Diagnosis and treatment of adenovirus infection
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Adenovirus infection in children treatment involves the most complex, which depends on the severity of the disease and the condition of the child. Adenovirus infection is extremely contaginous, that is, it has the property of rapidly spreading both airborne and alimentary (household) way. In addition, due to a large variety of viruses, and they are known about 30, and type-specific immunity, that is, one that responds only to the invasion of a certain previously encountered virus, the recurrence of adenoviral diseases is almost impossible to stop. Sometimes one patient is enough for an outbreak of adenovirus infection to spread throughout the kindergarten or school. Incubation of the virus lasts from 2 days to several weeks, but most often the adenovirus "starts" with symptoms on the second day.
Adenovirus infection can rightly be considered a "childhood" disease, as more than 75% of all adenovirus patients are children, less often adults suffer from it, usually with weakened immunity. The disease can last from one week to a month, depending on the form, severity of the disease, relapses and complications.
Adenovirus infection in children, whose treatment can be quite complicated, in clinical pediatric practice is divided into the following forms:
- Acute respiratory infection (ARVI).
- The inflammatory process in the mucous tissue of the nasopharynx is rhinopharyngitis.
- Rinofarintgontsillit - an inflammation, passing from the nasopharynx into the tonsils.
- Rhinopharyngebronchitis is an inflammatory process that changes from the nasopharynx to the upper respiratory tract.
- Pharyngoconjunctivitis is an inflammation that passes from the nasopharynx to the conjunctiva of the eyes.
- Adenoviral conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis.
- Pneumonia.
Adenoviral infection in children usually involves treatment as an outpatient, most often at home. Of course, the severe course of the disease, accompanied by complications, high fever, is treated in the hospital. However, the basis of therapy for any type of adenovirus is bed rest for the entire time, while there is hyperthermia. It is also important to choose a diet, it should be gentle and at the same time sufficiently nutritious. It shows an abundant, frequent drink that should be warm, but not hot. Parents should monitor the timely emptying of the baby's bladder, so that intoxication as soon as possible "washed out" from the body. It should be noted that adenovirus infection in children does not imply treatment with antipyretics if the body temperature does not exceed a threshold of 37.5 degrees. It is possible to wipe the body of the child with an alcohol solution or water containing vinegar. Wet side portions of the neck (at the lymph nodes), the zones under the knees and inside the elbow, note - the trituration of these places is unacceptable. Compresses should be changed as they become warmer, if the child's condition worsens, you should call a doctor, possibly an ambulance.
Adenovirus infection in children, treatment for coughing, runny nose and eye disease at home:
- Decoction of herbs that are part of the breastfeeding (you can use the pharmacy chest collection): take a tablespoon of herb-coltsfoot, chamomile, calendula, lime blossom, brew in a half liters of boiling water (boil 5 minutes), drain, cool to a comfortable temperature. Drink 4-5 times a day for 200-250 milliliters for 5-7 days. Decoction of herbs can replace the daily amount of fluid necessary for the baby.
- Alkaline drink - hot boiled milk with soda (a glass of soda milk on the tip of the knife). Course - 2-3 times a day for a quarter of a glass for 3-5 days.
- If the child does not take milk, the more boiled, it is possible to use heated alkaline mineral water. Course - 2-4 days in half a glass three times a day.
- Wet cough, which is close to productivity, should be activated with the help of special medications - ATSTS or Broncholitin.
- Unproductive dry cough is treated with anti-irritant drugs such as Biocaliptol (containing eucalyptus essential oil) or Stoptussin, which has mucolytic properties.
- Persistent non-productive cough is stopped with drugs containing codeine, but these medicines have a lot of contraindications, most important of which is the age of up to three years of cardiological diseases.
- Adenovirus lesions of the eyes are treated with antibacterial or softening irritation drops. The choice of ophthalmic drugs should be performed only by a doctor, self-medication is not permissible. As an independent action, you can take oksolinovuyu eye ointment and washing the sick eyes with a weak decoction of chamomile or tea infusion.
- Adenovirusny runny nose can be tried to stop washing the nose with saline (a glass of boiled water - half a teaspoon of salt). From the over-the-counter pharmacies, Pinosol or Nasol drops are effective.
Adenovirus infection, treatment with antibiotics
It should be noted that antibiotic therapy is prescribed only by a pediatrician, independent experiments with such drugs can not only not help the child, but also aggravate his already serious condition. Typically, antibiotics can be prescribed if the adenovirus is accompanied by a bacterial infection (otitis media, pneumonia, tonsillitis), the viruses suggest therapy only with antiviral agents. Also, immunomodulators, activating the protective functions of the immune system - Lysozyme, Propolis, Anaferon and vitamin therapy - vitamins of group B and necessarily ascorbic acid may be prescribed to the child.
Children under two years suffer adenoviral infections especially hard, the disease often acquires a protracted character and is accompanied by complications, a general intoxication of the body. In such cases adenovirus infection in children treatment involves a phased approach:
- All antibiotics are canceled, they are replaced with immunoglobulins.
- Detoxification of the body with the help of colloidal solutions, administered intravenously.
- With severe symptomatology of anemia, erythropoietin or erythrocyte masses are introduced.
- If adenovirus disease is accompanied by diarrhea, the baby's body is saturated with amino acids, glucose.
- Dysbacteriosis, which often accompanies the disease, is treated with bifidumbacterin. A diet is shown, which includes sour-milk products - bifidokefir, bio-yoghuras.
In general, summarizing, we can designate the following treatment regimen for adenovirus infection:
- Bed rest and treatment at home with an uncomplicated variant of the disease.
- Treatment in hospital for adenovirus infection in a moderate and severe form.
- A diet that includes vitaminized meals with protein restriction to reduce the severity of intoxication.
- The use of the interferon group of drugs - laferon, immunoglobulin, viferon.
- Antipyretics at a temperature exceeding the indicator of 37.5-38 degrees.
- Treatment of conjunctivitis with oxolin ointment, ophthalmologic antiviral drops (antibacterial drops are used with concomitant eye infection).
- Rinsing of the nose with saline solution, drops in the nose, vasoconstrictive - Pinosol, Rinazolinum, Vibrocil.
- Expectorants with non-productive cough.
- Antibacterial drugs for complications of an inflammatory nature.
- Vitamins.
- Physiotherapeutic procedures.
Adenoviral infection in children, whose treatment can be effective in observing all medical prescriptions, has a favorable prognosis, which can be heavy only in case of serious complications in the form of pneumonia.
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