

Mono-diets are a great and very simple way to lose weight in a very short time. This is an opportunity to lose weight with the help of a single product. For example, using only buckwheat in the diet, only kefir or just apples. But do you know what could be wrong for you mono-diet?

What products can I choose from, and which should I opt out of? How should you prepare the dishes that you use for mono-diet? What kind of sensations are waiting for you during the process of losing weight and for how long will the result be fixed? For these and other questions, read the answers in our section "Monodiettes"

Diets for weight loss at 10 kg per week - watermelon diet

Watermelon is a great product for losing weight.

Buckwheat diet: advantages and disadvantages

Reviews of the buckwheat diet are full of thanks for getting rid of excess weight.

Buckwheat diet: 7 useful cooking tips

Buckwheat diet has its own nuances.

Buckwheat diet: a couple of easy ways to diversify the menu

Buckwheat diet - one of the most effective, useful and fast mono-diet, allowing lose weight.

Buckwheat diet: light and delicious recipes

Buckwheat mono-diet - it's a great way to saturate the body with useful substances, to deduce from it the excess fluid and, of course, lose weight.

Buckwheat diet: what is the essence?

Buckwheat diet for weight loss - the most simple, effective and safe diet option.


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