Diet for heartburn
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Heartburn occurs periodically, after eating, but not immediately, but about an hour after a meal. Especially if the amount of food was excessive, and the food was flavored with spicy spices and sauces. Therefore, a diet for heartburn is not a luxury, but a necessary preventive measure.
Heartburn is an uncomfortable sensation behind the sternum, coming from the epigastric area upward, or in the cervical region that arise after eating. Heartburn is accompanied by a burning sensation or heat in the stomach, abdominal pain, belching.
Heartburn is quite common phenomenon: it affects about a third of the world's population. Heartburn accompanies the course of such diseases as gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, cholecystitis. Heartburn occurs with diaphragmatic hernia and intolerance to certain food components. Pregnancy in women can also cause heartburn. Stresses, neurotic and anxious conditions are provocateurs of the appearance of heartburn.
Wearing tight clothes, for example, belts, lifting weights and physical stress can trigger the appearance of heartburn symptoms.
The causes of heartburn are not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and others mentioned above. The tendency to overeating and the use of unhealthy, heavy food also provokes the appearance of heartburn. The habit of sleeping after a plentiful meal can lead to burning in the stomach and eructation. Excess weight is also a common cause of discomfort and the appearance of excessive amounts of gastric juice.
Therefore, a diet for heartburn is one of the most effective means of curing this ailment. If you aim to improve your health and adhere to the recommendations of your doctor, you can not only improve your own condition, but, in some cases, completely forget about heartburn.
Treating heartburn with a diet
Unhealthy lifestyle and malnutrition are among the main causes of heartburn. Therefore, caring for the quality of life and diet are the most important factors in the prevention and treatment of heartburn.
There are several recommendations that must be followed when manifesting the symptoms of heartburn:
- It is necessary to exclude alcohol from drinking.
- It is necessary to give up such a habit as smoking.
- Carbonated drinks and coffee lead to the appearance of heartburn. Therefore, you need to replace them with juices and not strong tea.
- The above drinks and tobacco lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa, increase of acid and relaxation of the gastric valve.
- Enthusiasm for a large number of citrus fruits, tomatoes and products that are contained in them also lead to heartburn. It should be limited, and at first to minimize the eating of these types of foods.
- Pickles and canned foods are one of the causes of heartburn. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon favorite salted cucumbers and pickled tomatoes for the sake of restoring health.
- Fresh bread and pastries provoke heartburn. Therefore, do not abuse warm and soft bakery products, and go to more stale options.
- Fried pies and other foods cooked in this way also lead to heartburn. In this case, you need to refrain from frying the dishes, and cook for a couple, stew or bake the food in the oven.
- Some medicines cause heartburn. For example, aspirin, orthophene, ibuprofen and some others lead to the appearance of symptoms of heartburn. In this case, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and change the prescription of medications.
Treating heartburn with a diet is effective, because in this case it is possible to prevent many of the underlying causes of discomfort. Dietary food does not allow irritating the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and also stretch the stomach itself. What does not provoke excessive secretion of gastric acid, relaxation of the gastric valve and throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus.
The essence of the diet for heartburn
People who often suffer from burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus after eating, belching, often the question arises: "What kind of diet for heartburn?"
Experts recommend changing the diet for heartburn as follows.
- Fill the daily ration with vegetable proteins and reduce the number of proteins of animal origin.
- It is necessary to reduce or even completely get rid of the use of sweets. They can be replaced with sweet fruits and juices.
- Sour and sour-milk products should be excluded from the diet, as they provoke an increase in the acidity of the gastric juice, which leads to heartburn.
- Semi-finished products are a very undesirable product for heartburn, so avoid using them.
- Fats of animal origin are best replaced with vegetable fats: sunflower, corn, olive oil. Vegetable oils must be unrefined, non-fried, first pressed.
- Eating dry, various snacks can also trigger heartburn. Therefore, under the ban are a different kind of fast food. And between meals, every two or three hours you need to eat a sandwich from dried bread and butter. It can be varied with unsalted cheese or sausage, but only not smoked, but cooked.
Diet for heartburn and gastritis
Gastritis is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis with high acidity can provoke the appearance of heartburn. Therefore, the diet for heartburn and gastritis is directed, primarily to cure the symptoms of the underlying cause - gastritis.
For patients suffering from gastritis, even in Soviet times, an effective diet, called diet number 1, was developed. A hard diet No. 1 is prescribed for the treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, as well as manifestations of acute gastritis. A gentle variant of this diet can become the basis of a healthy diet for the cure of a chronic form of gastritis and, accordingly, heartburn.
Diet for heartburn and gastritis is based on the following principles:
- Exclude from the diet very hot and very cold dishes (ice cream, ice-cream drinks).
- To restore the gastric mucosa, the food should be cooked, steamed or baked without crusting.
- It is necessary to limit the use of salt, because excessive use of it leads to irritation of the gastric mucosa.
- The number of meals a day should be at least 5-6 times. To eat it is necessary in small portions, thoroughly chewing food.
- Caloric content of a daily ration should not exceed 2800 - 3000 calories.
- Eliminate the use of the first dishes based on fat meat broths, as well as fish and mushroom. It is best to eat vegetable soups with the addition of various cereals, rice. You can add a small amount of cream or egg to the prepared dish, which will make the taste of soup unusual and attractive.
- Fresh bread should be replaced with breadcrumbs or dried bread. They can be eaten not only with tea, but also added directly to the first dishes.
- You can not eat fatty meat. The best options are a low-fat chicken or rabbit, baked veal or a turkey.
- From fish dishes, you can several times a week allow cooking cutlets for a pair of low-fat fish.
- You can eat soft-boiled eggs or omelettes cooked with the addition of milk.
- Porridges are very useful for patients suffering from gastritis and heartburn. They need to be well boiled before consumption. The exception is millet porridge - it is not recommended for use with increased acidity.
- Boiled, stewed or baked vegetables are useful for gastritis. But raw vegetables must be temporarily excluded from the diet.
- With gastritis with high acidity, you can eat pears, bananas, non-acid varieties of apples.
- Products that are prohibited for gastritis and heartburn are white cabbage, rye bread and puff pastry, fatty meat, smoked products, spicy sauces and marinades, mayonnaise, ketchup, salted cheeses, canned food, mushrooms, sorrel, onions, cucumbers, spinach. Of drinks should avoid drinking carbonated mineral and sweet water, black coffee.
Diet for heartburn and belching
Diet for heartburn and belching is the same as for heartburn and gastritis. Since gastritis with high acidity (and sometimes with a low acidity) can trigger symptoms of heartburn, as well as eructations.
With heartburn and belching, some alternative remedies help.
- With high acidity, it is good to use honey. For example, you can mix aloe and honey juice in a one-to-one ratio and leave to stand. You need to use the mixture three times a day in a teaspoon.
- With increased acidity, the herbal collection helps. It is necessary to mix the rhubarb root, the herb of St. John's wort, the root of valerian and the grass of the marshweed. Three tablespoons of the mixture is poured with one liter of dry red wine and left in the sun for three weeks. After this, the infusion is filtered and three tablespoons of golden mustache are added to it. The received infusion is taken in the morning and in the evening for two tablespoons.
- Also, with increased acidity, a burdock is a good remedy for belching and heartburn. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of dry burdock leaves, pour one glass of boiling water and insist for two hours. After this, the infusion should be filtered and taken two tablespoons after each meal.
With reduced acidity of the stomach, too, sometimes heartburn and eructation occur. The following remedies will help relieve the condition with these symptoms.
- A mixture of honey, cocoa, butter and aloe leaves is not only a useful remedy, but also a delicious addition to the diet. It is prepared as follows. It is necessary to melt the butter and mix it with honey. Then grind the aloe leaves and add to the mixture. Cacao is diluted in a small amount of water and added to the previous ingredients. Then the resulting mixture is put in the oven for three hours at a low temperature. It must be ensured that the product is not burnt. Then, after preparing the medicinal mixture, you need to gently remove the remnants of aloe from it. After this, the medicine is poured into a container of dark glass. The resulting mixture is taken three times daily before meals, two tablespoons.
- A drink from the following herbs will be useful in the treatment of heartburn and eructation. It is necessary to take one part of the yarrow, one part of St. John's wort, two parts of chicory, three parts of the smokey. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with one glass of boiling water and insist until it cools. Then the infusion is filtered and three tablespoons of golden mustache are poured into it. The received medicine is used before each meal half an hour before meals.
Diet for heartburn during pregnancy
Heartburn during pregnancy is a common occurrence. Burning sensation or eructation appears due to changes occurring in the female body. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, which leads to a relaxation of the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus. Such changes contribute to the penetration of gastric juice into the esophagus and cause symptoms of heartburn. The ever-increasing uterus is also one of the causes of discomfort. The pressure that the growing fetus and placenta exerts on the walls of the stomach leads to the appearance of symptoms of heartburn. After the birth of the child, the symptoms of heartburn pass and do not bother the woman anymore, provided that she monitors her own diet and leads a healthy lifestyle.
The diet for heartburn during pregnancy includes the following rules:
- It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions. This precaution will avoid stretching of the stomach and penetration of stomach acid into the esophagus.
- In the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to eat 4 times a day; in the second - 4-5 times a day; In the third trimester of pregnancy, food should be taken 5-6 times a day.
- You need to eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food. Processing and assimilation of products begins in the mouth, because there are also enzymes contained in saliva. Well-ground food will be more quickly digested in the stomach, which will reduce the risk of heartburn.
- Dinner should be moved to an earlier time, at least three hours before bedtime.
- After eating, do not immediately take a lying position. It is best to sit for a while straight, for example, in a comfortable chair or on the couch. During this time, food will have time to digest, and gastric juice will not cause symptoms of heartburn.
- During the meal, you do not need to take a large amount of liquid. Drinking dilutes the gastric juice, which reduces the efficiency of digesting food.
- Drinking should be taken between meals, for example, one hour after a meal or twenty to thirty minutes before a meal.
- Of drinks that are useful for heartburn, you need to mention clean, filtered water and mineral water without gas. Carbonated water, also sweet fizzy drinks are banned, because they tend to cause heartburn.
- There are special herbal teas that improve the condition with heartburn, for example, fennel tea. The only caveat - do not abuse tea from fennel during pregnancy, it should be taken in small amounts. Chamomile and ginger tea are also a good remedy for the removal of heartburn symptoms.
- It is necessary to exclude fried foods from the diet. Food should be stewed, steamed, boiled or baked in the oven.
- To exclude during pregnancy the use of fatty and spicy dishes, sauces and seasonings. It is necessary to remove for a while from the table sour cream, mayonnaise, cream, lard. Admissible low consumption of butter. Of meat and fish products, preference should be given to low-fat varieties of meat and fish.
- For the time of pregnancy, you must abandon the first dishes, cooked on rich fatty meat, fish and mushroom broths.
- Sour-milk products in some cases are able to cause heartburn. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the use of yogurt, ryazhenka, completely eliminate yoghurts. Cottage cheese should be bought non-acidic.
- You should avoid the use of acidic vegetables, fruits and berries, for example, apples, sauerkraut, tomatoes.
- When heartburn occurs during pregnancy, you can eat porridges (oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat), vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, boiled meat, cheese, stewed vegetables.
- If symptoms of heartburn occur, you can try to take off the attack by chewing raw oatmeal, grated carrots, hazelnuts or almonds. Help also raw sunflower seeds or pumpkin. You can take one tablespoon of non-roasted sunflower oil.
Menu for diarrhea for heartburn
The approximate diet menu for heartburn looks like this:
- Breakfast - boiled oatmeal or buckwheat porridge; low-fat turkey bacon or boiled chicken meat; low-fat, non-acidic cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream or low-fat cheese; fruit sweet juice or compote without added sugar.
- The second breakfast is a portion of low-fat yogurt or kefir; half a cup of fresh sweet fruit; Slightly green tea without sugar with bread crumbs with bran.
- Lunch - vegetable soup or pumpkin porridge with rice; a sandwich made of dried wheat bread with butter and low-fat boiled meat or steam cutlets (meatballs) made of low-fat meat; raw carrots or other permitted raw vegetables; compote of sweet fruits.
- Snack - bran crackers; low-fat and unsalted cheese; sweet apple or other sweet fruit; dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, dates; not strong green tea without sugar.
- Dinner - boiled porridge (buckwheat, rice) or boiled lean fish; salad from raw vegetables or stewed vegetables; sandwich of dried wheat bread with butter and unsweetened hard green tea.
Diet for heartburn per day
To correctly organize the transition to a healing diet for heartburn, we give a weekly diet, painted on days.
1 day
- Breakfast - boiled oatmeal; baked curd croutons from low-fat, non-acidic cottage cheese; a glass of not strong green tea without sugar.
- The second breakfast is half a cup of fresh sweet fruit.
- Dinner - buckwheat soup; steamed meatballs; carrot puree; a glass of compote from dried fruits.
- Afternoon snack - not strong tea without sugar; suhariki from bread with bran.
- Supper - fish cutlets, steamed; vegetable stew.
2 day
- Breakfast - boiled buckwheat porridge; curd soufflé; a glass of not strong green tea without sugar.
- The second breakfast is a serving of low-fat yogurt.
- Lunch - squash soup with croutons; steamed meat knales; vegetable stew from potatoes, onions and carrots; banana.
- Snack - compote of dried fruits with breads from wheat flour with bran.
- Dinner - lazy vareniki, a glass of light green tea without sugar.
3 day
Breakfast - millet rice porridge; a glass of light green tea without sugar; a sandwich made of dried wheat bread with butter and a piece of unsalted, low-fat cheese.
- The second breakfast is a souffle of carrots and apples.
- Lunch - carrot soup with croutons; boiled veal; vegetable garnish; fruit jelly.
- Snack - a glass of light green tea without sugar; dry biscuit biscuits.
- Dinner - baked fish; boiled potatoes; a glass of herbal infusion.
4 day
- Breakfast - curd casserole; a glass of loose green tea with crackers.
- The second breakfast is fruit jelly; dried bagel.
- Lunch - grated soup with chicken; baked chicken meat with rice; baked apples.
- Afternoon snack - a glass of kefir; dried fruits.
- Dinner - boiled meat with mashed potatoes; some raw vegetables.
5 day
- Breakfast - egg souffle; rubbing oatmeal porridge; a glass of light green tea without sugar and bread.
- The second breakfast is sweet fruit - bananas, pears or sweet apples.
- Lunch - meatballs from beef; buckwheat; vegetable stew; apple mousse.
- Snack - compote of dried fruits; dry biscuit biscuits.
- Dinner - boiled potatoes; fish-balls for a couple; some fresh green.
6th day
- Breakfast - semolina porridge; a glass of loose green tea bases of sugar with crackers.
- The second breakfast is two soft-boiled eggs: a couple of slices of dried wheat bread.
- Lunch - vegetable soup with cereals; boiled chicken with a salad of fresh vegetables; fruit jelly.
- Afternoon snack - fruit souffle.
- Dinner - minced meat with vegetables; curd pudding.
Day 7
- Breakfast - pumpkin porridge with dried fruits; jelly with dried bagel.
- The second breakfast - cottage cheese-beet pancakes; a glass of tea.
- Lunch - oats soup; beef stroganoff from boiled meat with noodles from wholemeal flour; dried fruits compote.
- Snack is sweet fruit.
- Dinner - buckwheat porridge with stewed vegetables; Boiled soft-boiled egg; a glass of tea.
The diet for heartburn on days shows how varied the menu can be under the above ailment. Therefore, do not be frightened by a dietary diet that can be tasty and nutritious.
Recipes for diarrhea for heartburn
Here are some recipes for dishes that can be cooked when heartburn occurs.
Recipes for a heartburn diet are simple, and the dishes are cooked quickly enough.
- Wiped pearl soup with vegetables
It is necessary to boil the pearl barley in water, and then to wipe it. Cut vegetables - carrots and potatoes - stew in water until ready and then wipe. After this, mix the grated vegetables with the croup, salt and bring to a boil. When serving, you can add a piece of butter.
Ingredients: pearl barley - 25 gr; potatoes - 75 gr; carrots - 24 g; Butter - 10 gr.
- Boiled beef
Beef should be put in one piece in a saucepan and pour hot water in such a way that it slightly covers the meat. The pan should be covered and put on fire. When boiling water, remove the scum, then boil the beef over low heat for 1.5-2 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking to the meat, you need to add peeled and chopped vegetables - celery and parsley root, carrots, and also to taste salt.
Ingredients: beef - 110 g; carrots - 10 gr; celery root - 5 gr; parsley root - 5 gr.
- Lazy Vareniki
Cottage cheese needs to be wiped and mixed with eggs. Add sugar and salt to the mixture. Then you need to form small sausages and cut into 7-8 pieces. Boil water, and then throw in boiled water vareniki. After that, again bring the water to a boil and remove the pan from the plate. After five minutes you need to take out the dumplings from the pan and serve it on the table, having smeared with a piece of butter.
Ingredients: cottage cheese - 100 gr; wheat flour - 10 gr; eggs - ¼ pieces; butter - 10 gr; sugar - 10 gr.
- Puree from vegetables
Boil the potatoes and cauliflower. Carrots should be stewed in a small amount of water. Then you need to combine all the vegetables and scroll through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Add melted butter or vegetable oil, add salt.
Ingredients: potatoes - 60 gr; cauliflower - 60 g; carrots - 60 g; butter or vegetable oil - 25 gr.
- Soufflé carrot and apple
Carrots must be cut into small pieces and stewed in water until cooked. Then the apples with the finished carrots must be scrolled through a meat grinder or chopped into a blender. Then you need to add semolina, sugar and raw yolk, melted butter and whipped protein. The prepared mixture should be lightly kneaded and put in a form greased with vegetable oil. Souffle should be cooked for a couple.
Ingredients: carrots - 75 gr; apples - 75 gr; semolina - 10 gr; butter - 15 gr; egg - ½ pcs; sugar - 10 g; vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. A spoon.
Diet for heartburn - a necessary measure, which must be taken with the progression of symptoms of the disease. Of course, you will have to make some efforts to significantly improve your health. But good state of health is worth the time spent and the display of willpower, which you can see for yourself by going to a healthy diet.
What can you eat with heartburn?
This burning issue is interesting for patients with heartburn. Because the symptoms of emerging discomfort cause even the most conservative people to change their diet to ease their own condition.
So, with heartburn, you can eat the following foods:
- Low-fat varieties of meat (chicken, rabbit, veal, turkey).
- Low-fat fish.
- Strongly boiled porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice (including brown rice).
- Vegetable soups with cereals.
- Stewed, steamed and baked vegetables, such as baked potatoes.
- Dried wheat bread, bread with bran and suhariki from such types of bread.
- Products from corn flour, corn bread.
- Non-acidic, low-fat cottage cheese and unsalted, low-fat cheese (goat, feta, soy).
- Boiled eggs.
- Raw carrots and other raw vegetables, rich in fiber.
- Butter in small quantities.
- Sometimes you can drink a little yogurt.
- From fruits and melons you can eat bananas, pears, sweet apples, melons, watermelons.
- From drinks it is necessary to use mineral weakly alkaline water without gas, weak tea without sugar, sweet juices.
So, answering the question: "What can be eaten with heartburn?", We note that nutrition for heartburn is chosen exclusively dietary. Because you can get rid of the symptoms of discomfort without improving the state of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
What you can not eat with heartburn?
The list of products forbidden for heartburn is as follows:
- Alcohol.
- Products that cause flatulence - milk, cabbage, beans, rye bread, cucumbers.
- Fresh bread and pastries, puff pastry, cakes and pastries.
- Pasta.
- Mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces.
- Fatty meat and stuffing.
- Animal fats - fat, sour cream, cream.
- The first dishes cooked on meat, fish or mushroom broth.
- Spicy spices, seasonings and vegetables, for example, pepper, raw onions, radish and so on.
- Smoked products and canned products.
- Pickles and marinades.
- Fresh citrus fruits and juices made from them.
- Sour milk products, sour cottage cheese.
- Salted cheese.
- Sugar and its products, as well as chocolate products.
- Strong tea, coffee and drinks with caffeine.
- Carbonated drinks, lemonade and mineral water with gas.
- Sour drink, kvass.
- Sour vegetables and herbs, berries and fruits, for example, sorrel, spinach, apples, cranberries, cherries.
- Tomatoes and products that are made with the help of tomatoes - juices, pastas, sauces, borscht.
- Mushrooms and dishes cooked with their addition.
- Fast food and semi-finished products.
- Mint, even in chewing gum and medicine.
Of course, answering the question: "What can not be eaten with heartburn?", You need to rid yourself of a large number of delicacies and favorite dishes. But improving health is worth trying to take control of their own food and thereby improve the quality of life.