Giardiasis in dogs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Giardiasis in dogs is a disease that is caused by the simplest parasitic pathology of lamblia. Unlike humans, dogs with giardiasis are more susceptible to acute and chronic forms of the disease. Various internal organs of the animal may fall under the defeat.
Just like the human body is affected primarily by the small intestine. The defeat of this part of the gastrointestinal tract leads to the development of symptoms of dermatological disorders, allergies and neurological irritations.
Anyone can infect Giardiasis. The whole danger lies in the fact that this disease is transmitted not only from the animal to the animal, but also from the person to the pet. Therefore, problems arise not only in the detection, but also in the treatment of the disease.
The lamblia parasite can be located in the body both in the form of a trophozoid, and in the form of a frozen cyst. In the latter state, the parasite organism can for a long time remain immobile until it reaches the weakened intestine. The first condition for multiplying - the pathogen must have a moist and cool environment.
Parasites of lamblia spread through the discharge with cysts that enter the environment. After that, microorganisms spread through the water and air - moving through the objects that fall into infected feces. Cysts - lamblia penetrate the digestive tract and dissolve their membrane. This process is helped by gastric juice. After dissolution of the membrane, two trophozoids leave the cyst, which after a while are transformed into full-valued parasitizing individuals. Unfortunately, the effect of lamblia on the small intestine has not been reliably studied. But veterinarians adhere to the theory that giardiasis chooses for its environment a cavity of the small intestine - as in the human body. Lamblias secret toxins and destructively affect the walls of the intestine. These processes counteract the normal digestion and digestion of food. As a consequence, diarrhea occurs.
To counteract the disease, it is necessary to have strong immunity to both the animal and the human.
Causes of Giardiasis in Dogs
Giardiasis in dogs occurs when the simplest unicellular microorganisms of lamblia penetrate. Lied with lamblia in the cavity of the small intestine. When the passive form of lamblia cyst penetrates the host's body and dissolves its membrane, the disease itself begins. The bacterium begins its harmful activity, active reproduction.
The reason for Giardiasis in dogs is the ingestion of carriers of microorganisms through soil, water or the pet's favorite toy. Microorganisms infect dogs through sources of food and water. Therefore, you must carefully monitor the pet during walks and swimming in water - infected feces can be anywhere. The carrier of infection is also toys that can be shared by dogs who live in the same yard.
If your dog became a carrier of cysts - after a couple of weeks of infection, she herself becomes a peddler of giardiasis. Therefore, if you are the owner of several pets - the rest can get infected. Ljamblii, after have got to an intestine, prisasyvajutsja to its walls through villi of cells of an epithelium. At the same time, toxic wastes are released, which cause malfunctions in the functioning of the dog's organism.
- The wall of the intestines is greatly deteriorated. Those walls that were destroyed by lamblia are replaced by new ones that have not matured, those in turn do not have time to enter the cycle of work of the intestines, they die again. Therefore, there are huge disruptions in the digestive system, there is no absorption of important substances and elements. Lack of lactase may develop.
- Through the lumblically weathered intestinal wall, various antigens penetrate inside, which are much larger in the intestine. A food allergy begins to develop.
- Digestion in the small intestine worsens, the deficit of minerals and vitamins is developing.
In very severe cases, the dog's intestines can lose about half of their digestive functions.
In rare cases, parasites of Giardia do not cause pathology and do not manifest themselves in the body.
Symptoms of Giardiasis in Dogs
The manifestation of lambliosis in your dog can be hidden to the most severe form, when the integrity of the intestine will be completely broken. Common symptoms of Giardiasis in dogs can manifest as small intestinal disorders or general malaise. The presence of lamblia can cause enterocolitis, which will be accompanied by a prolonged (up to several months) diarrhea in a liquid form. The possibility of the appearance of your dog diarrhea equals thirty percent.
The presence of microorganisms lamblia in the intestines can also lead to duodenitis. In this case, perhaps, weight loss, while maintaining a good appetite.
In the intestine, destructive processes occur - the walls of the small intestine are destroyed, vitamins and minerals are not absorbed. Parasites in large quantities can also disrupt the motor and secretory function of the small intestine.
Diagnosis of Giardiasis in dogs
It is very difficult to diagnose giardiasis in dogs due to the presence of certain symptoms. After all, most pets live in this disease, without any external disorders. But if you become aware of a liquid diarrhea that continues for no apparent reason, you have something to worry about. What mucus or blood in the feces with giardiasis is usually not present. But there may be vomiting or fits of flatulence.
Diagnosis of the exact presence of the disease will help you detect cysts in the feces of the dog. To do this, it is necessary to conduct endoscopy of the small intestine. According to the decision of the veterinarian, an analysis of smears taken from the anus is possible. In this case, a small amount of fresh feces is mixed with a special solution. Thus, they learn about the presence of trophozoids. For an accurate result of this analysis, it is necessary to conduct it for several days in a row. In this case, the percentage detection of lamblia in the body is increased to one hundred percent.
Treatment of giardiasis in dogs
The most important in the treatment of giardiasis in dogs is the complete elimination of cysts from the intestine. Unfortunately, such medicines for animals are not yet available on the veterinary market. Therefore, the issue is preventing the contamination of others - this requires taking special medications. But even for this purpose, perfect preparations have not yet been developed, since there is a risk of re-infection, through cysts that have already left the host's body.
In order to conduct a successful course of treatment against lamblia, you need to choose between effectiveness and the number of side effects. One of the most popular drugs is Metronidazole - its effectiveness in treatment is 67 percent. This drug is used for the complex treatment of intestinal diseases of pets. But be careful when using - an overdose of metronidazole may even lead to death.
In veterinary medicine there are less dangerous drugs. One of them is Panakur. It is more effective and can be used even in the treatment of puppies.
But drug treatment is not enough. An additional set of measures is necessary. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness - all surfaces must be disinfected. With the utmost thoroughness, cleaning must be done by the owners of several pets. In order to destroy the cysts try to use quaternary ammonium. The existing carpeting is cleaned with hot steam.
It is advisable to isolate your dog from your fellows until you recover completely. Thoroughly bathe it after each visit to the toilet, so that the wool is not left with feces with cysts, because there may be a re-infection.
You need to follow and for your own cleanliness - you can also get infected from your dog. It is necessary to wash hands thoroughly after touching and other contacts with a sick dog, until complete recovery.
Prevention of Giardiasis in Dogs
Prevention of giardiasis in dogs is to maintain hygiene rules. It is necessary to carefully check the acquired dogs, since the organism can contain parasites. Try to keep your dog away from dirty creeks and ponds.
The presence of permanent stress can also provoke a decline in the work of the immune system of the dog as a consequence, the appearance of lambliasis. Avoid frequent travel and travel. It takes a lot of time and energy for the dog to get along with the new place.
Stress for the dog will also be a sharp change in diet. The appearance of new products should be gradual and unobtrusive. Try to mix new products with old ones, gradually replacing the latter.
You can also use the intake of vitamins to maintain the immune system. It can be both vitamins, and special vaccine courses, for the prevention of giardiasis in dogs.
Prognosis for Giardiasis in Dogs
If you find the lamblia in the dog's body on time and have carried out all the necessary measures in time, the prognosis of recovery after lambliasis in dogs is very positive. The percentage of recovery, with all the security measures, reaches ninety-five percent.
But, nevertheless, a relapse of the disease is possible. For example, after communicating with an infected dog that is a carrier of cysts. Therefore, once the dog has recovered, it should be under the strict supervision of the veterinarian. Thus, weakened ljamblii the organism can be cleared of parasites in time. Also, after a full recovery, your pet needs to undergo a course of vitamins, which will reduce the possibility of recurrence of lambliosis in dogs to a minimum and strengthen immunity.