
Coronavirus infection in dogs

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Coronavirus infection in dogs is a contagious intestinal infection that usually causes mild disease. Nevertheless, it can be difficult for small puppies and dogs that suffer from concomitant infectious diseases. This infection is ubiquitous and affects dogs of any age.

Coronavirus is transmitted by contact with infected oral or fecal secretions. After infection, the virus continues to excrete with feces for several months.

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Symptoms of coronavirus infection in dogs

Symptoms of the disease can range from their complete absence (the most common form) to the sudden appearance of severe diarrhea, which usually occurs in the community of dogs. With severe diarrhea, dehydration may develop.

Early signs of the disease are depression with loss of appetite, followed by vomiting and badly smelling yellow or orange diarrhea, which varies from mild to liquid consistency. Fecal masses may contain blood. Unlike parvovirus infection, fever is rare.

At present, there are no tests that could diagnose coronavirus infection during the acute phase of the disease. A retrospective diagnosis is established based on an increase in antibody titer in the blood serum 2-6 weeks after the first analysis performed during the illness.

Treatment of coronavirus infection in dogs

Treatment should be supportive and include hydration and control of vomiting and diarrhea as described for parvovirus infection. Because of the easy course of the disease in most cases, antibiotics are not prescribed.

Prevention of coronavirus infection in dogs

A vaccine was developed to control coronavirus infection. However, since coronavirus rarely leads to fatal cases and responds well to treatment, vaccination is not recommended.

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