

Mono-diets are a great and very simple way to lose weight in a very short time. This is an opportunity to lose weight with the help of a single product. For example, using only buckwheat in the diet, only kefir or just apples. But do you know what could be wrong for you mono-diet?

What products can I choose from, and which should I opt out of? How should you prepare the dishes that you use for mono-diet? What kind of sensations are waiting for you during the process of losing weight and for how long will the result be fixed? For these and other questions, read the answers in our section "Monodiettes"

Apple diet: the essence, benefits, results

Diet on apples is popular due to the effectiveness and a huge number of versions, from which everyone can choose a convenient one for themselves.

Maggi diet menu for 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks

Because of the predominance of eggs, the Maggi diet menu is called the egg diet, although other protein-containing foods are also included.

Maggi diet for 4 weeks

The menu for 4 weeks is scheduled by day, deviation from it means a breakdown and abandonment of the scheme or restart from scratch.

Maggi diet for 3 weeks

The 3-week version is based on the two-week version, with a repeat of the second week. As in the classic diet, egg and cottage cheese variants are possible.

Maggi diet for 2 weeks

The shortened Maggi diet for 2 weeks is interesting because it is half as short as the standard 28-day diet.

Egg variant of Maggi diet: reviews and results

The Maggi diet emphasizes the predominance of proteins and has 2 variants: cottage cheese and egg. Which one is better?

Vegetables and fruits during the Maggi diet

The popular Maggi diet, the appearance of which is associated with Margaret Thatcher herself, is based on the use of simple and nourishing food: eggs or cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables, meat.

Diet on green tea

The inclusion of green tea in the diet helps to easily endure these hardships, maintain vigor and performance, and replenish the body with the necessary nutrients. Therefore, when asked whether green tea is possible on a diet, we say “Yes” with confidence.

The first week on the "Maggi" diet

The Maggi diet is based on the principle of excluding fat and carbohydrates from the diet. The main emphasis is on the consumption of proteins contained either in eggs or in cottage cheese.


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