Inflammation of the cyst of the breast
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The cyst can be transformed into a malignant tumor, it concerns atypical types of the breast cyst. Also common is infection, that is, the appearance of inflammation of the cyst of the breast.
The mammary gland is a cavity formation, and more simply, a sac that is filled with a liquid. The cyst has a shell - a capsule, which consists of a connective tissue. Cysts can be solitary (solitary) or multiple.
Causes of the inflammation of the cyst of the breast
The woman's breast is an excellent aesthetic and functional organ, consisting of special glandular, fatty and glandular tissues. Its very structure initially assumes a concentration in the channels of the liquid medium. As a rule, the cyst of the breast is a benign new growth caused by the pulsation of the hormonal background in the woman's body. This pathology can "sleep" for many years, but its progression is marked by pain symptoms. It is rarely malignant, that is, it degenerates into a malignant tumor. But inflammation of the cyst of the breast, especially if it occurs with the formation of infiltrates, significantly increases the risk of negative transformation.
The catalyst for the formation of cysts in the mammary gland is the excess in the body of a woman of such a hormone as estrogen produced by the ovaries. It is his excessive production that triggers a mechanism of cystic fibrosis in the mammary glands. The root cause of a tumor can also be endocrine changes. Causes of inflammation of the breast cyst may be covered in its infection - one of the complications of cystosis. Catalyze the inflammatory process can:
- Any inflammatory disease: viral infection, influenza and so on.
- Trauma applied to the area of the breast, if it has already "acquired" a cyst.
- General weakness of the body, decreased immunity.
- Thermal action on the cyst or polycystosis: visiting the sauna and sauna, applying warming compresses. Long stay under the open sunlight (especially "topless").
- Incorrectly selected underwear.
- Sharp hypothermia of the body.
- Consequences of surgical intervention.
- Not observance of elementary rules of hygiene, especially when a woman feeds a baby with a breast.
- During lactation - stagnation of milk in the mammary glands.
- Cracks and abrasions in the nipple area.
Inflammation of the breast cyst can also be a consequence of:
- The presence of any inflammatory processes in the body - respiratory diseases, flu, sore throats and so on.
- Injury or chest strokes.
- General weakening of the body's immunity.
- Thermal effects on the mammary gland - compresses, baths or saunas.
Symptoms of the inflammation of the cyst of the breast
The small size breast cyst does not bother the woman. But with an increase in the growth of the cysts in the chest there are painful sensations. The pains are interlinked with the menstrual cycle in women and begin to increase before menstrual bleeding. After passing the monthly painful feelings go away. Pain is characterized by aching, pulling or bursting moments.
Inflammation of the breast cyst is manifested in the following symptoms:
- The onset of pain regardless of menstrual bleeding, that is, periodically appearing and dying or persistent.
- Painful sensations become more pronounced and change to tearing or pulsating. It happens that the pains become so strong that women can not sleep peacefully.
- The appearance of fever, in which the increase in body temperature can be high, to thirty-eight to thirty-nine degrees.
- As a result of fever, there are symptoms of intoxication of the body - loss of appetite, the appearance of nausea and vomiting, weakness and general malaise.
- Skin over the cyst blush and swell, the local temperature rises.
- In some cases, there may be a discharge of pus from the nipples.
- When palpation of the chest marked sharp soreness.
The cyst of the breast is inflamed with prolonged existence in the female breast. Inflammatory process is accompanied by infection or suppuration. Infection of the cyst of the breast occurs due to the entry into the cavity of the cyst of various infections by means of hematogenous or lymphogenous methods. Infection can get into the cyst, also, through the cracks in the nipples.
Inflammatory processes in the cyst can lead to the onset of purulent mastitis (or breast abscess). This development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of intoxication of the general organism, namely, an increase in the overall body temperature, the appearance of chills, weakness, general malaise, nausea and vomiting, headaches. Then, as the abscess develops, strong, painful sensations appear in the chest, and the skin over the abscess becomes red. At the same time, the local temperature in the area of development of the abscess increases, and the breast increases in volume.
Cystic neoplasm can not detect itself for a long time, and only after receiving a certain push, the inflammation begins to progress. Gradually there are symptoms of inflammation of the cyst of the breast:
- Unpleasant discomfort appears in the chest area.
- Gradually manifested puffiness.
- Breast with internal pathology increases its size, its structure becomes denser. When palpation, a slightly painful swelling of the mammary glands is felt.
- A feeling of heaviness appears in the chest.
- If there is no timely diagnosis and treatment, infiltrates can form.
- From the nipple, there may be a discharge of unpleasant yellowish, brown, transparent or greenish hues.
- The general condition of a woman worsens.
- If a woman feeds her baby, this process can cause her pain.
- Redness of the skin in the area of inflammation can be observed.
- If the inflammatory process has passed to the chronic stage, the clinical picture becomes more intense, there may be an increase in lymph nodes.
To diagnose in itself this pathology to the woman it is possible seldom enough, especially in a case if the cyst has the small size. In certain positions of the body, it is able to simply hide in the tissue and fatty interlayers. But unpleasant symptoms should be troubling and cause an unscheduled visit to a gynecologist or mammologist.
Diagnostics of the inflammation of the cyst of the breast
If you are concerned about the condition of the mammary glands, do not postpone visiting a mammologist - a specialist in this area. Diagnosis of inflammation of the cyst of the breast includes:
- An analysis of a woman's gynecological anamnesis.
- Examination of the patient's breast by palpation. Even this simple method allows an experienced specialist to ascertain the presence of a cystic process.
- In the presence of nipple excretions, it becomes possible to take for analysis a smear-imprint. However, if we consider a particular cyst, this method is not sufficiently informative.
- Ultrasonography.
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy of cystic education is one of the most informative methods of diagnosing the disease, since the symptoms of cystosis are quite in tune with the manifestations of fibroadenoma. Diagnosis of both these diseases is somewhat problematic. In the light of different treatment methods, it is simply necessary to establish the correct cause of the pathology. This medication is referred to as diagnostic methods of research, as well as to therapeutic procedures of the breast. After all, it is already possible to ascertain the cyst at the stage of puncture, being estimated with the volume of the "pumped out" liquid. If you get a liquid more than 1 ml, ascertain the presence of a cyst in the woman's breast.
- Taking a puncture, the doctor pays special attention to the color of the liquid. After all, it can testify to the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the cyst, which can provoke the formation of purulent infiltrates.
- The material is also sent to the cytological study. After all, the presence of an inflammatory process increases the risk of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant tumor.
- There may be a combination of cysts with a cancerous tumor. Therefore, if the seal continues to palpate a couple of weeks after the puncture, two reasons for this pattern can be considered: the treatment did not give a positive result or in a history there is a deep pathology that requires more thorough study.
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Treatment of the inflammation of the cyst of the breast
Treatment of inflammation of the breast cyst in women is as follows:
- By prescribing antibacterial drugs for oral administration.
- Intravenous administration of antibiotics.
- The use of vitamins by the oral and intramuscular route.
- Use of drugs that increase immunity, by oral and intramuscular methods.
The cyst of the breast can become inflamed due to the fact that it is in the chest for a long time. And in order to prevent its inflammation it is necessary to conduct therapy, which includes:
- Hormonal treatment with the help of gestagens and the puncture of the cavity of the cyst. The contents inside the cavity are pumped out using a special needle, and are sent for cytological examination. Drugs are injected into the cyst cavity, which stimulate the adhesion of its walls.
- If the inflammation of the breast cyst occurs quite often or if malignant cells are found, the cyst is removed by surgery.
As it was already stipulated earlier, the treatment of the cyst itself can be completed at the stage of diagnosis while taking a puncture. But the treatment of inflammation of the cyst of the breast is done somewhat differently, although it practically does not differ from the classical schemes of administration of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes, immunostimulants, intravenous infusions, and, if necessary, anesthetics.
Nimesil. This drug is recommended for use only for adults. The intake is taken orally, immediately after meals. The average daily starting dosage is 0.2 g divided into two doses during the day. To prepare the solution contained in the pellet bag you need to dissolve it with warm water. In case of clinical necessity, the dosage can be adjusted both in the large and in the lower side. Nimesil is contraindicated for use in patients whose history is burdened with peptic ulcer pathology, severe kidney dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, gastric bleeding, and if a woman is waiting for a child or breastfeeding.
Nurofen. The drug is taken orally after eating, squeezed with large volumes of liquid. Adults it is attributed in a dosage of 200-800 mg three to four times a day. If the real result is achieved, the daily dosage should be reduced to 600-800 mg. Do not take this drug to people who are burdened with heart failure, depressed blood, optic nerve disease, ulcerative diseases of internal organs, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Diclofenac. In tablets, this drug is taken, not chewing, inside. The tablet should be washed down with plenty of water. The daily amount of the drug taken is 0.1-0.15 g, which are divided into two or three inputs. Children's daily dose is calculated as 1 - 2 mg per kilogram of the baby's weight.
It is practiced to apply compresses to the pathological zone using a dimexide solution (water: the preparation is usually taken in a combination of 5: 1). The gauze impregnated with the solution is applied to the pathological zone, the top is covered with a cabbage leaf and wrapped.
If the inflammation has led to the appearance of purulent infiltrates - begins to progress the abscess. In this case, it is opened surgically, carefully cleaning the cavity of pus and putting drainage. In parallel, medication is prescribed in the form of antibacterial drugs
Cefepime. The medication is administered to the patient intravenously or intramuscularly (the choice of the site of injection depends on the degree of sensitivity of the microorganisms to the constituents of the drug and the state of the kidneys). Intravenously, the drug is given in case of severe forms of lesion. In our case, cefepime is administered intramuscularly. Dosage for children weighing more than 40 kg, and adults is 0.5 - 1 g (if the kidneys are working normally). Interval between injections - 12 hours. The minimum course of treatment is seven days. For babies from 2 months and those whose body weight did not reach a weight of 40 kg, the recommended dose is 50 mg for every full kilogram of the baby. In this case, the daily dosage for this category of patients should not exceed the "adult" amount of the drug.
Taking medication can cause side symptoms: headaches, nausea, changes in taste, dizziness, vomiting, impaired renal function, diarrhea, skin rash, vaginitis, tachycardia and many other symptoms.
Ceftriaxone. This drug, like the previous one, is injected into a vein or muscle. The dose for children aged 12 years and adults is recommended once a day for 1 to 2 g of the drug. You can take a half dose at intervals of 12 hours. But do not exceed 4 g of the drug taken within a day. For newly-born children (up to 2 weeks of age), the amount of the drug is calculated to be 20 to 50 mg per kilogram of body weight. Breast and toddlers who have not reached the age of 12, the amount of medicine is calculated: 20 - 80 mg per kilogram of the baby's weight. If the child weighs more than 50 kg, the recommended dose of the drug corresponds to the adult dosage.
To contraindications ceftriaxone can be attributed only increased sensitivity to one or more components of the drug.
If necessary, the doctor prescribes painkillers.
Analgin. For adults this medicine is prescribed in a dosage of one tablet two to three times during the day. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed six tablets (3 g). To small patients, analgin is prescribed at a rate of 5-10 mg per kilogram of body weight. It is recommended to take three to four meals a day. The course of therapy is not more than three days. Babies should be crushed thoroughly.
Do not take this drug in case of hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to one or more components of analgin. Contraindicated in bronchial asthma, blood diseases, severe forms of renal and hepatic dysfunction, oppression of blood, during pregnancy and lactation.
As a vitamin-mineral complex, it is possible to offer a multifruit or vitrum.
Vitrum. The prescribed vitamin drink is consumed at the end of the meal. It is necessary to take one tablet a day. Admission is allowed to patients over 12 years. To contraindications, in addition to the age of the patient, individual intolerance of the drug or hypervitaminosis A.
In the role of immunity-supporting drugs, immunomodulators are suitable:
Echinacea. The tablet is put into the mouth and is absorbed. Children over 12 years of age and adults should take one tablet three to four times a day, in case of therapeutic effect, taking echinacea should be reduced to one tablet once a week. The course of treatment should not exceed eight days.
Contraindications and side effects of this drug are not thoroughly studied, therefore it is not recommended to use it in the treatment schedules of pregnant women and women breast-feeding their babies.
Immunal. Before using the drug, its required amount should be diluted with a small amount of water. Patients older than 12 years of immunal should take three times inside of 2.5 ml. Children 6 - 12 years of age, the dosage is reduced to 1.5 ml of the suspension. The number of receptions remains the same. Dosage for babies from year to six is even less and is 1 g, taken three times a day.
Contraindications to the drug include individual intolerance of the components of the immune, autoimmune diseases, a tendency to allergic reactions.
In case of medical necessity, the attending physician may prescribe sedatives.
Tenoten. The tablet for resorption is taken twice a day, one at a time - two pieces per reception. If necessary, the drug can be taken up to four times a day. The duration of treatment, if necessary, can go up to three months or more.
Valerian. Water (for small patients) and water-alcohol extract of valerian are taken inside, regardless of the time of food intake. Dosage (100 to 600 mg) is strictly individual and must be adjusted by a doctor. You can also use valerian teas.
Engage in self-treatment of inflammation of the cyst of the breast is not worth it - it is fraught with even greater complications that can lead a woman and to an oncological disease. In this situation, it will be right to seek the help of a mammalogy oncologist who will conduct a comprehensive examination, diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.
In the early stages of pathology, it is difficult to recognize and diagnose the cyst (especially independently). But you can try to protect your body as much as possible from this "misfortune".
Prevention of inflammation of the breast cyst includes:
- It is necessary to undergo regular (at least once a year) examinations at a mammologian.
- Periodically undergo an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands.
- Blood tests for hormones will not be superfluous.
- Avoid injury.
- During breastfeeding, milk should be carefully decanted to avoid stagnant phenomena.
- After feeding, breast wash with warm water and wrap it around to protect from hypothermia.
- It is right to choose comfortable comfortable underwear, preferably from natural material.
- Maintain your immune system at the proper level.
- Do not abuse the solarium and sauna, limit the time of exposure to direct sunlight (it is especially dangerous to sunbathe "topless").
With timely and effective treatment, the prognosis of inflammation of the cyst of the breast is quite favorable. If the necessary therapy has been performed, relapses are rare. If adequate measures were not taken, the inflammatory process progresses and can lead to the degeneration of a benign neoplasm of the tumor into a malignant tumor, suppuration and the formation of abscesses.
Breasts are the dignity of a woman, her belonging to the caste of the elect, elected to give birth and to feed the new little man. But to fulfill her mission, she needs to be more careful about her health. Therefore, to prevent inflammation of the breast cyst, do not neglect regular examinations of the doctor - mammologist. And if you feel discomfort in the chest, especially, do not need to postpone the visit to him.