Products for energy
Last reviewed: 20.11.2021
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Nutritionists argue that the right food should not only satisfy hunger and thirst, but also fill forces, give a charge of energy and vivacity. Sometimes it's enough to change your own taste habits a little - and a positive result does not make you wait. And if you also focus on the usefulness of products, then food will not only be a necessity, but also a pleasure that increases mood, health and, in the end, the quality of life.
Products for strength and energy
Products for strength and energy are able to withstand fatigue, lethargy and apathy, as they contain all the nutritional components, a set of vitamins and trace elements. They are distinguished by high digestibility, nutritional status, and balanced dietary parameters.
- Yogurt contains useful microorganisms that support a healthy state of the intestine, as well as substances that can withstand chronic fatigue syndrome. Yogurt promotes the formation of serotonin - a substance responsible for cheerfulness and good mood. More useful - natural products, without fillers and sugar.
- Spinach leaves contain iron, which is involved in the production of hemoglobin and the transport of oxygen. Lack of a microelement provokes fatigue. Magnesium, which is saturated with spinach, relieves depressive moods, convulsive seizures, lack of appetite, and potassium is necessary for normal muscle activity. Greenery is used fresh or as an ingredient of salads, soups, sauces.
- Beans are rich in fiber, therefore it cleans the intestines, that is, removes toxic substances from the body. Manganese and copper are indispensable in the production of energy by mitochondria, magnesium and potassium activate blood circulation, iron strengthens immunity and physical strength. Beans are an excellent side dish, an ingredient of salads.
- Mackerel - a source of vitamin B12, necessary for the production of red blood cells. Without it, the body faces anemia. A sufficient number of red blood cells provides the blood with oxygen and, correspondingly, with energy. For healthy dishes, fresh fish should be used.
- Garnet as a storehouse of vitamins and minerals has been known since ancient times. Increased immune and physical strength, the excitement of appetite will provide a small portion: half a fruit or a glass of fresh juice.
- Chicken fillet is a source of protein and iron. A portion of meat provides sufficient activity and vigor of the body. Do not just get involved in fried meat dishes seasoned with spicy spices.
- Blueberries are fresh or frozen - a great way to speed up cerebral circulation, vitaminize the body.
Products for energy, as well as for recuperation must certainly be used in the daily diet. Their list can be continued by adding sprouted wheat grains, oat muesli, nuts, cauliflower, seaweed, dairy products, herbal teas.
Products for energy and vigor
Products for energy and vivacity are diverse. This is protein food, cereals, fruits, drinks.
- Nuts
Walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts - these nuts differ in appearance and taste, but all are very tasty and nutritious. Nuts can be consumed separately or in desserts, salads, confectionery. The product contains protein, essential and fatty oils, minerals, vitamins. The components are easily digested and give a lasting sense of satiety.
Walnut is especially useful for brain activity, so it's very useful to use it on the eve of exams to students, schoolchildren and everyone who is "brainstorming". It is also known that people, in whose diet nuts occupy a place of honor, reach old age and feel vigorous and energetic.
- Black chocolate
Delicacy stimulates the production of endorphins - the so-called "hormones of joy." Together with sugar, giving chocolate a sweetness, the product provides renewal of strength for several hours. The chocolate bar is very useful before passing the exam or other event requiring intense mental activity.
- Tea
Black, fruit or green tea replenishes the body with liquid, invigorating ingredients, vitamins, antioxidants. It is useful to sweeten tea with natural honey. The invigorating effect after tea comes somewhat slower than from coffee.
- Oatmeal
Oatmeal porridge in the morning - the tradition is not only useful, but also quite practical. Cereals from oats contain complex carbohydrates and fiber. Strengthen the energy value adding to the porridge of honey, raisins or nuts.
- Eggs
In this product is full of proteins, vitamins and minerals. The use for breakfast provides a full body work in the morning, and during physical training helps to recover.
- Berries
Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries - all berries are tasty and useful, all refer to natural stimulants. If possible, it is necessary to start the day with them, adding berries to oatmeal or muesli.
- Orange juice
Citrus fruits not only replenish the energy possibilities of man, but also stimulate brain activity by the smell itself. This property should be actively used in winter, when especially the strengthening of immunity and protection against colds.
Products for raising mood and energy
There are several ways to increase the amount of energy in the body:
- food saturation in sufficient quantity;
- consumption of stimulants;
- activation of metabolic processes by means of more effective use of calories.
The mood of a person is affected by components that normalize sugar and increase the activity of brain activity.
The influence of products for energy on a person's well-being can not be questioned. The question is, what are these products?
Products to raise the mood and energy should contain useful carbohydrates, vegetable and animal proteins, fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants. The menu introduces dishes and bread from whole grains, a variety of nuts, lean meat, sea fish, greens, vegetables, legumes, fruits. A separate line in the list is water, the lack of which causes fatigue and energy exhaustion, slows the metabolism and release of waste.
Another group of energy products - tea, coffee, chocolate, sweet drinks, turning into energy. A powerful charge gives a stake nut, mate, guarana. Special drinks and gels are used by sportsmen: these are high-calorie and low-nutrition products.
To stabilize the indicators of sugar levels, energy and mood, you need to eat often and gradually, fresh and healthy food. In addition to eating, vitality increases physical activity of varying intensity, starting with walking.
Products for energy before exercise
Benefits are those products for energy before exercise, which contain enough carbohydrate and protein components, but a limited amount of fat. You can not exercise on an empty stomach, or with a full stomach. Ideally - to eat for an hour and a half before the start of classes.
The specific amount of carbohydrates and proteins depends on the purpose of training, the state of the body and other indicators, so a specific dose must be agreed with the trainer.
Fatty meals before training are not recommended, because they are delayed in the digestive tract, slowing its purification. This condition provokes discomfort: lethargy, nausea, eructations and similar symptoms.
Food before exercise should include about 20 grams of protein and two to three times more slow carbohydrates. Here's what's useful to eat before training:
- bird meat with rice, pasta;
- fish and potatoes;
- meat with pasta or potato garnish;
- eggs and porridge;
- cottage cheese and bread.
Fish and meat should be low-fat, bread - coarse grinding. Each athlete must consume enough fluids. A cup of clean water, without gas and sweet ingredients, comes in handy both before, during and after exercise.
When recruiting muscle mass, use protein, which has a high digestibility. The protein cocktail completely provides the athlete's muscles with amino acids.
If training is scheduled for the early morning, then after sleep, you need to take a portion of protein with carbohydrate supplement, and a full breakfast to eat after exercise.
When losing weight, you must also eat for two hours before classes. If you do not, the body will not produce enough energy. If you eat directly before exercise, then the body spends energy food, and not fatty deposits, which, in fact, and need to reduce physical exercise.
There are enough products that combine excellent taste, usefulness and invigorating properties. Conventional products will help you get rid of sleepiness in the morning, resume your strength in the daytime, get cheerfulness and energy at any time of the day. It is also important not to forget that physical activity is a good help to a balanced diet, as well as a general mood for a positive perception of the world around us.