Diet with heart disease should maintain the balance of vitamins and trace elements, which the cardiovascular system needs: vitamins A, C, E, and also group B, potassium and magnesium.
Diet in kidney disease is a key point in complex treatment. First of all, an important function of the kidneys is to support the homeostasis in the body, to perform the regulatory function of the acid-base and water-electrolyte balance.
Diet with elevated hemoglobin is a simple but effective method of lowering hemoglobin to normal levels by observing certain dietary rules. Let's consider what products are prohibited, and which ones are recommended for increased hemiglobin, and also an approximate menu for the day.
Diet under high blood pressure is the right decision to normalize the condition, both in adults and in children. Let's look at ways to reduce pressure, dietary rules and diet for people with high blood pressure.
Diet with increased bilirubin is an opportunity to restore health without resorting to serious medication. We will tell you about the rules of nutrition, about useful and forbidden products, and also we will make an approximate diet.
Diet with elevated uric acid is a comprehensive, balanced diet that allows you to normalize the level of uric acid in the body. Let's take a look at the dietary habits with elevated uric acid, prohibited and permitted foods, as well as a rough menu for the week.
In pathological conditions, the regenerative processes of the epithelial cover are decompensated, especially in the acute period of the disease, which justifies one of the most important principles of the therapeutic nutrition of children in diseases of the stomach - the sparing of the mucous membrane.
Diet with elevated sugar is a restriction in nutrition. Compliance with a special diet will normalize the sugar and avoid serious pathologies and complications in the body. Let's look at the principles of healthy eating that help lower blood sugar levels.
Nutrition for stomatitis should be as gentle as possible, such that it will not be an additional irritant. Regardless of the type of inflammatory process, the diet should be divided.