
Healing Diet

Diet for giardiasis

Lamblias destroy the mucosa of the small intestine. Therefore, the diet for giardiasis is extremely important, this is the basis for treating this type of helminthiasis.

Diet for fatty hepatosis

Let's look at the question of why it is so important to follow a diet when treating fatty hepatosis? In order to understand how important diet for fatty liver hepatosis you need to understand what is fatty hepatosis itself.

Diet for heartburn

Heartburn occurs periodically, after eating, but not immediately, but about an hour after a meal. Especially if the amount of food was excessive, and the food was flavored with spicy spices and sauces. Therefore, a diet for heartburn is not a luxury, but a necessary preventive measure.

Diet for Helicobacter pylori infection

A diet for Helicobacter pylori infection involves the elimination of products that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Diet for cystitis

One of the factors that provoke the disease is eating certain foods. Therefore, a diet with cystitis can remove one of the root causes of the disease and improve the patient's condition.

Diet for hives

The diet for urticaria is an integral part of the treatment, since this disease belongs to a heterogeneous group of dermatoses, which in most cases develop as allergic reactions to various provoking factors.

Diet for bowel cancer

Diet for bowel cancer - this is the rules of nutrition, which allow the digestive system to work optimally. Let's consider the basic principles of nutrition in intestinal cancer and an exemplary menu for maintaining the health of the body.

Diet in diseases of biliary tract

The most common is a combined disease, such as calculous cholecystitis - the formation of stones in an inflamed gallbladder. Successful treatment of the listed pathologies largely depends on the diet and lifestyle of the patient, so a diet in diseases of bile ducts is one of the main factors of effective control of the disease.

Diet for rectal cancer

Diet for colorectal cancer is one of the most important cogs in the complex mechanism of recovery. Cancer is a disease of modern society. Most often it affects the population living in highly industrialized countries and huge megacities. And the number of patients is increasing every year.

Diet in case of thyroid disease

Treatment of diseases such as thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is possible and necessary, but the outcome and prognosis of therapy depends largely on our diet - the daily intake of products that support the work of the thyroid gland. About what is a diet in the disease of the thyroid gland, we'll talk in this article.


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