
Healing Diet

Diet with constipation

Diet with constipation should include more raw vegetables, cooked or stewed dishes, which will help the intestine function properly. It is also recommended to eat a fraction: often, every 2-3 hours, in small portions.

Diet for obesity

Diet for obesity should include several basic principles: limiting fats of animal origin; inclusion in the diet of low-calorie foods, vegetable fats; restriction of sugar and simple carbohydrates ...

Diet with cholelithiasis

A diet with cholelithiasis helps to prevent the formation of cholesterol stones in the gallbladder, so its main principle is the rejection of fatty, salty, spicy food.

Diet for heart disease

The right diet for heart disease will help improve the health of the core, it also helps prevent the development of many problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Diet in colitis

Diet in colitis consists of the most light products. Preferred are low-fat varieties of poultry without skin, cooked in a double boiler. Porridge is eaten from rice and semolina. It is recommended unleavened cottage cheese, blueberry jelly and cocoa on the water.

Diet in acute and chronic pancreatitis: what, what you can eat and what you can not

Today many suffer from pancreatitis, not knowing how important diet is in pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is provoked by malnutrition and poisoning.

Diet for gastritis

Diet for gastritis is a therapeutic food in small portions with the exception of fried, fatty, sweets and alcohol. You only have to revise your lifestyle and your dietary habits.

Diet after appendicitis

After appendicitis is removed, it is necessary to follow a certain diet, which will be discussed below.

Diet after removal of the gallbladder

After cholecystectomy, a person will have to follow a diet throughout his life. After all, after removing the gallbladder, there will not be the same reservoir where all the bile can accumulate.

Diet with angina pectoris

What can I eat with this disease or a diet with IHD and angina? The main principle of nutrition is the elimination of fats and ration, in this case we are talking about those who are rich in cholesterol.


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