Diet in colitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Treatment of acute colitis
Acute colitis often combines with enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine. The causative agents of acute colitis are salmonella, less often viruses. Acute colitis can also be caused by eating disorders. Symptoms of acute colitis: drawing pain in the abdomen and a feeling of malaise with watery diarrhea. When palpation - pain in the large intestine. There may be erosion. There is an increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation in the blood test.
On the first day the patient is given an abundant drink, unsweetened tea, from 2 days - a diet is prescribed for colitis, table 4, then 4B and 4B. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed, for example, enteroseptol.
Eneroseptol - a drug that has antibacterial and antiprotozoal (overwhelming reproduction of protozoa in the intestine) action. Does not have a systemic effect, affects only the intestine. This drug is especially recommended for stopping putrefactive processes in the large intestine. Effective in colitis caused by protozoa. You can use enteroseptol in cases of intolerance to antibiotics, together with sulfanilamide agents. Dosage: 1-2 tablets. 3 times a day after meals. Gradually, the dose can be reduced to 1 tab. 2 times a day. The course of treatment is about 10 days, but should not exceed 5 weeks. Side effects: rashes on the skin, joint and muscle pains, runny cough and inflammation of peripheral nerves. It is not prescribed for patients with persistent impairment of liver and kidney function.
Treatment of chronic colitis
With chronic colitis on the mucous membrane in your intestine there is inflammation, or atrophy. You can feel unsharp, aching or cramping pain, delivering special discomfort after half an hour after a meal. May disturb flatulence or instability, irregular stools. The causes of chronic colitis can be both infectious and associated with inaccuracies in the diet. Chronic colitis can accompany dyspepsia or inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis or be associated with an uncontrolled intake of antibiotics and sulfonamides.
It is necessary to eat for chronic colitis 6 times a day on diet No. 4. Recommended are bread crumbs of white bread, thinly sliced, chopped, low-fat semolina, rice soups, lean fish, meat, green tea. At the expressed exacerbation the "hungry diet" is useful. If you suspect a chronic colitis, you should consult a gastroenterologist, because this disease can be masked for other gastrointestinal diseases, for example, pancreatitis.
The doctor may prescribe a course of probiotic drugs, for example, Hilak.
Hilak - a preparation for normalizing the acid-base balance in the intestine. The main component of the drug is lactic acid. The products of the vital activity of lactobacilli, which enter the composition of the preparation, have a beneficial effect on the mucosa of the large intestine, suffering from chronic colitis.
Hilak take before or during meals, dissolving it in large amounts of water, 3 times a day for 50 drops. It is not used with antacids. Occasionally, Hilak experienced allergic reactions. Hilak is safe in pregnancy.
The diet for colitis in acute and chronic form is the main component of treatment.
Diet for acute colitis
The diet for colitis in acute form for a day looks like this:
- 1 breakfast: porridge on the water, tea.
- 2 breakfast: a glass of jelly.
- Lunch: meat broth, meat soufflé, rice porridge on the water, biscuits.
- Afternoon snack: broth of wild rose.
- Dinner: steamed cutlets from cod.
- At night: a glass of milk.
Preferred are low-fat varieties of poultry without skin, cooked in a double boiler. Porridge is eaten from rice and semolina. It is recommended unleavened cottage cheese, blueberry jelly and cocoa on the water.
Prohibited whole milk and milk dishes, pickles, marinades and sour dishes.
Diet for chronic colitis
Symptoms of such an unpleasant disease as chronic colitis : abdominal pain and constipation, which alternate with diarrhea. Provoke an attack can fat, sharp and cold food, food with coarse fiber.
Diet in colitis reduces inflammation, fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. The dishes are mostly liquid, wiped, cooked in a double boiler. There are with chronic colitis need 5 times a day. Diet in colitis allows from flour products only breadcrumbs of white bread, soups on a weak meat broth with rice broth, meatballs and egg flakes. Macaroni and strong soups should be excluded. Low-fat beef, chicken, veal, rabbit without skin are allowed. Exclude fatty meat and sausages. Eat low-fat fish, and from fatty, salty, smoked and canned, you will have to give up. From dairy products you can only fresh, low-fat fresh cottage cheese. In the day you can eat up to 2 soft-boiled eggs or a protein omelet. Rice and buckwheat are allowed. Undesirable millet and barley. Patients with chronic colitis can not consume legumes. All kinds of snacks are excluded. No sauces, vinegar and seasonings, especially very sharp. From seasonings, cinnamon and vanillin are allowed. Bilberry, quince and pear jelly are allowed. Grapes, apricots, coffee with milk, very strong black coffee and cocoa - also not for your table.
Without aggravation a day, you can eat 200 grams of raw apples. When signs of fermentation processes increase the amount of protein due to fish, meat, cottage cheese.
Diet 4 for chronic colitis
The diet for colitis in chronic form recommends such dishes:
- Thin biscuits.
- Mucous soups from rice and oatmeal with meatballs.
- Meatballs, meatballs, cutlets from chicken and beef.
- Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge on the water.
- Steam omelette from 2 eggs.
- Kissel from blueberries, broth of a dogrose, steam souffle.
You can not eat:
- Rye bread.
- Flour products from flour.
- Soups with pasta.
- Strong broths.
- Meat with a piece.
- Fatty types of fish.
- Caviar.
- Whole milk.
- Hard boiled eggs.
- Fried egg.
- Pearl barley.
- Beans.
- Peas.
- Natural fruit.
- Honey.
- Candies.
- Grape, apricot juices.
Patients with chronic colitis are recommended frequent meals in small portions. The last meal - no later than 20-00. The bulk of the meal should be eaten at lunch, dinner should be very light. Requires a second breakfast and afternoon tea.
Diet 4a for chronic colitis
Diet in chronic colitis in the acute stage (table 4a) limits the amount of carbohydrates (cereals, sugar) in the diet.
Such products are welcomed on the patient's table, like stale crackers, grated cottage cheese, one soft-boiled egg, slimy soups, boiled fish, chopped meat (instead of bread in cutlets lay rice), currant broth, blueberries and yogurt, dry biscuit, mashed vegetables, cooked on steamed, non-acid sour cream, yogurt, jelly and tea, cocoa.
Diets with different types of colitis
Diet with ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory, mainly autoimmune, disease of the intestine. Proteins should predominate in the diet of the patient. The main sources of protein - fish and cottage cheese, lean meat, soft-boiled eggs and in the form of protein omelets. In the dish, you can add 10 g of butter. Fats restrict. Do not fry dishes. Very useful liquid rice porridge on the water, jelly and broth of wild rose in a warm form, ripe fruit and vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes. Diet in colitis involves fractional meals 5-6 times a day. The last meal is at 20 o'clock. Supper should be very easy. Do not eat fatty meat and mushrooms, spicy dishes, salty dishes, plums, coffee, chocolate, sauces, popcorn, do not drink alcohol and soda.
Diet in colitis with constipation
Observance of the principles of nutrition is an important part of the treatment of colitis with constipation. Food is taken 5 times a day. Products must be ground, they should not be hard. The basis of the diet is an unhealthy cookie, soft cheese, kefir. Slightly fried cutlets, meatballs, mashed porridge in half with milk, cereal soups with meat broth, mashed vegetables and compotes, boiled fruits and vegetables are allowed. They are rich in fiber and help in the fight against constipation. The consistency of the dishes is liquid. In a day, it is permissible to consume 15 g of salt.
What you can not:
- Sweets (chocolate, creams).
- Smoked meat, marinades.
- Sausages.
- Beans.
- Whole milk.
- Fried dishes.
- Soda.
- Alcohol.
Diet in colitis with diarrhea
Unsystematic nutrition, fried foods and helminthic infestations often lead to the development of colitis with diarrhea. Stools in patients with colitis, usually dense or unstable, that is, constipation alternates with diarrhea. Patients are concerned about rumbling in the abdomen, eructations and migraines. Wheat bread, rusks and finely chopped boiled vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin) are allowed. The best meat is veal and chicken. Useful boiled bream and cod, zucchini, pumpkin and boiled or baked green peas. In the day you can eat 3 soft-boiled eggs. Eggs hard-boiled and fried are forbidden. You can cook an omelette for a couple and in the oven. From desserts - cottage cheese puddings, kissels, compotes and mousses, marshmallows, pears and broth of wild rose, cinnamon, as an additive to sweet dishes.
The diet for colitis prohibits such foods: rye bread, fresh white and black bread, puff and yeast dough products, milk soups, borsch, soup, fat meats, goose meat, ducks, game, sausage, salted fish, milk, salted cheese , processed cheese, sausage cheese, pigtail cheese, beetroot, radish, garlic, rutabaga, sorrel, horseradish, sauces, apricots, ice cream, cakes, plum juice, spirits, kvass and coffee.
The diet should be observed about a month. In the period of remission, soups with meat broth, boiled and raw vegetables are allowed. From the diet, alcohol, smoked meat, radish, rutabaga, pepper, horseradish, beef fat, spicy sauces, mayonnaise, kvass and coffee are excluded.
Diet with spastic colitis
When spastic colitis recommended these dishes:
- Porridge-mash, soup-puree, vegetable purees, fruit purees, jellies, mousses, kissels, baked and boiled lean fish, baked and boiled steamed and in water lean meat. This can be eaten if colitis is accompanied by diarrhea.
- If you have constipation, eat raw vegetables and fruits, fruit juices, vegetable juices, a baked pumpkin.
- Brew anise seeds and drink instead of tea. A glass of water needs 1 teaspoon of seeds. The pain will go away and the gases will stop.
To combat spastic colitis, it is very important to avoid irritation, nervous overexertion. Live and rejoice in what each new day brings!
Diet for catarrhal colitis
Diet in the colitis in the initial, catarrhal stage, should contain all the necessary substances, but be sparing for the intestinal mucosa. The first two days in general it is desirable to starve, drink only tea, mineral water and broth of wild rose. In the future, food should be frequent (up to 6 times a day), but in small portions. Nutrition is aimed at preventing rotting processes in the intestine. Food should be boiled and chopped, milk, smoked meat and legumes are excluded from the diet. Kissels, boiled vegetables and biscuits, on the contrary, will be beneficial for your health.
Diet in Atrophic Colitis
Diet in colitis with the atrophy of the intestinal mucosa is aimed at reducing the acidity of gastric juice, it mechanically spares the mucosa due to eating small portions 6 times a day in a grinded form, without coarse fiber. Distribution of the diet is: a daily diet is 100 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat and 400 grams of carbohydrates.
Fatty meat, buns, duck, goose, mutton, grapes, fat bread, fatty fish, raw vegetables and fruits are forbidden by patients with atrophic colitis. For breakfast, it is good to eat apple puree with lemon juice, for the second breakfast - porridge-mash from buckwheat or oatmeal. For lunch - wheat bread, cabbage soup or vegetable soup, boiled meat or tongue with porridge on the water.
You can not eat fresh bread, milk, pea soup, salted, fatty, spicy dishes, onions, radish, peppers, fresh berries and cream products.
Diet with erosive colitis
Diet in colitis with ulcers should contain an increased amount of proteins. They are found in meat, eggs, cottage cheese. Milk is contraindicated, but meat can only be lean. Possible manna and rice porridge, broth of wild rose, a weak tea with crushed crackers. Fruits are consumed in mashed potatoes. Recommended boiled meat and white yesterday's bread. Dairy products are not well tolerated. All fatty, chocolate, creams, mushrooms, plums are excluded.
Diet for pseudomembranous colitis
Diet in colitis involves an increased protein content and a decrease in the amount of fat. With pseudomembranous colitis, they refuse from such dishes as sausages, fresh bread, fatty meat, smoked products and salty foods, beans, millet, coffee with milk, ice cream, scrambled eggs, kvass, apricot juice and apricots, grape juice and grapes. There are only boiled vegetables. Pears and plums need to be baked. Soups are eaten in the form of creams and mashed potatoes, bread is eaten dried or yesterday, in the form of biscuits. It must be soaked. Do not eat very hot dishes and cold desserts. Fruit juices are diluted with water, and pears and apples are peeled from skins and seeds. I'll have to give up fatty, fried and smoked food.
Diet with exacerbation of colitis
The diet for colitis in the acute stage of the chronic process includes products that spoil the intestinal mucosa: stale bread, mashed berries and juices in half with boiled water, fresh cheese, boiled broth, meat with a piece, unsweetened boiled vegetables, meat pies, cheesecakes with cheese , jams, tea with milk, coffee with milk. Exclude black bread, sausages, radish, sorrel, onions, garlic, apricots and melons. Eat before eating 50 grams of fresh apples.
Diet in colitis and enterocolitis
The diet for colitis and enterocolitis is selected by the attending physician, which takes into account the severity of the inflammatory process in the intestine. With colitis and enterocolitis, without strengthening fermentation and putrefaction, a diet is prescribed. 4. The patient is given a strong tea without milk, sieved curd, yogurt, oats and semolina soups. You can include in the menu chopped meat in the form of meatballs, dumplings. Rice and semolina porridge on water and stale rolls are allowed. Of the drinks are useful cherry kissels, as well as from the fruits of black currant. Raw vegetables, unpeeled fruits and raisins should be limited if intensive intestinal fermentation occurs in the intestine. You can give the patient meat patties without bread. During remission in porridge, you can add a little milk, let's say a mild tomato.
Diet with gastritis and colitis
Diet in colitis and gastritis is a dietary table for Pevzner 2. You can eat tea, cocoa, curdled milk, low-fat chopped herring, milk in dishes, cream, butter, omelette, fish, vegetarian, cereal soups, fish fried without breadcrumbs, chopped chicken, mashed cereals, vegetables, mashed fruits, sweet dishes without cream, compotes, kissels, mousses, jelly, fish sauces. For breakfast, you should always eat an egg soft-boiled, and for lunch vegetable grated soup or cereal soup. The role of the first course in medical nutrition with gastritis and colitis is very high. Do not eat on the run, in the dry, do not get distracted while eating.
Diet in children with colitis
Diet for colitis in children should be physiological, contain enough protein, exclude irritants of the intestine and foods that cause rotting and fermentation in it. This smoked dishes, all fried, whole milk, fatty meat, cabbage, beans and onions. All dishes must be cooked and wiped. When diarrhea is useful, unloading days. If the child is inclined to stool, it is useful to add more boiled beet to his table. Useful are not strong broths, soft-boiled eggs, jelly. Prepare your child freshly squeezed apricot juice if he suffers from constipation. Citrus fruits are excluded. Cream is good. Take care that the little sweet tooth does not reach for sweets. Use potato juice - give the baby ½ cup for half an hour before eating.
Diet in colitis depends on its form, it spares the intestinal mucosa as much as possible and helps to recover faster if it is carefully adhered.