Effective treatment of erysipelas
Last reviewed: 16.05.2024

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The erysipelas, or erysipelas, is anthropogenous infection that is caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus. Such a disease is cured rather difficult, often passes into a chronic course - especially in cases when the patient does not consult the doctor immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms. However successful treatment of erysipelas is possible - for this it is necessary to comply with all the advice and prescriptions of a dermatologist.
When appointing medicines to treat erysipelas, the doctor will take into account the degree of clinical manifestations, the severity of the course of the disease. However, any treatment for erysipelas is impossible without the use of antibiotics, with an integrated approach to the problem.
Antibiotics are necessary, since erysipelas are of an infectious origin. To increase the effect, antiallergic drugs, vitamins, and mineral complexes will be added to antibiotics.
Often, already at the stage of recovery, physiotherapy is added to the basic treatment:
- ultraviolet irradiation;
- magnetic therapy;
- laser treatment.
How is the treatment of erysipelas on the leg, arm, face different?
There are no differences in the treatment of erysipelas by localization of the pathological process. Treatment of erysipelas is carried out according to the same principles, regardless of which part of the body is affected.
Treatment of bullous face
With a bullous face, breaks and inflamed vesicles appear on the lesions. This is not a very good sign, because such inflammation can be complicated by the formation of phlegmon or abscess, as well as trophic ulcers.
Treatment of erysipelas of this form is often accompanied by a surgical procedure: the doctor opens the abscesses and cleans them. The wound is not sutured, but drainage is installed for free outflow of the liquid detachable. During the operation, all the dead tissue is removed. To prevent infectious complications, the wound is treated with antiseptic solutions. It is appropriate to use a solution of chlorhexidine.
The operation itself is simple and lasts about 35 minutes.
Treatment of erythematous erythematosus
When erythematous inflammation on the painful skin occurs erythema, the tissues swell and become inflamed. Erythema bright, clearly delineated, slightly above the rest of the skin. This form of the disease can be attributed to the easiest - its treatment is simple, it lasts about 15-20 days. Antibiotics can stop local inflammation and suppress the development of streptococci, as a result of which the affected skin is renewed.
After reducing redness, a specific film remains on the affected area, which is the "old" tearing skin. When this film goes away completely, it will need to be easily removed. Under it, an updated epithelial tissue is exposed, which can be peeled for a while - this is considered one of the signs of recovery.
Treatment of recurrent erysipelas
If the erysipelas occur several times on the same skin area, then they speak of a relapsing form of the disease. Why is it so? The fact that the causative agent of erysipelatous inflammation depresses the immune defense in the body: this is what causes the repeated defeat. Unfortunately, specialists have not yet developed specific preventive measures. Treatment of erysipelas is carried out according to the standard scheme, however, it is recommended to do a special "emphasis" on maintaining the immunity - this is the only way to prevent the re-occurrence of the problem.
Principles of treatment of uncomplicated erysipelas
In the uncomplicated course of erysipelas, standard conservative therapy is prescribed, most often in outpatient settings.
The main principles of the treatment scheme are:
- Antibiotic therapy - medications from the group of protected penicillins (for example, Amoxiclav) and sulfonamide drugs (for example, Sulfadimethoxin or Sulfadiazine) are optimally prescribed. In more occasional cases, the use of Ceftriaxone is indicated. The usual course of antibiotic therapy lasts 1.5-2 weeks.
- Antiallergic treatment of erysipelas is necessary to support immunity, since streptococci can lead to the development of reactions similar to allergic ones. Optimal use of antihistamines by Loratadin or Desloratadine, or cheaper Suprastin or Diazolin.
- Taking analgesics is necessary to relieve pain. To treat erysipelas, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used - for example, Nimesil, Meloxicam, Ibuprofen. Of accept only in cases if there are no problems with the digestive tract, since these drugs can negatively affect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.
- External treatment of erysipelas includes regular dressings. The use of ointments is not recommended, the optimum drug is a solution of 0.005% chlorhexidine.
Treatment of erysipelas in diabetes mellitus
The erysipelas lesion in patients with diabetes mellitus is a consequence of the processes of withering and destruction of the capillary network. This leads to the fact that treatment of erysipelas is greatly complicated. Against the background of standard antibiotic therapy and antihistamine treatment, the patient will be prescribed vasoconstrictive and cardiovascular drugs, and detoxification therapy will be performed. Unfortunately, the prognosis in such a situation is not in favor of the patient: mug often turns into gangrene.
Methods of treatment of erysipelas
As already mentioned above, the main point of the complex approach in the treatment of erysipelas is antibiotic therapy. If treatment of erysipelas with antibiotics is carried out on an outpatient basis, oral medication is prescribed. In an inpatient setting, injection of medications is possible.
- Treatment of erysipelas Penicillin leads to the binding of enzymes of the cellular microbial membrane and, as a consequence, to the death of the bacterium. Penicillin causes destruction and death of the microbe. To strengthen the action of Penicillin, you can connect to treatment Furazolidon and Sulfadimetoksin.
Penicillin injections are performed intramuscularly or subcutaneously in the affected area. Before the injection, the limb is pinched over the painful focus. Introduced 250 thousand - 500 thousand ED of Benzylpenicillin in the morning and evening. The duration of therapy is from one to three weeks.
Treatment of erysipelas with Bicillin 5 is carried out to prevent repeated episodes of the disease. Assign one injection once a month for two or three years.
- Treatment of erysipelas Amoxiclave is carried out 1 g in the morning and in the evening (for adult patients). Possible use in children, in amounts up to 20-40 mg per kg of weight (daily amount, which is divided into three doses). For the treatment of erysipelas, the elderly examine the functionality of the liver beforehand, since Amoxiclav may cause the development of side effects on the part of this organ.
- Treatment of erythromycin makes it possible to stop bacterial growth, and at a high level of the drug, microbial death occurs in the blood. Erythromycin is usually taken orally by 0.25 grams, up to five times a day, 60 minutes before meals.
- Ceftriaxone in the treatment of erysipelas is most effective, so it is prescribed only in extremely difficult cases, when other drugs become ineffective. Ceftriaxone belongs to the third generation of cephalosporins, it is well tolerated by most patients and even by pregnant women. This drug is contraindicated in diseases of the hepatobiliary system.
Ceftriaxone is taken 1 g in the morning and in the evening (adults), and children - 50-70 mg per kg of weight for two parenteral administration.
- Treatment of erysipelas with ointments during the period of exacerbation is strictly prohibited. Categorically, you can not use Vishnevsky's ointment, any antimicrobial ointments and preparations with ichthyol. External treatment usually consists of applying moist lotions with chlorhexidine, 0.02% furacilin, hydrogen peroxide.
For example, many are interested in whether it is possible to treat erysipelas with Biodermin, a complex remedy to restore and strengthen the skin. Experts are sure: this cream can not be used in the acute and subacute period of erysipelas. Its theoretical application is possible only after complete healing of the affected skin area.
- External treatment of erysipelas with Dimexide provides treatment of affected areas with 30% solution, three times a day. To apply the solution, use a cotton swab or a special spray nozzle. The course of Dimexide application is no more than 1,5-2 weeks. In rare cases, doctors use the solution until the painful symptoms are completely eliminated.
Before the first use of Dimexide, it is necessary to conduct a test for the absence of allergies.
- Course of treatment Prednisolone is prescribed if the erysipelas are characterized by severe course, for example - with bullous hemorrhagic erysipelas, with recurrent lesion with development of lymphostasis (so-called elephantiasis). Prednisolone is used for 60-90 mg, against the background of detoxification therapy (infusion of hemodeza, polyglukin, glucose solution, saline solution) and 5-10 ml injection of 5% vitamin C solution.
After the end of the general treatment, the patient must pass the course of preventive intake of vitamins of group B and preparations for restoration of intestinal flora.
If the lower extremities were affected by the inflammatory process, it is recommended that elastic bandages be used to reduce the likelihood of stagnation in the venous and lymphatic vessels.
Home treatment of erysipelas
Most patients suffering from erysipelas undergo treatment at home. And the first thing that an expert advises them is to change their diet. For example, 5-7 days to carry out a provisional fast to cleanse the body. This type of fasting provides for a refusal of food, but water, lemon and orange juice are allowed. After a few days, when the condition is normal, you can gradually eat such fruits and vegetables:
- apples;
- pears;
- apricots;
- peaches;
- citrus fruits;
- carrot.
It is allowed to include in the menu fresh milk and kefir, as well as natural honey. This type of food should be kept for about 10-14 days (longer is not recommended). It is acceptable to use a small amount of dried fruits, soaked in water beforehand. Any baking and meat products are prohibited. You can drink ordinary water or warm green tea, up to two liters per day, as well as milk whey.
- Accelerates the healing process by applying lotions with infusion of hips and raspberries. One spoon of flowers is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist. Gadgets are used six times a day.
- Help remove inflammation compresses from fresh leaves of egg capsules yellow. However, such treatment of erysipelas is available only in the summer.
- A good effect is a compress: prepare a mixture of dark flour, elderberry leaves and honey. The mass should be mushy, easy to apply.
- You can prepare such a powder: grind in a coffee grinder dried chamomile flowers and mother-and-stepmother. If in such a powder add honey and take the drug for 1 tsp. Three times a day, then the pain and itching will be over in a few days.
- Grated raw potatoes are spread over cotton cloth and used as a compress, healing the wound.
- Good help ointment on the basis of propolis, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. They say that propolis makes it possible to cure the face in four days.
Alternative treatment of erysipelas
- Prepare a medicine from the rhizome of the blood-groove: 1 tbsp. L. Ready-made pharmacy tincture is diluted with 100 ml of pure water, used for compresses to the affected areas. Compress for a short time will relieve the burning sensation, stop the development of the inflammatory process, ease the health of the sick. If there is no tincture of this plant, then it can be replaced with water infusion.
- Apply a thick layer of fresh home curd to the affected area, which should be changed as it dries. This method will quickly restore damaged tissue.
- Grind in the meat grinder rhizome of the medicinal blackcore. Lay out the mass on a gauze napkin and apply to the affected skin. This way you can quickly get rid of pain, swelling and fever.
- Squeeze juice from the plants of chamomile and yarrow. A tablespoon of the resulting juice is mixed with 4 tbsp. L. Quality butter. The mass is used to apply to the affected skin, three times a day.
- Grind the celery tops in a meat grinder, the resulting mass is wrapped in gauze and applied to the painful skin area for at least half an hour. If there is no celery, then you can replace it with fresh leaves of cabbage.
- Pods of beans grind into a powder, which then sprinkled the wound surface.
- The first stage: put the blackberry leaves in the pan, pour it with boiling water, so that the water level is 2 cm higher than the raw material level. Boil the broth for a quarter of an hour, after which it is additionally insisted for about an hour. The second stage: unwashed raw millet is calcined in a frying pan, ground into powder and sprinkled with a wound surface. On top put cloth, moistened in elder broth. This bandage is best done before bedtime. The next morning the bandage is removed, and the skin is additionally wiped with a decoction. Rumor has it that for the treatment of erysipelas three such dressings are enough.
Treatment of erypsipelas with burdock and sour cream
Fresh, matched to the size of the affected area of the skin, the burdock leaf is smeared with "old" sour cream: the product should be thick, rancid - so to speak, spoiled. The greased sheet is bandaged to the affected area, the bandage is changed two or three times a day. In addition, you can sprinkle the wound with dry powder from the leaves of burdock or coltsfoot. This method allows you to heal your face in a few weeks.
Treatment of erysipelas with a red cloth
Among the alternative methods of affecting the face, red cloth is widely used. Why red is unknown, but this method is very popular and, importantly, it is effective. The essence of it consists in this: the wounded limb is wrapped in a red cloth, a cloth is placed on the cloth, which is then ignited.
You can apply an alternative method: wrap the affected area with a red cloth and drive over it with a hot air stream from the hair dryer (until it begins to burn). After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a salt dressing to the wound.
Helps and treatment of erypsipelas chalk with a red cloth. Take the cloth, sprinkle it with crushed chalk (conventional, without dyes), tightly tied to the affected limb. You can just sprinkle the wound with chalk and bandage with a cloth. Dressing should be done twice a day. When the redness is over, you can additionally treat the affected area with a homemade apple cider vinegar.
Plasmolifting in the treatment of erysipelas
The main stimulating antibacterial treatment can be autohemotherapy, infusion of blood substitutes, blood transfusion with severe toxemia, administration of gamma globulin, anti-streptococcal vaccine or staphylococcal toxoid. As for plasmolifting, a curative modern method, its use in the acute stage of the disease is contraindicated. Erysipelas is an infectious disease, so the main point in treatment should be antibiotic therapy.
Plasmolifting involves subcutaneous injection of a platelet-enriched plasma of the patient's own blood. Since platelets contain growth factors, this procedure should provoke the restoration and growth of young skin tissue.
In what cases, treatment of erysipelas using plasmolifting can be justified? Only when the inflammatory process is stopped, the infection is completely stopped, but there are unaesthetic traces on the skin from which the patient wants to get rid. Plasmolifting can help in this situation.