Diet with oxalate in urine
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet with oxalate in urine is the main method of treating symptoms that provoked an increased content in the secretions of the above substances.
Oxalates in urine are the salts of oxalic acid found as a result of tests. They are ammonium or calcium compounds. The increased isolation of oxalates by the body occurs with a disease called oxaluria.
The causes of oxaluria can be primary and secondary.
For primary reasons are hereditary factors. Namely, the disease is an oxalose, which is of a genetic nature. It manifests itself in a violation of the exchange of oxalic acid in the body. The disease provokes symptoms of urolithiasis, and in the future can develop into renal failure.
Secondary oxaluria has acquired character and is caused by several factors:
- Eating large amounts of synthetic vitamin C.
- Increased dietary intake of foods that are rich in oxalic acid and vitamin C.
- There are chronic diseases that increase the number of oxalates in the urine: diabetes, pyelonephritis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.
- Increase in the content of oxalate in urine can be observed with a deficiency in the body of vitamin B6.
- The operations performed on the intestine can also provoke an increase in the release of oxalate in the urine.
Diet with oxalate in the kidneys
To dissolve oxalate stones occurred, you must adhere to the following diet conditions:
- Diet with oxalate in the urine should contain a plentiful drink. Therefore, the patient must drink at least two and a half - three liters of fluid per day. At the same time, two liters should be pure non-carbonated water.
- Limit the amount of food consumed at a time. Food should be divided, 5 times a day.
- At the very beginning of the transition to dietary nutrition, you should try to eat once a day.
- With a single meal, you need to drink freshly prepared juices that help to remove oxalates from the kidneys of the patient. The amount of juice per day should be at least one and a half glasses. Freshly squeezed juice is taken immediately after preparation for 20-30 minutes before meals.
- After limiting the amount of food consumed and introducing freshly prepared juices, it takes several days to take a broth of chickpea flour. An infusion of seeds or leaves of radish is also suitable. Proportions of cooking broth and infusion: one tablespoon of dry mass per glass of water.
- It is necessary to drink diuretics so that the excretion of oxalate stones from the kidneys is successful. All diuretic teas are taken one tablespoon and brewed with one glass of boiling water. Then the infusion is left for half an hour in a thermos and is taken in a warm form for half a glass 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
Here are some diuretics that are recommended for patients:
- take in the same proportion of corn stigmas, mint leaves and a golden rod;
- a useful mixture - dill seeds, grass spores, leaves of wild strawberry;
- collection - grass horsetail field, seeds of dill, leaves of strawberries.
- Dairy products should be consumed only in the morning.
- The caloric content of the daily ration should not be more than 2800 - 3000 calories.
What is the diet for oxalate?
If the patient has an increased content of oxalate in the urine, a change in diet in this case is an effective measure of restoring health. With secondary oxaluria, diet is one of the main methods of treatment.
To answer the question: "What kind of diet with oxalate in the urine?", It is necessary to dwell on the principles of therapeutic nutrition when this disease occurs.
- From the diet of the patient completely excluded products containing oxalic acid and promote its formation in the body.
- It is necessary to introduce into the nutrition menu of the patient products that contribute to the intensive removal of excess oxalic acid from the body.
- Vegetable and fruit juices promote the excretion of oxalic acid from the body. Therefore, they are recommended to take during the day, as well as late in the evening. This measure prevents the crystallization of salts in the patient's urine.
- It is necessary to saturate the patient's body with vitamins of group B. Particularly patients need vitamin B6. Foods that contain a large amount of this vitamin should be entered into the everyday menu of the patient.
- With oxalate in urine, you need to limit daily intake of salt to ten grams. From ready-made products it is best to choose light-salted options.
- Diet with oxalate in the urine is observed for two to three weeks. Then you need to take a break for three or four weeks, during which you need to use diet number 5, which limits the intake of carbohydrates to 300 grams per day. After this, again, it is necessary to resume the recommended diet with oxalates in urine and alternate it with interruptions until the patient's condition improves.
The diet menu with oxalates
Specialists have developed diet menu options for oxalates in urine. Therefore, patients do not need to "rack their brains" and invent their own recipes. An approximate diet for three days is as follows:
The first day
- Breakfast - freshly made apple juice; a small amount of oatmeal porridge without sugar with dried fruits and a slice of butter.
- The second breakfast - fat cottage cheese, a glass of yogurt.
- Lunch - vegetable soup with cereals; compote of dried fruits with a piece of dried bread.
- Afternoon snack - fruit salad.
- Supper - boiled meat with vermicelli; cabbage salad; fruit jelly.
Second day
- Breakfast - freshly squeezed carrot-apple juice; buckwheat milk porridge.
- The second breakfast - compote of dried fruits with bread crumbs of bread.
- Lunch is freshly squeezed cucumber juice; steam cutlet from low-fat meat; a salad of carrots and cabbage.
- Afternoon snack - a glass of loose green tea without sugar, a sandwich of dried bread with butter and unsalted cheese.
- Dinner - beetroot without beets with sour cream; a piece of boiled fish; fruit compote.
Day Three
- Breakfast - fresh fruit juice; millet porridge with grated carrot salad.
- The second breakfast is a glass of jelly and a small slice of apple pie.
- Lunch - boiled chicken; vegetable stew; weak tea without sugar.
- Afternoon snack - lazy vareniki with sour cream.
- Dinner - baked fish; boiled potatoes; fresh cucumber salad with cabbage.
Diet recipes with oxalates
- Freshly prepared vegetable juice.
Ingredients: one carrot, one non-acidic juicy apple.
- wash carrot and apple, cut into slices
- pass through a juicer
- Drink the obtained amount of juice three times a day for 20 -30 minutes before meals.
- Charges used in the excretion of oxalates from the kidneys.
- Collection number 1 - 300 grams of dried pear tree leaves, 100 grams of dried leaves of black currant. Leaves finely chop, take one tablespoon of the mixture and brew with one glass of boiling water. Insist half an hour and take three times a day for half a glass for half an hour before meals. Dry collection should be stored in a glass jar.
- Collection number 2 - 200 grams of dried apples, 100 grams of dried apple leaves, 200 grams of dried pear leaves. Apples and leaves finely chop, pour into a thermos and brew a hundred gram of collection half a liter of boiling water. Infusion can be drunk the next day between meals.
- Fruit salad.
- one sweet apple, one pear, two apricots is taken for a summer salad;
- for a winter salad you can take one banana, one sweet apple; handful dried apricots.
- wash fruits, banana peel and cut into small pieces;
- put the sliced fruit in a salad bowl and pour a burger or curdled milk;
- if the salad does not seem sweet, you can heat up to 40 degrees a tablespoon of honey, pour it into the salad and mix well.
- Vegetable stew.
Ingredients: four potatoes, one carrot, one onion, a quarter of the average head of cabbage, a bay leaf, one tablespoon of vegetable oil, salt.
- potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into cubes;
- in boiling water pour the sliced potatoes and allow it to boil for 10 minutes;
- carrots to wash and grate;
- onion peeled and finely chopped;
- after the potatoes are cooked for ten minutes, you need to add salt, mix and add carrots and onions;
- give the stew to boil for five minutes;
- cabbage finely chopped and thrown into a stew;
- add a bay leaf and boil the vegetable stew for another five minutes;
- for one minute before the end of cooking, add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and remove from heat.
Diet recipes for oxalates in the urine are easy to prepare, so new food will not be difficult.
Diet with oxalate in the urine is not so strict as to observe its limited amount of time. This diet is recommended by specialists for long or constant use. Health is an important resource and a guarantee of the full life of every person. Therefore, it is worthwhile to show some efforts to restore and maintain good health and vivacity.
What can you eat with oxalate?
First of all, attention is given to foodstuffs that promote the excretion of oxalic acid from the body:
- Pear.
- Quince.
- Sweet apples.
These fruits can be eaten fresh or cooked from them with decoctions or compotes without the addition of sugar. You can also make broths from the rind of these fruits and from the leaves of pear tree. Such drinks are good for removing excess oxalic acid from the body.
With intensive excretion of oxalic acid, care must be taken to alkalize the body. To this end, you need to eat the following dried fruits daily:
- Dried apricots.
- Prunes.
The patient is recommended to consume more than two liters of fluid per day. It is best to drink the following drinks:
- Decoctions of fruits and dried fruits, fruit drinks and compotes.
- Freshly made juices from vegetables and fruits.
- Rowan juice in small quantities, birch sap.
- Infusions of herbs and medicinal plants - peppermint, corn stigmas, dill, sporis, horsetail, leaves of strawberries, black currant leaves, leaves of grapes.
- Mineral water Essentuki №4 and №20, Smirnovskaya, Naftusya, Slavyanskaya, Berezovskaya.
There are food products, the number of which in the diets of the patient must be significantly limited. They should not be completely abandoned, but they can be eaten only with a great desire to eat "something so tasty".
- Daily intake of salt is limited to 2 grams.
- Limited consumption of carbohydrates per day.
- Sugar and honey should be consumed in moderation. The restriction is 25 grams (one tablespoon) per day.
- Boiled fish, meat and poultry; or dishes from them, cooked for a couple - you can eat 150-200 grams every other day.
- During the period of exacerbation, the use of dairy products is limited. Then, during the recovery period, you can eat the following foods: milk; cottage cheese; cream; fresh yogurt; fermented woman; kefir; cheeses of all sorts, but, preferably, light-salted. Sour cream can be used as a condiment to salads and other dishes.
- Eggs in the amount of one yolk per day.
- Onion and garlic.
- Milk soups.
- Eggplant.
There are foods and dishes that make up the basic diet of the patient:
- Potatoes in any form, except fried.
- Vegetables - white cabbage and cauliflower, green peas, carrots, cucumbers without skin, rutabaga, pumpkin.
- Vegetable soups.
- Fruits in unlimited quantities - apricots, peaches, bananas, cherries, dogwood and stipulated above.
- Melon crops - watermelons, melons.
- Kashi - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, semolina, millet.
- Pasta and flour dishes - vermicelli, pasta, pies from flour 2 grades. Macaroni is best not as a separate dish, but in a small amount added to soups.
- Bread - wheat from flour of the second grade (dried), gray, rye.
- Fish - cod (boiled or baked) and pajusna caviar.
- Vegetable and animal fats. Pork fat should be consumed in the amount of 30 grams per day.
- Fish oil - one tablespoon per day.
- Walnut walnuts, pine nuts, walnut walnut.
- From spices it is possible to prepare dishes with application of a bay leaf.
From all of the above, we can conclude that the diet of the patient is rich enough. Therefore, answering the question: "What can you eat with oxalate in urine?", You do not need to sit on a rigid diet.
What you can not eat with oxalate?
If a patient has an increased urinary oxalate content, it is necessary to exclude foods that contain oxalic acid and its salts from the diet. A list of what can not be eaten with oxalates is not so great as to feel a strong restriction in your favorite dishes.
At high rates of oxalate in urine, the following products are excluded:
- Greens - sorrel, spinach, parsley, celery, lettuce, leek, nettle.
- Vegetables - beetroot, radish, radish, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage, broccoli, bell pepper, asparagus.
- Rhubarb and horseradish.
- Fruits and berries - gooseberries, strawberries, plums, figs, cranberries, raisins, blueberries.
- Chocolate, cocoa and all dishes that contain cocoa products.
Gelatine can promote the synthesis of oxalic acid by the patient's body. This food component contains a glycicol substance that promotes this synthesis. Therefore, the following foods and dishes should be excluded from the diet:
- Jelly, candies with gelatin content, marmalade.
- Chill, hash, jelly, jellied tongue.
- Other products that include gelatin. To find out, you need to carefully read the contents of the product indicated on the package.
The patient should refuse to eat foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C. From the patient menu it is necessary to exclude:
- Citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, grapefruits and others.
- Juices made from citrus fruits.
- Rosehips.
- Black and red currants.
- Sour apples.
The following foods should also be excluded:
- Meat broths, broths and soups cooked with their help.
- Strong tea, coffee in any form, drinks from chicory.
- Alcohol, including beer.
- Kvass and sweet fizzy drinks.
- Canned fish, smoked fish, herring.
- Sausage, ham, ham, brisket, pâté.
- Veal, and also by-products - liver, kidneys, brains, bones, cartilage.
- Lamb, beef and culinary types of fats.
- Sour foods and dishes - sauerkraut and so on.
- Tomatoes; products and dishes that contain tomatoes - borsch, ketchup, tomato paste, tomato juice.
- Beans - beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, green beans.
- Fried potatoes and other dishes, in which there was a process of frying products.
- Pickles and marinades, other canned products.
- Spicy condiments and snacks, including pepper, mustard, vinegar and so on.
- Flour products from dough and puff pastry, cookies.
- Sweets - sweets, ice cream, jam.
- Mushrooms and dishes made from them.
- Peanut.
- Low-fat dairy products - milk, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese. It is necessary to dwell on products with normal fat content.