Diet with bowel disease
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diet in diseases of the intestine has become a daily necessity, because every year the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract acquire larger amounts, while the age category is significantly shifted towards young people.
Correct, rational and balanced nutrition is the foundation of good health and well-being, but there are too many negative factors in the life of a modern person, which have a detrimental effect on the human body every day. Stress, poor environmental conditions, improper diet in the form of fast food or semi-finished products - all this provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Diet with bowel disease is one of the main methods of treatment and prevention of these diseases. Dietary nutrition, of course, involves exclusion from the nutritional diet or restriction of the use of certain types of foods, but this does not mean the complete limitation and monotony of the diet menu. Recently, the technology of preparing meals for dietary food allows you to diversify the diet, while respecting the basic requirements of the treatment process.
Diet in bowel disease, as a rule, is appointed for a long period of time, for example, from six months to two years. The diet menu for bowel disease can be quite diverse considering the patient's culinary preferences. Diet with bowel disease is based on the principles of proper nutrition, which we now consider in detail. So, the technology of cooking dietary foods excludes the process of roasting food, all meals are cooked in a double boiler, boiled, baked in a culinary bag or stewed over low heat. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of fatty varieties of meat, poultry, fatty meat smoked products and sausages is contraindicated. You can use lean meat of young individuals, for example, veal, lean pork, chicken, rabbit, lean and fresh fish such as pike perch, carp and carp, for the preparation of therapeutic food. Dishes of the diet table should be prepared without fat and oil, for example, fry with the addition of water. At high temperatures and prolonged frying, fats and oils are transformed and absorbed into themselves harmful components that irritate the intestinal wall and the gastric shell. Cooked dishes should not be too hard, large pieces and hard - all this has a negative mechanical effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable and butter can be added to cooked meals. The use of all kinds of animal fats in diseases of the intestine is categorically contraindicated. Drinks and meals should be moderate, not too cold, but not too hot. At a dietary diet it is necessary to exclude the use of strong natural coffee and cocoa, sweet fizzy drinks. The use of alcoholic beverages is completely excluded. Cooked meals should be cooked in accordance with the requirements of the technological process, namely, well-welded, baked or brawned, to have a pleasant taste and soft consistency, with an important condition is the lack of salt and spices. Bakery products are best consumed slightly dried, from flour of the second grade. The use of fresh bread and bakery products, Borodino bread, as well as fresh pastry from puff or dough is categorically contraindicated. In small quantities, you can use spices that do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, for example, dill greens, parsley, caraway seeds and bay leaf. Spices and spices with a strong taste and aroma, with a high content of essential oils are completely excluded. Dishes with a rich taste, very acidic or acute, meat and fish delicacies, which contain a lot of extractive components, saturated meat and fish broths are completely excluded from the diet.
In cases of exacerbations of chronic stages, it is necessary that a diet with bowel disease is strictly enforced. When the period of exacerbation of the disease will pass you can slightly relax the regime of a strict diet. And one more important rule of the diet for bowel disease - you need to thoroughly and slowly chew the food that you eat.
Nutrition for bowel disease
Nutrition for bowel disease, in spite of the sparing regimen of the therapeutic diet, in its menu provides a fairly wide range of all sorts of delicious and healthy dishes that contribute to the stable operation of the gastrointestinal tract and effective therapeutic and prophylactic process. So, let's take a closer look at nutrition in case of bowel disease.
The assortment of the first dishes is represented by a variety of cereal soups from rice, oatmeal, wheat cereal, manga. Cereal soups should have a mucous consistency and well-digested croup. From vegetables, for example, carrots, potatoes, celery, beets, vegetable mashed soups can be prepared. Recommended for use in bowel disease cereal soups on milk, vegetable soups, puree based on milk with the addition of cooked meat or poultry. Liquid semolina porridge with dried fruits and berries will be an excellent dish for a mid-morning snack or dinner. Vegetable soups-mashed potatoes can be prepared from courgettes, pumpkins, potatoes, and cauliflower. The use of soups on meat non-fat broths, broths from poultry or recommended in limited quantities. The technological process of preparing the first dishes for the diet table of patients with intestinal diseases has some features, namely, the ingredients of the first dishes should be boiled, vegetables and meat are cut very finely, you can even grind the soups with a blender so that they have a creamy consistency. Preparation of dietary soups does not involve the process of frying vegetables, such as onions and carrots, they need to be slightly overtaken. Use for refueling dietary soups flour, it is recommended to limit or best to exclude altogether. In the dietary diet of patients with intestinal diseases it is not allowed to prepare soups with fried butter dressing, soups using legumes, for example, beans, peas. It also excludes millet, cabbage, onion soups, various okroshki, all kinds of cabbage soup, rich fish and meat broths, in view of their pronounced taste and high concentration of active substances, which can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Dietary nutrition in case of bowel disease allows the use of various kinds of cereals. From cereals, you can prepare quite a few different dietary dishes, for example, various charlottes, casserole, pudding, raspberries, not to mention the classic version of cereal, which will constitute a full-fledged daily nutritional diet. Also from cereals are prepared all kinds of pilaf with vegetables, dried fruits, meat porridge. During the exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, you can use light decoctions of rice or oatmeal based on water without adding milk or fats with a minimum amount of salt. As side dishes and as an independent dish of a dietary table, vegetables are used in boiled or stewed form. In its raw form, you can eat ripe tomatoes, but on condition that they do not provoke heartburn. Also from vegetables, you can recommend the use of inflorescences of cauliflower, pumpkin, beets, dill and parsley. Vegetables that contain coarse fibers and all kinds of acids in their composition and thus can provoke irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, sorrel, mushrooms, garlic, green onions, radish or radish, should be completely excluded from the menu of therapeutic nutrition in diseases of the intestine . From the diet of therapeutic nutrition, canned and pickled vegetables are also excluded. The technology of cooking vegetable dishes of the diet table is to put them out in their own juice or with a little water without oil. Butter in a small amount can be added before serving the dish on the table. Boiled vegetables can be seasoned with sour cream or tomato sauce, a good vegetable garnish will be obtained. From the diet of a patient with intestinal diseases, sauces that are cooked on the basis of mayonnaise are excluded. It also excludes all fried vegetables in oil and dishes from legumes, as well as wheat, pearl and corn porridge. The most common second dishes, you can call mashed potatoes, boiled rice, boiled pasta, noodles, vermicelli.
The assortment of meat dishes of dietary nutrition consists mainly of low-fat meat, fish or poultry. But the main condition of the dietary table - everything should be lean and low-fat. The technology of cooking meat and fish dishes involves boiling, quenching in its own juice, baking in a culinary sleeve or foil, the process of frying in oil or fat is excluded. Young veal can be stewed with vegetables, cooked in the form of a meat casserole or simply boiled, you can also cook stuffed peppers or tomatoes. From boiled meat, it's easy to make steamed burgers, knels or beef stroganoffs. The use of pork in diseases of the intestine is best restricted or minimized. You can have some unsalted and low-fat boiled ham. Poultry meat should be young and lean, best chicken chicken. The use of geese, ducks is best excluded, in view of coarse fibrous meat. Chicken meat can be boiled or baked in a culinary sleeve. You can use dietary types of meat, for example, rabbit meat and nutria, while using low-fat parts of carcasses. Fish dishes are best prepared in a double boiler and simply boiling. You can prepare fish patties and bits. From the diet of patients with intestinal diseases it is necessary to exclude the dishes of their wiry and fatty meat, all kinds of pork, including lard and smoked meat, fatty species of poultry, geese, ducks, mutton, fatty fish, smoked or salted.
In diseases of the intestine, milk is recommended. Milk can be used for cooking dietary dishes and as a drink. The use of low-fat cottage cheese can be combined with fruits and berries. Also from cottage cheese it is possible to prepare set of dishes, for example, lazy vareniki, puddings and casseroles.
Contraindicated in the use of fatty milk and fermented milk products.
From berries and fruits you can prepare a lot of desserts and drinks. All kinds of berry and fruit jelly, jelly, compotes, jams, jams. But the obligatory condition of dietary nutrition - all desserts should be low-fat and light in consistency. From the nutritional diet, it is necessary to exclude berries and fruits with a pronounced and rich taste, for example, pears, blueberries, lingonberries, figs, grapes, raspberries. As we see, dietary nutrition in case of bowel disease is quite diverse and allows you to choose dishes according to your taste, while observing all the rules of the therapeutic dietary table.
Therapeutic diet for bowel disease
The therapeutic diet for bowel disease is a compulsory measure, which has become more and more urgent lately, because the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract become very common. In addition to the hereditary predisposition, the emergence and development of these diseases is caused by systematic inefficient nutrition, the consumption of fatty and fried fast food, the use of semi-processed foods and high-calorie dishes. Few people after the first symptoms of bowel diseases turn to specialists, forgetting the simple truth - it is easier to cure only the beginning of the disease than the already progressing. In order to prevent possible negative consequences, you must listen to your body, because in time cured gastritis will help prevent the formation of stomach ulcers, and cured colitis will prevent the formation of cancer. The course of treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract assumes an obligatory therapeutic diet for bowel disease, which is prescribed for a period of six months to one and a half years.
The therapeutic diet for bowel disease with a balanced diet will significantly improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures, will get rid of the disease and lead a normal lifestyle. It is universally accepted that people believe that a therapeutic diet with bowel disease consists of tasteless, fresh and unappetizing dishes. However, the therapeutic diet for bowel disease is a rich assortment of dishes with excellent taste qualities and a simple cooking process. With exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a rule, a strict therapeutic diet is prescribed, which consists mainly of mucous soups-puree from rice or oatmeal. You can also diversify the diet with a variety of vegetable salads, stew, light non-fat fish cutlets and low-fat desserts. The main rule of cooking the dietary table is to completely exclude fatty meat and fish dishes, animal fats in any form, all dishes must have a soft consistency, non-irritating organs of the gastrointestinal tract. All dishes are prepared by the method of boiling, stewing or baking in a culinary bag or cooking in a double boiler. Also, products with pronounced taste qualities, acid, salted, canned and pickled vegetables are excluded. The use of salt in dietary nutrition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly limited.
The therapeutic diet for bowel disease is prescribed by a specialist, along with the limitations of foods and dishes. Adherence to therapeutic dietary nutrition, of course, depends more on the patient and is an integral and important part of the treatment and prevention course.
Diet in the disease of the large intestine
Diet in the disease of the large intestine is appointed in violation of the ability of absorption by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This contributes to the lack of nutritional components, for example, proteins and fats, as well as vitamin deficiency and a lack of minerals, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium. The therapeutic diet for the disease of the large intestine in order to obtain the maximum effective effect should be fully balanced and high-calorie.
A violation of the ability to digest food can provoke a sharp loss of body weight, both due to the fat layer of the body, so due to the mass of muscles. Therefore, a therapeutic diet with a disease of the large intestine assumes in its composition not less than 150 grams of high-grade protein. It is very important not to load the food on the gastrointestinal tract, so eating should be done according to the principle of fractional nutrition. Fractional food will significantly reduce the load on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the digestibility of substances necessary for life. If necessary, it is possible to fill the deficiency of vitamins by prescribing vitamin complexes. The use of milk and fermented milk products will help partially fill the deficit of minerals. In dairy products, proteins and fats are absorbed with little load on the gastrointestinal tract, calcium and phosphorus are quite enough for optimal balance in the body.
Some people with bowel disease are characterized by poor tolerance of milk and fermented milk products. In such cases, you can recommend the use of fresh cottage cheese, low-fat and unsalted cheese. For this reason, dietitians advise you to use fresh, non-moisturizing cottage cheese and fresh cheese. The rest of the food and diet products in case of colon disease should be coordinated with the attending physician and a dietitian. Limitations in dietary nutrition are due to the condition of the patient and the features of the course of the disease.
As a rule, a diet with a colon disease involves the use of foods and foods that contribute to the improvement of intestinal motility and have a laxative effect, for example, raw fruits and vegetables, buckwheat and oatmeal, fresh sour-milk products, dried black bread, dried fruits. Laxative soups-mashed potatoes, liquid porridges, products containing tannin have a laxative effect.
According to the medical classification, the diet for the disease of the large intestine has №4 and is supplemented with four additional options, the purpose of which depends on the patient's condition and the peculiarities of the disease individually in each case. In terms of severity, diet number 4 - the most sparing as far as the impact on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, well, the most strict in limiting the allowed meals and food. Diet in the disease of large intestine # 4 contains mainly protein, carbohydrates and fats are used in a limited way. Dishes of diet table № 4 are prepared in a double boiler or boiled, mashed to a consistency of liquid puree, with the purpose of minimal irritation of the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Variants of a diet with a disease of the large intestine №4 less strict, more similar to a full-fledged diet, are appointed by the attending physician depending on the condition of the patient in a period when there is no danger of exacerbation of the disease.
Diet in the disease of the small intestine
The main functions performed by the diet in case of small intestine disease are the most sparing nutritious diet, without physical and chemical irritation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Calorie and nutritional diet in the disease of the small intestine is not very high, in view of the small amount of carbohydrates in dishes and foods of the diet table. As a rule, a diet for small bowel disease is prescribed by specialists in case of exacerbations of the disease for a short period of time, literally for two or three days, with the further appointment of a less strict diet. By limiting the use of foods and foods that contain vegetable fiber in their composition, minimal mechanical irritation of the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is achieved. Fibrous vegetables and fruits, milk, which provokes fermentation processes, are subject to restriction. Dishes of a dietary table at disease of a thin intestine are prepared in a double boiler and have a puree-like consistence.
Drinking regime of the patient is about one and a half liters of liquid, taking into account the liquid in the dishes. The total weight of a daily nutritious diet during a diet should be reduced to 2000 grams of ready meals.
Dietary nutrition in the disease of the small intestine provides for the principle of fractional nutrition in small portions, divided into six meals. Dietary meals are prepared either in a double boiler or simply boiled, no frying in oil, as fried dishes have a sharp chemical irritation of the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Also from the nutritional diet of the dietary table all sorts of spices and spices, rich broths, various gravy are excluded. In general, all dishes and foods with a pronounced rich taste, fatty, salty, acidic should be excluded from the diet menu of the patient with a gastrointestinal tract.
The therapeutic diet in case of small intestine disease, despite the insignificant limitations of certain types of foods and dishes, is still quite diverse and therefore allows it to be tolerably adhered to it for a long period of time, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the therapeutic and prophylactic course. The list of recommended foods and dishes is quite diverse, we will now take a closer look at it. So, it is recommended the use of baked goods, which are slightly dried or in the form of breadcrumbs of white bread. From dairy and sour-milk products you can eat fresh yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, a little low-fat cream. The use of whole milk is best excluded, because milk can provoke fermentation processes. However, in the preparation of milk porridges, you can use diluted milk with pure water. Recommended use of soups, purees, which are prepared on the basis of water with the addition of various cereals and low-fat meat. Cereals can be various, for example, rice, semolina, oatmeal. From meat you can eat only low-fat varieties, for example, young veal, chicken meat, low-fat fish. All meat and fish dishes are cooked in a double boiler or boiled. Dishes can be very diverse - meat or fish steamed meatballs, meatballs or meat balls for steaming, boiled meat. All dishes should not be salty, not greasy, have a soft consistency and texture. Do not use carbonated sweet drinks, concentrated juices, well, especially alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to eat fruit compotes, kissels, broths, the concentration of which is not very high, if necessary, they can be diluted with clean water.
As we see, the diet in the disease of the small intestine is very diverse and allows us to adhere to the recommendations of specialists for a long time in order to achieve the maximum effect of the treatment and prevention course.
Diet recipes for bowel disease
Diet recipes for bowel disease in modern dietary cooking are presented in sufficient variety. The basic rules for preparing dietary dishes are very simple. Dietary meals should have a low calorie content, mainly due to the large amount of carbohydrates and vegetable fats and the normal level of proteins. Excluded from the diet are foods and dishes that have a chemical or mechanical irritation to the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Dishes and foods that provoke increased secretion, fermentation processes and putrefaction in the intestine are also completely excluded. Recommended dietary dishes should have a puree consistency or liquid. The dishes should be warm, not hot and not cold. The approximate chemical composition of the nutritional diet of an intestinal disease consists of 300 grams of carbohydrates, of which 50 grams are sugars, a protein in the amount of 100 grams, 65% of which is of animal origin, fats are 70 grams. Caloric content of a nutritious diet is 2000 kcal. Drinking regime must be observed within 2 liters, without taking into account the liquid in the food.
To prepare the first dishes, we need 2-3 potatoes, one medium carrot, 180 grams of cereals, you can take oatmeal, rice or semolina. Just need one fresh egg and one hundred grams of low-fat minced meat from veal or poultry. First, in one liter of water, we boil the potatoes and carrots to the boiled state. After the vegetables are boiled, add the croup and stir slowly until cooked. From low-fat minced meat, we form five meatballs. The consistency of the soup should be smooth and smooth. To do this, you can grind the soup with a blender. After that, let the soup boil again and add the meatballs and beaten egg, cook for 8 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs and season with a small slice of fresh butter. Salt can be added in a small amount so that it is barely felt. Meat and fish dishes are cooked in a double boiler or baked in a culinary sleeve. The consistency of meat and fish dishes should be light and soft, so as not to cause mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls. For cooking meat minutes. And fish dishes you can use young lean meat of rabbits, poultry, veal and fish of low-fat varieties. Before preparing dishes, meat and fish are milled, for this, tendons and cartilages, films, skin are removed, leaving one flesh. From the pulp, you can cook steamed chops, meat balls, knels. For the preparation of steam cutlets or meatballs it is necessary to chop the meat or fish fillets in a meat grinder. Then add the boiled rice to the mince, mix thoroughly and let it pass through the meat grinder three to four times. Then we form cutlets, knels or meatballs. Ready products are prepared in a double boiler. Before serving, you can add a small piece of butter.
Garnish for the diet menu can be prepared in the form of mashed potatoes, various kinds of cereal cereals, for example, oatmeal, rice, semolina. Porridges should be semi-liquid and boiled, cooked on water with a small amount of salt. Porridge can be prepared on the basis of diluted milk.
From low-fat cottage cheese it is possible to prepare a casserole. To do this, you need to mix 250 grams of curd with one grated apple and one fresh egg. Then add two tablespoons of semolina and again carefully mix. You can add a teaspoon of sugar. We spread the curd mixture into an oiled form and bake in the oven at 180º, about 30 minutes. Instead of an apple, you can add a pumpkin or carrots. In general, cooking casserole is a matter of improvisation, you can safely experiment.
From fruit and berries you can cook jelly. To do this, you need a half liter of pure water to boil and add to it 300 grams of fruits and berries for the season, you can frozen. Bring to a boil and cook for five minutes and add a little sugar to taste, but not very much. At this time, we grow two tablespoons of starch in warm water until complete dissolution. Gradually pour the starch mixture into the fruit broth, while stirring constantly. Kissel is ready!
Diet recipes for bowel disease are not complex in use and are completely accessible even to experienced culinary experts. The main thing is to comply with the basic rules and requirements of dietary nutrition.
Menu diet for bowel disease
The approximate diet menu for bowel disease is an averaged option and can vary depending on the patient's condition and the degree of development of the disease. It is not superfluous to recall that the dishes used should not be very hot and not cold. Approximate diet menu for bowel disease is not a week can consist of such dishes:
I day
- first breakfast: milk oatmeal porridge, low-fat cottage cheese with jam, green tea;
- second breakfast: apple baked, jelly;
- lunch: vegetable soup with mashed poultry, boiled rice with steam chop, loose black tea with biscuits;
- afternoon snack: decoction of rose hips and dried oatmeal cookies;
- supper: steam omelet, buckwheat porridge on water, berry jelly;
- before going to bed: a glass of warm kefir;
II day
- first breakfast: casserole from low-fat cottage cheese with apples, compote of dried fruits;
- second breakfast: rice porridge on diluted milk, green tea;
- dinner: soup with meatballs, buckwheat porridge with knots, compote;
- afternoon snack: kissel with cookies, fresh apple;
- dinner: meat casserole, mashed potatoes, black tea;
- before going to bed: a glass of warm kefir;
III day
- first breakfast: milk soup with buckwheat, low-fat cottage cheese, green tea;
- second breakfast: milk jelly with rusks, fruit;
- lunch: rice soup, mashed potato steaks and oatmeal, loose black tea;
- afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin, fresh apple;
- supper: krupnik and veal cutlets, berry jelly with breadcrumbs;
- before going to bed: a glass of warm kefir;
IV day
- First breakfast: oatmeal porridge on water, jelly with biscuits;
- second breakfast: milk rice soup, baked apple, green tea;
- dinner: low-fat fish soup with rice, mashed potatoes with steam cutlets, compote;
- mid-morning snack: low-fat cottage cheese with sugar;
- dinner: meat casserole, boiled buckwheat, fruit jelly;
- before going to bed: a glass of warm kefir;
V day
- first breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with sugar, apple;
- the second breakfast: a salad from fruit, a porridge milk rice;
- lunch: potato soup with meat, rice porridge with steam cutlets, soft tea;
- afternoon tea: pumpkin casserole and tea;
- dinner: vegetables baked with minced meat, berry syrup and biscuits;
- before going to bed: a glass of warm kefir;
VI day
- first breakfast: milk soup with rice, compote of dried fruits;
- second breakfast: oatmeal casserole, kissel;
- lunch: vegetable casserole with meat, rice soup with meat balls, not strong tea;
- afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, kissel;
- dinner: rice porridge with chopped meat, jelly with rusks;
- before going to bed: a glass of warm kefir;
VII day
- first breakfast: milk rice porridge with fruit, jelly with breadcrumbs;
- second breakfast: baked apple, green tea;
- lunch: vegetable soup with chicken, buckwheat porridge with meat, fruit compote;
- afternoon snack: milk jelly with oatmeal cookies;
- dinner: vegetable casserole, rice porridge, fruit jelly;
- before going to bed: a glass of warm kefir.
This may be an approximate diet menu for bowel disease. If you want to modify the diet menu, it is absolutely necessary to discuss with the attending physician in order not to provoke exacerbations of the disease. Be healthy!
What foods can I eat with bowel disease?
Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is a long process, which consists of several stages. Dietary nutrition is one of the important elements of the therapeutic and prophylactic course, in the initial stage of which, the attending physician will determine what foods can be eaten with bowel disease. It is obvious that diet food and foods should help improve the digestive system with minimal irritation.
An important point is the technology of cooking the dietary table, which completely excludes the process of frying in oil. All dishes are cooked in a double boiler or boiled, allowed to extinguish with a little water or baking in the culinary sleeve. Dishes cooked in this way and not subjected to frying in oil can be considered as contributing to the improvement of the digestive system. Fried fats significantly irritate the walls of the digestive system. In the case of cooking in a pan, do not add oil or other fats, but cook with the addition of a small amount of water, thus steaming the dish. It is allowed to add a small amount of butter or vegetable oil in the finished dish. The dishes should be moderate, not very hot or very cold. It is recommended that cooked soups and first courses are puree-shaped consistency, without frying vegetables based on water. In the process of cooking diet food, you must use vegetable oil. The first dishes can be prepared on the basis of rice, oatmeal with the addition of low-fat meat or poultry. The second dishes can be prepared from potatoes, oatmeal, rice, semolina, for example, porridge, cereal, casseroles, pilaf. The use of meat and fish broth for cooking the dietary table is not allowed, all dishes are cooked on the water.
Meat dishes are prepared from low-fat young meat, poultry or low-fat fish. Preparation of meat and fish dishes is best done in a double boiler or baked in a culinary sleeve without using any oils and fats. In general, the meat used for the treatment table must be fresh, low-fat and dietary, for example, the meat of a young chicken or rabbit, nutria, a young calf. The oil can be added to ready-made meals. From fish you can recommend lean varieties of pike perch, cod, carp, and fillets and whole fish carcasses.
Vegetable dishes contribute to improving the work of the digestive system, so it is recommended to use them in a variety of forms - boiled, stewed or fresh. You can prepare all kinds of vegetable casseroles, side dishes, salads. However, all dishes should not be salty and not sharp, so as not to provoke an irritating process in the organs of the digestive system. It is recommended to use fresh ripe tomatoes in the form of salad. For dietary nutrition it is recommended to eat potatoes, carrots, beets, celery, pumpkin, cauliflower.
Milk and sour-milk products effectively improve the digestive processes in the body. On the basis of milk, you can prepare all sorts of milk soups and cereals. Low-fat cottage cheese and unsalted cheeses are also recommended as a source of protein in dietary nutrition with digestive system diseases. Based on the cottage cheese, you can recommend cooking casseroles, puddings. Milk porridge is especially effective for improving the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. A glass of kefir before bedtime should become mandatory in people with bowel problems.
The consumption of berries and fruits will greatly improve the work of the intestines, but the berries and fruits should be ripe, not acidic. In general, fruits and berries with a sour and rich taste are best excluded from the nutritional diet in order to prevent chemical irritation of the intestinal walls with fruit acids. You can recommend cooking jelly, jelly, compotes.
And a few more recommendations on what foods can be eaten with bowel disease. Take for the rule - drink fluids about 20 minutes before meals and 2 hours after eating. The observance of the principles of fractional nutrition and separate nutrition will be effective. Eliminate the use of refined and non-natural products, they are the cause of bowel diseases. Eat only freshly prepared foods and watch for a variety of nutritious diets.
What foods can not be eaten with bowel disease?
Starting a dietary diet, it is important to know what foods can not be eaten with bowel disease. The first thing that should be completely eliminated is meat and fish smoked and fatty delicacies, sausages, hams, hams. In general, it is necessary to completely exclude food and dishes that are capable of provoking mechanical or chemical irritation of the intestinal walls. It is necessary to exclude canned products containing a large amount of salt, vinegar, including meat and canned fish, canned vegetables, salted vegetables. From a nutritious diet, vegetables should be excluded, which are rich in estrogenic substances in their composition, for example, mushrooms, cabbage, onions, garlic. Fibrous vegetables are also subject to exclusion from the diet. Fruits and berries that have a pronounced taste and a high content of fruit acids must be excluded from the menu of the diet table, for example, blueberries, lingonberries, grapes, raspberries, figs, currants black and red, walnuts and almonds.
The use of legumes and buckwheat for preparing dietary meals is completely excluded. Beans, peas, onions, garlic, millet - these products should not be used for cooking dietary dishes. The use of fatty meat and fish broth to prepare dishes of dietary diet is not allowed, as is the use of animal fats and all kinds of gravy and frying. When preparing the first dishes, do not use fried butter dressing. Do not use old fattening and fatty meat, fat and subproducts, for example, brains, kidneys, lungs, to prepare dietary dishes. All cooked dietary dishes should be easy to digest and have a puree-like consistency.
During a diet with bowel disease, the use of all kinds of sauces, mayonnaises, ketchups, spices and seasonings for cooking dishes is strictly prohibited. It also excludes the use of mustard, adzhika, spicy seasonings.
From dairy products it is necessary to exclude the use of fatty and sour cottage cheese, fatty ryazhenka, as well as salty and fatty cheeses and cheese.
The use of fresh bakery products, especially black bread and fresh baked goods from butter or puff pastry, is best restricted and even eliminated. Bread should be slightly potted or in the form of biscuits.
From desserts, all kinds of ice cream, sweet and fat puddings, nut desserts, donuts, muffins, pancakes, chocolate sweets and cacao dishes are subject to restriction.
It is necessary to exclude the use of carbonated sweet drinks, concentrated juices, strong coffee and tea. The use of alcoholic beverages is excluded by definition.
On the question of what foods can not be eaten with bowel disease, you can definitely answer - all that most people find tasty and periodically consumes in their nutritional diet, with the appointment of dietary nutrition, must be completely ruled out!