Diet for chronic colitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Diet for chronic colitis should be appropriate. The fact is that this disease significantly affects the mucosa of the colon. Therefore, the food should be such that it does not create additional irritation. More information about food and possible diets will be described below.
Treatment of chronic colitis with diet
Treatment of chronic colitis with a diet has long proved itself as one of the most effective. So, if the disease is of an infectious nature, then it is necessary to exert a correct influence on microorganisms. For this you need to eat at least 6-7 times a day. Thus it is necessary to use the so-called fourth diet.
It consists of rusks from wheat and rye bread, low-fat soups, semolina and rice porridge. Pay attention should be on pearl barley, lean meat and fish, soft-boiled eggs. As for drinks, green tea and coffee are allowed. If a serious inflammation begins, the doctor can prescribe a hunger diet.
In any case, colitis needs to be eliminated with proper nutrition. This will remove excess irritation and soothe the intestinal mucosa. There is a certain type of food. Moreover, there are special diets and ways to solve the problem. Details will be listed below.
The essence of the diet for chronic colitis
Many people are interested in the question of which diet for chronic colitis is the most effective. With this disease, food should be special. It is important to consume a lot of vitamins, which will ensure the normal operation of the intestine. In no case should you abuse enemas and laxatives. All can be adjusted by means of a food.
It is desirable to eat 6-7 times a day. The intestine can not be irritated by dry and solid food. It is recommended to pay attention to porridge. With a strong exacerbation, the volume of carbohydrates should not exceed 300 grams per day. Diets during an acute period and stagnation are significantly different.
With nonspecific ulcerative colitis, the complete exclusion of milk and dairy products from the patient's diet may well lead to complete or partial cure of the disease. Therefore, with the use of fermented milk products should be delayed. If the colitis is chronic, the protein chair will help. To do this, a day should not eat more than 150 grams of protein per day. In the diet of the patient there should be no sweets and flour products. Vegetables and fruits are taken in a frayed or cooked form. An excellent addition to any dietary food will be mineral water. For example, Essentuki.
Food should not contain irritating seasonings. In the diet should include enough high-calorie, but easily digestible products. The food should be cooked for a couple. All smoked products should be excluded. If functional diarrhea is observed, it is better to give preference to animal protein products. But to exclude is whole milk. Vegetable food should be heat treated. When spastic constipation is used the same amount of animal protein and fiber. With atonic constipation, there is a lot of fiber. Pay attention should be to fruit and vegetable juices, salads, boiled vegetables, bread of their coarse flour or with bran. Based on these data, a diet is selected. Diet №4 and 4а were especially popular.
Diet for chronic colitis with constipation
Diet in chronic colitis with constipation has its own characteristics and differences. So, the basis of nutrition is a decrease in tone and a weakening of the peristalsis of the large intestine. Therefore, the diet must necessarily contain foods rich in dietary fiber. Simply put, we are talking about vegetable fiber. The cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and lignin contained in them have the ability to absorb water and increase in volume, which accelerates the passage of stools, normalizes peristalsis and emptying of the intestine.
The expressed loosening effect is possessed by the black bread made from a flour of a rough grinding and bread with wheaten bran. Perfectly stimulate intestinal peristalsis with raw vegetables and fruits. Especially cabbage, beets, carrots, pumpkin, deciduous lettuce, Jerusalem artichoke and zucchini. Pay attention to the nuts, tangerines, bananas, figs, dates and prunes. Excellent laxative properties are viburnum, dried apricots, prunes, fresh blackberries and black currants in any form.
With tolerance to the diet, you can include herring, lemonade, fruit drinks, saturated with carbon dioxide, kvas, dill, celery, parsley greens, lyubistok, bay leaf, cinnamon. Irritating the intestines in a moderate form and intensifying peristalsis products such as honey, jams and fruit juices. It is advisable to drink beetroot-carrot juice 50 ml 2 times a day.
In the morning on an empty stomach it is necessary to drink a glass of raw water of room temperature, but there it is necessary to add 10 grams of sugar and a slice of lemon. In the morning and throughout the day, you can consume beet salads, with the addition of herbs, parsley and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Excellent salad features cabbage, carrot and sour cream salad.
Patients with constipation should exclude bread and bakery products made from wheat flour of the highest grade, spicy sauces, pepper, mustard, black coffee, strong tea, chocolate, porridge from manga, rice. The menu can be any, but at the same time contain only the allowed products.
Diet for chronic colitis with diarrhea
The diet for chronic colitis with diarrhea should include a full and balanced diet. The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is appropriate. Table salt is limited to 8-10 grams per day. The food should be exclusively cooked or steamed. Although, meat, vegetable and fish dishes can be allowed in the baked form. But the coarse crust should be absent. The patient needs to eat 5-6 times a day.
It is allowed to eat wheat bread, dry biscuits and biscuits. Soups are prepared on a low-fat skimmed meat or fish broth with well-digested cereals. Instead of cereals, vegetables can be used: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin and cauliflower.
Dishes from low-fat varieties of meat and poultry are shown. Suitable beef without visible fat, chicken, rabbit, Indian and veal. You can eat steamed chops, knels, soufflé and meatballs. It is allowed to eat fish of low-fat varieties in a boiled form. Potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, peas are served in a garbled form. It can be mashed potatoes, steam souffles, puddings.
Porridge, except for wheat, should be cooked on water with the addition of cream and a small amount of butter. It's enough 5 grams per serving. Steam omelets, soft-boiled eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day), freshly prepared cottage cheese in kind or curd pudding, vareniki with cottage cheese, jam and mashed potatoes, jellies, mousse from sweet varieties of berries and fruits, jelly marmalade, marshmallows, baked apples, pears, tea, broth of wild rose.
Completely to exclude from the diet rye bread, fresh bread of all sorts, products made from butter and puff pastry. Under the ban are milk soups, beans, cabbage soup, borsch and rassolnik. You can not eat duck, goose, smoked meat, sausages and canned food. In a natural kind milk is not used, the egg is hard-boiled and fried. Excludes white cabbage, radish, onion, radish, garlic, rutabaga, spinach, pepper and spicy sauces. You can not eat cakes, chocolate, plums and apricots. Naturally, kvass, alcohol and carbonated drinks, coffee are excluded. This diet is usually observed for 4-5 weeks, and in some cases, months. Over time, you can eat dishes of varying degrees of grinding and unmilled, boiled, steamed, stewed, baked, fried without the formation of a coarse crust; soups on low-fat meat, fish broth, vegetable broth, boiled and raw vegetables, sweet dishes and drinks.
Diet 4 for chronic colitis
Diet 4 for chronic colitis is used for acute bowel diseases, acute exacerbations of chronic intestinal diseases with severe diarrhea. The purpose of the diet is to provide the body with food that can help with digestion disorders, reduce inflammation, as well as fermentation and putrefactive processes in the intestine.
During the observance of food, foods and dishes that are capable of enhancing the secretion of digestive organs, the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine are sharply excluded. The dishes are liquid, semi-liquid, wiped, boiled on water or steamed. You need to eat 5-6 times a day.
It is allowed to eat bread and flour products. But of them, preference is given to high-grade bread. Soups should be on skimmed weak meat or fish broth with the addition of mucous broths of cereals, semolina, rice, boiled and ground meat, steam knels and meatballs, egg flakes. Soups with vegetables, cereals, dairy, strong and fat broths are completely excluded. As for meat and poultry, you can eat low-fat and non-livestock varieties of beef, chicken, veal, rabbit and turkey. Meat must be degreased, remove tendons, in birds - skin. Steam or welded on the water cutlets, knels, meatballs. Minced meat with boiled rice instead of bread, 3-4 times passed through a fine grinder grinder.
A fish. Fatty types of fresh fish are allowed. It can be used both in pure form, and in the form of meatballs, meatballs. As for dairy products, you need to pay attention to a fresh grated cottage cheese, steam souffle. Fully eliminated whole milk and other dairy products.
Cereals. Pay attention to the mashed porridge on water or fat-free broth. This can be rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Vegetables are used exclusively in the form of broths. Snacks are completely excluded. From sweets you can eat jelly, jelly, mashed apples, fruits and berries in kind. Permits: honey, jam, dried fruits and compotes. As for drinks, it can be tea, especially green, black coffee and cocoa on the water.
An approximate diet can be as follows. For the first breakfast is worth eating oatmeal porridge, cooked on water and freshly prepared cottage cheese. To drink everything with tea. For the second breakfast, a decoction of dried blueberries is suitable. Lunch - meat broth with semolina, meat steamed meatballs, rice porridge, rubbed on water and jelly. For a mid-morning snack it is worth drinking a broth of wild rose unsweetened warm. For dinner, an omelette is steam, buckwheat porridge, cooked on water and tea. At night, drink a kissel.
Diet 4a for chronic colitis
Diet 4a in chronic colitis is prescribed to people with a disease accompanied by intensive fermentation processes. The main indication for the use of this type of food is celiac disease. This diet was developed by M. M. Pevzner. What is most interesting, he does not prohibit the use of breadcrumbs from white flour. Although, to date, these products top the list of banned products.
The main rule of diet on diet 4a - it is necessary to maintain the regularity of meals, despite the rather meager microelement composition, and a fairly small amount of carbohydrates. Caloric content of a daily diet should not exceed 1600 kcal. It is enough about 100 grams of fat, 120 grams of protein and 200 grams of carbohydrates. The main goal of nutrition is complete and qualitative assimilation of food.
The list of allowed products: weak tea, low-fat cottage cheese, soufflé from fish and meat, albumen fried eggs or scrambled eggs, bird cherry compote, soft-boiled egg, decoctions of rice and buckwheat, fat-free broths, both meat and fish.
Sample menu for the day
Breakfast: steam omelet from proteins, fish souffle. For the second breakfast: cottage cheese. Lunch: meat grated soup on low-fat broth, cooked for a couple of minced meat. Snack: a glass of jelly from a bilberry or a decoction of bird cherry. Dinner: boiled beef, tea.
Diet in exacerbation of chronic colitis
Diet with exacerbation of chronic colitis is aimed at alleviating the condition of a person. So, you can not eat all bakery products, soups with groats, vegetables, fatty and strong broths. Refuse need from fatty varieties of meat and fish, sausages and salted fish. Under the ban is whole milk and other dairy products. To exclude you need fried eggs. Refuse need from millet, pearl barley, beans and pasta. Vegetables, fruits and berries are used exclusively in kind. You can not drink carbonated and cold drinks, as well as coffee and cocoa with milk.
It is recommended to pay attention to sliced bread crumbs from wheat bread. You can eat soups with low-fat meat or fish broth, which adds a slimy broth of cereals. You can eat cooked and mashed meat, steamed or cooked in water, meat knots, fricadels, egg flakes, soufflé from boiled meat, fish knels, fricadels cooked in water or steamed. You can eat soft-boiled eggs, steam omelet, fresh unsalted curd and curd steam souffle. You can drink green tea, black coffee on the water and broths of dried blueberries, bird cherries, quince, rose hips.
If a person suffers from a chronic illness, and even with constipation, then it's worth changing the diet a little. On an empty stomach the patient should use cold sweet drinks. These include a decoction of rose hips with sugar, fruit and vegetable juices, water with honey, carrot puree. If there is no pronounced gastritis or enteritis, fresh tomatoes, sweet fruits without skin and berries are allowed. The use of vermicelli, rice and semolina is limited. This is the diet number 4b.
Apply also to diet number 3. It includes foods rich in fiber and magnesium. They do not irritate the intestines and do not cause flatulence.
Such products include cooked beets and carrots, raw, boiled, baked apples, dried fruits, crumbly porridges, bread from bran.
If there is an improvement, resort to a diet number 15. It includes a rational diet with the exception of the acute products of difficult digestible dishes. Permitted products are similar. In right-sided colitis, which occurs with constipation, a mashed diet is prescribed (No. 2 or No. 4b). In the diet include non-aggressive stimulants of intestinal peristalsis (lactic acid foods, fruit juices, sugary substances, wiry meat). As the inflammatory process is reduced, foods containing coarse plant-based fiber are introduced into the diet, the patient is transferred to diet No. 15.
With left-sided colitis with constipation, foods that promote more complete emptying of the intestine (foods containing coarse vegetable fiber-raw vegetables and fruits, black bread) are introduced into the food ration. At the same time, diet No. 15 is prescribed. The diet must contain a sufficient number of B vitamins.
Diet for chronic spastic colitis
The diet for chronic spastic colitis should be available and not contain prohibited products. It is advisable to keep a diary of the daily diet during all the right nutrition. It is recommended to use a lot of fiber for patients. To do this, give preference to vegetables, fruits, lactic products, dried fruits and whole grain bread.
It is necessary to exclude or, at least, restrict products of animal origin. For example, it can be butter and fat. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, coffee, water with gas and strong tea.
It is recommended to avoid products that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and cause spasms. These include chocolate, creams, cheeses, whole milk, butter and fatty meat. Perhaps, these are the main conditions. Naturally, you can check the diet with a doctor. In general, each diet has its own characteristics, but the list of allowed and forbidden products does not change much.
Diet for chronic colitis and gastritis
The diet for chronic colitis and gastritis was number 2. It is used for chronic gastritis, which is accompanied by secretory insufficiency. Apply it for enteritis, colitis and acute gastritis during recovery.
The therapeutic table should be used as a transition to a rational diet in the absence of concomitant diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas. The nutrition system can be prescribed during the recovery period after the transferred operations and acute infections.
The main characteristic of the diet
You can eat 4-5 times a day. The chemical composition should include: 90-100 g of proteins, 90-100 g of fats and 400 - 420 g of carbohydrates. A day consumes 1.5 liters of liquid and 15 grams of salt. Therapeutic diet No. 2 aims to provide the body with adequate nutrition, moderate stimulation of the secretory function of the stomach, normalization of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. The food system is high-grade. Dishes can have different degrees of grinding. But while cooking I can write for a couple, stew, bake and fry (no crusts). Of the diet is to exclude foods that irritate the mucous membrane. Food intake should not be abundant.
A person should eat yesterday's bread, not a pastry and baking. The first dishes are allowed, which will be cooked on a thin broth of meat and fish, cereal and vegetable soups. You can eat lean meat, fish, tongue, sausages from beef. Milk and fermented milk products are allowed. Among her are cottage cheese, cream, grated cheese, scrambled eggs. Porridge: oats, rice, buckwheat. Cook them on diluted milk. From vegetables to give preference to a pumpkin, courgettes, beets, cauliflower, tomatoes and potatoes. Ripe sweet fruits and berries are allowed in the mashed or puree form of sweetness (meringue, jam, jam, honey). If you talk about drinks, you can drink tea with milk or lemon, coffee with cream, diluted with water juices, decoctions of bran and dogrose. Refined vegetable, creamy, ghee - can be consumed.
Products that are not worth eating, are also available. These include fresh wheat bread, duck, goose, canned food, smoked meat, fat, hard-boiled eggs, cereals (millet, pearl barley, barley, corn), cucumbers, mushrooms. Exclude from the diet are rough varieties of fruits, berries with hard grains, grapes, dried fruits. Spices, spicy and fatty sauces are also prohibited.
Sample diet menu
For breakfast, you can eat cheese, one soft-boiled egg, oatmeal and tea. For lunch we use vermicelli soup, steam cutlets, carrot puree and jelly. Afternoon snack: broth from bran. For dinner, fish pudding, rice pudding and tea with lemon. Before going to bed, you can drink curdled milk.
Menu diet for chronic colitis
The menu of a diet at a chronic colitis the person can make independently. For an approximate understanding of this process, an approximate method of feeding will be presented. It is based on allowed products.
For breakfast it is suggested to use a steam omelet, buckwheat rasypnuyu porridge and drink all the tea. For the second breakfast, fresh apples should be given preference. For lunch, you can eat potato soup, cooked on a weak meat broth. Boiled meat is allowed together with oatmeal. Wash everything with a dairy compote. For an afternoon snack: crackers with sugar, a glass of broth rose hips. Dinner: dairy sausages, stewed carrots, pudding from fresh cheese. To drink everything with tea. Before going to sleep, you use a jelly from apple juice in the amount of one glass. For the whole day you can eat only 200 grams of white dried bread, 40 grams of sugar and 10 grams of butter.
Literally six months after the onset of exacerbation, it is worth taking chloride-sodium, sulfate-magnesium, sulfate-sodium, hydrocarbonate-sodium, hydrocarbonate-calcium mineral waters. They include Yessentuki and Borjomi. In addition, it is recommended to introduce mineral water with the help of microclysters. But this is done under the supervision of a doctor.
Diet recipes for chronic colitis
Diet recipes for chronic colitis can be made independently. It is enough to know the list of allowed products. As an example, several recipes will be presented. You can make a salad with oatmeal or wheat flakes. For this, two small apples are rubbed on a large grater. Add here half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of cereal. All this is mixed and left for 30-40 minutes. After that, you can consume the salad. Apples may very well be replaced with an orange if desired. Instead of cinnamon, add raisins, prunes or dried apricots.
- Dietary vegetable soup. To make it, take 100 grams of cabbage, one carrot, 10 grams of cauliflower, two potatoes, 20 grams of parsley root. Do not do without halves of a bulb, a zucchini, a teaspoon of butter, a tablespoon of green peas. You need to take another half of the tomato, 50 grams of sour cream, a pinch of salt and 300 grams of water. So, cabbage should be cut into squares and thrown into boiling water. Then peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. Cauliflower is divided into inflorescences. All the ingredients are laid out for cabbage and cooked for 15 minutes. In the meantime, it is worth grinding and frying carrots. Onion chop and pass. All this is added to the soup. It also adds green peas, sliced zucchini. Everything is cooked until prepared. When the soup is almost ready, tomatoes can be added into it, cut into slices. Soup is ready for use.
- Broth with meatballs. For cooking, you need to take 300 grams of meat, 400 ml of meat broth, 50 grams of bread, salt and greens to taste, as well as water. It is necessary to take a piece of meat and remove all tendons from it. After that, thoroughly wash it and let it through the meat grinder. Bread is macerated in water and wrung out, then it is added to ground meat. Now the meat is passed along with the bread through the meat grinder and round balls are formed from the raw material obtained. Meatballs enough to boil in water and put on a water renminbi. Meanwhile, the broth is brought to a boil. When serving, meatballs should be poured with broth.
What can you eat with chronic colitis?
Do you know what you can eat with chronic colitis? In fact, this is a difficult question. Because each diet has its own characteristics, indications and contraindications. In general, with colitis can be used decoction of broth, apple, cherry, tangerine, orange juice diluted in half with boiled water. You need to pay attention to sweet varieties of berries and fruits without skins. It is desirable that they are baked or wiped.
The diet completely depends on the stage of the disease, the presence of diarrhea or constipation. The food should be boiled or steamed. Moreover, it must be eaten in a grated or chopped form. In the diet should be 100 grams of protein, 70 grams of fat, 250 grams of carbohydrates. The daily energy value does not exceed 2000 - 2100 kcal. A day should use 1.5 liters of water and not more than 10 grams of salt. The diet is standard, 6-7 times a day.
As for the allowed products, you should pay attention to stale wheat bread, mashed soups, mashed berries and fruits without skin, juices - in half with boiled hot water, milk (only in dishes), fresh cheese, cheese puddings, rose hips, tea.
As soon as the symptoms begin to go away, you can gradually include in the diet meat boiled, cereal crumbly, pies with meat or apples, cheesecakes with cheese, jams from sweet varieties of berries and fruits, teas, coffee with milk or cream. It is recommended to eat 3-4 times a day for 50-100 grams of fresh apples or carrots before bed. At the same time you need to thoroughly chew everything.
What you can not eat with chronic colitis?
Do you know what you can not eat with chronic colitis? Observing a diet, it is necessary to refuse many habitual products. It is desirable to completely exclude all products from wheat and white flour. It is allowed to eat only biscuits.
You can not eat any porridge. The diet is very meager, but, again, it depends entirely on the condition of the person. To exclude it is necessary curds with sugar and fruit. They can lead to aggravation of the process of fermentation in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Stop eating you need yogurts. Under the ban, all products that include starch and thickeners.
It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of food. From the diet should be eliminated frozen fish and meat. Forbidden: oily fish, cheese and cheese, eggs in large quantities, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream. Refuse to have from a variety of snacks, seasonings and drinks. You can use only weak tea and water. Especially strictly should be limited to pasta, casseroles from them, pelmeni, lasagna, pizza, pies, patties and other pastries. No half-finished products in the diet of the patient should not be.