Diet with enterovirus infection
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Diet with enterovirus infection is of great importance in complex treatment, since the outbreak is located in the intestine of the patient.
Enterovirus infection is a group of infectious diseases of an acute nature, the causative agents of which are intestinal viruses. After infection, the incubation period passes from one to ten days, and then the disease manifests itself in a sharp, acute form. Obligations of fever are: fever; severe weakness and chills; pain in the muscles and joints. Sometimes there is a reddening of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, the appearance of a mild cough or a cold; slightly enlarged lymph nodes, spleen and liver. In the future, usually after a drop in temperature, there is a rash - pink spots that disturb the patient for several hours. On the palate, throat and tonsils, vesicles appear on the hands and feet of the patient; there is a conjunctivitis. There may be nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Infection affects the respiratory tract, cardiovascular and central nervous system, musculoskeletal system. Therefore, there are possible manifestations of meningitis, encephalitis, pharyngitis or catarrh of the respiratory tract, bronchiolitis or pneumonia, acute myocarditis and pericarditis, pleurodia - sharp pains in the muscles of the patient's body, which are paroxysmal.
Diet in case of enterovirus infection is prescribed by the attending physician. It must be adhered to rigorously, as the results of the patient's recovery largely depend on the correctness of the diet.
Treatment of enterovirus infection with diet
The diet of the patient with enterovirus infection is quite strict. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the proper intake of food and liquid for the sick.
- With enterovirus infection, there is a high risk of dehydration due to frequent manifestations of vomiting or diarrhea in the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to observe an abundant drinking regimen to compensate for fluid loss in the body.
- Enterovirus infection causes intoxication of the body. Therefore, copious drinking is the primary means of removing toxins from the intestine. Also, it is necessary to introduce into the diet of the patient those products that contribute to the removal of toxins from the body.
- It is necessary to remove from the diet those foods that contribute to the increase of intestinal peristalsis.
- Food should be easy and quickly absorbed.
- The food should be liquid or mashed.
- Dishes that a patient uses should not be hot or cold. The best food for the patient is warm.
- At the onset of infection, a strict diet is prescribed, which consists mainly of porridge on water, vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, baked apples and plenty of drink.
- After passing through the acute period, after two to three weeks, you can add to the above list and other foods and dishes that are allowed for this disease.
- Dietary nutrition should be preserved for a long time after the transfer of infection and cure for the disease. The duration of the diet and the necessary products are prescribed by the attending physician.
Treatment of enterovirus infection with a diet has proven effective. One drug treatment, without changing the diet, you can not achieve recovery of the patient.
What is the diet for enterovirus infection?
In order to properly choose food for the patient, you need to decide what kind of diet for enterovirus infection?
The principles of a diet for enterovirus infection are as follows:
- It is important to prevent the dehydration of the body, which can occur as a result of the defeat of a patient with enterovirus infection. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a small amount of water during each hour. For a day the patient should drink at least two liters of liquid.
- It is necessary to completely eliminate fried foods.
- You can eat food that was cooked with cooking, baking in the oven, steaming.
- You can not eat smoked, sharp and salty foods.
- Fatty food is banned.
- Instead of foods that are high in fat, low-fat foods are used.
- Dairy products are completely excluded.
- From the diet of the patient, products that increase intestinal peristalsis are excluded.
- You can not eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Instead, you can eat vegetables and fruits in baked, stewed and boiled.
- The food should be a fraction. It is necessary to organize at least 5-6 meals a day, during which a small amount of food is eaten.
- Sometimes enterovirus infection is accompanied by putrefactive processes in the intestine. Because of this, poisonous substances are released in the patient's body. To get them out of the body, you need to introduce baked apples into the daily diet of the patient.
Diet for enterovirus infection in adults
The diet for enterovirus infection in adults should be built accordingly:
- A plentiful drink of at least two liters a day. The liquid should be given in a warm form and taken in small portions, but often, for example, every half hour.
- It is good to drink compotes and decoctions from dried fruits without adding sugar, weak green tea, mineral water without gas, purified boiled water.
- In nutrition at the very beginning of the disease it is necessary to give preference to liquid porridge on the water - buckwheat, rice. Also good are liquid or mashed vegetable soups. This food is easily absorbed by the body and does not disturb the intestines of the patient.
- After a while, you can add liquid mashed potatoes and mashed potatoes from permitted vegetables.
- You need to take care that the patient every day to eat a certain number of baked apples. This fruit is able to bind the toxins that are released in the intestines, and remove them from the body.
- After passing through the acute phase of the disease, during the recovery period, when the patient's appetite begins to appear, you can enter into his diet the following foods and dishes:
- crackers from white bread;
- biscuit cookies;
- dishes from low-fat meat - rabbit, turkey, veal, which are cooked for a couple;
- omelettes, steamed;
- kissels.
Such products should be introduced into the diet of the patient not earlier than two to three weeks after the onset of the disease. Each product needs to be introduced gradually, keeping track of the body's response to a new dish.
Diet in case of enterovirus infection in children
The diet for enterovirus infection in children corresponds to the following principles:
- At children at occurrence of the given disease very quickly there comes a dehydration of an organism. Therefore, it is recommended to drink abundantly - every half hour the child should write out a certain amount of liquid. The total daily amount of water must be at least two liters.
- In children who are breastfeeding, the amount of liquids drunk per day is calculated as follows. Within a day the baby should consume: the usual volume of breast milk, added to the usual daily volume of the liquid being drunk, to which the volume of fluid lost during diarrhea or vomiting is added.
- To give birth to a baby you need small portions: babies - from a spoon, and adult children - from a cup.
- The liquid, and especially the water that the child drinks, should be warm.
- When an enterovirus infection occurs, intoxication quickly occurs. To eliminate toxins, it is recommended to drink plenty of liquid, and not just water. It is good to give the child a nodding drink - a decoction of dried fruits; compotes, fruit drinks, mineral still water.
- The total daily intake of food should be somewhat reduced. However, a complete famine is not useful in this case.
- A child needs to observe a fractional diet. It is necessary to feed children at least five times a day (preferably six) in small portions.
- Preference should be given to the lungs and quickly absorbed in the intestinal wall food - liquid potato and vegetable puree; vegetable soups; liquid porridge on the water.
- The food should be warm - heated to 33 - 36 degrees.
Menu diet with enterovirus infection
The diet menu for enterovirus infection is very simple. The entire diets should be divided into 5 to 6 meals. The approximate menu for the initial, acute stage of the disease is as follows:
- Breakfast - liquid buckwheat or rice porridge; Green tea without sugar with biscuit biscuits or white bread crumbs.
- The second breakfast - baked apples; baked pears.
- Lunch - vegetable soup; vegetable soup; vegetable soup with croup; mashed potatoes; vegetable puree.
- Snack - a compote of dried fruits or a knot with bread crumbs or bread biscuits.
- Dinner - liquid buckwheat or rice porridge.
After the patient goes on the amendment, but not earlier than in two weeks it is possible to enter in a diet and other dietary dishes. The sample menu for this period is as follows:
- Liquid buckwheat or rice porridge; Green tea without sugar with white bread crumbs.
- The second breakfast - baked apples or pears; or kissel.
- Lunch - vegetable soup (or vegetable soup, or vegetable soup with cereal); steam cutlets, meatballs, knels, meatballs from turkey, veal, chicken (or boiled rabbit meat, boiled poultry); mashed potatoes or mashed potatoes from permitted vegetables.
- Snack - a jar or a compote of dried fruits with a biscuit biscuit.
- Dinner - omelet from eggs without milk, steamed; or liquid buckwheat / rice porridge; chamomile tea without sugar.
Diet recipes for enterovirus infection
- Uzvar from dried fruits.
Ingredients: 200 grams of dried apples, 200 grams of dried pears, 100 grams of honey, three liters of water.
- dried fruits should be washed and poured cold water for ten minutes;
- pour three liters of water in a saucepan and fill it with dried fruits;
- cook over low heat for half an hour;
- after that it is necessary to let the knot cool to a temperature of 60 degrees;
- add honey and stir;
- cover with a lid and wrap it around so that the drink is infused;
- leave for two to three hours, and then drain;
- drink in a warm state.
- Vegetable soup.
Ingredients: two potatoes, one medium bulb, one medium carrot, one and a half gallons of water, salt.
- wash potatoes and carrots, peel them from the peel;
- cut potatoes into small cubes;
- grate the carrots on a grater;
- peel the onion and chop it finely, as for roasting;
- boil water and throw potatoes;
- boil ten minutes and toss the onions and carrots, and then salt;
- cook the soup for 7-10 minutes, then remove it from the heat, cool to a temperature of 33 - 36 degrees and give it to the patient.
- Cutlets from turkey to steamed.
Ingredients: 600 grams of turkey, 100 ml of water, four pieces of stale white bread, one onion, one egg, salt.
- bread should be cleaned from the crust and soaked in water;
- onions must be peeled and cut into small pieces;
- Turkey meat must be passed through a meat grinder along with onions;
- to hammer in the received forcemeat an egg and to salt;
- mix well the resulting mass and begin to form cutlets;
- in a double boiler the cutlets are prepared for forty-five minutes;
- if there is no steamer in the house, then you can use a shallow pan in which you need to fold the patties and add a little boiling water;
- The pan should be covered with a lid and let the cutlets cook on a small fire for twenty minutes.
- Puree with potatoes and vegetables.
Ingredients: two potatoes, half a bulb, half medium carrot, salt
- Wash potatoes and carrots, peel;
- cut the vegetables cubes and boil in water for 10 minutes;
- onion peeled, cut into small pieces and thrown to vegetables, salt;
- cook vegetables for another 10 minutes;
- Drain part of the water, and mix the remaining water with vegetables with a mixer or in a blender;
- Cool the dish to a temperature of 35 degrees and serve it to the patient.
Diet recipes for enterovirus infection can be used in other intestinal diseases. Since gentle nutrition is the basis of a restorative diet for diseases and intestinal disorders.
Diet with enterovirus infection - one of the means of treating the disease, along with medication. If the patient's diet was properly organized, the patient will soon feel the signs of recovery. And then, and at all will recover, having avoided the serious form of disease and possible complications.
What can be eaten with enterovirus infection?
If you ask yourself the question: "What can you eat with an enterovirus infection?", We see that the list of allowed products is rather meager. And, nevertheless, when treating enterovirus infection, one must adhere to the strictest diet. So, with the disease you can eat and drink:
- Low-fat meat, which must be boiled - chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit.
- Porridges cooked on water - buckwheat, rice.
- Vegetables in boiled form - potatoes, onions, carrots.
- Mashed potatoes and mashed potatoes from permitted vegetables.
- Liquid vegetable soups, mashed soups-purees, cereal soups.
- Galette cookies.
- Crisps from wheat bread.
- Baked apples and pears.
- Uzvar is a decoction of dried fruits.
- Compote of dried blueberries.
- Green light tea without sugar.
- Chamomile tea.
- Rice broth, like drinking.
- Still mineral water.
What can not be eaten with enterovirus infection?
From the diet of a patient with enteroviral infection, products that increase intestinal peristalsis, as well as heavy products, are excluded:
- Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
- Beet, cabbage in any form.
- Fatty meat - pork, beef, lamb, duck.
- Fatty fish of salmon varieties.
- Eggs.
- Flour products and buns - black bread in any form, fresh bread, biscuits, cookies, wafers, pasta.
- Confectionery products - cakes, pastries and so on.
- Sweets - chocolate, sweets, marmalade, marshmallow, halva and others.
- Oat groats, as it increases the processes of fermentation in the intestine.
- Millet and pearl barley porridge.
- Smoked products, pickles and marinades.
- Meat broths and soups cooked with their help.
- Fried dishes and complex dishes, which use roasting products.
- Dairy products - milk, kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cream, butter.
- Juices are canned and freshly prepared.
- Carbonated drinks, including carbonated mineral water.
- From the diet excluded legumes - beans, peas, lentils and so on.
- Vegetable oils and fat.
A list of what can not be eaten with enterovirus infection is great enough. But this is a necessary measure, which will lead to a speedy recovery of the patient and a reduction in the severity of possible complications.