Diet for arthrosis of joints
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Everyone will agree that a wide range of diseases affecting the human body are to some extent related to the food that people eat, the very image, the consumption regime is also important. Therefore, not the last value in the treatment or maintenance in the process of remission has a diet for joint arthrosis, which is aimed at establishing more efficient metabolic processes.
Due to the implementation of all the required rules, the patient not only can improve the condition of his joints, but also lose weight by improving his appearance.
What is the diet for joint arthrosis?
What are joints are hinges that allow our body to move adequately and, like any mechanism with prolonged high stress or other negative factors, it can fail or lose its former flexibility. In this case, the problems that appear in this area of anatomy, the body tells its owner pain symptoms.
Severe pain in the joints, a problem with walking, and simply with any movement. All this persecutes the patient to whom the diagnosis is made. It is worth noting that the risk of getting this disease is the higher the fat person. Each extra kilogram on the body significantly increases the burden on the musculoskeletal system, causing pathological changes that can subsequently become irreversible.
Make treatment more effective or at least stabilize, improve the condition of the patient is capable of adjusting nutrition. The balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, as well as minerals, trace elements and vitamins entering the body, avoiding overeating (the daily amount of food consumed on average for an adult should not exceed 2000 calories) - all this will allow you to keep your joints for a longer time operable condition.
But if a person who has applied for a consultation at a polyclinic after the examination has received the diagnosis in question, so that the therapy gives a positive result, the patient should know what diet is with arthrosis of the joints?
People who have experienced this disease need to significantly revise their diet. It is advisable to remove meat from it, especially beef and pork. Their place should be occupied by fish. Only fish meat contains Omega-3 acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, which has a beneficial effect on the affected joint, arresting the inflammatory process. This recommendation is related not only to the individual characteristics of meat products, but also to the fact that the quality of the product itself has changed significantly compared to the meat that our grandmothers ate.
Today, people eat meat of animals suffering from hypodynamia: they are fattened with special products (antibiotics, food additives, biologically active substances and hormones, growth stimulants), which does not benefit the human body consuming similar products. Syring meat preservatives, fast food, food with dyes and stabilizers led to the fact that physicians had to allocate another category of the disease - "metabolic arthrosis."
Preserving preservatives are deposited in joints in the form of crystalline neoplasms, forming conglomerates of chondrocalcinates, uric acid and other chemical compounds. They have a detrimental effect on the characteristics of the joint fluid, which is the lubrication of the hinges.
Remember the mechanism that you forgot to lubricate. Primarily, it can squeak, and then begins to collapse.
Therefore, in order to protect oneself from this pathology, and in case of diagnosing the disease, to alleviate the condition of joints, having improved, if possible, the metabolic processes in them. It is worth, yet, know what kind of diet for joint arthrosis?
So, it is worth noting the consumption of such products:
- Meat and its derivatives, especially as a "fast food" product.
- Other products of fast food.
- Smoked fish and meat sold in stores and supermarkets. In most cases, the process of "smoking" is reduced to chemical processing of products, and not through fire and wood shavings, as was done before.
- Fried and spicy dishes.
- Prepared meat products, which were tinted with the introduction of special dyes and flavor enhancers (ham, sausages, sausages, bacon), to obtain the best kind and taste characteristics of the product. It is advisable to buy meat from trusted producers, in which you are absolutely sure (if you know that they did not use chemical additives during the cultivation process). For residents of megacities is, perhaps, an impossible task. But one of the outputs in this situation is the thermal processing of meat, in which a number of chemical compounds are destroyed, losing their aggressiveness. The second is to remove the visible fatty layers - in fact, the accumulation of "harmful substances" predominates in them.
- Animal fats that form plaques of cholesterol, which leads to clogging of blood vessels.
- White cabbage.
- Drinks based on alcohol.
- Processed and salted varieties of cheese.
It is desirable to reduce the consumption of these products:
- Chocolate.
- No flood.
- Sweet dishes and buns.
- Radish and radish.
- Meat half-finished products: cutlets, meatballs, various sausages, sausages and sausages.
- Refuse soups on meat broth. Even if you drain the first broth after boiling the meat, more chemicals go with it, but in a certain amount they can be found in the second and third portions of the broth.
- Sorrel, spinach.
In the diet of a person suffering from arthrosis, there must be:
- Hard cheese and cottage cheese.
- Pure water. Small amounts, but often.
- The combination of raw food and boiled dishes should meet the ratio of 3: 1.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables (especially, which include a sufficient amount of calcium).
- From soups to prefer soups - mashed potatoes or light vegetable, mushroom soups.
- Dairy products containing a large amount of calcium, strengthening bone tissue.
- Fish: salmon, cod, mackerel, tuna, trout, sardines and fatty varieties.
- Eggs.
- Seafood.
- Beans, peas and lentils.
- Vegetable and butter.
- Buckwheat and other cereals. The exception is semolina and white rice.
- Dried apricots and apricots. Once a day, it's enough to eat two or three.
- Whole wheat bread.
- Baked potatoes that are consumed without salt, but with a peel.
- Citrus fruits and bananas. In a day, it is enough to eat three times a half of a banana to get the necessary amount of potassium. Consumption of a large number of bananas, on the contrary, leads to a deterioration of the state, as it provokes its rapid removal from the body. Regular consumption is very important. But the constant consumption of bananas can lead to the appearance of extra pounds to avoid this, it is better to replace bananas with baked potatoes, which it is desirable to eat together with the peel, which is the maximum of vitamins and trace elements.
- Raisins and nuts. The daily rate is 30-40 g.
- For salad dressing, it is better to use any vegetable oil, but not more than two tablespoons per day.
If there is swelling of the joint, then the diet should be corrected. It is necessary to introduce a plentiful drink, diuretics, teas (watermelons are very useful) and minimize the amount of salt taken (up to 8-10 g per day). In this situation, it is necessary to remove from the menu tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, sorrel, spicy seasonings.
Diet for arthrosis of knee joints
This pathology has a specific term - gonarthrosis - and is expressed by deformity of the knee joint, which can be caused by trauma, metabolic abnormality, obesity or heavy physical exertion.
Diet for arthrosis of the knee joints is aimed at reducing the load on the hinge element of the musculoskeletal system. The main factor of the desired improvement is a decrease in the body weight of the patient. But do not practice starvation or introduce yourself into tight restrictions. Diet for arthrosis of knee joints should be represented by a full balanced diet, with enough vitamins, fats, carbons, microelements and proteins. At the same time, it should be low in calories.
Do not get involved in diuretics and products that are laxative. This approach to the problem significantly depletes the body, washing out calcium from it, which only aggravates the situation with the affected joint.
To take food to such a patient is necessary in small portions (up to 250-300g), but often. Pieces of food should be chewed well. If you want to have a snack between meals, you can do it with diet bread, fresh fruit or vegetables. But do not overeat.
Breakfast is mandatory, because most "eaten" calories are consumed in the morning. During the day, this patient should drink up to two liters of clean water in small portions. Diet for arthrosis of knee joints excludes acidic fruits and juices from them. At the same time, the requirements for the selection of products that have already been announced above are working.
In the case of the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint or the prevention of this disease, one should drink a glass of pomegranate or orange juice per day. Clinically confirmed that regular consumption of this fluid can reduce the likelihood of the appearance of the pathology in question by 16%. A reception of five spoonfuls of pomegranate juice per day contributes to the arrest in the affected joint of the inflammatory process. Nutritionists are not advised to start eating, if the patient is upset or tired. You should not seize the problem by raising food to the goal of existence. Nutritionists advise the main daily ration to sell until seven in the evening, costing at a later time, if necessary, stewed or fresh vegetables.
For people who have any pathology that depends on the quantity and quality of nutrition, the treating doctor advises to get a "Diary of nutrition", where the patient should write down everything that he consumed during the day. With this approach to the diet, you can more closely control the selection of foods and their total calorie content.
Diet for arthrosis of the hip joint
Dystrophic transformations affecting the cartilaginous tissue of the hip joint, doctors denote by one term - coxarthrosis. This disease can occur with serious complications, which have a destructive effect on the bone tissue of the musculoskeletal system. Cystic structures can form along the edges of the deformed joint. Therefore, a diet for arthrosis of the hip joint requires the provision and strengthening of drug therapy, which works on the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue, stabilization and normalization of joint fluid production, which is a lubricant for the mobile elements of the joint.
When diagnosing the pathology in question, the patient needs to significantly adjust his diet. The above "good" and "bad" products work unambiguously in this situation.
Do not just forget about the vitamin fullness of the diet. After all, the presence of a sufficient number of vitamins, minerals and trace elements increases the defenses of the organism, enabling it to resist the disease, especially with regard to inflammatory history in the development of arthrosis of the hip joint.
It should be remembered that B vitamins are especially rich in such foods as wheat germ, dairy products, lentils and peas, whole grain bread, nuts and bananas, egg yolk. Vitamin E, mainly, can be found in sprouted wheat, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. Especially rich in vitamin C green peas, Brussels and cauliflower, hips, sweet pepper, black currant, strawberry. A lot of vitamin A can be found in sea kale, carrot, egg yolk, sweet pepper, parsley, butter, peaches, pumpkin.
Dietitians recommend such patients to remove from their diet products made from high-grade flour. This is mainly baked pastry, white wheat bread, pasta and biscuits. This product is best replaced with bread from wholemeal flour or bran, as well as baking from rye flour.
In order to preserve all useful substances in cereals, porridge on its basis should be prepared in one of two ways:
- Groats are poured into boiling water or milk and brought to semi-preparedness. After that, it is set aside on a bolt and the pan is well wrapped. Such a unique thermos allows the porridge to "go" on its own.
- Another method of preparation is to pre-soak the cereals. This procedure takes six to eight hours and only after that is brought to full readiness.
Such patients need to reduce the consumption of sugar. If desired, it can be replaced by beekeeping products, for example, honey (if the patient does not have allergies to it), as well as dried fruits or fresh sweet fruits and berries.
Diet for arthrosis of the hip involves consumption of dairy products, while milk should be removed from the diet of such a patient.
The ban on fatty meat extends to the menu with coxarthrosis, while the tongue, liver, heart and kidneys can be eaten in moderation, since these by-products are not fat and can not harm the sick joint. But a variety of fish dishes are highly desirable, the only exception is the salted fish. Steep meat broths and dishes based on it should be removed from the patient's menu, replacing them with vegetable soups and borscht, mushroom broths.
If there is a desire to have a snack between meals, it can be done using an apple, a few pieces of nut kernels or dried fruits. In this situation, you can drink half a glass of natural juice.
After reaching a person of a certain age, metabolic processes slow down, so the caloric content of the diet of such a patient should be somewhat reduced. It is desirable to reinforce the diet for arthrosis of the hip joint with a light morning gymnastics (it is not necessary to heavily burden the diseased knee) and walking in the fresh air.
Disease for arthrosis of the shoulder joint
Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is the wear and degeneration of the tissues that form the joint of the shoulder, manifested by pain symptoms in the joint articulation during motion and even at rest. The causes of this pathology can be different: fracture of the upper limbs, bruising, overstretching of the hand by physical exertion, sprains of ligaments, internal disease of various genesis affecting the shoulder area. Arthrosis of the shoulder joint is a professional disease of many athletes, for example, such as canoeists, volleyball players, handball players, tennis players, gymnasts and many others.
For the prevention or treatment of the pathology in question, the person concerned must adhere to certain life rules. The diet in arthrosis of the shoulder joint also plays an important role in this list.
The first thing that a patient needs to do is limit the amount of spices and salt consumed. It is desirable to introduce into the diet as soon as possible products containing a sufficient amount of collagen - a building cell for the regeneration of joint tissues. It can be seafood, fish, which has red meat, fresh herbs, poultry meat.
The basic principles of the selection of food products fully correspond to the above list. Absolutely identical and food restrictions. If the pain is accompanied by swelling of the shoulder, then the patient must be connected to anti-edematous therapy, which includes anti-inflammatory decoctions and diuretics with abundant drink (on average, the volume of liquid drunk per day should reach up to two liters).
Diet for arthrosis of the shoulder joint should be rich in potassium. The fount of this element are: apricots, potatoes baked in uniforms, dried apricots, bananas. Two or three fetuses three times a day and the volume of potassium is replenished, a banana is enough to take half. Very important is the regularity of the reception and the clear keeping of the recommendations. Only with this approach can we achieve positive dynamics in the development of pathology.
Diet for arthrosis of the ankle
Deforming the joints on the foot - this pathology, mainly, affects the thumbs of the lower extremities. The causes of this disease are different. Such a development of pathology can occur due to heredity, overweight, flat feet, kidney disease, prolonged feet, a water-salt balance, tight shoes, and "improper eating". Therefore, an adequately selected diet for arthrosis of the ankle joint can work miracles, significantly improving the patient's condition.
When diagnosing the pathology in question, the patient should adjust his diet, which should be based on the recommendations suggested above.
Diet recipes for joint arthrosis
Usually painting a diet for a particular disease, a qualified nutritionist is ready to offer his patient and multiple recommendations for cooking, as well as diet recipes for arthrosis joints.
- With daily consumption of a glass of fresh orange juice, you can significantly improve the patient's condition.
- Three to four spoonfuls of pomegranate juice or grains of this berry taken every day, and it will be possible to substantially reduce the amount of the produced enzyme, which contributes to the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, perfectly stopping the process of inflammation.
- If there is swelling, then with this situation it is necessary for a patient to switch to a salt-free diet, as well as to introduce diuretics into their diet, while drinking more liquid. Here are a few decoctions and infusions that have a diuretic effect.
- Prepare a collection of three portions of herb spores, two servings of leaves of bearberry, one portion of St. John's wort and one portion of violet flowers. One glass of freshly boiled water to pour a tablespoon of the resulting collection. Let stand for about half an hour, then drain. Drink half the glass three times throughout the day for half an hour before the estimated time of meal.
- Prepare a collection of three portions of bearberry leaves, one serving of licorice root and one serving of cornflower flowers. One glass of freshly boiled water to pour a tablespoon of the resulting collection. Let stand for about half an hour, then drain. Drink half the glass three times throughout the day for half an hour before the estimated time of meal.
- In this situation, a good drink and anti-inflammatory tea. It can be sage, St. John's wort, flowers of hibiscus (carcade), chamomile pharmacies, fossil bark, calendula, lime color. For all such teas, a single method of preparation is used. Pour a tablespoon of a dry plant into a glass of boiling water. Leave to stand for 30 minutes, then drain. Take half the glass three times throughout the day half an hour before meals.
I'm glad that the diet for joint arthrosis does not differ so rigidly, for example, as with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, one can eat not only correctly, but also deliciously, diversely, the main thing is to follow the recommendations given by a dietician. Below are the recipes for diets with joint arthrosis, which are already or may well become loved.
Meat cold
Necessary products: four legs of a pig, about half a kilogram of pork meat (it is desirable to take lean slices), a small carrot and one head of onions, a couple of laurel leaves, a pinch of salt, several peas of sweet pepper and 20 g of instant gelatin.
Sequence of preparation. Clean the legs thoroughly and wash. Put in a container in which they will be cooked. Fill the pan with water so that it covers the pig product above five centimeters by five to six. Put on a fire and bring to a boil. As soon as boiling occurred, use a spoon or a noise to carefully remove the foam that has risen. The fire on the burner should be made as low as possible, so that the liquid does not boil, but only slightly sway. Then the cold will turn out to be transparent. From now on, check the time. In this mode, keep the legs on fire for about four hours. Periodically, it is necessary to lift the lid and remove the appearing fatty film from the surface of the broth. This allows you to keep the transparency, make the dish tasty and not very fat.
While pork legs are languishing, fill a small bowl with a glass of broth, let it stand until it becomes warm. After this, add the gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved.
In the tank, where the legs are languishing, report the meat and leave it on the stove for another hour. At this time, peel the carrots and onion and cut into cubes. Add the vegetables to the broth, add the bay leaf and pepper. Only after this, the liquid should be salted, bringing to taste (but it is better not to slightly add salt). After that, the cold remains on the fire for an hour. That is, the total cooking time is six hours. In this case, it is worth remembering that in the process of preparation, in no case should you add water to the liquid.
At the end of the total time, the legs and meat are removed from the broth, slightly cooled. We lay the legs, and the meat regimen into pieces and return it to a slightly boiling broth. After he again began to boil, add swollen gelatin and gently, but mix well.
Ready cold is poured into molds and left to cool, after which it can be put in the refrigerator or any other cool place until completely hardened.
Potatoes baked in foil
Necessary products: half a kilogram of potatoes, a bunch of dill and a little butter.
Sequence of preparation. Using a brush, the potatoes are very well washed, since the potatoes should be baked in the peel. It is also better not to eat, for it is the peel that contains the maximum amount of potassium, so necessary for the body. At the end of washing the tubers, dry with a kitchen towel. After that, we take each potato and cut it with either a fan or crosswise. In the resulting gap, we introduce a small piece of butter. Each tuber is covered with dill sprigs and well wrapped in foil.
The oven is reheated to 200 ° C and the foil balls are laid out on a baking sheet. The average potato size will be ready in forty minutes after putting it in a hot oven. When the time was right, get the potatoes and release them from the wrapper. Slightly salted, you can eat with the skin.
Baked mackerel
Necessary products: a couple of fish, one onion medium size, lemon, a little salt and vegetable oil.
Sequence of preparation. Fish thoroughly rinse and dry on a kitchen towel. Separate the head and extract the insides very carefully from the trunk. Rinse again thoroughly, trying to remove the black inner film. If you do not, the end product will feel bitter. The carcass again get wet with a towel, removing excess moisture. After this, very carefully release from the ridge, having received two fish fillets.
Carcase a sprinkle with the juice of one lemon and lightly rub it with salt. On one half fillet lay out lemon rings, and the second we cover with onion rings. Both pieces are lightly sprinkled with vegetable oil. After that, we put them together with a skin upward.
The prepared product is placed in a baking sleeve and placed in an oven, which was previously heated up to 180 ° C. The fish is baked for 40 minutes.
Harmonizes the taste compatibility with this dish one of the options of a side dish: greens, boiled potatoes, puree from it, a slice of lemon. Well-suited vegetables, even in baked, even in a boiled form.
Vitamin salad from fresh vegetables
Necessary products: one large or a couple of small carrots and half the head of an average fork of cabbage, a pinch of salt, juice of one lemon and a little vegetable oil.
Sequence of preparation. Carrot grind on a grater with medium cells. Cut the cabbage and, with a little suction, use a good hand to crush it. Sprinkle with lemon juice, combine with carrots. Add oil and mix well. Salad ready.
Curd dessert
Necessary products: 0,5 kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of dried fruits, honey.
Sequence of preparation. With the help of kitchen appliances, beat the cottage cheese to a homogeneous consistency. Honey heat up to 40 ° C, but no more, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. Combine the two components and mix thoroughly.
Wash dry fruits. Large berries to grind, then enter into the curd mass.
Vitamin tincture
Necessary products: 0.5 kg of various dried fruits, honey, three liters of water.
Sequence of preparation. Put all ingredients in a three-liter jar and fill with water. Infuse for 12 hours, after which you can drink without sweetening. But if the sweets are still small, it is allowed to enter a few spoons of honey and give a little more time to stand up.
Menu diet for joint arthrosis
Despite a number of prohibited foods, the diet menu for joint arthrosis can not be called particularly strict. If desired, the patient's table can be tasty and varied. Consider for such a patient, an approximate menu for one day.
Immediately after awakening it is advisable to drink a glass of pure water or natural orange juice. This simple step allows you to "wake up" the organs of the digestive tract.
First breakfast:
- Any porridge authorized by the dietician, prepared on water and dressed with a slice of butter. The dish can either be slightly salted, or, conversely, add honey or dried fruit.
- Suitable for morning meals and cheese cake or casserole from cottage cheese.
- A glass of one of the fermented milk products.
- Galette cookies.
Repeated breakfast - dried apricots, banana, pineapple or pomegranate.
- Vegetable or on cereal soup.
- Baked potato.
- Salads from fresh carrots.
- Rye bread.
- Incomplete green tea.
Snack: fresh fruit or fruit jelly with drying.
- Vegetable stew.
- Nalysniki with a stuffing.
- Hibiscus tea.
Another version of the diet menu for joint arthrosis.
First breakfast:
- Oatmeal or scrambled eggs.
- Any vegetable salad.
- A piece of cheese of unsalted varieties.
- A light green tea without sugar.
- Rye bread.
- Butter.
The second breakfast is a glass of fermented milk product.
- Chilled or steamed (baked) meat or fish dish: meatballs, boiled meat, cutlets.
- Mashed potatoes.
- Stew or steamed vegetables.
- Corn-grain bread.
- Infusion of rose hips.
Afternoon snack: mousse or jelly with bread.
- Salad from the boiled beet.
- Lazy vareniki.
- Incomplete green tea.
The last meal should be easy, so as not to overload the stomach for the night and not to provoke the body to a set of extra pounds.
What can you eat with joint arthrosis?
Pain is an unpleasant, but natural reaction of the body to an internal pathological change. Many diseases can be partially or completely corrected or alleviated by changing the diet of the patient.
If a person suffers pain in the joints, he must know what can be eaten with joint arthrosis?
- From meat products it is desirable to give preference to the bird (turkey, chicken, duck). Periodically, you can use in the preparation of dishes heart, kidney, liver.
- You can not do without fish. It can be both fatty varieties, and lean meat. An exception is salted fish. This food is saturated with omega-3 fatty acids, which perfectly "extinguish" inflammation and are involved in the regeneration of damaged cartilaginous tissue.
- Flax seed and butter from it.
- Fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, whey, yogurt (they are rich in calcium). Give preference to the serum. Contrary to the popular belief that cottage cheese is rich in these elements, most of it remains in the serum, and not in the curd. If the patient normally tolerates this product, it is advisable to drink up to half a liter of this liquid per day. Products should be natural without preservatives, dyes and, preferably, without sugar.
- Greens: various salads, dill, fennel, celery.
- Red pepper effectively combats free radicals, which lead the skin to wilt, and cartilaginous and articular tissue to aging. This is due to the large number of antioxidants in this product.
- Daily intake of two or three spoons of germinated wheat will fill the body's need for vitamins and trace elements.
- All kinds of nuts that are rich in vitamin E: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts. They are enough two - three tablespoons a day.
- Various cereals, except for semolina and white rice.
- Squash and pumpkin.
- Bread from bran or wholemeal.
- Fruit. Particularly noteworthy pineapples, badly removing inflammatory symptoms. This result is obtained thanks to bromelain, which is present in this fruit. Eat it better fresh, and immediately after cleaning. The maximum content of this active compound is on the core and its poppy (the upper part of the fruit).
- Freshly squeezed juice of oranges and pomegranate.
- Broccoli and colored cabbage.
- Butter and vegetable oil.
- Carrot.
- Products with a high protein content, are in great demand in the diet for joint arthrosis. These are lentils, peas and beans.
- Eggs.
- Tincture of dog rose.
- Decoctions of currant and raspberry leaves.
- Seafood.
- Hard, unsalted cheeses.
What can not be eaten with joint arthrosis?
If there are indications for preferential application of individual products, then the question arises, what can not be eaten with joint arthrosis? And this list is also pretty. From the diet of a person suffering from joint pain, should be withdrawn:
- Bakery buns and only cooked pastries, bread made from wheat flour.
- Ice cream.
- Pork and beef.
- Margarine.
- Sweet drinks, filled with carbon dioxide.
- Alcoholic beverages and nicotine.
- Strong sweetened tea and coffee.
- Chocolate and products from cocoa beans.
- Biscuits and croutons.
- Preservation.
- Desserts made of cream and milk.
- Confectionery, especially with oily and other creams.
- Chips and popcorn.
- Dairy products with high fat content: yogurt (fat content more than 3,2%), sour cream (fat content more than 10%), cream, cottage cheese with fat content more than 4%, whole milk.
- Breakfast cereals from wheat and corn.
- Low alcohol drinks.
- Finished breakfast.
- Spicy seasonings, consumption of various sauces, spices and spices.
- Smoked products.
- Mayonnaise.
- Fried dishes.
- Red and black caviar.
- Goods of fast food.
- Sturgeon, salmon, halibut.
- Food, which in its composition have food and preserving additives, stabilizers, flavoring stimulants and tinting substances.
- Croup of instant cooking.
- A product that contains unsaturated fatty acids, for example, such as Omega-6.
Reviews about a diet for arthrosis of joints
In many therapeutic therapies, food does not take the last place in the level of influence on the final result. The balance of nutrients, the correct selection of products - and the load on the diseased organ is significantly reduced. If you listen to reviews of the diet for arthrosis joints of patients who have encountered this problem, then people who are very responsible for changing their diet, were satisfied with the result. At the same time, not only the pains went away and the edema subsided, but, having thrown off a few extra pounds, the patient improved his overall condition. There was lightness in walking, the condition of the hair changed noticeably, the nail plates became firmer, the skin of the face acquired a healthy color. If before the skin was "sick" for acne, then the epidermis was significantly cleared.
But in the tags of the World Wide Web, you can find reviews about the diet for joint arthrosis and those who are not very happy with the result. It's only with time that it turns out that such a patient, while sitting on a diet, allowed himself many liberties in food and regime.
Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, snacks and food on the go - hence the excessive weight and increased burden on the musculoskeletal system. All this pushes our body to destruction. Arthrosis of the joints even today affects young people. To get out of this situation will only help in due time to seek advice from a specialist, and the introduction of restrictions in nutrition. If the disease is in its infancy, a diet for joint arthrosis - it can be all that the body needs to regenerate cartilage tissues and restore their normal functioning. But in the case of a more severe pathology, the diet will allow to increase the effectiveness of therapy.