Hydrogen sulfide baths: indications, benefits and harms
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In order to improve health in medicine, water procedures are actively used - showers, douches, etc. Among such procedures, hydrogen sulfide baths are perhaps the most memorable: such popularity is dictated not only by the specific memorable smell of hydrogen sulfide, but also by the extraordinary effectiveness of treatment. What is this effectiveness, and to whom is this type of physiotherapy indicated or contraindicated?
Treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths
Hydrogen sulfide baths are also called sulfide baths: the medicinal water contains a basic healing component, which is a gaseous substance hydrogen sulfide.
Hydrogen sulfide baths have a positive effect on the work of the peripheral and central nervous system. Patients have a pronounced redness of the skin, opening of pores, an increase in the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands and an increase in the production of bioactive substances - in particular, serotonin and histamine. In general, hydrogen sulfide has an anti-inflammatory and activating effect. [1]
Hydrogen sulfide water can have different concentrations of the active component, therefore it is divided into several types:
- weak hydrogen sulfide water with a concentration of 10 to 50 mg/l;
- medium concentrated water - from 50 to 100 mg / l;
- water of strong concentration - from 100 to 250 mg / l;
- especially strong hydrogen sulfide water - more than 250 mg / l.
Such concentrations are used to treat various diseases, and they are used not only in the form of hydrogen sulfide baths, but also in the form of a shower, a massage shower, and therapeutic pools.
Indications for the procedure
Indications for carrying out
A positive effect on the functionality of the cardiovascular, autonomic nervous system and central nervous system, as well as the ability to stimulate oxidation and reduction reactions in the body - these properties formed the basis for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths for medicinal purposes.
Due to the hypotensive effect, hydrogen sulfide is used for hypertension I and II degree. The procedures allow correcting atherosclerotic disorders, improving the performance of the heart muscle, optimizing peripheral blood flow, so baths are actively used for atherosclerosis, the initial stage of chronic heart failure, and diseases of the arteries of the extremities.
Hydrogen sulfide water causes the expansion of large and small vessels, so it can be used for obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels, atherosclerotic changes in the cerebral vessels. Shown hydrogen sulfide baths and dystrophy of the myocardium, with heart defects and disorders of the peripheral circulation.
In general, indications for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths can be identified in the following list of diseases:
- cardiovascular pathologies at the initial stages of development (I or IIA stages of hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis or heart disease);
- pathologies of the nervous system (post-traumatic conditions after damage to the spinal cord or brain, initial atherosclerotic intravascular changes);
- dermatological diseases (dermatoses, eczematous or psoriatic rashes);
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chondrosis, polyarthritis);
- diseases of the genitourinary system (inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, female genital area, as well as vesiculitis, impaired reproductive function, failures of the monthly cycle);
- endocrine pathologies (hypothyroidism, diabetes).
Hydrogen sulfide bath for myoma
Myoma is a benign tumor originating from the muscular tissue of the uterus. The reasons for the appearance of such a tumor are not thoroughly elucidated, however, many experts associate its formation with an increase in estrogen production.
Treatment of fibroids is always complex and may include various physiotherapy. However, the doctor does not prescribe hydrogen sulfide baths in all cases, but only when the size of the formation does not exceed the size of the uterus at the 8th week of pregnancy. The use of hydrogen sulfide in this disease is a direct beneficial effect on the central nervous system, due to which the hormonal background stabilizes, the functionality of the nervous system improves. If it is required to stop the growth of fibroids, then radon baths are more recommended here.
Hydrogen sulfide baths for varicose veins
Foot baths with hydrogen sulfide is an excellent tool that is used in the complex treatment of varicose veins. Hydrogen sulfide water helps to heal blood vessels, relieve unpleasant symptoms, and prevent the development of complications caused by this disease.
For patients suffering from varicose veins, contrast baths are especially recommended, with temperature rotation from cool to warm water. Such procedures stimulate local metabolic processes, improve blood flow.
Hydrogen sulfide baths are actively prescribed for vascular diseases, as they eliminate pain, restore the functioning of nerve endings, and stop the inflammatory reaction. In addition to all the positive properties, hydrogen sulfide lowers vascular resistance, improves capillary circulation, and relieves swelling. It is optimal to take hydrogen sulfide baths for varicose veins at the initial stage of the disease.
Hydrogen sulfide baths for joints
Under the influence of hydrogen sulfide water, the formation of biologically active substances in the skin begins - for example, histamine, heparin, acetylcholine. These substances stimulate the expansion of capillary vessels, provide blood flow to tissues, increase blood circulation, and reduce blood viscosity. All these properties in combination have a healing effect on the entire body. At the same time, metabolic and energy reactions in the skeletal muscles and joints are improved, as a result of which pain is relieved, the course of the inflammatory process stops, and motor articular function is optimized.
Other positive effects of hydrogen sulfide baths on the joints include improving the function of the adrenal glands, accelerating carbohydrate metabolism, and stimulating the body's immune defenses.
Hydrogen sulfide baths for arthrosis
Hydrogen sulfide baths are especially recommended for arthrosis, polyarthritis, gout and other joint diseases. During the procedures, there is an improvement in metabolic and energy reactions in the musculoskeletal system - in the joints and muscles. Hydrogen sulfide has a positive effect on overall metabolism, while simultaneously stimulating the function of the endocrine system, namely the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and gonads. This leads to inhibition of inflammatory processes in the joints, prevents the deposition of salts, improves blood circulation in areas prone to pathological changes.
The reaction of patients to hydrogen sulfide baths with arthrosis is different. Most of the patients note relief of well-being already at the first procedure. However, sometimes after 2-3 baths there is a temporary deterioration in the condition, and even a breakdown. Such a change is always short-term, and you should not be afraid of it. You can take a break for a few days, after which the treatment course must be resumed. Experts note that the effect of hydrogen sulfide baths in arthrosis is maintained for 1-4 years, depending on the neglect of the disease process.
For some joint diseases, courses of therapy with hydrogen sulfide baths should be repeated several times. However, this can be done no earlier than six months after the last course.
Hydrogen sulfide baths for prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis is a common indication for the appointment of hydrogen sulfide baths. Procedures are carried out outside the stage of exacerbation of the disease. As a rule, they are prescribed every other day, with a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 50, 100 and 150 mg/l. It is possible to use local hydrogen sulfide baths (sitting baths).
Hydrogen sulfide has the ability to stimulate the glucocorticoid function of the adrenal cortex and activate nonspecific immune factors. It is these processes that determine the anti-inflammatory effect of the procedures, as well as their pronounced resolving and regenerative effect. The trophism of tissues affected by inflammation is restored, hemodynamics are normalized, and compensatory mechanisms of immunity are activated.
With the timely start of the treatment course, it is possible to achieve a stable remission of chronic prostatitis for several years. For a lasting effect, it is recommended to conduct courses of hydrogen sulfide baths annually. [2]
Hydrogen sulfide baths for prostate adenoma
Hydrogen sulfide baths are not prescribed in case of an acute inflammatory process, as well as in case of tumor growths in the prostate gland. Therefore, the use of such procedures for prostate adenoma is not recommended. In the initial stages of tumor development, hydrogen sulfide treatment is allowed, but only after the approval of the doctor, who must carefully evaluate the possible benefits and harms of the procedure.
Hydrogen sulfide baths for psoriasis
Psoriasis is a common chronic form of dermatosis, the etiology of which is still not known for certain. The course of the disease is stubbornly recurrent, and it is considered almost impossible to cure it, so patients seek help from any existing methods to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis.
One of the methods of treatment for psoriasis is balneotherapy - in particular, the use of hydrogen sulfide baths at a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 100 mg / l, with a temperature regime of 36 to 38 ° C. Procedures are repeated once every two days, or twice every three days. The course usually requires up to 14 baths.
In the initial stages of psoriasis, as well as in its relatively mild course, hydrogen sulfide baths have a pronounced positive effect. However, experts note a decrease in the effectiveness of procedures with a persistent form of pathology, as well as with strong infiltration of lesions affected by psoriasis. In such cases, it is recommended to repeat baths daily, and increase the total duration of treatment to 18-20 sessions. The time of one procedure also increases - up to 12-15 minutes (instead of 8-10 minutes). Longer and more frequent exposure to hydrogen sulfide can alleviate the course of chronic and large-plaque psoriasis - more severe resistant forms of pathology.
The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths
What are the beneficial properties of hydrogen sulfide baths? The mechanism of their action is as follows: hydrogen sulfide, or rather, its free ions, enter human tissues through the skin pores, as well as through the respiratory organs, after which they end up in the general bloodstream. There they are oxidized, and finally they leave the body in a natural way.
During one procedure, the human body can receive approximately 70 mg of hydrogen sulfide. Such a dose is already therapeutic, and the patient himself can feel the first signs of a healing effect on himself: the skin becomes pinkish, a feeling of warmth appears throughout the body.
Of course, the severity of the impact largely depends on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the water. However, this does not mean that the more the better. Excess content of the substance under certain conditions can be harmful, therefore, the procedures are carried out exclusively as prescribed by the doctor.
All the positive qualities of hydrogen sulfide baths can be listed, for example:
- stabilization of blood pressure;
- optimization of blood circulation;
- strengthening the immune system;
- improving the function of joints and cartilage;
- normalization of cholesterol and hemoglobin levels in the blood;
- acceleration of wound healing;
- inhibition of inflammatory processes;
- activation of growth of phospholipids;
- normalization of weight;
- improvement of carbohydrate metabolism, redox processes;
- elimination of excess fluid accumulation in tissues, pain relief;
- early removal from depression, getting rid of anxiety, irritability;
- liver detoxification;
- stabilization of the work of the central and autonomic nervous system;
- improvement of the musculoskeletal system;
- acceleration of cellular recovery;
- general cleansing and detoxification of the body.
The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths for men
For the male population, hydrogen sulfide baths are no less useful. For example, they improve potency, accelerate the treatment of inflammation in the prostate gland, eliminate infertility, and facilitate recovery from many diseases of the urinary system.
The only condition for benefiting from hydrogen sulfide treatment is quitting smoking, drinking alcohol (at least for the duration of the entire treatment course). The effect will be even more noticeable if the patient during the period of hydrogen sulfide baths does not consume harmful products and overexert himself physically.
An additional “bonus” for men will be liver cleansing, mood improvement, and normalization of cholesterol metabolism. [3]
The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths for women
For the female body, hydrogen sulfide baths are very useful, as they can help to cope with such problems as tubal infertility, menstrual cycle disorders, low estrogen levels. In addition, with the help of hydrogen sulfide, recovery can be accelerated in many pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems.
Scientific experts recently proved that hydrogen sulfide baths can activate the production of the substance sirtuin, which is also called the “hormone of youth”. This substance allows you to slow down the natural processes and age-related changes that occur as the body ages. With this in mind, we can recommend hydrogen sulfide bath procedures to those patients who seek to stop aging and restore the skin to a fresh and healthy look, rejuvenate and improve the whole body as a whole.
Hydrogen sulfide hair baths
The impact of hydrogen sulfide water on the scalp leads to the activation of nerve endings. The production of acetylcholine, histamine and other substances is stimulated, due to which capillaries expand, blood circulation improves, both in the skin and in the hair follicles.
Hydrogen sulfide baths and irrigation are successfully used for such problems:
- with dermatological pathologies, seborrhea;
- with hair loss;
- with neuralgia of the trigeminal or occipital nerve;
- with migraine, neurocirculatory dystonia;
- with neuroses, neurasthenia, hysterical attacks.
Hydrogen sulfide hair baths are contraindicated for patients with pustular skin problems, with diseases that are accompanied by severe weeping. Hair treatment with hydrogen sulfide should be discussed with the doctor in advance: he will assess the need for such treatment and select the necessary concentration of medicinal water.
Harm of hydrogen sulfide baths
In severe stages of heart failure, hydrogen sulfide baths are not prescribed: firstly, in advanced cases, they do not lead to a visible effect, and secondly, they can cause exacerbation of angina pectoris, ischemia of the heart muscle, and arrhythmia.
Hydrogen sulfide baths are contraindicated for the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma, advanced coronary atherosclerosis and irreversible atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels. Due to the high likelihood of complications, the procedures are not prescribed for repeated heart muscle infarction (with recurrent infarction), with cardiogenic shock, severe arrhythmias, aneurysm, with severe and frequent angina pectoris, with gastric and duodenal ulcer, with chronic damage to the hepatobiliary system and kidneys, with thyrotoxicosis.
The composition of hydrogen sulfide baths
Hydrogen sulfide waters contain most of the useful minerals. Most often, the composition is represented by such macro and microelements:
- iron;
- barium;
- bromine;
- calcium, sodium;
- iodine;
- potassium;
- fluorine;
- magnesium;
- sulfites.
The content of these components is always different, which depends primarily on the location of the natural source of hydrogen sulfide.
If artificial hydrogen sulfide baths are used for treatment, then they are made by combining sodium sulfide with hydrochloric acid, with the addition of a salt component and bicarbonate. Since free hydrogen sulfide has an increased reactivity, enamelled, cast-iron or faience vats and baths are used to make a treatment solution, and for the procedures themselves.
Hydrogen sulfide procedures can be combined with sodium chloride and carbon dioxide baths (mineral and gas-mineral, respectively).
Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths
Combined carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths have their own specific features. During the procedure, the patient's body is exposed to a two-component environment of water and gas. Gas bubbles leaving the skin surface activate low-sensitivity mechanical receptors of the skin, which contributes to the formation of a flow of afferent impulses to certain brain structures - that is, a kind of tactile massage occurs. Due to this, there is a more complete penetration of nutrients from the water into the tissues and the patient's bloodstream. Expansion of coronary vessels, mobilization of the cardiac reserve is observed.
In general, the carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide bath has hypotensive, cardiotonic, metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects. The procedures are prescribed for myocardial and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, respiratory diseases, functional disorders of the nervous system, chronic pathologies of the urogenital area, as well as nephrosclerosis and the initial stage of diabetes mellitus.
Hydrogen sulfide baths with carbon dioxide, in turn, can be successfully combined with mud therapy.