
Diseases of dogs

Alas, the dog diseases are quite numerous. Dogs have such practically human diseases as inflammation of the middle ear, runny nose and cough, cardiac arrhythmia, gastritis, allergies, caries. The dog can be aggressive due to nervous system disease, lethargic - due to metabolic disorders. In addition, dog diseases include a large list of parasitic pathologies (opisthorchiasis, dioktofimoz, demodekoz, etc.).

It is useful for owners of four-armed people to know how to distinguish symptoms of dog disease and when to seek help from veterinarians.  

Coronavirus infection in dogs

Coronavirus infection in dogs is a contagious intestinal infection that usually causes mild disease ...

Brucellosis in dogs

This disease, which is caused by the bacterium Brucella canis. It is the main cause of infertility and spontaneous abortion in dogs ...

Tumors of the brain in dogs

Brain tumors in dogs are rare. Most often they occur in dogs of middle age and older ...

Bone fractures in dogs

Most of the fractures are caused by car accidents and falls from a height ...

Benign tumors of bones in a dog

Osteomas are bulging tumors, consisting of a denser but otherwise normal bone tissue ...

Malignant tumors of bones in a dog

Osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma are the two most malignant tumors of bones ...

Blindness in dogs

Any condition that results in a blockade of light falling on the retina disrupts the sight of dogs ...

Infection of the urinary bladder in dogs (cystitis)

Cystitis is a bacterial infection that has developed in the lining of the bladder ...

Blockage of the bladder

Stone is the most common cause of bladder congestion ...

Stones in the bladder and urethra in dogs

Kidney stones in dogs are rare. But in the bladder - often ...


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