Diet for giardiasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Lamblias are parasites. And this is the simplest kind that is most difficult to identify. The patient can live for years, experiencing only mild discomfort, without any special symptoms. But giardiasis - both in adults and in children, is dangerous for its consequences. Lamblias destroy the mucosa of the small intestine. Therefore, the diet for giardiasis is extremely important, this is the basis for treating this type of helminthiasis.
You can even say otherwise - without a diet for giardiasis, the treatment is doomed. With prolonged lambliasis (several months), such negative consequences as digestive disorders, inflammation of the digestive tract (violation of defecation, dyskinesia, flatulence) are manifested. It is sad that often giardiasis is accompanied by acute allergic reactions, impaired heart function and even upset nerves. Elementary rules of hygiene and diet for giardiasis should accelerate recovery.
If a person is diagnosed with lambliasis in time, lamblia can be defeated without using medication at all - armed only with patience and adherence to a special diet for giardiasis.
The main thing in a diet for giardiasis is a categorical rejection of all foods that like lamblia, or in other words, food that favors the reproduction and life of lamblia. An analysis of numerous studies on Giardiasis shows that these parasites adore carbohydrates. Consider different aspects of giardiasis and its treatment in a complex way, with the help of a diet.
Treatment of giardiasis with a diet
Treatment of giardiasis with a diet implies a rigid exclusion of food favorable for lamblia - first of all it is "fast" carbohydrates and sweets. A highly undesirable for lamblia is an acidic medium, so when treating lambliosis diet food is acidified, try to consume a large amount of fermented milk products. Most likely giardiasis is a small child.
Be careful - one of the signs that you urgently need to start treatment of giardiasis diet - a slow increase in body weight of the baby. Frequent constipation, which is replaced by diarrhea, is also an alarming symptom, as is frequent nausea and bloating. Atopic dermatitis is one of the satellites of giardiasis. Therefore, in the treatment of giardiasis, foods that can cause allergies, such as red vegetables and fruits, are excluded from diet. Drug medications necessarily accompany the treatment of giardiasis with a diet when appointing a doctor. You can say these two methods of treatment - medicines and diet treatment are equivalent.
Diet for giardiasis in children
What kind of diet suits children with giardiasis? For very young children - if a lactiosis is found in a nursing mother, it is necessary to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition. Treatment is given to both. In children, giardiasis occurs in 60% of cases in the form of allergic reactions, rashes on the skin. Therefore, a diet for giardiasis in children implies an approach where the effect of allergens is also taken into account. Allergens can be some fruits and berries - for example, strawberries, cherries. Green apples and unsweetened pears never cause allergies. Do not worry about the limitations of dieting with giardiasis in children. These restrictions are only a temporary but effective measure.
It is necessary to try to diversify the diet of the diet with giardiasis in children due to new combinations of allowed products and forms of serving dishes. For example, vegetables can be cooked in a soup pot, extinguished in the form of a side dish, extinguished with not fatty meat in the form of a stew. And apples can be given in raw form, cook compotes from them, bake with not fatty cottage cheese and a small amount of cinnamon, also make apple puree. The unusual combination of pear and chicken is quite tasty, and the children love it. Compliance with the diet for giardiasis in children provides for the rejection of nuts and seeds. But the diet can be varied using different vegetable oils. In addition to the usual sunflower seed oil, we can assume olive, corn or linseed oil, sesame oil. Bright red vegetables and fruits (tomato, beet, strawberry, cherry) are offered as part of a diet for giardiasis in children only in the absence of rashes on the skin.
Usually a pediatrician develops a children's diet for giardiasis. He gives a list of foods allowed by the diet for giardiasis in children, of which loving parents and prepare a variety of dishes, preferably a couple. Fried meals children's diet for giardiasis excludes. To fully recover the diet for giardiasis in children pay special attention, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations, otherwise the amount of lamblia in the intestine will not decrease. Parents will have to be strict and closely monitor children, and also warn all grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts and caregivers in the manger or kindergarten about the fact that sweets, buns, cakes and sodas are strictly prohibited. We exclude from the children's diet with giardiasis also milk, sausages, semolina, smoked products (they are generally not very useful to adults), spicy and fatty foods.
Parents in the period of dieting with giardiasis in children should in many ways acidify the baby's food. During the day, give as many sour berries and fruits as possible to cook sour compotes, lemonade from mint and lemons, make various berry fruit drinks, sour compotes from dried fruits. Acidifiers need to be given to children shortly before the main meal - they work better. Observing a diet for giardiasis in children must necessarily stew or cook vegetables, but you can offer carrots, tomatoes or cucumber in raw form. Vegetables, which irritate the intestines, while dieting in children with giardiasis, is strictly not offered. For example, you can not give your child radish, raw onions and garlic.
Teach your child to eat kiwi, oranges, tangerines, sour apples and plums. Pay special attention to pectin containing berries. If you follow a diet for giardiasis in children, you need to remember that pectins are deposited on themselves by various microorganisms, and lamblia as well. Therefore, currants, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries - should be mandatory in the diet menu for children with giardiasis. And from the bananas and sweet grapes for the time of the diet will have to give up. Unsweetened cottage cheese and not fat yogurt are companions of a diet at a lambliasis at the child. Method of cooking - cooking and quenching. Fried food for children with giardiasis can not be offered.
The diet regime for children suffering from giardiasis is the following - four to five meals a day. A diet for children suffering from giardiasis should be observed for at least three and a half, and preferably four months.
Diet for giardiasis in adults
What kind of diet is recommended for adults? Differences from the children's diet for lambliasis are unimportant. Diet for giardiasis in adults provides for the rejection of alcohol, carbohydrate products (baking, any confectionery, honey and dried fruits). Glucose is the nutrient substance for the reproduction of lamblia. The diet for giardiasis in adults recommends "slow" carbohydrates - not sweet fruits, porridges - buckwheat or rice. What satiates for a long time. Adults are not recommended to get involved in raw vegetables, in order to avoid the occurrence of flatulence.
The diet for giardiasis in adults welcomes sources of pure protein - fish and chicken. Up to two servings of such products are allowed daily. It is a condition that a fish that a chicken needs to stew or cook. It is possible and bake. But from traditional fried foods while adhering to a diet for giardiasis in adults will have to give up. Welcome in the diet of yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese. Such products are recommended for adults to avoid dysbiosis, which usually follows the lambliasis. One recommendation - only "light" meals and consultation with a doctor - the basis of success while observing a diet for giardiasis in adults.
What is the diet for giardiasis?
Diet for giardiasis involves four to five occasional meals in small portions, it is advisable to drink before meals an acidified drink. Means of cooking - only stewing, cooking, steamer, multivarka and baking. This diet for giardiasis is designed for a fairly long period of time - three to four months. It is very important to keep an eye on personal hygiene. Thoroughly wash hands, fruits and vegetables before eating.
This diet with giardiasis provides for the restoration of intestinal microflora. So, the diet for giardiasis involves frequent consumption of berries (much more often than you used to) and fresh sour fruits. Berries and fruits are consumed fresh and in the form of compotes. Acidifiers are taken before meals, so provides a diet for giardiasis. Say, 20 to 30 minutes before the main meal. It is recommended to consume sour vegetables and fruits throughout the day. Citrus fruits should be on the table of a lambliosis patient every day (oranges, lemons, tangerines). Kiwi, sour varieties of apples, too, need to be used more often.
Menu diet for giardiasis
Menu diet for giardiasis is not too diverse, but not tedious. There are several general rules. We will now consider them.
- Kashi: you can cook only on the water. Choose who loves, rice, oatmeal, corn, buckwheat, barley porridge will do. If you stayed on the diet for exactly one month, then try to dilute the milk with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans - do not use!
- Liquids: from one and a half to two liters per day, excluding soda. We recommend fruit drinks (delicious cranberry juice, currant and cowberry are also good). Try to cook various berry acidified compotes. Tomato juice is allowed. Acidobdiffyrin and bifidumbacterin are added to sour-milk drinks. These two drinks are fresh. Kefir and fermented baked milk must also be fresh. We take kefir and ryazhenka after two weeks of a diet. "
- Soups: broth from chicken with skin and fat removed, same applies to duck. Turkey or any other poultry. Soups cook on vegetable broth only. Steep meat broths are forbidden (like fish).
- Meat: we use not fatty sorts of meat - turkey, duck (brisket), chicken, veal, beef, not fatty lamb and not fat pork. Meat stew, cook for a couple, bake. You can use a double boiler or multivark. A prerequisite - meat is finely cut, not suitable for a diet with giardiasis large pieces. It is desirable to use more meatballs and cutlets (of course, for a couple)
- Fruit: fresh. You can send berries to the stevia and bake with low-fat cottage cheese. Apples and pears can also be baked.
- Dairy products: not fat cottage cheese, light brynza, kefir, fermented baked milk.
- Vegetables: all cruciferous, root vegetables. Beets, cucumbers, tomatoes. We exclude irritating bowels, garlic, legumes.
- Bread: not fresh rye bread, crackers, crackers, cookies "Maria".
Recipes for a diet with giardiasis
Since the food needs to be acidified and used acidified fruit drinks, we will consider several useful recipes for giardiasis.
- Lemonade is home - for five liters of water a large bunch of mint, lemon, stevia. Pour mint into boiling water, slice the lemon, let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Sweeten the stevia.
- Morse from berries - bring the water to a boil, throw the berries. Suppress them by a crush with a little sugar. Turn off the gas, let it brew. Long cooked berries lose a lot of vitamins.
- Fish with vegetables - put a portion of not fatty fish on a piece of foil, put a piece of tomato, a piece of eggplant, carrots, greens and a slice of lemon. Salt. Fold the foil and grill the grill. You can cook the same in foil in a double boiler.
- Cutlets in the oven - make minced meat minced, add a little braised onions (not damp), egg. Instead of white bread, a little oatmeal. Form the cutlets and spread them on a baking sheet on baking paper. Bake in the oven until cooked. Excess fat drains onto the paper. The same cutlets can be made in a double boiler.
- Kashi - cook only on the water. But it's not boring. In rice, you can add a small piece of butter. In porridge - fresh berries with stevia. Buckwheat porridge is delicious and on the water.
- Vegetable stew - cut slices of zucchini, carrots, potatoes (one two), sweet pepper, tomato. At the bottom of the pots or pans with high sides to drip the oil and pour a little water. First put a serving of chopped potatoes. Strain. Then send the carrot. Then other vegetables. Sprinkle everything with greens. For taste use oregano, basil. Last put the tomato without the skin.
- Baked apples. Take a few sour apples (Semeriko for example). Cut the middle. Stuff apples with low-fat cottage cheese with stevia and a small amount of cinnamon. Bake in the oven.
If it's hard to do without sweets, consult a doctor. Successful treatment!
What can you eat with giardiasis?
Let's make a list of what can and should be eaten with giardiasis. To ensure an unfavorable acid for the lamblia, it is necessary to introduce into the habit of drinking acidic drinks before meals or to consume sour vegetables and fruits in fresh form. For example - to eat a couple of tangerines before dinner, or to drink an acidified unsweetened compote, you can drink.
So, in our list the leading positions in berries containing a lot of pectin. These are strawberries, cherries, cranberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, viburnum, currants, kiwi. Next on the list are sour apples and citrus fruits. You need to eat with giardiasis porridge - from rice, oats, buckwheat, corn and barley. Porridges on water without the addition of milk. Further on the list are low-fat varieties of meat and fish. Boiled potatoes or potatoes in their uniforms are allowed in small quantities. It is obligatory to eat sour-milk products with giardiasis and to consume a sufficient amount of water - up to two liters per day.
It is recommended for lambliasis to use birch sap, decoctions of cholagogue grasses. You can sweeten your food with stevia, sugar replacer. Of fats - vegetable oil is preferred most of all (as well as sesame, corn, olive, linseed - see the section on diet for children).
What you can not eat with giardiasis?
The following foods should be excluded from the diet during treatment of Giardiasis. You can not eat with giardiasis: canned food, smoked meat, you can not eat fast food, and do not use carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones.
You can not eat with giardiasis, and sharp spices, radish and raw onions, garlic, beans, spicy peppers and spices, radish and horseradish are also not recommended. What fruit can not be eaten with giardiasis - bananas, melon, sweet grape varieties. We exclude bakery products and muffins, sweets, sweet fizzy drinks, chocolate. For the period of treatment of Giardiasis, you must say goodbye to sausage products, milk, marinades, spicy cheese, mushrooms.