

How to improve memory?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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You certainly had to witness more than once how some of the people around you do not make significant efforts, remember everything new to the smallest detail, practically on the fly are able to grasp information and learn new information. And, of course, thought about how to develop this ability to memorize. There are a number of simple methods, the application of which can provide an answer to the question of how to improve memory.

One of the earliest ways to improve memory is the development of creative thinking and training imagination, the use of associations. In particular, in order to easily memorize multivalued numbers, we can represent them as plants and animals, as well as inanimate objects. So the unit appears in the form of a roadside post, the deuce turns into a swan, the number six is an open padlock, eight looks like a matryoshka, etc. In case you find it difficult to immediately imagine such a picture, you can draw a sketch.

Repetition is the mother of learning. However, guided by this principle, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to reduce everything to thoughtless cramming. Of course, you can learn anything, but here the unpleasant moment is that the necessary information will eventually remain in short-term memory and will not settle for a long time. It is better not to repeat what needs to be memorized many times in a row, and refresh it in memory one time for several days.

The next recommendation on how to improve memory is the need to concentrate on the memorization process. Information should be meaningful, and if possible, analogies are established in the data already available in memory or with certain vital factors. The stronger and more extensive such established parallels, respectively, it contributes to a better memorization of something really significant.

A favorable factor for improving memory is an active lifestyle, movement. Physical activities, sports, dancing, etc. Stimulate blood circulation throughout the body and the brain in particular, which leads to activation of mental processes associated with perception, processing and reconstruction of information.

An important role in improving memory is also played by the correct diet and diet. Vegetables, cereals, eggs, fish, seafood have a beneficial effect on the processes of memorization.


How to improve memory and attention?

Attention is characterized by the reversal of the psyche to certain objects that differ in stable or situational significance, and is also a state of mental concentration in which sensory, intellectual or motor activity is distinguished by an elevated level.

Before starting to consider how to improve memory and attention, one should understand the properties of attention.

One of the most simple to understand property is the amount of attention. In quantitative representation, it corresponds to how many objects can be held in the perception of a person at the same time. The amount of attention depends on the individual characteristics of the psychic sphere of each individual individual, his occupation, life experience, etc. A significant factor is also how attractive objects are within the perception and whether objects similar to them in the immediate vicinity semantic meaning, and so on.

Concentration or concentration of attention is characterized by the fixation of consciousness on a single object or a group of them. Due to concentration, it becomes possible to comprehend the very essence of the object or phenomenon that is being examined, the features of its structure are revealed and the purpose is determined. The degree of concentration differs by the inverse relationship between the number of objects and the area of the form that is in the process of perception.

Under the distribution of attention is meant that feature, through which it becomes possible to perform several actions simultaneously, retaining control over several processes at once and keeping in focus more than one object. Of great importance in this case is the maximum mastery of the skills of one or another activity to the level of automatism, which makes it possible to effectively deal with several cases at the same time. An example of this can be the work of a professional driver when he is in the process of driving a vehicle, without hesitation, properly reacting to the situation on the roads, signs and traffic signals, while being able to talk with passengers, listen to music, smoke, e.

Drugs that improve memory

Drugs that improve memory in their actions differ in that they primarily produce a beneficial effect in the form of improving and reinforcing mental activity in general, which in turn helps to activate the processes of remembering information.

Aminalon tablets provide optimization of all processes occurring in the brain, their application leads to improved memory, stimulates thinking and produces a psychostimulating effect. The drug is included in the list of tools that help to restore speech after there was an acute disruption of blood circulation in the brain. Pediatricians appoint Aminalon to children who are lagging behind in mental development.

Vitrum memories, released in the form of tablets, help to combat memory impairment and attention, it is advisable with a decrease in cognitive abilities, speech disorders, impaired vision. Due to the use of the drug, glucose and oxygen are supplied to the brain cells better, the blood composition is optimized, and the metabolic processes are normalized.

Glycine has the form of tablets, which must be placed under the tongue and kept there until the tablet completely dissolves. The drug takes part in the regulation of metabolism, promotes increased activity of brain activity, helps relieve tension, provides recovery and normalization of healthy sleep. The peculiarity is that the use of Glycine is allowed for women during pregnancy, as well as for infants.

Intain, in capsules or in the form of a syrup, possessing stimulating properties for cerebral activity, has indications for use of memory impairment and violation of concentration of attention, tinnitus, dizziness, depressive state, nervous tension due to the transferred stress situations.

Considering drugs that improve memory, we will also call Piracetam. The drug is issued as a 20% solution of ampoules of 5 ml. It can also be presented in the form of granules, tablets and capsules. Thanks to the reception of Piracetam, the blood supply to the cerebral vessels is optimized, metabolic processes are improved, and the body's energy reserves are increased. Piracetam provides an improvement in memory processes and concentration, contributes to better memorization during the learning process.

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Glycine for improved memory

The use of Glycine for improving memory is characterized by its beneficial effect, which consists in the normalization of the functioning of the vessels in the brain. It is recommended for use if there is impairment of brain activity, in cases of strong emotional and mental stress, such as the presence of problematic situations at work, divorce, examination sessions at the university, etc. It is prescribed in the presence of vegetovascular dystonia and neurotic diseases, and also if intellectual activity is inexplicably worsening, sudden sudden changes in mood occur. The drug is endowed with a calming, anti-stress and tranquilizing properties. It helps to get rid of the state of fear and heightened anxiety, helps normalize the psychoemotional state.

Glycine for memory improvement is applied by the way of placing the tablet under the tongue, where it must completely resolve. The maximum allowable dose is equal to one and a half tablets throughout the day, and for the entire course of taking this drug its total amount should not be more than two and a half grams. The duration of the course is from one week to two. During this period, adults and children over 4 years old must take in the morning and evening, one tablet, respectively. Sometimes Glycine can be extended up to one month.

With extreme caution, you should combine Glycine with antidepressants and antipsychotics. Contraindication is the appointment of it to people with individual hypersensitivity to the components of this drug.

Pyracetam to improve memory

Piracetam for memory improvement is characterized by the effect of effective restoration of normal blood supply to vessels supplying the brain in those cases when there is a chronic insufficiency of blood supply, as in the presence of cerebral atherosclerosis or if Parkinson's disease occurs.

The use of this drug helps to eliminate such negative consequences of these phenomena as memory impairment, loss of attention, dizziness, speech disturbance.

Pyracetam may be prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of depressive conditions that show resistance to antidepressants, or if a person tolerates neuroleptic or other psychotropic drugs badly. In this case, Pyracetam acts as a definite neutralizer against the development of complications of mental, neurological and somatovegetative nature that can be provoked by the latter.

Piracetam for memory improvement has a wide and application in gerontology, as it improves the performance of the brain by its cognitive and integrative functions. In addition, the drug is used as part of complex therapy, which is used in the treatment of senile dementias, for example, such as Alzheimer's.

The scope of use of Piracetam covers also pediatrics. It is used in cases of various encephalopathic and cerebroasthenic pathologies, as well as when there are memory disorders and a delay in intellectual development.

How to improve memory by alternative means?

Below are some recipes and consider the practical recommendations of alternative medicine, how to improve memory by alternative means.

Improvements in memory can be achieved through the use of tinctures of clover. First of all, it is necessary to collect half a liter jar of clover heads, which are filled with vodka in the amount of 0.5 liters. Next, the pot is closed and left to be infused in a dark place. Within two weeks, the contents should be shaken every day. After this period, the infusion should be poured into a bottle of dark glass. Take three weeks one tablespoon a day after lunch or before going to bed. After three weeks of taking the tincture, you should take a break for three weeks. Take for three months, after three years, repeat treatment. In addition to improving memory, this tool will help to normalize intracranial pressure and eliminate noise in the ears.

Memory is able to improve with the use of the penalty of the root of elecampane. The root of elecampane, broken into pieces, in the amount of one tablespoon is filled with 0.5 liters. Vodka and insists for 30 days in a place protected from penetration of light. All this period, the infusion should be shaken from time to time. Then it is filtered and poured into an opaque bottle. It is taken three times during the day before meals for a month. It is recommended that once a year to conduct such a course.

To improve memory, you can use a remedy from the bark of red ashberry. 1 tbsp. A spoon of bark for 250 ml of water is boiled for 10 minutes, after which the broth should be infused in a thermos for 6 hours and filtered. Take a month on a tablespoon three times a day.

To improve memory there is a recipe for a special herbal collection. Crushed dry leaves of cranberries and raspberries for 3 tbsp. Spoons each thoroughly mixed with 4 tbsp. Spoonfuls of leaves of badan and 1 tbsp. Spoon of oregano. Boiling water 1 tbsp. Spoon of the resulting mixture in a half-liter of water for 10 minutes, it is necessary to allow to infuse for 2 hours. Take 2 times a day for 3-4 weeks, two courses a year.

Infusion of mint with sage for memory improvement is prepared as follows. Dry crushed leaves of each of the plants are mixed in equal amounts - one art. Spoon, placed in a thermos with the addition of 2 cups of boiling water and left overnight. The next morning the infusion is filtered and taken at 50 ml. For 30 minutes. Before eating. Application of this infusion leads to a tonus of the nervous system and improves memory.

Herbs that improve memory

In that case, if you decide to use herbs that improve memory, note that it is not necessary to look for any exotic herbal infusions and drugs. First of all, such an ordinary and customary drink as tea can come to help in this matter. Even in ancient times in China, the tonic properties of tea were known. Tea leaves are characterized by the content of antioxidants, and they also contain caffeine. They increase the tone of the body and help improve memory. Tea is also able to help relieve tension of the nervous system and concentrate attention on important things.

Rosemary has a very positive effect on the improvement of memory processes. Its composition includes carnosic acid and antioxidants, which is a factor favorable for improving the efficiency and activation of thinking processes, better concentration and memory improvement.

Ginseng is another well-known remedy for memory improvement. It produces a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and on the functioning of the brain, it helps to cope with general weakness and increased fatigue.

Ginkgo, which gained its popularity and popularity in the late 20th and early 21st century, is also a powerful herbal remedy, which helps to concentrate attention and improve memory.

How to improve memory in a child?

There are a number of practical recommendations for teachers and moms on how to improve memory in a child. Below are some of them.

The human brain, and especially the child's brain, has an extremely developed ability to adapt and is capable of changing in accordance with environmental conditions. This feature has a name - neuroplasticity, and its use in improving memory in children can lead to excellent results. Memory is best trained when a child learns something new, acquires the ability to perform activities that he has not previously touched. Therefore, those children who are inculcated with diverse interests, and not only exclusively, let alone music, dance or fine arts, can remember new information. Children should have a lot of hobbies, and let one come to replace another.

How to improve memory in a child? It is best to do this in the form of a game, to provoke and warm up his interest in the corresponding developing exercises. An important point here is to convince the child that meeting with something new does not at all mean that this new is difficult, but what is first and foremost is interesting! You can use the technique of visual images, in which the child is required to match the word with any object, person, phenomenon, that is well known to him. A child can name as an association, for example, a favorite character from children's books or cartoons.

The application of the method of loci is that your child, in order to better, should in the mind locate, each object from the totality that you need to remember, in familiar places. For example - to better learn and remember the name of the continents, let the bed become Eurasia, the writing desk - the American continent, etc.

In order for the memory of a child to better retain a passage from a book or a poem, it is necessary that he first firmly learned the first of his capital letters. And then, based on the received abbreviation, it will be easier for him to recall the meaning of what is said in each line or sentence. This method is called - Acrostic.

In addition to the above mental exercises, the physical activity of the child is also important. Moving games, playing sports contribute to the inflow of blood saturated with oxygen into the vessels supplying the brain, which leads to the activation of his intellectual activity.

How to improve the memory of a teenager?

First of all, when the child began to observe forgetfulness and does not manage to retain even the information that he perceived just a short time before, it is necessary to consult a neurologist. If after a visit to such a medical expert it turns out that it is possible to exclude the existence of certain psychoneurological abnormalities from the list of reasons for this, and there are no significant causes for concern, then one should think about how to improve the memory of a teenager with the help of various techniques that help both to develop memory, and contribute to better concentration of the student.

The fact that in the knowledge of the surrounding world and the interaction with it, a person uses several types of memory, does not mean that all the forces need to be directed at improving only one of its specific types. The most beneficial for the comprehensive strengthening of mental functions, cognitive and intellectual abilities of adolescents is their purposeful integrated development of their totality.

Different types of memory have certain specific mechanisms of their functioning, so the methodological recommendations are based on the characteristics of each of them.

So in one of the exercises to improve visual, visual, memory, the teenager looks at ten cards in front of him with images. After one minute they are removed, and the child is required to name what was on each of them.

Audible or sound memory develops by repeating a teenager of ten quickly spoken words. Thanks to playing musical instruments and studying in music school, this type of memory is also remarkably strengthened.

Elements of techniques for improving memory in adolescents take place in the school curriculum itself, which stipulates that in literature lessons schoolchildren need to learn by heart poems and excerpts from various prose works.

A good way to improve memory in adolescents is to teach foreign languages.

How to improve memory with exercises?

In order to accommodate a large amount of information and if it is easy to operate with it, memory should be trained all the time. So, what are the ways to develop memory and how to improve memory with exercises?

Among some of their most famous techniques of assisting in training the ability to memorize is the technique of mnemograms. Its essence lies in the formation of strong associative links between what is required to remember and things that are familiar to man. As an example of a mnemogram, you can give a phrase about the arrangement of the colors of the spectrum, which is known to everyone: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits". Or else - in order to remember the sequence of planets in the solar system, starting from the farthest and towards the nearest to the Sun, one can use the mnemogram: "Planets It's Easy to Remember the Youngest Baby Knowing Venus Mercury". The technique of mnemograms can be used to memorize a variety of things: from the rules of grammar and spelling of the Russian language, telephone numbers, foreign words, to the sequence of digits in the Pi number.

Good results in terms of how to improve memory through exercises can bring about regular learning by heart of a small text fragment, whether in prose, or a poem. An important point here is not to memorize automatically and thoughtlessly, it is necessary to delve into the meaning contained in it. In the beginning, for memorization, repeated repetition may be required, but subsequently the required number of repetitions will decrease.

You can also improve memory by using the so-called photographic method. To do this, it takes 5 seconds to focus all the attention on the desired object in order to fix its image. Then, in the next five-second interval of time, making a breath and holding your breath, with your eyes closed, you need to recall this image. Then, together with the exhalation, you need to let it completely dissolve, absolutely to leave your thoughts. This kind of memory training should be repeated at different times of the day, with different objects, and with different rhythmicity. Apply the technique of photography should be 15 minutes from two times a day, starting with 5 exercises during the day and eventually reaching 50 of their repetitions.

How to improve visual memory?

The eyes, the organs of human vision, provide the main channel of perception of the world around him. Vision is crucial for the effective interaction of a person with various aspects of the environment. Therefore, from all types of memory, visual is especially important.

Here are some techniques that can help all those who are wondering how to improve visual memory.

To perform the first exercise, you need to put in front of yourself some very ordinary object, it would be preferable if it is a bright color. It is necessary for some time very intently to consider it in order to fix in memory. Then you need to close your eyes and try to recreate this subject in your mind, as soon as possible in more detail and in details. Then, opening his eyes, the object itself and its memorized image are compared, and all the differences are noted, and what details were missed. The eyes are closed again and the image is "completed", supplemented on the basis of this. This is done as many times as necessary to mentally model it as close to reality as possible.

How to improve visual memory recommendations are also offered in the following method.

Well remembering to the smallest detail some of the objects as a result of the above exercise, you need to take one of them and, recreating his image mentally, try to display it in the form of a picture. Artistry and similarity to the original play not the most important role here, much more important is how fully all the details are transferred to the image. At the same time, drawing should be guided by the fact that it was stored in memory, and not drawn from nature.

How to improve auditory memory?

In most people, predominantly one of the two channels of perception of the world around them is visual or auditory. Vision and hearing largely surpass all the rest of the basic five senses of man. By these criteria, people are divided into visuals and audials. Someone more easily perceives visual images, and someone more comfortable to rely on hearing. And despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of information about the environment people receive through the eyes, auditory memory is no less important. Because of this, it is actual how to improve auditory memory.

It helps in memorizing the meaning of a text when it is read aloud. If a person reads out what he himself has written, it will endow it with greater significance and strength, which accordingly contributes to better preservation in memory.

With reference to how to improve auditory memory, there are a number of exercises that help to develop the ability to memorize auditory information.

The first technique we are considering involves the need to listen and remember in memory the fragments of conversations of random passers-by on the street. Due to the daily exercise of such exercises for a quarter of an hour to one hour, after a lapse of 3-4 months, a great number of unrelated phrases can settle in memory.

The next exercise is to try to identify the characteristic differences between the voices of people who meet you, and remember them, again hearing. Each person is characterized by purely individual features of speech and voice, features of pronunciation, manner of speaking. As the development of auditory memory, this will become increasingly obvious.

How to improve memory before the exam?

Approaching the examination session is often associated with the onset of a stressful state, which manifests itself in some nervousness, in a decrease in the ability to concentrate attention and memory impairment. There is a feeling that absolutely all the knowledge received during the course or semester, somewhere suddenly disappeared. Especially acute is the question of how to improve memory before the exam.

In order to prevent overstrain of the nervous system and to activate the processes of better remembering information, it is advisable to carry out the set of special exercises listed below.

Clenching the fists, with the thumbs bent inward, during the exhalation it is necessary to gradually squeeze them, applying effort. In a new inhalation, the compression of the kulaks is weakened, and the whole sequence of actions is repeated five times. To achieve greater effectiveness of the exercise, it is recommended to hold it, closing your eyes.

A favorable effect can be due to the fact that if you massage the tip of the little finger lightly.

For the next exercise, you need to take in each hand a pair of walnuts and make them circle around in the palms of your hands.

And further. Nut should be placed on the palm next to the little finger, and pressing the palm of the other hand for 3 minutes to move in a circle.

Speaking about how to improve memory before the exam, it should be noted that of the classical gymnastic exercises, the most effective and useful are primarily those whose performance causes the flow of blood to the head, which has a stimulating effect on the activation of the functioning of brain cells. These are: a roll, a candle, a stand on the head.

How to improve short-term memory?

Short-term memory is a kind of memory, the characteristic feature of which is that it contains the information that is used by the person directly at the current time.

How to improve short-term memory? A wonderful assistant in this can be the use of didactic cards to develop the ability to memorize information. Didactic cards used in games have a stimulating effect on brain activity and contribute to memory improvement. This method is effective in order to prepare well for the passage of testing, for passing exams, etc. - wherever a good memory is required from the subject.

Here is a simple exercise from among those intended to achieve the goal, implying how to improve short-term memory.

Several items are placed on the tray. They need to be remembered, after which they are covered with a cloth. The task is that it is necessary to write a list of all those things that have been deposited in memory. After that, the fabric is removed, and the list is compared with how many and exactly which items are on the tray. With a good result achieved, the number of things should be increased. To achieve a positive effect, short-term memory should be exercised in this way at least once a week.

Another useful recommendation may be that it is necessary to strive to pay enough attention to detail, to be collected and focused so as not to sink into a state where all actions are performed thoughtlessly, so to speak, "automatically" without going into the essence of what is happening.

How to improve long-term memory?

A feature of long-term memory is that it is designed to store information for a long time. All that is contained in long-term memory and can stay there almost until the end of life. However, there are cases when a person painfully tries to remember something important and - to no avail. This situation can only mean that the information has not been preserved in either short-term or long-term memory. This brings us to the problem of how to improve long-term memory.

Some practical recommendations can be followed, which will help improve memorization skills.

In order to effectively memorize large arrays of disparate information, it is suggested to use simple associations. In this case, each piece of information is attached to one part of the human body, at the mention of which the necessary data automatically pops up in memory.

The best memorization is facilitated by the absence or minimization of any factors that distract the attention of a person. In silence and quiet, when the TV is turned off and loud music does not play, people are more likely to concentrate and the processes of long-term memory are more efficient.

Large amounts of information are easier to fix in long-term memory, if they are broken down into separate semantic blocks and structured in a certain way. As an example of this can be many-valued telephone numbers, which are written on several digits through spaces.

Music that improves memory

Music is a very positive factor causing memory improvement. Musical rhythms formed in accordance with the laws of harmony are able to bring the emotional, sensual sphere of the human psyche to a harmonious state, they fill with energy, contribute to the activation of intellectual activity, and lead to better knowledge and assimilation of new information, have a beneficial effect on memory.

Music, improving memory, is capable of having an effect positively affecting the speed of signal transmission between neurons of the brain. The strongest and most effective in developing analytic thinking abilities is the effect produced by listening to classical or jazz music. To activate mental activity music therapists are advised to listen carefully to understand what instruments are present in the orchestra, to determine the pace and rhythm of the work, to disassemble individual musical phrases.

To excellent results can also result in music that improves memory in the process of learning to play the various musical instruments. If a child goes to a music school, this in no small way improves his linguistic skills. As for adults, such training can help them against memory loss in the event of organic brain damage. In the process of studying music, there is a strong stimulation of the temporal lobe of the cerebral hemispheres responsible for processing the information coming through the auditory channel of perception. And this becomes a factor that causes the development of the left temporal lobe in that part, which is associated with oral memory. Thus, memory is trained as one of the results of learning music.

Poems that improve memory

Poems that improve memory produce a beneficial effect on those mental functions of the brain that are associated with the processes of learning and remembering information. The undoubted benefit of memorizing verse literary works is beyond doubt and is a universally recognized fact. The recommendations of medical specialists regarding the learning of poems often occur in cases of sclerotic phenomena, and the results of using this method are really there.

In verse, textual information is represented in the form of logically structured blocks - stanzas, and is organized with a certain rhythmicity due to one or another style of versification: hexameter, dactyl, trochee, iambic, etc. This is a factor that greatly facilitates memorization in comparison with prose .

As evidenced by the results of scientific research by British scientists from the University of Liverpool, the process of reading and learning poems is improving the functioning of the brain. An experiment was conducted during which the test subjects were required after reading the poems of English poets to re-read the works of the classics transferred to modern language. The simultaneous scanning of brain functions showed that the usual texts did not cause any significant reactions, and the activation of brain functions was observed from the rhymed products. Thus, it was stated that the latter contribute to the enhancement of mental activity and the training of memory.

How can an elderly person improve memory?

When the youth irrevocably leaves and the time of maturity has already been lived, there comes a period of aging, which is often accompanied by a deterioration in memory. The cause of age-related changes occurring in the brain with a tendency to decrease in the activity of its functioning is that there is a weakening of neural connections and the deterioration of the properties of excitability becomes inherent in nerve cells. In order to maintain an active lifestyle and maintain an organism in a high vitality and maintain a keen mind and a good memory on the threshold of old age, one of the most urgent problems is how to improve the memory of an elderly person.

A good memory is conditioned, first of all, by a normal, healthy course of all mental and mental processes occurring in the brain. Achievement and maintenance of this state is facilitated by measures to organize optimal healthy working and recreational conditions.

How can an elderly person improve memory? First of all, in the work it is not necessary to lay out the utmost, getting out of the way, avoiding that there is mental or physical overload.

The normalization of the functioning of the brain largely depends on whether its blood supply is sufficient. Inflow of blood is due to the maintenance of the muscle tone of the body, which is achieved by regular exercise. Great exercise is marked by anaerobic exercises such as strength training and running. Here, however, it should be noted that sports in old age should be conducted under the supervision of a coach, and calculating the intensity of the load should be guided by the general state of health, the transferred diseases, etc.

Of no less importance is the alternation of active activity with periods of recovery, regular rest at regular intervals.

In order to prevent an aging memory impairment, it must be involved in intellectual processes where it is necessary to think about, recall certain information. This happens, for example, when solving crossword puzzles and solving logical problems.

During the reading, various types of memory are also trained, because, in this process, the visual is involved - in the perception of the text, as well as the motor and semantic. After the literary work is fully read, a good exercise for the development of memory can be if you try to walk through the mind from beginning to end in all the storylines, recalling the characters of the characters, the details of the described events and circumstances.

The state of memory is adversely affected by a variety of stresses, which also lead to a violation of concentration. Constant stressful situation can be a chronic lack of sleep, so it is very important to sleep enough hours necessary for rest daily.

How to quickly improve memory?

Good memory depends on the normal functioning of the brain. To optimize the processes of mental activity, in turn, it is required that the brain is supplied in sufficient quantities all the vitamins and elements that are necessary for its active work. Each of the vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, E, K plays a corresponding important role positively affecting the performance of the brain of one or another of its functions, such as: it helps to maintain good concentration of attention, prevents excessive fatigue, helps preserve memory acuity.

Therefore, in order to quickly improve memory, it is necessary to introduce into the diet of vitamin-containing foods and such in which there is iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and folic acid. Such valuable nutritional characteristics are inherent in bananas, beef liver, walnuts, buckwheat groats, yoghurts, potato-fried potatoes, linseed oil, milk, oatmeal, rye bread, and fish of fatty varieties.

The decrease in mental activity and, accordingly, the deterioration of memory occurs due to the fact that the neurons of the brain tend to break down. However, nerve cells, including brain cells, have the ability to recover as a result of regular exercises aimed at developing the mental sphere. Hone the intellectual abilities will help the logical games, as complex, combinatorial - chess, checkers, Renju, and so on, and the solution of the problems is simpler, for example, puzzles and crossword puzzles. All this contributes to the fact that the mental processes that occur in the brain begin to take place with more activity, and this in turn is a positive factor for improving memory.

The best way to improve memory

Currently, you can meet a lot of advice, recommendations and various techniques, focused on the development of improving the ability to remember information.

Perhaps, as the most simple and best way to improve memory, physical activity can be called. The greatest effectiveness in terms of achieving better memory and subsequent retrieval of any information from memory is characterized by stimulation of cerebral cognitive processes due to intensification of blood flow to the head. Increased pulse and increased blood circulation, which occurs during physical exercises, which contribute not only to strengthening the muscles, but also lead to the improvement of mental functions, intellectual abilities, aggravation of memory and attention.

Another better way to improve memory is, as strange as it may seem, a trivial lesson like chewing gum. To date, based on a number of studies, it can be fully justifiably asserted that active long-term work by jaws is an unquestionable factor of better memorization. However, the mechanisms of such a positive influence of the chewing gum have not yet been fully clarified. According to one of the assumptions, during the chewing process, the number of heart beats increases and the blood flow increases. Another hypothesis is based on the properties of insulin secreted in this case, which has a stimulating effect on those brain zones that are associated with memory processes.

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