

Mono-diets are a great and very simple way to lose weight in a very short time. This is an opportunity to lose weight with the help of a single product. For example, using only buckwheat in the diet, only kefir or just apples. But do you know what could be wrong for you mono-diet?

What products can I choose from, and which should I opt out of? How should you prepare the dishes that you use for mono-diet? What kind of sensations are waiting for you during the process of losing weight and for how long will the result be fixed? For these and other questions, read the answers in our section "Monodiettes"

Curd version of the Maggi diet: reviews and results

Ex-Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher is credited with the purpose of this food system. Whether she used it is unknown, but after death in her papers was found.

Diet "The Seven Petals": recipes of dishes, testimonials and results

The problem of excess weight is more urgent than ever. Some seek to achieve model standards, others are forced to do so. That is why various feeding systems designed for fat burning have been developed.

Diet on cabbage: reviews and results

Cabbage, which occupies an honorable place on the tables of many peoples, is not just tasty and useful, like most vegetables. It can easily be cooked, marinated and sour, used fresh.

Recipes for diet on slimming cabbage

An affordable and easy cabbage diet is called so therefore, that suggests making this vegetable the main ingredient of all dishes. It can be eaten, in combination with other plant components, as many as you like, regardless of species and variety.

Diet on the port

Onion is an indispensable and favorite ingredient of most of the dishes that are habitual for us. It is present in salads, without it we do not prepare soups and borscht, many meat and fish dishes, pie fillings, etc.

Corn stigma for weight loss

Corn stigmas have long been used to treat many dysfunctions of the gallbladder, for example, cholecystitis, as well as a number of diseases of the urinary system - pyelonephritis, urolithiasis

Disadvantages of the egg diet

Egg diet is not recommended for pregnant women, as when dieting the level of cholesterol in the body becomes very high.

Egg Diet: Benefits and Contraindications

You decided to follow the egg diet, but are not yet sure if it helps in the fight against excess weight or not?

Egg Diet for 4 Weeks

If you have a great desire to surprise your loved ones and friends with a sharp reduction in weight and wonderful body shapes - the egg diet is designed specifically for you.


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