. Chamomile pharmacy, yarrow herb, goosefoot. Take about 50 ml of each component, add about 5 drops of celandine juice, 500 ml of alcohol, insist at least 5 days, drink in small amounts twice a day, 28 days.
Recipe #3.
As a basis take vodka or pure alcohol. Then add about a tablespoon of the following components: elderflowers, herbs of hernia, anise fruit, herb violet tricolor. Stir until the formation of a homogeneous consistency, and then set aside to insist for at least a day.
Recipe #4.
In ordinary alcohol (500 ml) add a tablespoon of stalnick root, bark, licorice root, calendula flowers, flowers of witch hazel. Then bring 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
Herbal treatment
Fragrant ruta is used not only in the form of decoction and infusion, but also in the form of porridge. In this case, a crushed mixture of leaves, stems is used. It is recommended to use the porridge at night before going to bed.
Chamomile herb can also be used in the form of a decoction. For its preparation, you should crush the roots and flowers, and take about 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Infuse for at least an hour. After which it should be cooled, strain. Take orally one-third of a glass three times a day. Has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect.
Hawthorn flowers and fruits are used in the form of decoction or infusion. A rich source of vitamins, minerals. Stimulates the immune system, normalizes metabolic processes, improves appetite. To prepare 4-5 tablespoons of raw materials poured water (boiling water) or alcohol, insist, drink a glass three times a day.
Surgical treatment
Surgical methods of treatment are not used in malnutrition. They can only be used if there are concomitant pathologies that require surgical intervention.
Prevention is based primarily on timely diagnosis. It is important to identify pathology at an early stage of its formation and take the necessary measures. If the body lacks certain substances, their deficiency should be filled by taking special drugs, supplements. The earlier it is done, the more successful the treatment will be.
It is also necessary to keep the immune system in good condition, in particular, to maintain endurance and good form, to monitor the normal state of microflora, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to exercise, eat right and follow the daily regimen. It is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It is necessary to drink plenty of water.
If the cause is identified in time and the necessary treatment is carried out, the prognosis will be favorable. Malnutrition in modern conditions can be completely eliminated. If diagnostics and treatment are delayed, the prognosis can be unpredictable. Up to complete exhaustion and death.