Diet with dermatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dermatitis is an inflammatory process in the skin that can be caused by many causes. Therefore, therapeutic measures for dermatitis also depend on the factors of the development of the disease. However, experts argue that the observance of certain principles in nutrition significantly speeds up and facilitates recovery. Thus, a diet with dermatitis is the most important link in the successful treatment of pathology.
This disease can occur in several variants: atopic form dermatitis, seborrhoeic, perioral, allergic, etc., therefore the diet is usually prescribed by the doctor after the examination of the patient. Consider the most common types of diets for dermatitis, depending on the variant of the course of the inflammatory process.
Diet with atopic dermatitis
Unfortunately, the cause of this disease can not always be determined: it can be hereditary pathology, weak immunity, significant nervous stress or food intoxication.
Diet with atopic dermatitis begins with the exception of the daily menu of allergen products: among them may be smoked and preserved, beekeeping products, cocoa, some berries and citrus fruits, seasonings and nuts. After this, you can gradually switch to a special diet, which starts with fasting (one or two days), during which it is allowed to drink only water or loose tea without sugar. Then the menu gradually expands: within a week you can gradually connect fresh sour-milk products, whole milk, white meat and fish.
Gradual introduction to the diet of food (after fasting) is necessary in order to find out which product provokes the appearance of the disease. That is, if after introduction of the next product into the menu, the patient becomes aggravated with signs of atopic form of dermatitis, this product is permanently excluded from the patient's diet. For example, if a person experiences activation of the process of atopic dermatitis after consuming cow's milk, you should abandon it, or try to replace it with soy or goat's milk.
Food with atopic form of dermatitis should be easily absorbed, so give up fried and heavy meals: use a double boiler, or boil food.
Forget about products containing preservatives: sausage, semi-finished products, sweets, canned goods, packaged juices, etc.
Your task - to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and harmful substances and switch to food with a minimum content of provoking substances: dyes, fragrances, preservatives and other "E".
Diet for allergic dermatitis
The appearance of allergic dermatitis is associated, as a rule, with the individual intolerance of a product - that is, with an allergy to food. In this regard, the main condition of a diet for allergic dermatitis is the rejection of the most likely allergens in the diet. What foods most often cause allergies? These are oranges and lemons, strawberries and strawberries, currants and raspberries, peanuts and other nuts, cocoa and coffee, seafood and bee products.
It is very important to remove from the menu fatty, salty, fried and spicy food, as well as semi-finished products and canned food.
All products must be fresh; before cooking vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to soak them in water (preferably at night) in order to reduce the concentration of harmful components and nitrates in them. Limit in the daily menu of sweets and salty foods.
Hypoallergenic diet for dermatitis provides for the exclusion of the following products:
- whole cow milk;
- all kinds of eggs;
- seafood;
- cocoa and coffee;
- berries;
- mushrooms;
- citrus fruits;
- products of beekeeping;
- all kinds of nuts;
- eggs;
- a pineapple.
With caution should eat peach, banana, apricot, buckwheat, Bulgarian pepper.
What is allowed for allergic dermatitis?
- all varieties of apples and pears;
- melons and melons;
- squash, pumpkin, cabbage;
- white meat;
- fresh yogurt, yogurt, ryazhenka, cottage cheese;
- vegetable oils (except peanut and sesame);
- porridge (oatmeal, rice, semolina).
Be wary of tap water: sometimes its content does not comply with the norms and can also provoke the development of allergic reactions, including allergic dermatitis. It is better to drink purified drinking water, or take it in proven natural sources.
Diet with seborrheic dermatitis
In the treatment of seborrheic skin lesions, special recommendations for the preparation and eating of food should also be observed.
The diet for seborrheic dermatitis is, first of all, the absolute refusal of alcoholic beverages, smoked and fried foods, food from fast food restaurants, as well as all kinds of products with a high content of harmful chemicals: these are chips, croutons, sausages, store sweets, packaged juices and fizzy drinks. You should limit the use of baking, especially from white flour, as well as sweets (fast carbohydrates) in the form of jam, honey, cakes and pastries. Meat and fish it is better not to fry, but cook in a double boiler or bake in the oven.
If you were able to identify exactly the product that most often provokes an exacerbation of the disease, be sure to exclude it from your menu and never again use it.
Drink a sufficient amount of fresh clean water: this simple method will greatly accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body.
What should be on the menu for seborrheic dermatitis?
- kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, natural yoghurt;
- vegetables, greens, a variety of fruits and berries;
- meat (low-fat varieties, it is better to refuse fat);
- dishes with natural collagen (jelly, jellied fish and meat, jelly).
If the etiological factor of the appearance of the seborrheic form of dermatitis is stress or a nervous breakdown, then dietary nutrition should include drinks and herbal infusions that have a soothing and stabilizing nervous system. Such herbs include valerian, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, etc.
Diet with Dühring Dermatitis
Dühring's dermatitis is characterized by persistent chronic course. Probable causes of the disease are considered a violation of absorption due to hypersensitivity of the organism to a product of cereal proteins (gluten) - gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in cereal crops such as oats, wheat, barley, rye. Thus, a diet with Dühring's dermatitis must necessarily exclude from the diet products containing gluten.
Which products should be excluded:
- dishes in which flour and malt was added (soups, creams, gravies);
- substitutes for natural coffee (barley or other beverages), beer, all kinds of kvass;
- ice cream, wheat oil, chocolate with fillings;
- legumes (peas, lentils, beans), cereals (millet, oats, barley, semolina, pearl barley), cabbage;
- flour products (all kinds of pasta and vermicelli, dumplings and vareniki, bread and rolls, cookies and cakes, pancakes and crackers);
- Cutlets and other dishes in breaded sausage (with flour additives or bread ingredients).
List of permitted products for dermatitis Dühring:
- corn, soybean and rice flour, and baking from it;
- rice, buckwheat, corn in the form of cereals;
- meat and fish products without breading, cow's milk (not more than ½ liters per day), yogurt and yogurt, homemade curds, salted and hard cheese;
- carrots, beets, zucchini, potatoes, onions, garlic;
- vegetable oil, creamy, home-made mayonnaise;
- products of beekeeping, jams and jams, compotes and kissels;
- all kinds of fruits;
- all kinds of natural tea and coffee (not surrogates), mineral water without iodine and bromine compounds;
- all kinds of greens, nuts, spices, not iodized salt, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, olives.
Care must be taken to select food. When making purchases in the store, you should carefully study the composition of the product, paying attention to the possible content in it of prohibited ingredients.
Diet with dermatitis on hands
Diet with dermatitis on the hands should be made, taking into account the characteristics of a particular organism. It takes into account the presence of individual hypersensitivity, violation of permeability of intestinal walls and other factors that are the cause of dermatitis.
Eating with dermatitis on the hands should be balanced, taking into account the daily human need for vitamins and minerals.
That it is necessary to delete from the menu:
- alcoholic beverages;
- plant-phytoncides (onions, horseradish, garlic);
- smoked, fried and salty dishes;
- dishes with the content of honey and other products of beekeeping;
- lemons, oranges, tangerines, pineapple;
- coffee, products with chocolate, cocoa;
- fatty foods, including fat.
Diversify the daily menu can be fruit desserts, vegetable dishes, soups and cereals, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, sour-milk products.
In general, a personal doctor who is competent in the causes and mechanism of the onset of the disease should make up an individual nutrition regimen for dermatitis on the hands. However, it is desirable to adhere to the generally accepted norms in dietary nutrition.
Diet with perioral dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis is well treatable if therapeutic measures are performed in combination with observance of certain nutritional features. From the menu exclude meat products, sweets, fatty and fried foods. Eggs, sea fish, soy products, caviar, mushrooms are forbidden. The diet can be quite strict.
However, do not rush to choose your own diet.
Perioral dermatitis is a polyethological disease, that is, the causes of the disease can be different. Therefore, the best solution will be a consultation of a qualified dermatologist who will choose a diet that best protects your body from the main causes that trigger the development of the disease.
Diet in contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a kind of allergic form of dermatitis, therefore recommendations for nutrition in these diseases are almost identical. The most important moments in the construction of food - the exclusion from the patient's diet of those dishes that provoke the development of allergies, as well as providing the body with vitamins and other useful elements.
The first rule of diet for contact dermatitis is compliance with the drinking regime. Sufficient liquid is needed to accelerate the removal of toxic and sensitizing substances from the body.
The remaining norms of nutrition are generally accepted in allergic diseases. This is a refusal of coffee and chocolate, alcohol, soda and juices from "packages", from citrus, spicy and fried foods, canned food and marinades, honey and nuts. All these products can trigger the development of allergies in hypersensitive individuals. With caution should eat whole-milk products, eggs and sea products.
What can I do if I follow this diet?
- fresh sour-milk products;
- low-fat meat;
- whole grain breads;
- vegetables, dill, parsley, lettuce;
- cereals and soups from cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
- all varieties of apples and pears;
- not firmly brewed tea, compote of dried fruits, rose hips infusion.
And once again we will remind you of the need to drink a sufficient amount of water, still and not tap water, but simple and pure water. You can buy it in a store, or take it in a proven natural source: a well or spring.
Diet in adults with dermatitis
What should be considered when appointing a diet for dermatitis in adults? It is known that the diet of an adult is significantly different from what the child is eating.
First of all - it's alcohol, whether it's beer, or wine, or stronger drinks: they need to be excluded.
The next step is to review the diet. Fried, salted, smoked dishes, fast food - we exclude. Remember that we need to protect the body from certain irritating factors that are harmful in the body, getting into it with food. For the same reason, with great caution, eat dishes with honey, nuts, seafood, citrus, soy products, eggs and milk. Instead of sauces use different types of vegetable oils (except peanut and sesame, they can cause allergy), as well as sour milk products - sour cream, yoghurt. Eat soups, cereals, vegetable dishes, low-fat steamed chops. When cooking, try not to add spices and seasonings, and put salt and sugar less: this will prevent the fluid retention in the body.
When choosing products, be guided by the composition indicated on the package: the presence of preservatives, dyes, flavors, emulsifiers and other harmful substances can aggravate the course of dermatitis, so it is better to refuse such products.
All foods that you eat should be fresh, vegetables and fruits - well washed.
Well, if a food allergen has been found: be sure to exclude it from the diet and never again use it.
Diet in children with dermatitis
Planning the nutrition of your child, make sure that after using what foods the signs of dermatitis are worse, and exclude such products from the baby's diet. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to calculate the potential allergen, and then you have to exclude from the menu all the products, which in some way can cause allergic reactions. Such products include:
- animal fats in any form;
- fruits and vegetables with a red color (tomatoes, beets, persimmons, etc.);
- citrus fruits;
- chocolate in any form, cocoa;
- nuts;
- products of beekeeping.
Prepare the child for the gruel, dressed with a small amount of vegetable oil, mashed soups, vegetable purees. You can offer low-fat meat, cooked or cooked in a double boiler, baked fruit, curd cheese, curd casserole, vegetable pancakes, natural yogurt with fruit. Be careful with berries: children can be very sensitive to them.
Avoid the use of salt and fast carbohydrates, limit the use of baby sweets. Store sweets and soda should be excluded: the content of all kinds of chemicals in such products is a very heavy load for the child's body. The same goes for dishes from fast food restaurants.
The food offered to a child with dermatitis should be easily digested, balanced and not contain possible allergens and irritants.
Often the child shows an allergy to cow's milk: in such cases, mother should be more careful when choosing ready-made formulas and puree for the baby. Be sure to look at the labels and read the contents of the product so as not to accidentally prevent the baby from eating the allergen. Sometimes a child who does not take milk from a cow can tolerate goat's milk quite normally.
If a baby develops oral dermatitis, the food he consumes should not contain substances that irritate the skin around the mouth. In such a situation it is necessary to exclude salty, sharp, sour and hot dishes.
Mom's diet for atopic dermatitis in a baby
The child of the first years of life is extremely susceptible to the development of allergic reactions, because a small organism is not yet sufficiently adapted to some new substances for him. Diathesis, atopic dermatitis - often young mothers can not understand where this or that disease comes from. As a rule, the allergen enters the baby's body with food. If the baby eats the mixture - most likely, the reason is in them. If the baby is breastfed - the mother's food is responsible for this, because practically all substances used with food enter the breast milk, and thence into the baby's body. Moreover, experts argue that a woman should exclude certain foods from her diet in the last weeks of pregnancy, not to mention the period of breastfeeding.
What products should be in the mother's diet, and which ones should be excluded?
We offer you a list of products that are more likely to cause an allergic reaction:
- absolutely all citrus (oranges, tangerines, limes, grapefruits, lemons);
- products of beekeeping (honey, pergah, pollen, zabrus);
- fruits that do not grow in the region (exotic fruits);
- strawberries and strawberries, grapes;
- products of the sea, squid, crab, lobster, mussels;
- caviar;
- hen eggs;
- whole milk;
- wheat and rye;
- cocoa beans and products from them;
- Nuts, peanut butter and pasta;
- smoked products, spices, sweets, products with chemical dyes and preservatives, including beverages.
Mom should eat moderately, do not overeat and do not stress on any one product: food should be varied and full.
Attentively and to nutrition of the kid: do not overfeed it, new mixes and lure enter gradually, beginning with ½ tsp. It is advisable not to wean the baby up to 1 year. But let the clean water give the baby on the first demand: maintaining the water balance is very important for the prevention of diathesis.
Menu diet for dermatitis
How to make a daily menu that does not harm a person suffering from dermatitis? Taking into account all recommendations, it is possible to give an approximate diet consisting of products approved for hypersensitivity:
- Breakfast. Oatmeal on the water, not strong green tea.
- Dinner. Soup on a thin meat broth, rice with steam cutlets, compote from dried fruits.
- Dinner. Stew of vegetables, mint tea.
As a snack during the day you can eat an apple or pear, at night drink a glass of low-fat fresh yogurt.
The second option:
- Breakfast. Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, apple compote.
- Dinner. Soup puree from courgettes, meat stewed with vegetable garnish, green tea.
- Dinner. Fish cooked in a double boiler, salad of cucumbers and cabbage, compote.
The third option:
- Breakfast. Sandwich of whole-grain dried bread and cottage cheese with herbs, green tea with melissa.
- Dinner. Vegetable soup, buckwheat with liver, lettuce and greens, oatmeal.
- Dinner. Fish steamed chops, sliced vegetables, chamomile tea.
The menu can be quite diverse and useful if one approaches the issue of creating a power scheme correctly. If you doubt the choice of foods or dishes, do not neglect the advice of a dermatologist or nutritionist whose task is to explain in detail and understand the role of a product in the diet and the possibility of using it for dermatitis.
Diet recipes for dermatitis
On the Internet and special literature, you can find many recipes for diet with dermatitis. It is especially easy to follow this diet in the presence of a steamer - an indispensable tool when dietary nutrition is observed. For example, here are some of the most popular recipes.
- Full dinner from a double boiler
Take two pieces of turkey breast, several potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and salt. In the steamer we pour water, in the lower compartment we place a large chopped potato, in the upper compartment we place pieces of cauliflower, carrots with wheels or brusochkami, on top of them - meat. Solim. Cooking for an hour at full power. Served with homemade mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream.
- Fish with benefit
We take the fillet of low-fat fish, salt and put it in a steamer on top of lettuce leaves. We put on the fish diced dill and a little bay leaf. Turn on the maximum power, cook about 15-20 minutes, so as not to overexpose. Instead of lettuce leaves you can put cabbage, also very tasty.
- Corn porridge in a double boiler
Rinse the corn groats, put it in a cup for rice (in a double boiler) and fill the water in a ratio of 1: 4. We set the timer for 25 minutes. After that, add a little salt and vegetable oil (water if desired) and put it for another 5 minutes. Leave the porridge to sink a little, and serve it to the table. If you put a large portion of cereals in a steamer, you may need more cooking time.
- Baked chicken liver
Take 500 g of chicken liver, a small zucchini, homemade mayonnaise, greens, a little vegetable oil. We beat off the liver, salt, put it in a greased form, on top put circles of zucchini, salt, pour mayonnaise on top, you can sprinkle a small amount of hard grated cheese. Bake in the oven until cooked. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.
- Veal in a double boiler
Take 1.5 kg of veal, we wash the meat and dry it, remove the film. We rub the meat with salt and napipuem slices of carrots and olives. We tightly bind the meat with a thread, wrap it with foil and put it in a steamer. Cooking at full power. The cooking time depends on the size of the meat, on average the veal is cooked for about 1.5 hours: it is necessary to periodically check the readiness of the meat in the process. Serve veal with a garnish of cereals or vegetables.
During this diet, do not forget that you need to remove toxins from the body: drink enough liquid, at least 1.5 liters per day.
It is useful during the diet to take probiotic drugs that improve digestion and restore the normal intestinal microflora.
The diet for dermatitis should be made with regard to the diagnostic results obtained and be used along with the appropriate medication prescribed by the doctor.