

Mono-diets are a great and very simple way to lose weight in a very short time. This is an opportunity to lose weight with the help of a single product. For example, using only buckwheat in the diet, only kefir or just apples. But do you know what could be wrong for you mono-diet?

What products can I choose from, and which should I opt out of? How should you prepare the dishes that you use for mono-diet? What kind of sensations are waiting for you during the process of losing weight and for how long will the result be fixed? For these and other questions, read the answers in our section "Monodiettes"

Egg Diet for 2 weeks

For the most optimal result of the diet read and take very seriously everything that we will today tell you.

Pros and cons of diets: rice diet

Rice diet. The body is cleansed of toxins, the salts gradually leave and do not bother you.

Kefir diet: with what products it can not be combined?

Kefir diet is very good for the gastrointestinal tract.

Kefir diet for 7, 8 and 9 days

Kefir diet can be maintained for as long as you want.

Kefir diet - 3 effective ways to lose weight

Kefir diet can be a very effective way to lose weight.

Egg Diet: How to observe it?

To begin with, we advise you to stand on the scales and determine your weight. Make sure that after 4 weeks you can still lose weight even by 20-28 kilograms thanks to the egg diet.

Egg Diet: Why and Why

Those who are afraid of many eggs in the diet: the egg diet has in its composition a large number of niacin.

3 most popular types of kefir diet

Kefir diet is a boring diet. To diet was more diverse, nutritionists have come up with alternating kefir receptions with the use of other foods.

Kefir diet: losing weight in just 3 days

Kefir - a great tool not only for weight loss but for health improvement.

Egg Diet: Features

Egg diet will solve a nightmarish situation with your extra pounds.


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