
Healing Diet

Diet for stomach cancer

Many patients are surprised, what can a diet help with stomach cancer? However, there is scientific evidence that the food used by patients can contribute to the acceleration of tissue repair and even the growth of a cancerous tumor.

Diet with dermatitis

Experts argue that the observance of certain principles in nutrition significantly speeds up and facilitates recovery. Thus, a diet with dermatitis is the most important link in the successful treatment of pathology.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

Diet in acute pancreatitis is a set of strict rules that must be observed. Let's take a closer look at the peculiarities of nutrition in pancreatic disease.

Diet for fatty liver hepatosis

Diet for fatty liver hepatosis is a set of rules aimed at normalizing and restoring liver function. Let's look at how to eat with liver diseases, as well as a few delicious recipes that you can use while adhering to a diet.

Diet with duodenal ulcer

Diet with duodenal ulcer is one of the most important components of treatment.

Diet for pancreatic cancer

Diet for pancreatic cancer - this is one of the rules of recovery. The diet should be strictly observed, and the patient should be aware of the seriousness of proper nutrition. Let's consider the principles of nutrition, dietary characteristics and an approximate diet menu for a week.

Diet after cholecystectomy

The diet after cholecystectomy, which doctors prescribe immediately after surgery, is an indispensable condition for ensuring normal liver function.

Diet with oxalate in urine

Diet with oxalate in urine is the main method of treating symptoms that provoked an increased content in the secretions of the above substances.

Diet for arthrosis

Diet for arthrosis is not a panacea for this disease, but it can alleviate the condition of the patient and allow the body to receive useful substances for the restoration of joint tissues.

Diet with enterovirus infection

Diet with enterovirus infection is of great importance in complex treatment, since the outbreak is located in the intestine of the patient.


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