

Hiccups after alcohol: from what and why?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Episodically occurring involuntary reflex in the form of convulsive contraction of the diaphragm and auxiliary respiratory muscles with a sharp, sudden cessation of inhalation and closing of the vocal cords - is not a pathology, but why so often there are hiccups after alcohol?

Causes of the hiccups after drinking

Causes of hiccups after drinking alcoholic beverages - alcohol itself, especially strong alcohol. It irritates not only the mucous membranes of the esophageal wall and receptors of the gastric mucosa, but also the nerves located near the esophagus: the anterior branches of the vagus nerve (nervus vagus) and the diaphragmatic nerve (nervus phrenicus) passing into the abdominal cavity through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, which controls the movement of the diaphragm. [1]

Thus, irritation of the esophagus irritates these nerves, causing the diaphragm muscles to contract, causing hiccups. [2]

Risk factors

Factors that increase the likelihood of hiccups after drinking alcohol include drinking too much, swallowing air while drinking (especially fast) and eating, and distension of the stomach.

Severe hiccups after carbon dioxide-containing alcohol and beer are associated with gastric dilatation, which leads to irritation of the vagus nerve and diaphragm.

Also, acid reflux into the esophagus should not be ruled out, as alcohol reduces the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and simultaneously increases acid production in the stomach.


As in hiccups after eating, the mechanism of hiccups after alcohol is due to the fact that due to the irritating effect on the diaphragmatic and vagus nerves there is a frequent contraction of the diaphragm, the fascia of the internal muscular legs of which limit the muscular ring of the diaphragmatic-esophageal orifice and, coming closer, tightly adjoin the esophagus.

And prolonged hiccups after alcohol, as well as other symptoms of hangover syndrome are a consequence of the CNS reaction to intoxication with ethyl alcohol. In what cases hiccups after alcohol in sleep are possible is unknown, because in a horizontal position the esophagus is relaxed, and sleep, as shown by polysomnography data, inhibits hiccups.

Treatment of the hiccups after drinking

Here are some tips on how to get rid of hiccups after alcohol fast.

First, it helps to hold your breath for a few seconds - after inhaling, then take a few deep breaths. This can be repeated three or four times.

Second, proven remedies for hiccups after alcohol: a glass of water drunk without stopping; a slice of lemon placed in the mouth or half a teaspoon of granulated sugar (which should be placed on the root part of the tongue). [3]

Besides, you can try:

  • gargle with cold water;
  • cough;
  • press firmly on the bridge of your nose several times;
  • change your body position to compress the diaphragm, such as sitting with your knees pulled up to your chest or tilting your chest toward your knees.

Complications and consequences

Post-alcoholic hiccups are physiologic and are without complications or consequences.

But if for two or more days does not pass hiccups after alcohol, you should seek medical help, because it may be a sign of a serious health problem, in particular, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), esophageal hernia and other GI pathologies, lesions of the brain or spinal cord, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, malignant tumor, and others.


The surest way to avoid hiccups after drinking alcohol is to stop drinking it.... At least, you should consume it in moderation and drink it slowly.

You should also avoid carbonated alcoholic beverages, and beer is better to drink from a glass rather than from a bottle or can.

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