
Why does a dog get watery eyes and what to do?

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Our pets are no less sick than we humans. They also have inflammatory and allergic diseases, infectious and toxic processes. For example, often a dog has watery eyes: this symptom can indicate both internal disease and external irritation of the organ of vision. How to understand and how to help your pet?


The abnormal appearance of tears from a dog's eyes is a fairly common occurrence. Although the exact statistics of such cases are not kept.

However, veterinary experts say that one in two dog owners seek medical attention for this very problem.

The most common cause of a dog's watery eye is mechanical damage, followed by conjunctivitis. Approximately 50% of four-legged patients with eye diseases are puppies.

Causes of the dog tears

There are quite a few known reasons why a dog may have watery eyes. For convenience, these causes are divided into several categories. Thus, infectious-inflammatory diseases can be of primary or secondary nature - for example, they develop as a consequence of other microbial or viral lesions. Secondary infection is most often conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis.

Non-infectious pathologies are formed in case of mechanical damage to the organ of vision, when the location of eyelashes is disturbed (trichiasis). Inflammatory processes affecting the eyelids can also be non-infectious, for example, post-traumatic.

The third reason for a dog's watery eyes is a congenital characteristic of the visual organs. Such problems are most often characteristic of animals representing some particular breeds. For example, congenital problems are often found in Bassets, Bulldogs, Boxers, Pekingese, St. Bernards, Spaniels, Chow Chows and others.

For easy identification of the causes of tear secretion in dogs, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following table:

The origin of the tear ducts

Probable root causes

Risk factors

Infectious origin

Herpesvirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.

Transmission of infection from parents, lack of vaccination, non-compliance with the conditions of animal housing

Breed Features

Numerous skin folds, irregular growth of eyelashes, abundance of hair near the eyes (all this contributes to the ingress of microbes to the mucosa of the eye)

Certain breeds of dogs (pug, sharpei, cane-corso, etc.)

Allergic reaction

Hypersensitivity, individual response to certain treatments, inappropriate diet, reaction to the presence of dust, pollen, etc.

Individual sensitivity, hereditary predisposition, weakness of immunity of the animal

Mechanical stimuli

Injuries to the organ of vision, ingestion of foreign bodies, twists.

Inadequate care of the pet, breed specifics

Chemical exposure

Prolonged use of antibacterial drops, accidental eye contact with household products

Self-medication, non-compliance with safe storage and use of household chemicals


The structure of the organ of vision in the dog largely resembles the structure of the human eye. Its functional capabilities are determined by the performance of the auxiliary apparatus of the eye. This term refers to such additional visual structures as eyelids, glandular and ductal lacrimal mechanism, cilia, and so on.

The lacrimal fluid moistens the anterior ocular surface and retains the smallest dust particles, bacteria and viruses that can have a damaging effect on the eye. Tears are secreted in one or another volume almost continuously: the circulation goes from the outer corner of the eye (from the exit zone of the lacrimal ducts) to the inner corner (in the zone of the beginning of the nasolacrimal duct). If the circulation mechanism is disturbed, the dog's eyes become watery.

Among the simplest causes of tear production in dogs is the penetration of dust particles, or larger elements (e.g., sand) into the ocular mucosa.

In case of severe contamination, the nasolacrimal duct may be blocked, causing the dog to squint and tear (more often one, not both, organs of vision). This condition cannot be called a pathology, because the violation can be easily corrected by a trivial procedure of rinsing. It is important not to delay with such rinsing, because together with contamination on the mucosa can get and infectious agent: as a consequence, the infectious-inflammatory process can develop - and this is already a disease, and very serious.

Often, the fact that a dog has watery, itchy eyes is a breed trait. If the animal has small eye sockets and at the same time large, protruding eyeballs, this phenomenon is considered one of the variants of the norm. For example, a Pekingese, Boxer or Pug has watery eyes almost constantly: moreover, these dogs have a predisposition to various diseases related to the ophthalmic apparatus. Usually, there are recommendations for owners of these breeds to take particularly careful care of their pets' eyes.

Symptoms of the dog tears

For the most part, a dog's eyes get watery with these pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye.

A dog's eye is red and watery as a result of a viral infection, trauma, or an irregularity in the shape and patency of the lacrimal duct. After redness and lacrimation, greenish-yellowish pus may appear. The animal starts blinking and squinting frequently.

  • Inflammatory process in Gardner's gland (third eyelid).

This gland protects the cornea from all kinds of external irritants. As the inflammatory reaction begins, the gland swells and reddens: the dog's eye becomes swollen, watery, and restless. A yellowish mucus may form in the eye.

  • The inflammatory process of the eyelids is blepharitis.

Blepharitis develops after injuries, as well as against the background of systemic pathologies, demodectosis, allergies. The dog's eyes are very watery, itching, swelling, redness may be bothersome.

  • Traumatic injury.

A dog can injure its eye on objects or while playing with other animals. At first, the process may not be noticeable, but after a few days, the owner will notice that the dog's eye is watery, squinting, swollen, and showing signs of suppuration.

  • Eyelid droop.

This pathology can be congenital, paralytic or post-traumatic (post-operative). Among the accompanying symptoms are the following:

  • - eyelids don't close completely;
  • - the dog has watery, pus-filled eyes.

Typically, the first signs of tear production occur after the dog has slept - for example, in the morning. A lump of mucus forms in the inner corner of the eye, or a dark trail of tear fluid below the inner corner becomes visible.

It is believed that certain breeds of dogs may produce tears in moderate amounts. This may be due to the characteristic anatomical type of the skull and the size of the eye sockets, or other individual characteristics of the animal. For example, it is often possible to see teary eyes in a Yorkshire terrier - this is a fairly small dog, whose weight usually does not exceed 3.5 kg. Unfortunately, Yorkshire terriers are quite often sick - in particular, ophthalmologic diseases. This is primarily due to the peculiarity of the animals' hair: their cover is prone to tangling, it can easily damage the mucosa if it gets into the eye. In addition, small dogs are very curious and playful: in the course of the game they can damage the eye, encountering small and even prickly objects. For the same reasons, the eyes of the Toy are watery: this miniature dog has slightly bulging eyes, which contributes to mechanical damage. To avoid problems, terriers should be brushed and trimmed regularly and their eyes should be washed (e.g. With chamomile infusion). The eyes of Toy Terriers should be wiped daily, removing mucus accumulations in the corners between the eyelids with a cotton bud.

Dog breeds that are characterized by a short face with a flattened nose are also prone to eye problems. If a Pug or a Shar-Pei has watery eyes and no other symptoms are observed, this condition can be considered normal. Animals prone to constant tear production require special appropriate care.

When the eyes of a Spitz are watery, it becomes noticeable by the formation of specific tear tracks (they are clearly "eye-catching" in animals with light coloring). If there are few such secretions, there is nothing to worry about: it is simply necessary to take care of the pet, regularly rinse the problem areas, and observe, so as not to miss really painful symptoms.

A similar situation occurs if the Chihuahua has watery eyes - this is just a feature of the pedigree animal. To such tears did not lead to a true disease, it is necessary to periodically remove all accumulations and crusts from the eyes, because these secretions become a favorable environment for the development of microbial flora. Improper and insufficient care can provoke the development of conjunctivitis and other troubles.

Eye problems are more common in smaller dogs than in larger animals. For example, it is relatively rare for a Labrador to get watery eyes: this can only happen for mechanical or allergic reasons. For example, foreign bodies, dust, sand (for example, during a walk in windy weather) sometimes get into the organ of vision. Other factors are also viral infections and helminthiasis.

The eyes of the sheepdog are not so often watery: it is a large dog, with an adequate shape of the skull, relatively short hair. But even this strong animal is not protected from the development of conjunctivitis, which can occur in catarrhal, acute and chronic variant. The first discharge has the appearance of mucus: the cover near the eyes becomes wet, "tears" dry up with the formation of crusts, the dog avoids brightly lit rooms and expresses obvious anxiety. This situation requires mandatory intervention by a veterinary doctor.

When conjunctivitis develops, a spaniel's eyes water: if redness or drooping of the lower eyelid is observed, the pet should be seen by a doctor immediately. The first aid can also be provided by the owner - for example, rinse the problem areas with a cotton disk soaked in a solution of furacilin or "baby" albucid.

Chow Chows get watery eyes due to eyelid drooping (the most common cause), as well as due to improper formation or blockage of the nasolacrimal duct. The presence of worm infestation cannot be excluded. To clarify the diagnosis, you should consult a specialist and take the appropriate tests.

Dachshunds do not often get teary eyes: this unpleasant symptom most often accompanies catarrhal conjunctivitis. The Dachshund is not prone to constant tearing, as in some other breeds. However, the animal has a predisposition to certain ophthalmologic diseases - for example, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis. This should be taken into account when caring for your dog.

Another representative of short-faced and long-haired dog breeds is the Shih Tzu. Lacrimation of eyes in Shih Tzu is mainly due to improperly directed growth of eyelashes, or because of their ingrowth. However, possible other problems cannot be excluded - for example, inflammation of the conjunctiva, injuries, etc. The special care of the Shih Tzu should not be forgotten: the eyes of these dogs should be examined and cleaned daily.

A French Bulldog's eyes may water even if the dog is completely healthy: such discharge is due to anatomical features, wind, frost, dust particles or smoke. A small amount of transparent secretion from the eyes is removed with a clean, dry tissue. If the eyes are watery on the background of redness and swelling, it is necessary to show the pet to a doctor.

Complications and consequences

If a dog has watery eyes as a result of any ophthalmologic pathology, this condition can be insidious: insufficient treatment, or its absence can cause a lot of complications, and remote, which develop after several months and even years.

Complications can be expressed in the appearance of such pathologies:

  • - visual impairment, blurred vision, even blindness;
  • - keratoconjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome;
  • - clouding of the lens, cataracts;
  • - increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma.

To avoid further problems, at the first sign of an animal's disorder, you should visit a veterinarian. For example, if your dog rubs his eye, avoids light, or has a loss of appetite, a visit to the vet should be mandatory.

Diagnostics of the dog tears

When a dog has watery eyes, the veterinarian will first perform a thorough examination using a special illuminating device, slit lamp or biomicroscope. Additional tests may include fluorescin corneal staining (a test for corneal ulcers), Schirmer's test (to determine the patency of the lacrimal duct), and cytologic tests, washes, and scrapings to identify pathogens.

Additionally, the veterinarian may take blood and urine tests, measure eye pressure, and take x-rays.

Instrumental diagnosis is rarely used and only when individually indicated in the animal.

If there is even the slightest doubt about the correct diagnosis, differential diagnosis is performed. The main diseases to be differentiated are conjunctivitis (the most common cause), anterior uveitis and glaucoma. Other pathologies, such as panophthalmitis and episcleritis, can also be considered as causes of tears coming out of the dog's eyes, but they are detected much less frequently.

Treatment of the dog tears

If a veterinarian finds the cause of a dog's watery eyes, in most cases he or she will prescribe a comprehensive treatment regimen with ongoing medical supervision. The therapeutic regimen usually consists of these directions:

  • Allergen removal, blocking the allergic reaction;
  • fighting the infectious agent, suppressing its development;
  • inhibition of the inflammatory response;
  • elimination of purulent or exudative discharge;
  • removal of irritants, dust particles, grains of sand, etc. From the eye;
  • correction of an autoimmune disorder;
  • treatment of other ophthalmologic diseases.

Foreign bodies, dust particles are removed in several ways. Sometimes it is done mechanically by pulling the eyelid of the dog and removing the particle with a special tool. It is also possible to "wash out" foreign particles with antiseptic solutions (use furacilin, chlorhexidine solution, etc.).

Control of infection consists of both the application of the above antiseptic liquids and the use of ocular antibacterial ointments (e.g., gentamicin, streptomycin, etc.).

In the case of viral lesions (e.g., distemper), the underlying viral infection is treated.

The inflammatory reaction is also suppressed in different ways: anti-inflammatory eye drops (e.g. Zinc-salicylic eye drops, etc.) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (orally, as prescribed by a doctor) can be used.

Purulent and exudative secretions are removed by rinsing with antiseptic liquids, after which special drops are injected into the eyes. Such preparations are especially popular among dog owners:

  • Albucid 20% (use for lavage, or drop 2 drops into the affected eye 5-6 times a day);
  • Vitabact (drop 1 drop two to six times a day, for ten days);
  • Garazon (1-2 drops under the conjunctiva, up to four times a day; contraindications: glaucoma and viral infection);
  • Fucitalmik (drop 1 drop into the affected eye twice a day for a week).

For complicated inflammation that does not go away within a week, topical corticosteroid medications are prescribed:

  • Tobradex (exists in the form of eye ointment and drops, used as prescribed by a veterinarian);
  • Maxitrol (most often used in the form of drops, 1-2 drops up to 5 times a day).

Corticosteroids are never used on their own, without a doctor's recommendation. Such drugs should not be used without a confirmed diagnosis, as well as for prophylactic purposes.

In the case of allergies, the potential allergen that triggers the allergy is removed as far as possible. This allergen can be a food component, dust, pollen, tobacco smoke, etc. In addition, medications are used to inhibit the production of histamine, the substance responsible for the development of allergies. In addition, drugs are used to inhibit the production of histamine - the substance responsible for the development of allergic reactions. The most well-known antihistamines include suprastin, dimedrol, diazolin, etc.

What should you do if your dog has watery eyes?

First of all, do not panic: tearing is not always a sign of such dangerous pathologies as, for example, distemper. Secondly, you should rinse the pet's eyes with chamomile infusion, albucid or furacilin solution, and then carefully examine the pet: is there no other suspicious symptoms? The following signs should be of particular concern:

  • General lethargy, loss of appetite, depressed and restless state of the dog;
  • redness, swelling of the eye;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • nasal mucous secretion;
  • change in coat condition;
  • photophobia (the dog tries to hide, goes into dark corners and places);
  • elevated body temperature.

Any of the above signs is reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian. To avoid complications, it is important to start proper treatment as early as possible.

Additional medications that may be prescribed by your veterinarian

  • "Bars" drops: used for eye washes if the dog's eyes are watery as a result of inflammation of the conjunctiva, keratitis, blepharitis. "Bars" can also be used for prophylactic purposes.
  • "Iris" drops: used in acute or chronic forms of conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, uveitis, dacryocystitis, as well as in trauma and ulcerative corneal processes.
  • "Ciprovet" drops: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug based on ciprofloxacin, prescribed for acute and chronic forms of conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers, iridocyclitis, blepharitis. Drops can be dripped into the affected eye after trauma or ingestion of foreign particles.

These drugs are dripped into the affected eye 1-2 drops up to 4 times a day, for 1-2 weeks (until the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease).

In the external application of these drops, side effects are usually not observed. Occasionally, itching and redness of the conjunctiva may appear, which pass without outside intervention within five minutes after application.

What should I use to wipe my dog's eyes if they are watery?

It is not advisable to try to diagnose your dog on your own: treating eye diseases without a specialist is fraught with the development of further health problems.

If you need to help your dog before visiting the doctor, you can look at these ways:

  • The teary eye is wiped with a solution of furacilin (one tablet dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water). For wiping use a cotton disk or ball (for each eye - a separate disk). Wipe in the direction from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose.
  • For wiping use strong tea brew, fresh, slightly warm. The tea can be either black or green, but without any additives (e.g. Fruit flavors, spices, etc.).
  • Instead of tea, you can brew chamomile flower: to prepare an infusion brew 1 tsp. Raw materials for 150 ml of boiling water. Infuse until cooled, wipe with a cotton disk soaked in warm water.


Prevention is always the smarter and better way to go, as treatment is always more expensive and more difficult. What are some suggestions for dog owners on how to prevent tear production?

Regular eye examinations are very important: if any suspicious signs appear, a visit to the veterinarian should be made without delay.

If your dog's eyes are not watery, you should also pay attention to the presence of redness, discharge, as well as other symptoms:

  • squinting one or both eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • rubbing his eyes with his paws;
  • the change in the shape of the eye;
  • the dog's general restlessness;
  • other signs indicating deterioration of vision.

In some cases - for example, after prolonged sleep - at the edge of the eyes may accumulate a small amount of mucous secretion, which should be removed with a clean cloth or cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water.

In some breeds of dogs, tearing is considered a relatively normal, everyday occurrence. Many owners of such animals recommend systematically rinsing their pets' eyes with a fresh warm infusion of chamomile or diluted boric acid.


Eye diseases in animals are not uncommon and can be triggered by a variety of causes. However, to avoid complications and serious problems, you should not expect the problem to go away on its own - you must act. First of all, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian - even though in some cases tearing can be eliminated by rinsing the affected eye. It is better to consult with the doctor: he will assess the general condition of the dog, point out possible errors in care, nutrition, etc.

If a dog has watery eyes as a result of infectious diseases or mechanical injuries, then in most situations the prognosis can be considered positive. But in general, the quality of the prognosis depends on the age category of the animal, on the timeliness of treatment procedures. Lack of treatment inevitably leads to many serious problems, including loss of vision.

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