
The Basics of Healthy Eating

What foods lower blood sugar?

On a question to whom and why, except diabetics, you need to eat foods that lower blood sugar, we will answer with an example that is familiar to many, it simply did not attach importance to it.

What kind of fish can be used for pancreatitis: varieties, cooking recipes

The source of digestible and high-quality animal protein is fish. With pancreatitis, this product is authorized. Consider the rules and features of its application.

Products with kidney disease: permitted and prohibited

Kidneys exist in the body as a filter. The less harmful one enters the digestive organs, the less the load falls on the filters. Therefore, the diet should be dominated by products for the kidneys that benefit, clean and maintain the excretory system.

Food for diseases of the pancreas: a list

The pancreas performs extremely important functions: it produces the digestive substance pancreatin and hormones, without which metabolism is impossible.

Useful foods for strengthening the heart and blood vessels: a list

It would seem that if people eat better, they live longer. Better in the understanding of many means - more satisfying, tastier and more. In fact, this is not so, especially for the cardiovascular system. On which, in addition to products for the heart and blood vessels, unfavorable affect stress, inactivity, unhealthy habits and lifestyle.

Products for restoration of the liver, pancreas and kidneys

What does the human liver like? In the list of useful products for the restoration of the liver - both everyday and delicacies. Choosing their taste and afford, you should at the same time give up everything that brings the liver harm.

Products for hormone replacement in women and men

It happens that the hormonal background is disrupted due to a lack or excess of some nutrients that affect the sexual sphere. Accordingly, the situation can be normalized in the same way by introducing into the diet products for the restoration of the hormonal background.

Products for skin and hair restoration

Before talking about products for skin regeneration, we note what kind of food can spoil the skin. That is, make it dry or too greasy, dull, reacting to various factors by peeling, irritation, staining or pouring.

Products for the recovery of the nervous system, brain and memory

From products for the restoration of the nervous system, meals are prepared, enriched with trace elements and vitamins. How useful are these products?

Products for the restoration of cartilage, joints and ligaments

When does a person need a special menu, with an emphasis on products for restoring cartilaginous tissue? As a rule, with age-related wear of cartilage, when the joints stop coping with their functions.


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