Diet for obesity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Obesity is a disease associated with a metabolic disorder, this condition can develop for many reasons.
The diet for obesity should include several basic principles:
- limiting fats of animal origin;
- inclusion in the diet of low-calorie foods, vegetable fats;
- restriction of sugar and simple carbohydrates;
- dosage of salt and water to normalize the water-salt balance;
The most common cause of obesity is overeating and sedentary lifestyle. Often obesity provokes problems with the heart, blood vessels, digestive organs, joints.
The most effective way to treat obesity for today is diet in combination with physical exertion (preferably on the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist).
Diet 8 for obesity
Diet for obesity 8 provides for consumption of 2000 kcal per day and includes 250 g of carbohydrates, 80 g of fat, 100 g of protein. This diet is recommended for people who are overweight (with varying degrees of obesity) who have no problems with the digestive system, blood circulation, and other health problems requiring special diets.
During this diet can be used:
- sugar - 30 grams per day, not more than 50 grams per day of jam, honey,
- 250-300 g per day of bran, wheat or black bread
- Vegetarian soups can be included in the diet 1-2 times a week soup on a weak broth of meat, mushrooms or fish (half portion);
- 1 boiled egg;
- meat (low-fat rabbit, poultry, veal, 1-2 times a ten-day low-fat pork). Meat is best cooked steamed or boiled;
- fish dishes (any nonfat fish). Sometimes fried fish are allowed. In the daily diet of protein products should not be more than 450 g (including meat, fish, cottage cheese);
- seafood, which contain a very important for the body iodine, as well as proteins and other nutrients that help to break down fat. You can consume both canned and fresh seafood;
- vegetables in cooked, baked or fresh. Garnish can be prepared with beets, carrots (about 200 grams a day). Garnish from cereals, pasta can be consumed extremely rarely, while reducing the consumption of bread;
- dairy products (non-fat cottage cheese, natural, cheese cakes, puddings, curdled milk, kefir, etc.);
- light salads without mayonnaise, vinaigrette;
- fruit, berries (apples, citrus, red currants, etc. Both in raw form, and in the form of compote without sugar). Sweets prepared without sugar (with a substitute) are also allowed;
- a daily dose of salt should not exceed 5g, it is necessary to add salt to the dish immediately before consumption (cook food without salt).
If during the diet the weight remains the same (or decreases slightly), the amount of bread can be reduced, because of all the products allowed to eat, it is in the bread contains the maximum amount of carbohydrates (except for sugar, the use of which is strictly dosed). When building a diet, it is important to know that black bread contains fewer calories than white.
You can not use chocolate (sweets), muffins, ice cream, smoked foods, spicy and salty dishes, pepper, mustard, horseradish, alcohol.
An approximate diet during a diet can be as follows:
- 1st breakfast: 100g of boiled meat with vegetables for garnish, coffee.
- 2nd breakfast: 150g of boiled meat stew, jelly from fruit with sugar replacer, 100g of low-fat cottage cheese.
- Lunch: half of the vegetarian borscht, 100 g of low-fat beef, braised carrots or beets, fruit compote with sugar replacer.
- Supper: 100 g of boiled fish, mashed potatoes, tea.
Before going to bed you can drink a glass of fat-free yogurt.
Once a week you need to do a day off.
If the lifestyle or work is not associated with increased physical exertion, then the following discharges are recommended:
- curd day - up to 600g of low-fat cottage cheese is divided into 5 receptions, up to 3 glasses of tea or coffee with milk without added sugar;
- Meat day - up to 350 g boiled meat without salt, eaten for 5 receptions;
On weekends, you can make fruit, vegetable (up to 1500g of allowed vegetables or fruits), milk days (5-6 glasses), kefir, sour-milk (1,5 l) unloading days.
With obesity, you can not rest immediately after eating, the best option is to arrange a leisurely walk in the fresh air.
When observing a low-calorie diet, it is important to be under the supervision of a specialist and carry out regular weighing.
Observe the diet should be a fairly long period (not less than 1.5 - 2 months).
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Diet 9 for obesity
Diet 9 is indicated for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. Optimum this diet is suitable for mild and moderate severity of the disease. Diet for obesity № 9 is recommended for those who do not need insulin or receive it no more than 30 units. In some cases, this diet is prescribed for diagnosis in order to determine the degree of resistance to carbohydrates and determine the pattern of administration of insulin or other drugs. Diet 9 is suitable for a low degree of obesity, in other cases it is recommended to use diet food # 8.
Diet 9 is quite low-calorie, per day it is allowed to eat no more than 2500 kcal. The intake of food should be frequent, but in small portions. Dishes are prepared mainly for a couple, you can also stew, bake, fry (without breading). It is permissible to use some spices, but with the proviso that they will not be too hot. It is not recommended to include mustard, pepper in your diet.
The basis of diet number 9 is low-fat fish, meat, milk and sour-milk products. You can also eat unsweetened berries, fruits, whole grains, rye, bran bread, eggs (omelet or soft-boiled), cereals, vegetables. Dishes can be prepared on vegetable, butter or high-quality margarine.
An approximate daily diet with diet No. 9 can be as follows:
- Breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, pate (from meat or fish), a glass of milk or tea.
- Snack: a glass of yogurt (or other fermented milk), can be replaced with a decoction of milk bran.
- Lunch: soup lean, boiled meat, potatoes, dessert - fruits (pear, apple).
- At lunch you can drink a glass of kvass, eat fruit or berries.
- Dinner: cabbage schnitzel, lean fish (boiled or baked), vegetable salad dressed with butter, tea with a sugar substitute.
- Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir, unsweetened yogurt.
- Dinner should be at least 4 hours before bedtime, during the day it is recommended to eat wheat or rye bread (about 300g).
The diet menu for obesity
Diet for obesity should be varied.
An approximate menu for a week can be as follows:
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs or omelette from two eggs, coffee (you can add milk)
- Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese (100g), rose hip tea.
- Lunch: a cup of soup on vegetable broth, 120 g of boiled meat, 200 g of stewed beet, green tea can be garnished.
- Supper: boiled fish, cabbage stew, tea.
- Breakfast: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, 200g of stewed carrots, tea or coffee.
- Snack: cereal bread, 30g low-fat cheese, tea with a dogrose.
- Lunch: a portion of cabbage soup with meat, 120 g of boiled meat, garnished with stewed vegetables, tea.
- Supper: low-fat boiled fish, a slice of black bread, tea on herbs.
- Breakfast: 200g of salad with olive oil, tea.
- Afternoon snack: 100g of low-fat cottage cheese, tea from a dogrose.
- Lunch: a half of borsch, 120 g of boiled or stewed meat, garnished with beets, green tea.
- Dinner: vegetables, 150 g of fried fish, tea with a dogrose.
- Breakfast: omelet from two eggs, salad with vegetables (cabbage, cucumber) with olive oil, coffee (you can add milk).
- Afternoon snack: 100g of low-fat cottage cheese, tea from a dogrose.
- Lunch: half a soup on vegetable broth, 150 grams of sauerkraut, 150 g of boiled meat, green tea.
- Dinner: boiled potatoes, braised fish, compote of dried fruits.
- Breakfast: 200g of vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, coffee or tea.
- Afternoon snack: 100g of low-fat cottage cheese, tea with a dogrose.
- Lunch: half a porridge without meat, 250g boiled chicken fillet, garnished with stewed vegetables (200g), green tea.
- Dinner: boiled potatoes (100 g), braised or boiled fish (150 g), compote of dried fruits.
- Breakfast: vinaigrette (200g), coffee or tea.
- Afternoon snack: 100g of low-fat cottage cheese, tea from a dogrose.
- Lunch: a half of borsch on vegetable broth, stewed vegetables, 120 g of boiled meat, compote of apples.
- Dinner: vegetable cabbage rolls, fish cold, tea.
- Breakfast: an omelet or eggs of two eggs, coffee or tea.
- Afternoon snack: 100g of low-fat cottage cheese, tea with a dogrose.
- Lunch: half a porridge on vegetable broth, puree from green peas, 120 g boiled meat, yogurt (yogurt).
- Dinner: boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes), boiled fish, green tea.
- Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
Diet for obesity of 1 degree
With obesity of 1 degree, the body weight exceeds the norm by 15-30%, it is the easiest form of obesity, but this leads to quite serious disabilities in the body. According to statistics, 60% of patients suffering from obesity are diagnosed with 1 degree, but if they do not start treatment in time, in the future the disease will progress, the weight will increase, which leads to the development of chronic diseases.
At 1 degree of obesity the treatment is quite simple, but in this case success depends more on the patient's desire to normalize his weight. During treatment it is extremely important to observe the regimen, exercise physical exercises, adhere to dietary nutrition.
Diet for obesity of 1 degree is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. As a rule, with obesity, a person has a slow metabolism and when choosing a diet, age, weight, sex, and lifestyle are taken into account. Usually a diet for obesity of 1 degree provides a reduction in caloric intake by 30%. It is important to form the appropriate eating behavior so that in the future the weight is kept at the normal mark.
With obesity of 1 degree, fractional nutrition is recommended, reducing the intake of liquid to 1, 2l, salt - up to 8g. Animal fats are replaced with vegetable oil, the use of fiber increases. To adhere to the diet is recommended - 3 months, in the future, in order to avoid weight gain it is necessary not to overeat, lead an active lifestyle, and (if health allows) to arrange unloading days.
Approximate menu:
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, unsweet fruit, a cup of coffee.
- Lunch: soup on vegetable broth, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
- Dinner: boiled meat or fish, garnish of stewed vegetables, before going to bed you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
From the diet should be completely eliminated smoked products, fatty foods, it is extremely rare to eat small amounts of confectionery, the main principle during the diet - do not overeat.
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Diet for obesity of 2 degrees
With obesity of the second degree, the body weight exceeds the norm by 30-50%. Treatment in this case is best to begin after consultation with a specialist. Self-use of various means for weight loss and diets can lead to quite serious complications.
In some cases, the diet helps to remove the extra pounds, but to keep the weight in the norm becomes almost impossible, and the pounds return very quickly.
The diet at 2 degrees of adiposity plays a very important role, it is necessary to adhere to a proper and healthy diet. Experts help to balance nutrition so that it is low-calorie, useful and at the same time not causing discomfort. Diet for obesity of 2 degrees should include a sufficient amount of fiber, vitamins, the optimal option will be a vegetable-fruit diet:
- Breakfast: cabbage salad with sunflower oil, unsweetened tea (can be with sweetener and milk).
- Snack: apple, you can drink quite a lot of liquid, best of all, ordinary water without gas.
- Lunch: soup on vegetable broth, unsweet compote.
- Dinner: casserole from carrots, cottage cheese, milk.
Diet for obesity of 3 degrees
Obesity of the third degree is a serious disease, which poses a danger to human health and life. At 3 degrees of obesity, the weight exceeds the norm by 50-100%. Treatment of obesity with diets and physical exercise does not bring the desired effect. First of all, patients with a 3 degree of obesity tolerate physical stress quite poorly. In addition, there is a pathological appetite, which the patient is unable to control independently and in this case, without medication, disruptions can occur.
Caloric content of the diet should be determined individually, taking into account age, chronic diseases, lifestyle. The best option is if the power scheme is selected by a specialist.
Decrease in energy value is mainly due to the reduction of rapidly soluble carbohydrates and vegetable fats. During the diet for obesity of 3 degrees it is forbidden to eat sweets, ice cream, sweet fruits, honey, buns. Limit the use of white bread, rice, mango, pasta, potatoes.
You can consume as a source of carbohydrates bread with bran or coarse grind, oatmeal, buckwheat, legumes, vegetables (only those that do not have starch), not sweet fruits and berries. It is recommended to completely exclude sugar from the diet, you can replace sugar substitutes (xylitol, sweets, etc.).
Strictly metered intake of salt (up to 7g per day), eliminated pickles, smoked products, canned foods, sauces, seasonings (such foods increase appetite). The use of liquid is limited to 1 - 1.2 liters. It is recommended to take food often, but slightly (5-6 times a day).
On the day:
- 15 g of butter
- 100g of low-fat cottage cheese
- 150g of lean fish or meat
- 300ml of fermented milk products not high in fat content
- 1 egg
- 300g of vegetables (except potatoes)
- 200g of unsweetened fruit
Once a week, it is recommended to do unloading days (vegetable, fruit, fermented milk).
Diet for obesity of the 3 degree allows you to get rid of extra pounds, but this is quite slow.
Diet for obesity 4 degrees
Obesity of the 4th degree represents a serious disease, when a person's weight exceeds the normal value by more than 100%. It's hard for people with such weight to take care of themselves independently, to perform actions that are common to all of us. At 4 degrees of obesity, there are problems with the heart, blood vessels, respiratory failure.
Diet for obesity 4 degrees should be developed by a doctor. The daily diet should contain 2000 kcal.
You can eat up to 300g of meat (boiled, stewed), 700g of fruit (except grapes, bananas), 300g of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 cups of milk, 100g of black bread, 700g of vegetables in raw or stewed (except potatoes). Also during the diet, you can take extra vitamins A and D (in the form of drops). This diet will help get rid of 4-5 pounds.
Diabetes and obesity diet
Diabetes mellitus is of two types - insulin-dependent (decreased insulin production by the pancreas) and insulin-independent (decreased susceptibility to insulin).
In case of insulin-independent type (II) of diabetes mellitus, the basis of treatment is dietary nutrition. In some cases, additional medication may be required. With type II diabetes mellitus, which occurs against the background of obesity, a diet can reduce the manifestations of the disease and in most cases dispense with drugs (or significantly reduce dosage).
Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism (poor glucose uptake), which leads to the fact that the level of glucose in the blood increases, it is released in the urine. With diabetes in the blood, ketone bodies (fat oxidation products) can accumulate, the risk of atherosclerosis increases, fat and protein metabolism is disrupted.
Diet for obesity helps to improve the condition with moderate and severe diabetes. In type II diabetes, a weight loss diet can be the only treatment measure.
In insulin-dependent diabetes, the caloric content of a daily diet should correspond to physiology, age, sex, and lifestyle of the patient. From the diet, sugar is completely excluded (or is as much as possible limited), as well as all products with its content (berries, fruits, sweets, etc.). The distribution of the daily dose of carbohydrates and the time of ingestion should take place at a strictly defined time, depending on the insulin intake, as well as the time of its action.
Optimal in this case is six meals (three basic and three additional).
In case of insulin-dependent diabetes, when obesity of the first degree is observed, it is possible to recommend dietary nutrition No. 9, which is also prescribed for the choice of dosage of special preparations or insulin. With this diet, the amount of protein consumed decreases, the consumption of fats (mainly animals) is limited, sugar and sugar-containing products are excluded, salt is limited. Food intake should occur 4-5 times a day with a uniform distribution of carbohydrates.
To give sweetness to dishes, drinks use fructose, sweeteners. It is not recommended to abuse fructose, because it can increase blood glucose levels and affect fat metabolism (worsen).
Diet for children with obesity
Just like in the adult state, obesity in children occurs when the body weight exceeds the average by more than 15%. As in adults, there are 4 degrees of obesity, but in children, 1 and 2 degrees of obesity are most often observed. The cause of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, existing chronic diseases.
The basis for treating obesity in children, as well as in adults, is adherence to a diet, during which it is extremely important to ensure that the child does not starve and do not overeat, at the same time as the diet, the child should have adequate physical activity. Use any drugs to treat obesity in children can not. Reducing the caloric content of the daily diet will slow down the processes of formation of subcutaneous fat. However, it is necessary to reduce the energy ration of the child with caution, since a growing organism needs vitamins, trace elements.
To feed the child is desirable at certain hours, it is optimal to divide the food intake by 5-6 times with an interval of 2,5 - 3 hours. Fractional food will help reduce appetite, create a feeling of fullness of the stomach, which will allow the child not to feel hungry. You can not start a diet abruptly, this should be brought to a child gradually. First of all, it is necessary not to overfeed the child. Caloric foods are best given in the first half of the day, when the maximum motor activity. At this time it is better to cook dishes from low-fat varieties of fish or meat, and for dinner, dairy or vegetable dishes. In the daily diet is recommended to include natural low-fat cottage cheese, instead of milk it is better to give kefir with a low fat content, to limit the consumption of fatty dairy products (cheese, melted milk, etc.).
When a child is accustomed to such nutrition, it should go to the second stage of treatment, which completely eliminates white bread, meringue, sugar, condensed milk, juices, sweets, jam, semolina, pasta (from 5 years). To give a sweet taste to drinks (tea), you can use xylitol (from 7 years), which is also suitable for preserving berries or fruits.
For cooking, in salads it is better to use vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, which helps to activate the process of fat consumption in the body, and also will have a choleretic effect. The diet for obesity should include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits that saturate the growing body with minerals and vitamins. Vegetables can be consumed both fresh (salads) and heat them (stewed, boiled, steamed, etc.). Especially useful for the children's organism are vegetables with a high content of pectin and fiber (pumpkin, greens, cucumbers, tomatoes), which help to normalize the work of the intestines, to remove slags. In winter it is good to include sauerkraut in the diet.
During the diet, the child can give an unlimited amount of sour fruits or berries, dry fruits (prunes, dried apricots) are useful during the diet.
It is important to give the child a sufficient amount of liquid, to give preference to simple water without gas.
Therapeutic diet for obesity
Therapeutic diet for obesity is necessary to reduce the caloric content of the daily diet. First of all, the calorie content is reduced due to instantly soluble carbohydrates, which do not represent nutritional value for the body, and can be excluded without harm to health. If a person is hard to do without sugar, the use of various sugar substitutes (not more than 30 g per day) is allowed.
In addition to banning simple carbohydrates, it is necessary to reduce the amount of complex carbohydrates consumed (potatoes, bakery products, cereals), since such products contain starch, when it enters the body it turns into fatty deposits.
In sufficient quantities, you can consume protein foods (low-fat varieties of fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese), which is involved in the processes of fat oxidation in the body. Also, the source of protein is legumes.
When treating obesity, you need to limit the use of potatoes, pears, melons, grapes, citrus, apricots. It is completely necessary to exclude seasonings, sauces, meat broths, which contribute to the increase of appetite. Dietary dishes are prepared without the addition of salt, which is added to the ready-made food in small amounts.
It is forbidden to use alcohol, sweet drinks (including fizzy drinks) during the dietary treatment.
Diet for abdominal obesity
With abdominal obesity, fat accumulation is observed in the abdomen, usually men are subject to such obesity and it poses a serious danger to health. Women suffer from this form of obesity rarely, mainly it indicates a variety of hormonal disorders, for men the same obesity is typical. Abdominal obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and cardiovascular problems are also possible.
Diet for obesity of this species should not be too stiff. At the time of the diet you need to give up sweet, fancy foods, eat more fruits, vegetables, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, and sour-milk products.
With abdominal obesity, it is recommended to seek the help of a specialist and be examined by an endocrinologist, as in some cases, medication may be required.
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Diet for obesity during pregnancy
In the female body, during pregnancy, all conditions are created for the formation of subcutaneous fat deposits, which serve as a kind of protection for the developing child. Obesity during pregnancy is promoted by hormonal reorganization, more precisely increased production of hormones that support the normal course of pregnancy (progesterone, gonadotropin). Due to the action of these hormones, the formation of fatty tissue in the mammary gland begins, as well as on the buttocks, abdomen,
Excess kilograms during pregnancy increases the risk of various complications (diabetes mellitus, late toxicosis, high blood pressure, weak labor activity, etc.).
Diet for obesity in a pregnant woman should be low-calorie, food intake should be divided 6-8 times. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude foods that increase hunger (broths, pickles, spices and sauces). You also need to give up sweets. Eating a pregnant woman should be rational and include both meat and vegetables. Also in the diet of a woman you need to include cereals, dairy, bean dishes.
With obesity, it is recommended to reduce the calorie content of the diet by no more than 10%, otherwise the child may not receive the necessary substances. It should also be noted that a pregnant woman should not feel hungry, in which ketones form in the blood, adversely affecting the child.
Pregnant women can 1-2 times a week arrange unloading days, in which the recommended amount of food is eaten in several receptions, usually 5 to 6 times:
- Curd (400g low-fat cottage cheese), you can also 2-3 glasses of unsweetened tea (you can with lemon) or tea from the dog rose.
- Apple (1.5 kg of apples), apples can be baked or eaten raw, you can also drink unsweetened tea.
- Cucumber (1, 5 kg of cucumbers), unsweetened tea.
- Vegetable (1.5 kg of various vegetables - radish, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, etc.), you can prepare a salad with the addition of butter or sour cream.
Diet for obesity is primarily needed to reduce weight. Obesity is a fairly dangerous disease that develops as a result of metabolic disorders. It is necessary to start treatment as early as possible and to prevent the development of more severe forms of obesity, otherwise severe chronic diseases may develop, which will complicate treatment.