
The Basics of Healthy Eating

Products with a low glycemic index - for dietary nutrition and not only

Products with a low glycemic index include foods that, after digestion in the digestive tract, give the body an insignificant amount of glucose.

Products with a high glycemic index

Products with a high glycemic index - with their excess in the diet - can lead to obesity.

Memory enhancing products

So, our consideration of what are the products that improve memory begin with broccoli and spinach. Vitamin K, contained in them in contributes to the improvement of man's intellectual abilities and enhances memory.

Products that increase hemoglobin

Not everyone prefers to drink tablets, because it is much more useful to get the necessary substances from the body with food. In addition, products that increase hemoglobin, as a rule, are in every home.

What naturally helps to lose a few pounds?

If you want to lose weight - then you have to accept one thing: you do not need a diet, a completely new way of life.

Products that increase potency

A man wants to always remain a man, and sometimes it will not be superfluous to know which foods that increase potency should be paid attention to always be "on top".

Products for liver cleansing

If a person suffering from liver disease, the gallbladder will include certain foods in his diet to cleanse the liver, after six months he can at least feel relief and reduce the intake of medications, how to forget about aching, pulling pain for a long time.

General principles or laws of the physiological nutrition of children

The principle of physiological adequacy of nutrition is the maximum degree of conformity of a food product to the possibilities of biting, chewing, swallowing, digestion, absorption and metabolism, which the child of this age has.

Prophylactic aspects of baby food

The essential problem of modern dietology is the preventive aspects of nutrition. Elements of preventive nutrition can be represented by enriching water, flour or table salt with such nutrients as iodine, fluorine or selenium, in geochemical zones depleted of these substances.

Physiological norms of baby food

There is no doubt that nutrition as a form of providing the building material and energy for the entire process of growth and development of the child is of great importance for the health of children and the final results of growth and development.


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