Inflammation of paranal glands in dogs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dogs are anatomically arranged so that on both sides of the anus are symmetrically arranged two saccules in which secretion is synthesized. They are called paranal glands. During the defecation of the gland, the substance is squeezed and outward with a specific odor, which dogs mark their territory, scaring off competitors and attracting individuals of the opposite sex. Occasionally, their occlusion occurs and inflammation of the paranal glands in dogs develops. This gives the animal many unpleasant sensations and requires treatment.
Risk factors
Risk factors include genetic predisposition of individual breeds to inflammation (bulldogs, pugs, taxes, Pekingese). Rape-fed sedentary dogs are also at risk. The irregularity of dog walking can lead to illness.
The pathogenesis of the disease lies in the violation of the outflow of secretion from the paranal glands. At the same time, they overflow, stagnation occurs, an inflammatory focus arises. Secondary infection is connected. There is a favorable environment for the reproduction of all kinds of microbes, an abscess is formed, which eventually breaks through, a fistula arises.
Symptoms of the inflammation of paranal glands in dogs
Symptoms of inflammation of the paranal glands show unnatural behavior of the dog. The first sign is the dog's desire to rub a booty on any surface. Thus, she responds to the itching of a sore spot under the tail. Sometimes there is a constant licking and movement, characteristic for the biting of fleas. Swollen glands can be felt with fingers, they are convex, and also visually see redness and irritation around the anus.
In the initial stage of the disease, the sacs gradually fill up, causing soreness in the emptying of the intestine, but not inflamed. Then, at a later stage, under the influence of the intestinal microflora, which easily penetrates into the irritated areas, inflammation breaks out. It involves parainal tissue, melting tissues form a fistula or phlegmon.
Complications and consequences
The consequences and complications of inflammation of the paranal glands are dangerous because they can involve rectal mucosa into the pathology, causing diseases such as proctitis and paraproctitis. Ignoring the same problem or taking action at a neglected stage can lead to the death of a pet.
Diagnostics of the inflammation of paranal glands in dogs
Diagnosis of inflammation of paranal glands in dogs is based on an anamnesis, told by its owners, visual examination, rectal examination, in advanced cases - on additional tests.
For the diagnosis of the disease, such tests may be necessary:
- general and biochemical blood test;
- blood chromatography;
- the study of scraping of the skin under a microscope, which is the subject of instrumental diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis
The task of differential diagnosis is to put the correct diagnosis, not to be confused with a hernia in the perineum, allergies and the presence of helminths.
Treatment of the inflammation of paranal glands in dogs
Treatment of inflammation of the paranal glands in dogs first thing begins with cleaning them, which can be done independently, without contacting the vet. To do this, you need to buy sterile gloves and petroleum jelly. Lubricate your index finger with petroleum jelly, insert it into the anal opening, grope for the globular seal and, slightly pressing, bring out its contents. In the same way do with the second ball. The procedure is best done in the bathroom because of the unpleasant odor secreted by secretion and the need to wash the dog with soap after it. To avoid complications after cleaning, put anti-inflammatory suppositories, wash the sinuses with antiseptics. Possible treatment with antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic drugs.
Medicinal treatment
Medicines for the treatment of a disease depend on the severity of the condition. Suppositories for inflammation of paranal glands in dogs are shown in any case. Most often resort to methyluracil, put and ichthyol, proctosedil.
Methyluracil - candles, accelerating the process of wound healing, stimulating protective factors. With the introduction can be felt burning. People can cause allergies, dizziness, headache. Contraindicated in leukemia, malignant diseases of lymphoma, bone marrow.
Pain management is performed with the help of Novocain blockades. The use of antibiotics is inevitable in the case of abscesses, fistula formation. The most effective in the inflammation of paranal glands in dogs are broad-spectrum antibiotics that kill both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It can be cefotaxime.
Cefotaxime - injections are administered to the animal intramuscularly (0.5 g of the drug is diluted in 2 ml of sterile water). Can induce vomiting, diarrhea. Contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys.
This pathology is characterized by an itch in the anus area, which explains the animal's behavior, its anxiety, twitching over the surfaces of the booty, frenzied biting under the tail. The drug dexafort is designed to stop itching.
Dexafort - a glucocorticosteroid hormone, is injected once (0.5-1ml) intramuscularly or subcutaneously, after a week the injection can be repeated. Long-term use causes muscle weakness, weight loss. Use with caution for pregnant dogs.
When inflammation of paranal glands in dogs, another hormone, prednisolone, is prescribed.
Prednisolone - as a rule, dogs are injected in the withers in a dose of 0.5 ml once a day. Prolonged use is fraught with obesity, the appearance of ulcers in the digestive tract.
Antifungal treatment is carried out with fluconazole.
Fluconazole - exists in capsules, syrups, solutions. Dose intake - 10-20 mg / kg twice a day. There is a side effect in the form of a stomach disorder.
Vitamins and minerals are necessary for the dog for normal functioning of the digestive tract, and therefore for timely and full-fledged emptying of the intestines, which is the key to his health. A balanced diet, including all the necessary products, special vitamin complexes for animals will help her in this.
Physiotherapy treatment of inflammation of the paranal glands suggests carrying out their massage, as well as applying warm compresses.
Many in the treatment of their pets seek to use alternative therapies to avoid the aggressive chemical effects of medication. Based on the symptoms, you can use medicinal herbs that remove inflammation (fruits of anise, cumin, parsley), antifungal (calendula, tansy, wormwood, St. John's wort), wound healing (plantain, basil), anthelmintic (tansy, garlic). Treatment with herbs includes both drinking the prepared potions inside, and their external application for the treatment of the inflamed focus. If there are problems to water the animal, then you can mix the necessary herbs into dog food.
Homeopathy uses poisonous substances in its recipes. Its task is to reduce toxicity, harm the substance to nothing, increasing its biological activity. For this, dilutions are applied. The first means the ratio of the active substance to the 1:10 solution. To treat humans and animals, higher dilutions are used. Here are some of these tools.
Traumeel C is available in tablets, ointments and injectable solutions. When inflammation of the paranal glands is applicable ointment. Several times a day, it is applied to the area around the anus. In humans, side effects were recorded extremely rarely in the form of allergies.
Phytoelita - ointment, which includes many herbs with anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The drug is applied a thin layer on the damaged areas 2 times a day. Duration of treatment is 5-7 days.
With chronic constipation, which is a risk factor for inflammation of the paranal glands, they are struggling with such means as nuks vomica-homaccord, chelidonium-homaccord. In case of insufficient effect, cardus compositum or mucose compositum is prescribed.
Nuks vomica-homaccord - for animals, therapy is given in the form of injections. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. Possible allergy to components that make up the composition.
Cardus compositum - activates the immune forces, conducts adsorption of toxins and displays them naturally. An injection for an average dog size will require 2ml of the substance. Treatment is performed until the symptomatology disappears. Side effects are not revealed.
With severe tissue damage during an abscess or chronic clotting of the glands, surgical treatment - sakulectomy - is resorted to. It consists in the removal of sacs with secretion, t. They do not carry vital functions. This method is much more humane than the endless intake of antibiotics, the depletion of the protective functions of the body.
Preventive measures to prevent inflammation of the paranal glands in dogs include good care of the animal, including a balanced diet, frequent grooming, timely cleaning of the glands, if this does not happen spontaneously. Do not forget about the hygiene of the pet.