
Diseases of dogs

Alas, the dog diseases are quite numerous. Dogs have such practically human diseases as inflammation of the middle ear, runny nose and cough, cardiac arrhythmia, gastritis, allergies, caries. The dog can be aggressive due to nervous system disease, lethargic - due to metabolic disorders. In addition, dog diseases include a large list of parasitic pathologies (opisthorchiasis, dioktofimoz, demodekoz, etc.).

It is useful for owners of four-armed people to know how to distinguish symptoms of dog disease and when to seek help from veterinarians.  

Papillomatosis in dogs

Papillomaviruses affect not only human skin and mucous membranes: they are widespread in nature and can cause papillomatosis in dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, cows, monkeys and even birds.

Black diarrhea in a dog

There are many reasons to be concerned about the health of our four-legged pets, one of them has to do with the fact that the dog has black diarrhea.

Pulmonary edema in a dog

Pulmonary edema in dogs is a condition in which fluid builds up in the lungs, preventing normal gas exchange. It is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate veterinary intervention.

A discharge from a dog's eyes

Just like humans, dogs are prone to different types of eye infections. Therefore, every pet owner should know what can cause eye discharge in a dog and how it is treated.

Inflammation of paranal glands in dogs

Dogs are anatomically arranged so that on both sides of the anus are symmetrically arranged two saccules in which secretion is synthesized. They are called paranal glands.

Demodecosis in dogs

How to determine the disease in time? What modern methods help to cope more quickly with pathology?

Venereal sarcoma in dogs

The transmissible venereal sarcoma, which only occurs in the canis family (Canis Familiaris) and global distribution on all continents, has an unusual pathogenesis that has been seriously studied over the past 130 years.

Giardiasis in dogs

Unlike humans, dogs with giardiasis are more susceptible to acute and chronic forms of the disease. Various internal organs of the animal may fall under the defeat.

Teeth in dogs

Mineral deposits on the teeth are a big problem for pets. In addition, the presence of tartar can provoke other serious complications.


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