
Healing Diet

Diet with gastrointestinal diseases

The human gastrointestinal tract is divided into several departments. It has different organs. Therefore, one universal diet for gastrointestinal diseases is indispensable. Each diet needs to be built according to the disease that the patient has.

Diet for hemorrhoids

What to say, to fight with such a disease as hemorrhoids is difficult, but it is necessary to do it. And that the effect of the treatment was more palpable, you will need a special diet for hemorrhoids.

Diet for stomach ulcers

In order to fully treat and prevent recurrence of the disease, it is imperative to adjust your diet and give up bad habits: one of the most important components of therapeutic interventions is a diet for a stomach ulcer.

At high acidity diet

Relieve unpleasant symptoms and protect the gastric mucosa from damage will help the diet with increased acidity of the stomach. In the diet, it is detailed, what foods can be consumed, and which ones are better restricted or completely excluded from the diet.

Diet in case of pancreatic disease

Diet in the disease of the pancreas or other organs of the digestive system is an integral stage of effective treatment of an acute period and prevention of further exacerbations.

Diet with bowel disease

Diet in diseases of the intestine has become a daily necessity, because every year the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract acquire larger amounts, while the age category is significantly shifted towards young people.

Diet for vascular diseases

Diet in vascular diseases involves a whole set of certain foods. After all, in order to achieve a certain result, you need to eat right. The peculiarities of such a diet, its prohibitions and recommendations can be found below.

Diet in diseases of the gallbladder

Diet in diseases of the gallbladder is recommended for appointment in cases of treatment of cholecystitis, for example, acute or chronic forms, cholelithiasis.

Diet in case of stomach disease

Diet in case of stomach disease first of all should be aimed at eliminating the problem that has arisen. Therefore, to begin with, you must accurately confirm the diagnosis, and then take up the selection of a certain menu. After all, much depends directly on the disease itself.

Diet with pyelonephritis

In the complex therapy of acute and chronic pyelonephritis, the system of therapeutic nutrition is not the last place. Therefore, all patients with this diagnosis are prescribed a diet with pyelonephritis.


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