Vegetables and fruits during the Maggi diet
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024
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The popular Maggi diet, the appearance of which is associated with Margaret Thatcher herself, is based on the use of simple and nourishing food: eggs or cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, meat. And, if with eggs and meat everything is more or less clear, then vegetables and fruits during the Maggi diet cause a lot of questions. Since this diet is attributed to protein and low-carbohydrate ways of eating, what vegetables and fruits to give preference? And which ones should not be included in the menu at all, so that the result justifies expectations?
The Maggi diet, in addition to vegetables and fruits, involves the consumption of a large number of eggs, as well as a smaller amount of meat. Judging by the reviews, such changes in the diet do lead to amazing results, because for 4 weeks of dieting you can "lighten" your weight by 20 kg. However, this way of eating is quite limited and monotonous, so it is recommended to practice the Maggi diet not more often than once a year.
What kind of vegetables can you have on the Maggi diet?
If the menu of the Maggi diet provides the use of vegetables, the best solution will be to stop at zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant, asparagus, carrots, white and cauliflower, beets, broccoli. It is desirable to use a single vegetable, but in extreme cases it is allowed to mix them.
If there is a question in what form it is better to eat boiled vegetables, recipes for cooking without problems can be found on the Internet. For example, you can trivially prepare soup, vegetable stew, warm salad or vegetable casserole. However, you should not forget about the ingredients: the above dishes should not include vegetables and fruits, or other products prohibited on the Maggi diet - for example, fats, meat or fish broth, sauces, etc.
How do you boil vegetables?
Vegetables for the Maggi diet are boiled in normal drinking water: the use of meat, fish, mushroom broths is prohibited. To improve the taste, you can add a little onion or garlic, aromatic pepper. In no case should oils, fats, ready-made chemical seasonings be added.
Vegetables are boiled to "al dente", which means that they are not raw, but not overcooked, as they have a pleasant firmness. Such vegetables contain more nutrients, have their own natural flavor, and do not turn into a tasteless neutral mass.
After the water boils in the pot, lower the vegetables into the pot using a skimmer. Boil them until they are not fully cooked, at which time the characteristic pleasant vegetable crunch is still preserved. Then remove the pot from the fire, carefully remove the vegetables with a slurry and transfer them to another pot with cold water (you can add ice cubes). In this way, cool down for about five minutes.
Important: do not boil vegetables of different sizes at the same time, otherwise they will not cook the same way.
Meal time
The Maggi diet is quite strict, because it provides for scrupulous compliance with the prescribed dietary regimen. That is, if the menu says to eat three times a day, this condition should be fulfilled: it directly affects the expected result.
Vegetables and fruits on the Maggi diet should not be interchanged (for example, if it is specified to eat grapefruit in the morning, it is not necessary to replace it with an "evening" tomato). You should also not look for analogs: if you need to eat an apple, you should not replace it with a pear.
In addition, the time of eating on the Maggi diet should be characterized by consistency: if you eat breakfast at 8:00, then this time should be adhered to on other days of the diet. You should not break the regime: the Maggi diet does not provide for "adjusting" to the days of the week and daily changes.
Vegetable salads
If you are not used to eating vegetables separately from each other, or if you have not eaten vegetables and herbs before the diet, it is better to start eating vegetable salads on the Maggi diet: it will be easier for your body to adjust to the new type of diet. Salads can be made from cucumbers and carrots, as well as from young raw zucchini, broccoli, Peking cabbage, beets. The main thing is not to add oil to vegetables.
Try preparing the following appetizing vegetable dish, which is particularly popular with supporters of the Maggi diet:
- Take two dozen small cherry tomatoes, one red sweet pepper, a small salad onion, one pomegranate, some greens;
- Peppers are baked in the oven until the skin darkens, which is subsequently removed, and the rest is cut into squares;
- The onion is sliced in half and the tomatoes are cut in half;
- greens are chopped finely, all ingredients are mixed;
- add salt, lemon juice, a little aromatic pepper to taste;
- the salad is insisted for 10-15 minutes (vegetables should let the juice flow) and proceed to the meal.
Also popular are the so-called monosalads, with a minimum number of ingredients. Such dishes are quick to prepare, they are low in calories and may consist of the following components:
- cucumbers, herbs;
- tomatoes, onions;
- carrots, garlic;
- broccoli, garlic;
- daikon, onions;
- beets, garlic.
What kind of fruits can you eat on the Maggi diet?
Allowed fruits on the Maggi diet are consumed mostly raw. However, they can also be baked, boiled and even stewed. The use of frozen fruits is not excluded, but sugar should not be added to them.
The diet must necessarily contain citrus fruits, which include tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos. In addition to them, the menu allows you to eat kiwi, apple, persimmon, as well as cherries, cherries, plums, etc.
Canned fruit on the Maggi diet should not be eaten, as well as dried fruit. Make sure that no honey, jam or sugar is added to the products.
Fruit salads are allowed, but nutritionists recommend mixing as few ingredients as possible in one dish. For example, such combinations as apple/ pear, plum/strawberry, apple/orange, kiwi/ pear are optimal. You do not need to dress this salad with anything: it is optimal to leave the dish for 10-15 minutes to let the fruit juice.
In winter, when the choice of fruit on the shelves is somewhat limited, preference should be given to apples, citrus, pomegranates, persimmons.
Persimmons on the Maggi diet are not forbidden, as many people think. However, you should not eat too much of these fruits. It is enough to eat one or two fruits of persimmons per week, having previously removed its skin. If persimmons are to be added to a salad, their pulp should be combined with other sour fruits, such as sour apples or kiwi.
Prohibited fruits on the Maggi diet
Nutritionists advise: to achieve the necessary weight loss effect, grapes, avocados and ripe bananas should be eliminated from the menu. It is allowed to eat ½-1 green banana per day.
All dried fruits are also banned, primarily because of their high calorie content. It is better to eat prunes, apricots and other such delicacies in their original version - in the form of plum, apricot, etc.
Choosing fruits for the Maggi diet, you should also take into account the degree of their weakness. For example, you can eat a lot of green apples and not harm your figure. But sweet fruits - for example, peaches, persimmons - should not be consumed in large quantities.
It turns out that the choice of fruits and vegetables on the Maggi diet should be approached wisely, weighing all possible options. Preference should be given to sour fruits, and too sweet and starchy fruits are better put aside.
Prohibited foods on the Maggi diet
During the entire period of the Maggi diet, you should give up such products:
- ripe bananas, grapes;
- dried fruit;
- vegetable oil and butter, fat in any form;
- meat, fish and mushroom broth;
- any products containing sugar;
- any sauces, including ketchup and mayonnaise;
- any kind of alcohol.
In the Maggi diet salt is not forbidden (of course, in reasonable quantities), but from sugar and from its substitutes really have to give up.
In the Maggi diet is not even allowed to smoke, which for some people is the reason for the rapid abandonment of this way of eating.
Vegetables and fruits during the Maggi diet can be eaten raw or cooked (steamed, in the oven, microwave), but you can not add any spices, oils, sweeteners. Only strict adherence to all the subtleties and nuances will help to achieve the desired result.
The Maggi diet is a way of dieting that raises a lot of questions from users. We decided to answer at least some of them if possible:
- How should I dress my salads? The use of oils is prohibited on the Maggi diet, but other flavorful salad dressings are allowed, such as lemon juice, natural apple or wine vinegar, non-fat kefir or natural yogurt without additives. Ideally, salads should not be dressed at all: chopped vegetables or fruits are mixed together and left alone for 10-15 minutes to allow them to release their juice. This juice is enough to make the dish more flavorful without the use of additional dressings.
- Can soy sauce be added to dishes - for example, salads? Of course, it is not advisable. However, some nutritionists allow a small amount of soy sauce if it does not contain sugar.
- Sugar is forbidden on the Maggi diet. Can I eat honey instead? Honey is a natural sugar substitute, and very useful and easily digestible. However, it is not inferior to sugar in terms of calories, it contains such an amount of carbohydrates, which is not combined with weight loss with the Maggi diet. If you want to achieve the goal, you will have to give up the use of honey sweets.
- Can I eat canned fruits and vegetables or home-canned pickled vegetables? On the Maggi diet, pickled cabbage, sauerkraut and any home canned food should not be consumed. Canned and pickled vegetables and fruits contain such undesirable components as sugar, large amounts of salt, table vinegar, so they should be abandoned on the Maggi diet.
- Are cheeses allowed on the Maggi diet, for example, if it is unsalted and low-fat cheese? Nutritionists do not exclude the use of low-fat varieties of cheese, but their degree of fat content should not exceed 20%. The difficulty is that such cheese is not so easy to find on sale, so it is much easier to replace it with fat-free dry cottage cheese. See Cottage cheese variant of the Maggi diet.
- Can kebab, fried meat, chicken on the Maggi diet be combined with vegetables? Vegetables are one of the main products on the Maggi diet, but as for meat, you should be more careful. Fatty meat pieces, frying in oil - all this during the diet is forbidden. Do not think that vegetables level all the negative component of fat kebab or fried meat. If you really want to relax in nature, then an excellent solution will be a kebab of chicken breast, seasoned with a small amount of salt and pepper, without the use of fats. If chicken meat is tiresome, then you can pay attention to such a product as chicken liver: it is baked or grilled. In addition, many thinning on the Maggi diet like to cook chicken fillet in Italian - this is an exceptionally dietary dish that will help in the fight against excess pounds. To prepare the dish, you need to take about 400 g of fillet, 100 g of low-fat cheese (less than 20%), one medium tomato, a few basil leaves, aromatic pepper, a little salt. The fillet is washed, beaten, dried with a napkin, added salt and pepper, then sent to the oven at 200 ° for about 20 minutes. Take out the prepared fillet, sprinkle with chopped basil leaves, cover with sliced tomato circles, sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese. Send back to the oven until the cheese melts. This dish is easy to prepare and meets all the requirements of the Maggi diet.
- With fruits and vegetables in the Maggi diet seems to be all clear, but what if you really want coffee, coffee with milk, for example? Milk is a prohibited product, but coffee and tea without added sugar is not prohibited to drink. It is optimal in the morning, for example, to drink tea with lemon - it is useful and has a favorable effect on the general health, on the course of digestive processes. The main thing is to maintain water balance and drink 2-3 liters of water per day.
- Alcohol is forbidden on the Maggi diet, but fruit and berries are allowed. In this case, is it possible to use home-made berry or fruit wine? The Maggi diet, if followed correctly, creates certain conditions in the body that contribute to the loss of fat mass. Any wine, including natural homemade product, contains ethanol, which can interfere with the necessary metabolic processes and disrupt their flow. Negative imprint is also left by the sugar present in such drinks. Given the above, it is better to avoid wine, as well as any other alcohol on the Maggi diet.
- If the fish day on the Maggi diet should eat fish and boiled vegetables, is fish stewed with vegetables, pollock, for example, suitable? Indeed, the Maggi diet from the third week provides for the so-called fish days, during which it is allowed to eat boiled or stewed fish and vegetables, boiled or in the form of a salad. In order to simplify the cooking processes, many prefer to stew fish with vegetables and consume it as the main meals. Nutritionists do not exclude such a change in the menu, but recommend making small divisions: for example, fish is eaten at a separate meal, and stewed vegetables with it - at another meal.
- On a fish day on the Maggi diet, what to replace fish with? Sometimes, for various reasons, a person can not consume fish, so he is forced to look for a substitute for it. According to nutritionists, fish is perfectly replaced by other seafood - for example, shrimp, crab meat, squid. The above products are better boiled with aromatic pepper and herbs.
- What can be substituted for boiled vegetables? Boiled vegetables can only be replaced with soups or raw vegetables, any other analogs are not considered on the Maggi diet.
- Is pumpkin allowed on the Maggi diet, or should it be avoided? Raw, baked and boiled pumpkin is a very even dietary product, which can be used to prepare salads, for stewing, or simply baked in the oven or on the grill. Pumpkin is low-calorie, healthy, and, in addition, has laxative and diuretic properties, which is important for thinning people.
- Can kefir be used as a snack - for example, with fruit? Snacks on the Maggi diet are not welcome, as experts advise to stick to three meals a day. As for kefir, its non-fat version is suitable as an addition to the diet on curd days. The daily norm of kefir should not exceed 200 ml.
- What fruit desserts can be prepared on the Maggi diet? Prepare Tiramisu - or rather, a diet version of your favorite dessert. This recipe is not found in any cookbook, because it was invented by the thinners themselves, who adhere to this diet. To prepare Tiramisu, you will need any berries, either a finely diced apple or pear, and even better - cherries. In a wide glass alternate layers of berries or fruits, cinnamon, cottage cheese. Each layer is soaked in strong coffee without sugar. Put in a cold place for about half an hour to an hour to soak the dessert. It can be eaten decorated with mint leaves or without them.
- Can I add seeds or nuts to fruit salads? No, you can't. Seeds and nuts contain a lot of fat, so they are not suitable for this diet.
One last tip: vegetables and fruits during the Maggi diet should be consumed without fail, as well as regular drinking water. This diet is not too balanced, with a lot of protein on the background of a small amount of carbohydrates and fats. But vegetables, fruits and water allow you to maintain all vital processes in the body without damage to health, and also guarantee a gradual normalization of body weight.