Diet for arthrosis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet for arthrosis is not a panacea for this disease, but it can alleviate the condition of the patient and allow the body to receive useful substances for the restoration of joint tissues.
Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, which manifests itself in the degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the joint. These changes are of an age-specific character, that is, they appear in older people, after forty-five years. Deformation affects, in the first place, cartilage of the joint, epiphyses of bones and, in some cases, soft tissues. A diet with arthrosis can only benefit in conjunction with the rest of the treatment - drug therapy, physiotherapy and so on.
Treatment of arthrosis with diet
One of the causes of arthrosis is the overweight of the patient. It is noticed that people who weigh more than their norm are much more likely to suffer from joint diseases. Namely, the knee and hip joint. Decreased body weight leads to relief of the patient's condition. Therefore, the treatment of arthrosis with a diet, in the first place, should be aimed at overcoming the excess weight of the patient. But getting rid of excess kilograms should not deprive the body of a patient of useful nutrients. The vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for maintenance of health are obliged to arrive with food in that quantity which is necessary. Therefore, a diet for arthrosis, aimed at reducing weight, should be full and balanced.
The second point to consider when making a menu is that a diet for osteoarthritis should prevent unnecessary wear of the cartilaginous tissue and the joint itself. Therefore, it is necessary to balance the nutrition in such a way that the substances that enter the patient's body help to maintain the elasticity of the cartilage and contribute to the restoration of bone tissue of the joint.
It is necessary to take into account one more factor that affects the improvement of the condition of patients with arthrosis. At the end of the 20th century, due to the progression of technologies for the production of food products, a new type of arthrosis - metabolic - appeared in the world's population. This form of arthrosis is due to eating foods that contain chemical additives - hormones, steroids, preservatives, dyes and so on - in excess. Therefore, a diet for arthrosis should be directed, first of all, to the organization of a natural diet of patients. The products from which dishes for patients with arthrosis are prepared should not contain artificial, chemical additives, which is a prerequisite for the treatment of metabolic arthrosis.
Diet for arthrosis of joints
Nutrition for joint arthrosis should be made taking into account the following recommendations:
- It is necessary to exclude food processing by frying. The food should be baked, steamed, boiled or stewed.
- You need to switch to frequent, fractional meals.
- Food should be taken in small portions, which eliminates overeating and weight gain.
- You can serve meals in small plates that visually increase the amount of food on them.
- There is a need to slowly and thoroughly chew food. Thus, the body saturation is faster, because digestion of food begins already in the mouth with the help of saliva.
- During the absorption of food, you need to make small pauses, then the body will quickly feel satiety, which will not prevent overeating.
- When you feel saturated, you need to stop and do not eat anymore. The habit of eating up everything to the last crumb in this case leads not to health, but to the progression of the disease. The next time you need to put a smaller portion, because adding a little more food is much more useful than eating what you do not want to eat anymore.
- If there is no feeling of hunger, do not eat.
- After each meal, it is necessary to rinse the mouth thoroughly.
- Do not stay at rest after a meal or go to bed. It is best to make one hundred slow steps after eating, and then take a rest.
- The last meal should be no later than 19 pm and two hours before bedtime.
- It is necessary to follow the chair. Emptying the bowels should occur every morning, without effort and problems. If this does not happen, you need to add more greenery and fiber to your diet, as well as foods that help prevent constipation.
The diet for joint arthrosis is aimed at reducing weight, normalizing metabolic processes in the body and restoring the functions of the joint tissue. Therefore, all the above principles of food intake must be strictly observed by patients.
What is the diet for arthrosis?
For patients who are going to be cured of this disease by changing the diet, the question is important: "What is the diet for arthrosis?" The principles of building proper nutrition for arthrosis are as follows:
- First of all, with arthrosis, the use of a rigid extreme diet is prohibited. Since this type of diet, the body expels a large amount of liquid, which, in turn, removes the calcium and potassium they need from the bones and joints.
- A balanced diet that includes the consumption of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber.
- Low-salt diet, which uses a small daily amount of salt.
- Food is low in protein. With arthrosis, experts advise to use sour-milk products, because they are rich in proteins, which are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. The presence in them of a large amount of calcium also makes these products irreplaceable for the dietary table of patients with arthrosis.
- Dishes made from bone-meat broths. All kinds of jellies, chillies and jellies are rich in collagen and help in the restoration of cartilaginous tissue. Collagen is also needed to maintain the bones, ligaments and other components of the musculoskeletal system in norm.
- Limitation of carbohydrates and sugars. Most carbohydrates in the diet of the patient should account for complex carbohydrates - whole grain cereals, bread from wholemeal flour. Sahara, if possible, should be deleted and replaced with sweet fruit, honey.
- Restriction of the consumption of fat, which must enter the body of the patient, mainly from products of plant origin. The exception is fish, rich in Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.
Rice diet for arthrosis
Rice diet for arthrosis is based on eating breakfast from soaked rice with a general low salt content in the diets of a patient with arthrosis.
Cooked by all the rules, rice can miraculously remove toxins from the body; dissolve salts accumulated in the spine and joints; improve metabolism; normalize weight with excessive or insufficient body weight; to facilitate the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
To organize a diet breakfast, you will need to buy brown rice. But in the absence of such, you can use the usual polished, in which it is necessary to add wheat bran in the amount of a third of the volume of rice.
You need to cook five half-liter jars. It's best to mark them with markers, like No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. In the first jar, two or three tablespoons of rice and pour water. After a day, the rice in the first jar is washed and again filled with water. On the same day, the same portion of rice is poured into the second jar and the can is filled with water. The third day the contents of the first two jars are washed and filled with fresh water, and the third jar pours rice, water is added and everything is left for a day. The next day, the manipulations with rice washing are repeated, and the fourth pot is covered with rice with water. On the fifth day, the contents of all four jars must be washed and re-filled with water, and in the fifth jar, pour two to three tablespoons of rice and leave it to get wet in water, as in previous cases.
On the sixth day you can use rice from the first can. From it boil the porridge in a small amount of water without the addition of salt, sugar, butter and milk. You can eat the soaked rice and raw or pour it with hot water for 10 minutes and after that time have breakfast. The main thing that the whole breakfast consisted of soaked rice in cooked or raw form.
Before eating rice for 20 or 30 minutes, you need to drink one glass of warm or hot water. After breakfast for four hours, you should not eat or drink. After 4 hours you can drink water, and after 15-20 minutes to eat a full dinner.
In the first jar after the preparation of rice porridge you need to fill up again a portion of rice, and now this jar becomes the last in the row. Every day instead of used rice is put a new one. The main thing is that the soaking of rice in each jar occurs within five days. The very same course of treatment is 40 days. It can be held once a year, in winter or spring, when church posts are held. Contraindications to the use of rice breakfasts do not exist.
In the process of purification by rice it is necessary to exclude salt from the diet, and also to limit the maximum use of acidic and acute products. Alcohol is also banned, as the rice diet in this case will be ineffective. Due to the fact that with the help of rice alcoholic poisons will be excreted, not salts and slags.
Rice diet for arthrosis is not only an effective method for treating this disease, but an excellent means of normalizing metabolic processes and other body functions. Therefore, it is recommended to cleanse the body regularly, once a year.
Diet for arthrosis of the knee joint
Gonarthrosis (or arthrosis of the knee joint) - deformation of the knee joint, caused by trauma, increased physical exertion, excess weight, a violation of the patient's metabolism.
Diet, which aims to reduce the weight of the patient, reduces the burden on the knee joint. As a result, the symptoms of arthrosis gradually decrease or completely stop worrying the patient.
- Diet with a simultaneous fight against obesity and symptoms of arthrosis should contain all the body's necessary substances and at the same time be low-calorie. You can not starve or go on a hard diet that can drain the patient's body. Do not abuse diuretic teas and laxatives, which are often used by those who want to lose weight. Such drugs help to wash away calcium from the body, which leads to a worsening of the condition of patients with arthrosis of the knee joint.
- Food should be frequent, and food should be taken in small portions. During snacks between meals you can eat a small amount of fruit, fresh vegetables and dietary bread.
- It is necessary to have breakfast, as more calories are burned in the morning, which leads to a decrease in the weight of the patient.
- To improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins should drink at least two liters of clean water a day.
- With arthrosis of the knee joint, you need to stop eating fatty meat - pork and beef.
- Some fresh vegetables and fruits have a negative effect on patients with gonarthrosis. Therefore, they should be excluded from the patient's diet. Such products include white cabbage, tomatoes and bell peppers. Sour fruit - cherry, citrus and so on, as well as juices, cooked from them, are also prohibited.
Diet for arthrosis of the knee joint includes all those principles that were given earlier. Also, the permitted and prohibited lists of food for arthrosis refer to this type of disease.
Diet for arthrosis of the hip joint
Coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint) is a dystrophic change in the cartilaginous tissue of the hip joint. Coxarthrosis can be accompanied by destruction of the bone tissue of the joint, the occurrence of cysts along the edges of the joints.
Diet for arthrosis of the hip joint is aimed at restoring the cartilaginous tissue. The necessary substances for the resumption of cartilage can be obtained from a properly balanced diet.
- The organism for the regenerative processes needs vitamins of group B, also in vitamins A, C and E. Vitamins of group B can be obtained from sprouted wheat, whole grain bread, egg yolk, bananas, nuts, fermented milk products, peas, lentils. Vitamin A is found in carrots, pumpkin, sweet pepper, sea buckthorn, peaches, apricots, kelp, parsley, egg yolk, butter. Vitamin C is found in wild rose, green peas, black currant, sweet pepper, sea-buckthorn, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, cauliflower, rowan berries. Vitamin E in large quantities is found in sprouted wheat, in fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts.
- It is necessary to exclude products from flour of the highest grade (pasta, white wheat bread, biscuits and buns). It is necessary to introduce rye bread, bran bread and coarse flour into the daily ration.
- You should avoid cooking dishes from manna and other peeled cereals. But oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley and brown rice should be on the patient's table daily.
- For cereals to retain all useful substances, they need to be prepared as follows. It is necessary to boil them to half-cooked, and then wrap them and let them reach the desired state. You can do the same in another way - pre-soak the cereals for 6-8 hours, and then cook until fully prepared.
- Instead of sugar, you need to use honey, dried fruits, fresh berries or fruit slices.
- Fermented milk products, especially whey, are welcome in coxarthrosis. But milk should be excluded from the diet of patients with arthrosis of the hip joint.
- You can eat by-products - liver, kidneys, tongue, heart, because they are skimmed meat and can not harm joints.
- Although fish are welcome for arthrosis, it is necessary to exclude salted fish from the diet.
- Strong meat broths should be replaced with vegetable and mushroom broths.
Diet for arthrosis of the foot
Arthrosis of the foot is a disease that leads to deformation of the joints of the foot and, above all, cartilaginous tissue. Above all, the big toes of both legs are subject to pathological changes. The causes of foot arthrosis can be genetic predisposition, prolonged stay on legs, excess weight, uncomfortable shoes, flat feet and improper nutrition. Therefore, a diet with arthrosis of the foot can lead to an improvement in the patient's condition.
All previous recommendations concerning nutrition with arthrosis, are suitable for patients with arthrosis of the foot. Also, you need to give advice on changing the diet, which will help improve the condition of cartilage tissues and feet, and other joints.
- You need to eat fresh orange juice daily. A glass of freshly squeezed juice a day can improve the patient's condition by 15-20 percent.
- Introduce in the daily diet of pomegranates and pomegranate juice. Studies have shown that undiluted pomegranate juice can reduce inflammation of the joints, and also block the production of the enzyme responsible for the destruction of cartilaginous tissue. Therefore, 3-5 spoonfuls of pomegranate juice per day will be useful in the treatment of arthrosis symptoms.
- Pineapple also has a good anti-inflammatory effect. It contains bromelain, which reduces inflammation in the joints. Eat pineapples only in fresh form, immediately after the fruit was cut. The highest concentration of bromelain comes from the top of the fruit and its cob.
- Red pepper is rich in antioxidants. Therefore, its substances actively fight free radicals responsible for aging joints and cartilage tissue.
- Products with negative caloric content are indispensable for arthrosis. You need to eat parsley, dill, green onions, celery, lettuce, spinach, white cabbage and cauliflower, radish, green peas, broccoli, wheat sprouts and beans, fresh cucumbers. These products not only help to reduce excess weight, but also saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and proteins.
Disease for arthrosis of the shoulder joint
Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint - changes in the joint and cartilaginous tissue of the shoulder. When violations of the shoulder joint, painful sensations appear in the joint articulation, and the mobility of the arm is impaired. Arthrosis of the shoulder joints arise, first of all, from various shoulder injuries - bruises, sprains of ligaments, fractures of the upper limbs. Often arthrosis of the shoulder joint occurs after a long and unusual physical activity. Also affected athletes, especially those who engage in volleyball, tennis and throwing sports equipment.
But the most common cause of arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a dislocation of the shoulder. After such a dislocation, which corrected, after a while, minor pain may begin. Then the pain sensations increase, and noise and clicks are added to them during movement. These symptoms begin arthrosis, which manifests itself in the limitation of the motor capabilities of the joint.
Diet for arthrosis of the shoulder joint is the same as in the previous cases. If joint disease is accompanied by edema, then you need to use an anti-edema diet. Principles of such nutrition:
- Low salt content in food.
- Abundant drink, more than two liters a day
- The use of diuretics.
- During the seasonal appearance of watermelons, you need to consume as much of these fruits as possible.
- It is necessary to fill your diet with potassium. For this you need to eat every day any foods with a high content of this substance - dried apricots, apricots, bananas, baked potatoes in the peel. You can eat two or three fruits of dried apricots or apricots for half an hour before meals 3 times a day. They can be replaced by half of the average banana, which need to be consumed the same number of times. It is important to regularly use these products, then the effect of the diet will be noticeable.
- It is necessary to exclude from the diet of tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, pepper and spicy seasonings.
Such a diet well removes edema of the shoulder joints, helps to relieve inflammation and speeds up the complex treatment of the disease.
Diet for arthrosis of the ankle
The most common cause of ankle arthrosis is trauma. The disease can occur after a leg dislocation, sprains, gypsum application after fractures.
There may be another cause of arthrosis. These joints have one peculiarity: with kidney diseases or water-salt metabolism in the body they tend to easily succumb to edema. Edemas that disturb the patient for a long time lead to dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, that is, to arthrosis.
Diet for arthrosis of the ankle is the same as for all types of arthrosis. But it is worth emphasizing the basic principles of anti-edema diet, which is good for the occurrence of swelling of these joints:
- A salt-free diet. For a while, you need to stop using salt or salt food in minimal amounts.
- Drink plenty of fluids, more than two liters per day.
- To use diuretics and dues. Recipes for diuretics are as follows:
- Diuretic collection number 1.
Take leaves of bearberry - 3 parts, flowers of cornflower - 1 part, licorice root - 1 part. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water, insists half an hour, and then filtered. Take half a cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
- Diuretic collection № 2.
Grassgrass - 3 parts, bearberry leaf - 2 parts, St. John's wort - 1 part, violet grass - 1 part. One tablespoon of mixture to pour one glass of boiling water. Insist half an hour, and then strain with gauze. Take 3 times a day for half a cup for half an hour before eating.
- It is necessary to use anti-inflammatory teas. Well suited infusions of sage, chamomile, lime blossom, St. John's wort, calendula. It removes the inflammatory processes of tea karkade from the flowers of hibiscus.
For all anti-inflammatory tinctures, there is the same way of cooking. You need to take one tablespoon of herbs, pour it with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and strain it. Take this infusion should be 30 minutes before eating half a cup three times a day.
Menu of the diet for arthrosis
Despite many limitations, the diet menu for arthrosis is quite diverse.
Immediately after awakening, you must drink a glass of clean water. Such a measure will trigger the processes of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.
Breakfast - a glass of freshly made orange juice. After 15-20 minutes you can eat porridge on the water - oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl, millet, from unpeeled rice. In the porridge you can add a small amount of butter. If the preference is given to sweet porridge, then it is worth putting a little honey or dried fruit in the dish. It is good to eat breakfast with cottage cheese with honey, curd casserole, baked syrniki, kefir or fermented baked milk with dry biscuits. Suitable and light green tea without sugar with a sandwich of whole-grain bread with butter and unsalted cheese. You can have breakfast boiled soft-boiled eggs, an omelette with a salad of fresh vegetables.
The second breakfast is a banana; a handful of dried apricots or apricots; pomegranate or pineapple. Good for a second breakfast, any fruit or sour milk drinks.
Lunch - vegetable and cereal soups; chill, hash or jelly; dishes from boiled meat or steamed - cutlets, meatballs and so on; baked fish or boiled fish; boiled, baked potatoes or mashed potatoes; salads from fresh vegetables; stewed vegetables and stew; various cereals; bread from wholemeal or rye flour.
Snack - fruits or compotes of dried fruits, jelly and mousses, tea karkade with dry biscuits, crackers or loaves.
Dinner - salads from fresh vegetables; stewed vegetable dishes and stew; porridge; baked and boiled potatoes; lazy dumplings; dishes from cottage cheese; not strong green tea or karkade. Dinner should be easy, so as not to encourage excessive weight gain.
Diet recipes for arthrosis
Diet recipes for arthrosis are not difficult to prepare. I am glad that with this disease you can eat your favorite and delicious dishes.
- Chilled pork legs
Ingredients: 4 pork legs, half a kilogram of pork meat, one medium-sized carrot, one onion, two bay leaves, 20 grams of gelatin, a small amount of salt.
- Rinse the pork legs well, put in a saucepan and add so much water that the legs were covered with water by 5-6 centimeters.
- It is necessary to wait for the boiling, then remove the scum and record the time. Make the fire very slow and cook the legs on this fire for four hours. Periodically, it is necessary to remove the emerging fat from the water surface. This precaution will give a transparency to the chill and a necessary taste.
- After that you need to pour one glass of broth, cool and dissolve gelatin in it.
- In the pan, add pork meat and boil for another hour.
- Then cut the onions and carrots into cubes, add vegetables to the broth along with the laurel pepper. After that, salt the broth to taste, but it is better to take a little nedosolit.
- Broth is left to cook for another hour. The total cooking time of the cold is six hours, while it is forbidden to add water to the broth.
- After this, you need to get meat and legs from the broth. Meat should be separated from bones and cut into small pieces. Then the chopped meat returns to the broth, which is brought to a boil. Then add the gelatin dissolved in the broth.
- Then we pour the broth on the forms, cool it to room temperature and leave it in the refrigerator or cold place until it freezes.
- Mackerel baked in the sleeve
Ingredients: one or two pieces of mackerel, one lemon, one onion, salt, vegetable oil.
- It is necessary to cut off the head from the fish and gently gut it. After that, mackerel should be thoroughly washed - if this is not done enough, the fish will be bitter. Then you need to pull the ridge off the mackerel.
- Next, you need to rub the fish with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.
- After that, on one side of the inside of the carcass are placed slices of lemon, and on the other - the onion cut by rings, and on top sprinkle with vegetable oil.
- Half of the fish are folded together and put in a sleeve for baking.
- The oven heats up to a temperature of 180 degrees. After that, the mackerel is placed there, which is baked for 40 minutes.
- Garnish, which is most relevant to baked mackerel - boiled potatoes, vegetables, greens and a slice of lemon.
- Baked peeled potatoes in foil
Ingredients: young potatoes - half a kilogram, butter, dill.
- Potatoes should be washed and dried with a napkin.
- On the peel of potatoes you need to make a cross-cut and place a piece of butter in it.
- Next, the potatoes are wrapped in several layers of foil, which are shifted with dill sprigs.
- It is necessary to preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
- Put the potatoes in the oven and bake for forty minutes.
- After this, you need to get the potatoes, unfold from the foil, sprinkle a little and eat with the peel.
- Vitamin salad from fresh vegetables
Ingredients: half a kilo of fresh cabbage, one big carrot, lemon, vegetable oil, salt to taste.
- Finely chop cabbage, salt, stirring and crumple well.
- Squeeze a little lemon juice to taste and mix well.
- Grate the carrots on an average grater and add to the cabbage, mix thoroughly.
- In the salad, add a little vegetable oil and mix the resulting dish.
- Curd dessert with dried fruits
Ingredients: half a kilogram of cottage cheese, one hundred grams of dried apricots and raisins, honey to taste.
- Cottage cheese to bring down in a blender or with the help of a mixer to a homogeneous dense mass.
- Heat the honey to a temperature of not more than forty degrees.
- Pour the heated honey into the container with the cottage cheese and mix again thoroughly.
- Dried fruits should be washed, large dried fruits should be cut into pieces.
- After that add the pieces of dried fruits to the cottage cheese thoroughly mix.
- Infusion of dried fruits
Ingredients: dry apricots, apples, pears, plums - 500 grams; honey; water - 3 liters.
- Fill the dried fruit in a three-liter can and fill with water.
- Leave the dried fruit for 12 hours so that the water is infused.
- The received infusion can be drunk - it is made from sweet dried fruits, therefore, it does not need to be sweetened.
- If the drink is not sweet, then you can add a few tablespoons of honey, mix it and let it dissolve into the infusion. It is not necessary to heat the drink so that the honey dissolves better, because the elevated temperature kills the useful properties of honey.
What can I eat with arthrosis?
- Of meat products, it is best to eat a bird - a domestic chicken, a turkey, a duck.
- Fish fatty varieties are very useful for patients with arthrosis. It is necessary to introduce herring, mackerel, salmon, trout into the diet, which will provide the patient with unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. The above fatty acids inhibit the aging of the joint and to some extent can prevent the inflammatory processes that appear in the joint tissues.
- Flaxseed and linseed oil - these nutritional supplements contain in excess omega-3 fatty acids.
- Foods rich in calcium. First of all, it's whey. Contrary to popular belief in the production of cottage cheese, more calcium remains in the solid mass - cottage cheese, and in the liquid - serum. Therefore, to saturate the body with calcium, you need to drink up to half a liter of whey every day. It is useful to drink kefir, fermented baked milk and natural yogurt without adding sugar, dyes and preservatives.
- Rich in calcium and greens - parsley, dill, spinach, celery, salad.
- Products that contain a large amount of vitamin E - are indispensable on the table of patients with arthrosis. You should eat baked fish, walnuts, almonds, cedar nuts, hazelnuts, sprouted wheat (2-3 tablespoons a day).
- Gruel and bread of their coarse flour are sources of complex carbohydrates.
- Fruits that are rich in fiber, fructose, vitamins and minerals. Separately, I want to say about pineapples, which can remove inflammation of the joints.
- Fresh pomegranate and orange juice.
- Fresh vegetables, among which the most useful are cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and zucchini.
- Vegetable food, rich in protein, is simply necessary for arthrosis. You should prepare dishes from beans, peas and lentils.
- Butter, as a source of fat.
- Products with a high content of B vitamins. Vitamin B1 is found in peas, baked potatoes, whole grain bread. Vitamin B2 can be obtained from dairy products, eggs and bananas. Vitamin B6 is rich in nuts, chicken meat, bananas and dairy products. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) can be obtained from lentils, peas, bananas, parsley, spinach, nuts, wild rose hips and fresh raspberry and currant leaves. Vitamin B12 is found in by-products (kidneys, liver) egg yolks, in fish - herring, salmon, sardines, seafood, fermented milk products and hard cheese.
What you can not eat with arthrosis?
It is necessary to exclude from the diet the following foods and culinary products:
- Cakes, cream cakes and other confectionery products with cream.
- Baking and fresh wheat bread.
- Ice cream, milk and cream desserts.
- Chocolate butter and chocolate cheese, chocolate-nut pastes.
- Chips, croutons, toast, popcorn, corn and wheat flakes, as well as ready-made breakfasts.
- Alcohol, including beer and low-alcohol drinks. Tobacco smoking is also banned.
- Sweet carbonated drinks.
- Strong tea and coffee.
- Sauces and seasonings, which are prepared with the use of spicy spices and spices.
- Pickles, marinades, smoked products.
- Sauces that are prepared in oil; mayonnaise and dishes that are cooked with their use; margarine.
- Fatty meat - pork and beef.
- Fatty dairy products - cream, processed cheese, sour cream over 10% fat content, curd over 4% fat content, yogurt over 3.2% fat content.
- Products from whole milk.
- Black and red caviar.
- Products containing Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids: fatty meat, vegetable oils (primarily sunflower and corn), hard wheat, seeds.
- Fatty fish of the following varieties - sturgeon, halibut, salmon.
- Instant cereals.
- Products containing food additives, flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives.