Allergy treatment: glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of the allergy is not an easy process, but it is amenable to complete healing, provided that the moment of starting treatment has not been missed, the methods of treatment have been correctly chosen, all measures to achieve a positive result have been strictly observed, no errors have been allowed either in the diet or in the timing of taking medications. Treatment of any disease, especially if it is already heavily launched, always requires a lot of time, effort and financial costs.
Allergic manifestations, even if they are not very pronounced, are for the body debilitating. In order to defeat the allergy, it is necessary to adhere to several directions in medical activities. Treatment of allergies, conditionally, can be divided into several stages.
First, you need to stop the intake of the allergen in the body or eliminate contact with it.
Secondly, to select the right drug in the correct dosage to eliminate allergic symptoms, which allow to stop acute attacks and maintain the normal vital activity of the body during periods of remission.
Thirdly, an integrated approach to the elimination of side effects and symptoms of concomitant diseases.
Fourth, the general strengthening measures, measures and procedures, to strengthen the immune and other vital systems of the body.
Fifthly, constant monitoring of health, by visiting a doctor and performing a number of diagnostic procedures with a preventive purpose.
Probably, this is the most famous group of drugs after antibiotics. Antihistamines, by the present moment, already represent preparations of three generations. The first generation of antihistamines has been known and used for a long time, but their effectiveness is not so high as in subsequent generations. Among the drugs of the first generation are "Diazolin", "Tavegil", "Suprastin", "Dimedrol". Many, for sure, are familiar with the side effects of these drugs, because of which, for example, "Dimedrol", received a ban on sales without a doctor's prescription, and recently it is a question of the complete cessation of production of this drug. The fact that increased drowsiness, which is one of the main side effects of drugs of this particular generation, with an increase in the dose of the drug, in the case of dimedrol, is able to pass into increased excitability with the appearance of hallucinations.
In other drugs of this group, drowsiness, itching, nausea, with an increase in the dose of the drug, can also develop into increased excitability with manifestations of attacks of hypertension. Therefore, the treatment of allergy drugs of the first generation should be started only in cases where there are contraindications to other groups of medicines, or use them as additional funds in general, complex treatment, in strictly limited doses.
A medicinal group of preparations of powerful antiallergenic action, more known to a wide circle of people under the general name "hormonal preparations". The appointment of them, and the application, must only take place with the permission and under the supervision of the doctor. Produced in several forms - in the form of injections, tablets, ointments, as part of inhalations. Injections have a momentary effect and are used to relieve acute attacks, for example, Quincke's edema, attacks of bronchial asthma or anaphylactic shock. Injections of drugs from the group of corticosteroids are used, in the same way, with neglected, chronic stages of allergy, in complex cross-allergic reactions. Treatment of allergy with tableted forms of corticosteroids is prescribed for long and severe cases that are not stopped by other, lighter drugs or previously prescribed antihistamine medication did not bring the desired effect.
Glucocorticosteroids really have a hormonal basis, so side effects with the wrong dosage, prolonged use, longer than the maximum allowed period, can cause considerable harm. That's why you should take this category of drugs seriously. Experiments with self-treatment here are not appropriate. Referring to a doctor will reduce the risk of various side effects to a minimum. Although modern corticosteroid generations of drugs are considered as safe as possible, one should not exclude individual reactions of the body to taking these drugs.
Violation of the timing of taking this group of drugs, the wrong dosage or individual intolerance of such drugs, can cause complications of the following nature:
- diabetes;
- ulcerative colitis;
- fast, unreasonable set of body weight (steroid obesity);
- development of hypertension;
- loss of vision.
The duration of the course of treatment with corticosteroids should not exceed one week, this is the maximum allowed period in which the development of complications and the occurrence of side effects is minimal. Thus, the drugs of this group can be called a "quick response group", after which the action of the further treatment of the allergy is based on more sparing means.
Among the sorbents is one of the popular drugs, which is often used in everyday life, for the removal of many symptoms - activated charcoal. Of course, none of the sorbents has direct anti-allergenic properties, but with their active support, the allergen and toxins are rapidly eliminated, the formation of which is an integral part of the course of allergic reactions. Sorbents, as it were, "suck in" harmful substances and, not allowing them to spread with blood flow throughout the body, they are taken out through the digestive tract. With the support of sorbents, the treatment of allergies will be more effective.
The group of sorbents is wide enough, but, in addition to activated carbon, for example, you can also call "Lactafiltrum", "Enterosgel", "Filtrum." Preparations from a group of sorbents are released without special prescriptions and harm from self-application will not come from them. But nevertheless, it is necessary to entrust the appointment of such medicines to a doctor, in order to avoid unnecessary interference with one's body, because the intake of sorbents may simply not be appropriate, at best, at worst - will lead to a decrease in the antiallergic effect of the main antiallergic drugs, "filtering" them together with toxins, before the onset of therapeutic effect.
Development of tolerance to an allergen - SIT - therapy
Today, the most effective method of treating allergies and allergic seizures, especially bronchial asthma. The essence of therapy is that the body is gradually accustomed to the action of the main allergen, which provokes seizures. In the stages of remission, small amounts of allergen are injected into the body, through injection. It is necessary to conduct a certain number of injections, the so-called course of treatment, and with each injection the dose of the allergen increases. Thus, the body develops an addiction to the irritant and the allergic reaction to it gradually decreases, until complete cessation. The process of habituation is called "tolerance". Once tolerance to the allergen is achieved and its resistance is observed, the course of treatment is terminated.
Achieving tolerance to the allergen from the first course of treatment is quite difficult. You should be prepared to hold such therapy for several seasons in a row, as a rule, for this is chosen the autumn or winter period, in which there are rarely allergic exacerbations.
Treatment of allergy through SIT - therapy is possible only with the participation of an allergist, in an allergological room, with special equipment. The success of the treatment course depends on the stage of development of the allergy, the earlier its signs were noticed and the sooner the therapeutic measures were taken, the higher the chance for a quick recovery.
Efficacy of plasmapheresis in the treatment of allergies
Plasmapheresis can be prescribed as an independent method of treating allergies, and be a component of the full curative course of anti-allergic therapy. The use of plasmapheresis is advisable in severe cases of allergic attacks or in complex and chronic manifestations of this ailment. The principle of plasmapheresis is that a part of the plasma is removed from the body, replacing it with special plasma-substituting solutions. Plasma of blood contains all the necessary active biological substances, including, in it, most of the allergen and all toxic substances accumulate. "Purified" after plasmapheresis plasma blood brings visible relief by relieving allergy attacks. The procedure is carried out under the supervision of medical personnel in specialized medical offices.
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Quantum method of treatment
Modern technology, with the active support of various sciences, has given new, highly effective methods of treating many diseases to physicians. One such method is VLOK - intravenous laser purification of blood. The method is completely new, but has already shown excellent results. Treatment of allergy by the VLOK method is advisable at any stage, any of its types and manifestations. The procedure consists in the intravenous introduction of a special intravenous catheter made of fiber, through which a laser pulse enters the blood stream, with certain prescribed characteristics and parameters. Laser radiation has a detrimental effect on most allergens that enter the bloodstream, as well as on a number of microorganisms and bacteria that are felt in inflammatory processes. Based on this, VLOK will be effective in treating a number of inflammatory diseases.
Despite its high efficiency, the method has some limitations and contraindications, so the possibility of its use, in each specific situation, should be discussed with the attending physician.
Alternative remedies for allergies
Alternative medicine is rich in various treatments for most known diseases. Allergy is considered a human disease of the twenty-first century, and therefore, alternative, comprehensive, all-encompassing allergy treatment is almost impossible. There are many folk remedies, using which, one or several symptoms of allergy manifestation can be temporarily eliminated, for example, to reduce the itchy skin or to reduce the degree of rash manifestation. But the root cause can not be eliminated. In addition, the fascination with alternative medicine in case of allergy, you can achieve a cross reaction, when the body will not only one, but several simultaneously powerful allergens.
Homeopathy Allergy Treatment
This is one of the alternative methods of treating the underlying cause of an allergic reaction, which is now becoming increasingly common, just like the desensitization method, based on a similar principle - treating similar ones.
Homeopathic allergy treatment involves a very long course, which lasts at least one year. The appointment of homeopathy is more effective outside the season of exacerbation of allergies, the drugs are selected strictly individually after passing a specific homeopathic diagnosis.
Treatment of allergies in the home
Treatment of allergies at home is maximum avoidance with provoking allergens, that is, elimination.
Treatment of allergies in the home is quite acceptable, especially if the allergy sufferer already has a "record" of the disease and a specific, prescribed by the doctor and tested by experience, a therapy scheme. First of all - hygiene of the home, ventilation, wet cleaning, the exclusion of chemical and synthetic substances. At hand, allergic people should always have antihistamines, which help to stop an allergic reaction. Methods and methods of treating allergies include compliance with a certain diet and compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
New methods of treating allergies
New methods of treating allergies inevitably appear every decade, since almost all outstanding immunologists, biologists, genetics and allergologists are involved in the struggle against this century problem.
New methods of treating allergies are most often a modification of desensitization, including allergen-specific immunotherapy, autolymphocytotherapy with polyvalent allergy (cross-over). Not so long ago, allergic attacks of suffocation have learned to stop and achieve stable remission with the help of nebulizer therapy, effective allergy therapy with the help of plasmapheresis, laser irradiation of blood (VLOK), TPP-therapy (stimulation of endorphins production).
Sanatoriums for the treatment of allergies
This is a great opportunity if you do not completely cure the allergy, then at least achieve a stable remission, which lasts for many years.
Sanatoria for the treatment of allergies are usually located in a territory with a mild humid climate, they have healing natural water sources, salt caves and so on. All the sanatoriums that belong to the allergological profile presuppose a comprehensive course therapy, which includes not only symptomatic methods, but also detoxification procedures, physiotherapy procedures, inhalations, balneotherapy, therapeutic physical training and psychotherapy.
As the practice of allergic doctors shows, the treatment of allergies, conducted in the home by improper methods, chaotic doses and not always useful means, leads to a decrease in the effect of subsequent complex treatment and prolongation of the allergic process for a long period.