Green, odorless discharge
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Abundant odorless green vaginal discharge in most cases indicates the development of pathology, which is a reason to visit a gynecologist. It is believed that the appearance of such discharge is associated with some infectious or inflammatory process, regardless of whether this symptom is accompanied by other pathological signs, such as itching, burning, pain, urinary disorders, etc. In order to get rid of the problem, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence.
Causes of the green, odorless discharge
Detection of green odorless discharge can be associated with the entry of infection into the vagina, including such pathogens that are transmitted by sexual transmission. We are talking about chlamydia, trichomonads, gonococci. Sometimes patients have several types of pathogens isolated at once.
Among the most likely causes of the appearance of green discharge without odor, the following pathologies are considered:
- Microbial vaginosis, inflammatory reactions (colpitis, atrophic vaginitis, endocervicitis).
- Venereal diseases (initial stage of trichomonadal or chlamydial lesions).
- Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, reduced thyroid function, adrenal function deficiency), tuberculosis.
- Uteropelvic fistula.
- Complications of genital infections, diseases of the uterus and appendages, postpartum endometritis, endometriosis.
In some cases, women are found to have several causes of abnormal secretion at once.
Green odorless discharge in pregnancy is often due to changes in hormonal background, deterioration of immunity, which, in turn, increases the risks of infection.
Green odorless discharge in men should be considered separately: it can be urethral secretion (discharge from the urethra), sebum from the sebaceous glands (localized on the head of the penis), as well as secretion from pathological skin formations.
Risk factors
Provoke the occurrence of green discharge without odor are capable of different factors, among them:
- sexually transmitted infections;
- vaginal microtraumas, injuries from childbirth, abortion, sexual intercourse, etc;
- metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus, adrenal or thyroid disorders) that affect glycogen production and impair the quality of the vaginal flora;
- hormonal disorders and changes (periods of childbearing, postmenopause, etc.);
- Non-compliance with recommendations regarding personal and intimate hygiene;
- allergic reactions, stress, digestive disorders, immunodeficiency states;
- prolonged antibiotic therapy.
In normal women, some form of vaginal discharge is almost always present. The cervical uterine epithelium has its own glandular apparatus that produces a mucous lubricant that envelops the vagina and protects it during sexual contact, removes dead epithelial particles, dead microorganisms, etc. This apparatus also ensures the cleanliness of the reproductive organ. This device also ensures the cleanliness of the reproductive organ.
The state of discharge and its volume are not always the same. Changes are noted at different stages of the monthly cycle, as well as in the appearance of diseases of the sexual apparatus. Pathological discharge, as a rule, differs in quantity, color and odor. However, the occurrence of green discharge without odor is also possible.
Doctors note that almost any changes in vaginal secretion can indicate the development of a pathological process, so it is important to visit a specialist in time and understand the situation, undergo appropriate diagnostic measures. The problem may lie in an inflammatory reaction, endometriosis, venereal diseases, fungal lesions of the vagina.
It should be understood that only one symptom of green odorless discharge is impossible to establish the only correct diagnosis. Therefore, you should not engage, neither self-diagnosis, nor self-treatment. It is necessary to contact specialists and undergo all the required procedures of qualified diagnostics.
Vulvovaginal diseases, which are accompanied by the appearance of discharge, are the most common in gynecology. Most of such clinical cases are found in patients under the age of 35 years. However, green odorless discharge can be provoked by various causes.
According to the statistics of the European International Community for the Control of Sexual Infectious Diseases, the most common cause is infectious agents of microbial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, vaginitis, fungal lesions of the vagina.
The second most common are cervicitis, atrophic vaginitis, mucous ectopia. Among the less frequent causes: depressive conditions, vaginal dermatoses, psychosexual disorders, allergic reactions, endocrine disorders.
Green odorless discharge in women can be liquid or heavy, thick, periodic or constant, scanty or abundant. On underwear of white color, greenish spots can be found. If the volumes of secretion are large, it can accumulate in the area of the large and small labia, in the perineum area. Over time, an odor may still appear: sour, rotten, fishy, etc.
Yellow green odorless discharge can be watery, dense, curd-like, and less often frothy. Not only the color, but also other characteristics of the discharge are important for a correct diagnosis.
Curd green odorless discharge is often accompanied by a fairly strong itching in the perineum and vaginal vestibule area. Redness, irritation, rashes appear on the skin. There may be pain in the lower abdomen, above the pubic area.
Liquid green odorless discharge may require constant use of sanitary pads, and not daily, and special, designed to absorb menstrual discharge. Patients indicate the appearance of discomfort due to the large volume of unpleasant secretion.
Thick green odorless discharge is not only vaginal, but also cervical, tubal, corporal. The lack of odor in this case is due to the weak intensity of the inflammatory response. As the process worsens, an unpleasant odor still appears, which is associated with the increasing vitality of pathogenic bacteria. Even green mucous odorless discharge should be a reason to visit a doctor, as it may indicate the beginning of the development of bacterial vaginosis, inflammation of the internal genitalia.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the green, odorless discharge
Unusual green discharge is not an independent pathological unit, but acts as one of the symptoms of a disease of the reproductive apparatus. If the original cause of this symptom is identified and treated, the composition of the vaginal microflora will stabilize, and the green odorless discharge will disappear.
Diagnostic measures and subsequent treatment are carried out by a gynecological specialist. First, he collects the necessary anamnestic data about sexual partners, methods of contraception, infectious and inflammatory processes. Then clarifies the presence of other symptoms, their severity and duration.
After that, the doctor examines the patient on a special chair, and at the same time takes a scraping or smear. Sometimes a preliminary diagnosis can be established at this stage, but more often other types of tests are required.
Patients are advised to undergo comprehensive tests for the most frequent pathogens:
- PCR with examination of urogenital tract microflora;
- gynecological smear for microflora.
It should be understood that the nature of discharge and clinical picture of many sexual infections are similar to each other. Therefore, in order to assume one or another disease, the doctor conducts and additional instrumental diagnostics. Most often it includes ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Sonography helps to detect tumors, cysts, inflammatory reactions in the tissues of the tubes and ovaries. In order to clarify certain points, there may be a need for hysterography, computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. In complex cases, laparoscopy is appointed. With small green odorless discharge often requires consultation with an endocrinology specialist.
Differential diagnosis
Colposcopy is performed to examine the vaginal tissues and exclude the possibility of erosive lesions, precancerous lesions, tumor processes. If necessary, cervicoscopy and hysteroscopy are also performed.
Syphilis is ruled out by Wasserman reaction. If indicated, tuberculosis tests are performed.
Blood tests (clinical and biochemical) are necessary to establish the cause of the inflammatory response. If tumors are suspected, determination of baseline oncomarkers is required.
Diseases that require differential diagnosis in the appearance of green odorless discharge:
- microbial or fungal vaginosis;
- trichomoniasis;
- chlamydia;
- gonorrhea.
All key infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted must be excluded. Possible co-infection, i.e. Co-infections, should also be kept in mind.
Treatment of the green, odorless discharge
Therapeutic measures are determined on an individual basis after diagnosis and finding out the underlying causes of green odorless discharge. The treatment base includes an etiopathogenetic strategy against the background of symptomatic therapy. Oral medications are supplemented with local treatment and physiotherapy.
If the causes of the problem lie in genital infectious processes, it is recommended to treat two sexual partners at once - both male and female.
Most often, the doctor prescribes the following medications:
- Antibiotics, antimicrobials, antiprotozoal agents, anthelmintics.
- Anti-allergic drugs (to eliminate itching, discomfort in the genital area, to reduce pro-inflammatory mediators in the area of inflammatory reaction).
- Local restorative agents (vaginal suppositories to restore vaginal microflora, suppositories with antibacterial and antimycotic composition).
In severe cases, when green odorless discharge is associated with the accumulation of pus in the uterus or tubes, tumor neoplasms, abscesses - surgical treatment is prescribed. It consists in draining the foci of infection, excision of fistulous passages. Benign tumors are excised within the healthy tissue, and in malignant formations, ovarioectomy, uterine amputation, etc. Are performed, if indicated.
If endometriosis is diagnosed, laparoscopic removal of the altered tissue with further cauterization of these areas is performed.
Complications and consequences
With adequate identification of the causes and timely treatment of green odorless discharge usually disappears, without any consequences. If you ignore the visit to the doctor and do not follow his recommendations, the inflammatory process can become chronic.
Among the likely complications:
- infectious spread to the urinary tract (development of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis);
- loss of libido, reproductive problems, infertility;
- ectopic pregnancy.
All of these troubles can be avoided if at the onset of the first symptoms to contact doctors and follow all the necessary appointments and procedures.
In most patients, the root cause of green odorless discharge is due to sexually transmitted infectious diseases. To prevent infection, avoid casual sexual intercourse and use barrier contraceptives (condoms).
Women should be examined annually by a gynecologist throughout the period of sexual activity for prevention and healthy control.
In addition to this, the following guidelines should be adhered to:
- practicing good hygiene and washing properly and regularly;
- use a separate clean towel;
- If you cannot shower, use special wet wipes;
- Eliminate sprays without a doctor's prescription;
- Change vaginal tampons and pads in a timely manner;
- Use underwear made of natural fabrics that are breathable;
- eat a good and balanced diet, do not overeat, do not eat a lot of sweets, avoid alcoholic beverages.
In most cases, diseases that are accompanied by the occurrence of abnormal vaginal secretion require the use of antibacterial or antifungal medications. The duration of therapy with subsequent restoration of quality microbial flora is on average 2-3 weeks, but sometimes longer.
It is not recommended to draw any conclusions about the possible causes of the disorder and prescribe treatment on your own. Each infection has its own sensitivity to medicines, and only a doctor will be able to choose the right medication after evaluating the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.
If the diagnosis is correct, the appropriate therapy is prescribed, after which green odorless discharge usually disappears. But even after that it is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors, adhere to the rules of personal and sexual hygiene, so that the problem does not arise again.
Savelieva, G. M. Gynecology : national guide / edited by G. M. Savelieva, G. T. Sukhikh, V. N. Serov, V. E. Radzinsky, I. B. Manukhin. - 2nd ed. Moscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2022.