
List Diseases – R

It is undeniable that the disease begins with intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, a violation of the formation of the skeleton, and the closure of the large fontanel occurs only at a late stage.
Ruptura is a violation of the anatomical integrity of tissues, caused by a force exceeding their elastic capabilities.
The cause of the rupture of the tendon of the quadriceps muscle is a sudden sudden contraction of the muscle with a limb completely unbent in the knee joint, less often a direct injury.
Distinguish between tendon ruptures during (more often at the level of the transition to the muscular abdomen) and detachments from the fixation site, often with a small bone plate.
The rupture of the tendons that are part of the rotator cuff of the shoulder, as a rule, is a complication of shoulder dislocation. Most often, the tendons of all three muscles are damaged at the same time, but isolated ruptures of the tendons of the supraspinous muscle or only the subacute and small round muscles are possible.

A meniscus rupture is the most unpleasant knee injury that occurs quite often. Breaking a meniscus occurs most often in athletes.

Rupture of the extensor tendon of the finger of the hand occurs on two levels: at the level of the proximal interphalangeal joint (type I) or at the level of the terminal phalanx (type II).
Usually the rupture of the articular bag occurs as a result of a specific injury, such as a fall on an elongated arm. Causes pain when driving. Treatment - physiotherapy and in some cases, surgical methods.
The rupture of the Achilles tendon is more common among athletes, ballet dancers and other persons performing jumps.
Possible ruptures of ligaments, muscles and tendons. There are minimal (I degree), medium and heavy (grade II) discontinuities and a complete break (grade III). The third degree of damage to the ligaments can lead to instability of the joint, it is differentiated from the II degree by means of stress tests.

The rupture of ligaments connecting the tibial and fibular bones in the distal part usually accompanies the fractures of the ankles, but can also be isolated. The mechanism of injury is indirect.

The rupture of the lateral ligaments of the first metacarpophalangeal articulation usually occurs in athletes with unsuccessful attempts to perform exercises on gymnastic projectiles and is the result of forced excess lead of the 1st finger.

Breaking the clavicle ligaments is one of the most common injuries. Especially when it comes to sports, so in this case it's even the usual confluence of circumstances.

Rubrophytia (synonym: rubromycosis) is the most common fungal disease affecting the smooth skin, fingernails, brushes, and fleecy hair.

Rubella is an acute viral disease, manifested by a small spotted-papular rash, generalized lymphadenopathy, mild fever. Possible fetal damage in pregnant women.
Disease of a woman during pregnancy with infectious rubella, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, dramatically increases the incidence of the symptom complex, known as congenital rubella syndrome.
Rubella (Rubeola) - acute anthroponous infectious disease, transmitted by airborne droplets, manifested by moderate intoxication, fever, small-stalk rash, polyadenopathy and high risk of fetal damage in developing in pregnant women.
Rotor Syndrome (chronic family non-hemolytic jaundice with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and normal liver histology without unidentified pigment in hepatocytes) is hereditary in nature, transmitted autosomally recessively. The pathogenesis of the Rotor syndrome is similar to the pathogenesis of the Dabin-Johnson syndrome, but the defect in the excretion of bilirubin is less pronounced.
Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome (syn: Rickmund-Thomson Congenital Poiskilodermia) is a rare autosomal recessive disease, the defective gene is located on the 8th chromosome.
Rotavirus infection in children is one of the diseases that are also called "diseases of dirty hands". Distribution of rotavirus occurs in the household plan through products, toys, bedding and all horizontal surfaces in the room with which the child is in contact.


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