Products for skin and hair restoration
Last reviewed: 16.10.2021
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Before talking about products for skin regeneration, we note what kind of food can spoil the skin. That is, make it dry or too greasy, dull, reacting to various factors by peeling, irritation, staining or pouring. In the list of such products there is nothing new and unknown; on the contrary, what is harmful or dangerous for the stomach, liver and other organs, after some time invariably affects the appearance, first of all - on the skin.
Products for skin regeneration
Products that should be excluded from the daily menu: sweet pastries, fast food, canned food, smoked products, long-term products with an abundance of salt, spices. A separate line in this list is alcohol, beer, colored sweet and ordinary sodas.
Among the products recommended for the skin, many are those that restore hair. And this is not an accidental coincidence, because both the skin cover and hair often require the same "building materials".
- Seafood
Fish, mussels, oysters are rich in omega-3 acids, zinc. They restore collagen, stimulate local blood circulation, prevent inflammation, support the turgor and youth of cells.
- Citruses, sauerkraut, tomatoes, sweet pepper
Contain a lot of vitamin C - an antioxidant, a stimulant of collagen. It is important not to overdo it, as an overdose of a vitamin can cause allergies.
- Orange and green vegetables
Various varieties of cabbage and leafy vegetables supply the body with fat-soluble vitamin K, healing wounds and cracks, stimulating metabolism in connective tissue and collagen fibers.
- Nuts
Antioxidant vitamin E slows down the wilting process, protects against ultraviolet light, is a natural antidepressant.
- Whole grains
Contains rough fiber, cleansing the intestines, which is beneficial to the skin of the face, as well as vitamin E and useful acids.
- Olive oil
The source of vitamin E. Youth oil saturated with two ways: taken with food inside and with home masks - externally.
- Cottage cheese
Enriches the skin with calcium, vitamin E, selenium.
- Meat, mushrooms
Saturate with vitamin PP, which stimulates metabolism in skin cells. Contain essential proteins.
- Liver and by-products
Rich in proteins, vitamins, iron; prevent scaling and dry hair, skin.
- Black chocolate
It has antioxidant properties and protection against harmful rays.
Beautiful skin is a skin full of moisture. Therefore, the quantity and quality of the liquid being drunk is also displayed in its state. The most useful products for the recovery of the body and, in particular, the skin are pure water and green tea. The rate of use to maintain water balance is one and a half to two liters of liquid per day.
Products for hair restoration
Healthy hair every month is longer by one centimeter. To grow strong and beautiful, you need to feed them - not so much advertised from outside, but mainly from within, useful products.
The best food is a balanced, rich in calcium and iron, vitamins and minerals. These are green leafy vegetables, dairy products, sea fish and algae, which strengthen bulbs, stimulate growth, make hair beautiful. Correctly selected diet will help prevent dryness and fragility, loss, strengthen the roots of the bulb.
A short list of products for hair restoration:
- Salmonids
Replenishes the lack of fat, protein, iron, vitamin B12. Those who do not eat fish can add linseed oil as a source of unsaturated acids.
- Spinach, broccoli, other green vegetables
Saturate the body with calcium, iron, vitamins A, C.
- Beans, peas, soybeans
Rich in protein, zinc, biotin, especially important substance for growth.
- Nuts
Gretskie - rich in fats, Brazilian - selenium, cashew, almonds, pecans - zinc.
- Poultry meat
Contains proteins, iron in easily digestible form.
- Eggs
In any form contain in abundance of biotin and vitamin B12.
- Whole grain
It is useful due to the saturation of vitamins and minerals (zinc, iron, B vitamins).
- Oysters
Perfectly strengthen hair, saturate it with zinc. If the delicacy is not to taste or not affordable, then zinc can be obtained from grain, nuts, beef, young lamb.
- Milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese
The best sources of calcium, whey, casein.
- Carrot
It is saturated with vitamin A, which is absorbed together with fats. Therefore, carrot salads dressed with sour cream, yogurt, vegetable oil, mayonnaise are useful.
Fans of low-calorie diets need to be reminded that excluding certain foods from the diet should be done correctly, so as not to damage the hair, nails, skin.